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Show " Oak Cud Wth WEEKEND gusts at the EUu Japan tone pan lira, Jepaena brother tad family They an Mr. and Mrs. Earl flrrTTTr olynn and aoo Ina rtf, of Salt ,: - .f :v. 1 DAYTON - Elh Danling ten lf Giltori Fonlly Holds m - - . ." a ihia fa jEThlaa YOUBLDI m kK& , Sr SS? ffiSTJt&f rJZf 2T1 sting oo Sunday Dautlfr ' tatanh' tao Matt ihtop iBr to the jpinpp M re- Oh- - ; Tfiadtogtotos Bariettanfftai-- at (the bane of Mta. marte wu Lesha and ttaaa and joJraldine &.LatacBeaSadtaJme Salt rt'Cto t Lauarti boaea of In thMr by daath of Ms . ardaoa dm DuSb iZ i byLaoa mettar and to i Mi ftmttt . accompany-Btogha- m dor the part few days baa bean vtattfig with ntottvas to Mata PaDa returned borne Friday afternoon. tar. Oamond Kant of Malad City visited with lira. Don S. Kent and family on Friday. lone Beutler, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Smart Beutler, la tame for Thanksgiving vacation. Her roommate, Sue Bateman from Mobile AlaThe bama came with her. two girts are atudenta at BYU Other members of the Bcut-e-r family who were tame tor Tbanugivng were Mark and his wife of Logan, and Ruth Ann who is attending his widow, 'Gleftna Johnson, five sons and one daughter, school at UBU. Calvin, Ogden; Wayne, Calif.; Rene, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wes- Jerry, Logan; Gen, ter berg entertained Mr. and and Carroll lAe, Dayton. Mrs. Wallace Bowen, Mr.and Mrs. Paul Tucker of Bounti- FianUIa Brief ful on Thanksgiving. Judy Spencer, daughter of MR. AND MRS. LaNay Lew Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Wester-ber- g is and Randy were guests of came home from BYU iis mother fettle Lewis, The and for the Thanksgiving Holiday. boys' enjoyed hunting visiting, and took Mrs. Lewis to Logan to visit old friends, At The Preston Citizen Mr. and Mrs. Bil Stocks. guests of Nettie Lewis The Perfect Gilts Frank were Mr. and Mrs. Olsen of Weetoa At The Preston Citizen As a guest, Thelma Doney IDS Books attended a special dairy me; eting in Salt Lake City. She At The Preston Citizen several days with Mr. (spent Largest Selection to Area mid Mrs. PaulWilkinson,Jr. land family. .u . -- w n, h O-th- er From Only $142.50 Modern Farm Equipment. Co. Went Oneida ' SEE NEIL OR EARL Phone 85M17S I ... i nut A1 atBYU. Mr. and Ifta W-- A. of ChatteitoD and family suit Late Ota Mr. and Mn. "Oh My Father" ae- - Robert J. Hera and fnmPy of hv Mg dttttfllVi Soda tartnu. Mr. and Mn. J. Bane Gilbert and Mr. SSSSml BenedlBhy and Mrs. Buu E. Gilbert Ray Tqdor and dedication and their femjllfcs from Fair-viecemetery by CUyto Jqtaeoa. won five prasert. Forty Howard The pallbeararswere After dinner each family Johnson, Calvin ' Johnson, Wayne Johnson, Jertt Jrtm-no- took turns and entartatofd Gtone and Rene Johnaon, group with vartod numtan, Honorary pallbearers. Seven-t- such as reading, trios, quartheir Quorum of Elders, flowers tettes, solos, making under the direction of the grandparents very nappy. Dayton Ward Relief Society.. - Lynn Abbott of CaUf. wu a The sendee was under the guest. He is a pandson of direction 'of Webb Funeral Mrs. Ferd Christ enecn. After the ptxigram Home, Preston, Idaho. Mr. Johnson la survived by Frank Jamu Gilbert Family Emma Phillips, who l 5 tame after fl fflitaSif, tort ratorua firom a minion ISSS! Jgur G Janaaa andiSf. Cnnahnna Davis Ida C PhUto Mna. m tp T Ona UdL Atas, NtafltoM -s DKGGEST SALE! 100 IE. cults' Gfl-ha- rt Lavtoton. jam andHetar - "Fwr jvrt r- to ADKVIEW Eb The tamo of Wadeyjandttdr no Bishop Jack Mow, attendance jram Dayton.. AL Mr. and lin. Rank J. Mfcrtto Christensen was Robb; fP 0tJmral toaster Mrs. DAYTON of Falrvtow waa too ftaaral btov tha hospital la Emoratof, d Ireqa Schwarts wu there. Wnftor; Praaton. Miss Frankls Band of nor-to- r vloea ware bald or jQreup J wBroAjKmil ta OA Ida wu a ThuksgMag Day KUaaa Jsasso, daughter iBtoPp yto wa4 Lata .City. rtf? r j. ; Ftbrfsw Mtfa iiyteiftkfa Group Bcjarns Fima T7cdx Of FV' Us. ' 'Vb' ' r the was put into effect, with himself as President F. Barlow Glbert and Bruce K. Gilbert first and second vice presidents or chairman. Bruce Murray is area- - chairman! for Calif., Timothy Chatterton area chairman for Salt Lake City, Tamara R. Gilbert is Secretary with Jamier Herd as assistant, Carol B. Gilbert is Treasurer with James B. (Jimmie) Gilbert assistant, Jill Richardson is historian, With Leslee Gilbert assistant, Wm. G. Richardson is Genealogist and Family with Faun G. Herd as assistant Genealogist Mati'da B. Gilbert is ade visor to the Genealogist Chatterton is chairman, with Thelma G. Chatterton .and Tanya Chatterton as .first vice chair-ihe- n of the Family Reunion Program for 1965. The family will meet on Thanksgiving ev- - the u Tamales r .; SpaghettioTiMb4 Vienna Sausage 5 cans Pop Corn KLEENEX boxes on u Dog Food PORK;G LOIN CUT w.f'. Cor-inn- J ;. - 1 - and-secon- flUtfe Family Holds Dranian .PAW VIEW . Mr. and Mrs. Vera Stelngel and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sanders, Judy, Sharlene. Mrs. Durey Anderson and two children of Soda Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Angus Bronson and Betty Joe, Bruce and Brenda of Lava, Bart Bronson and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Asay and Michael of Ogden, Niel Sanders and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Randon Wilson and Bentley, Don Dunford of Salt Lake City, Mt and Mrs. Roval Wilson and Kim and Michelle. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Whittle and Susan arid Brant . - . Bold Food FedV Service I v; An Thou an Yean rt ReaseuMe Pfieeo Whoa . Yu SPJfflE BIDS . . - - 39 ,rt .'Wl i PICDICHAH J FROM SMALL PORKERS : Thirty-eig-ht members of the family o f Bertha Whittles family and three guests met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Whittle to have Thanksgiving dinner and those present were: - J V.- -' MILD LB. 4v FDUIT CAKE IS. 59c 3 Shortening IlairilK 39c Eajey a Real Festtva Tula Treat With rt oar Delicious Fratt Cakes. Oar' Cates ara Made with Sweet rsaard Fruits aad Wabrats. No Cltraa sr Peels at alL Oafr the Finest Fresh Eggs aad Fresh Creamery Batter are ased la oar. Oven Fresh Taste Treats. ; mm Pkg- - SUNMAID HJD COFFEE 1 Wb. 3 IBS. Ice Cream Asserted Flayers GaLfiBc PIES Ftett, . - They Make Wonderful Gifts, Too wy . ? . S' - : V Order Tour Party ' TURKEY- - 5 C Only $1.83 Per Ponnd - HEAT PIESf BEEF SSL CHICKEN BAKED IN ALL SIZES . . 73c : $1-8- 9 In slantfOZ. , tmifies -- ! t v 3for$l i Phone 852)331 DON Mlace, and Dolls TAKE A CHANCE . . .M CALL Dost: Pastry Step! - AND TOD AY r- YOURE ALLSET Dtoo With Us. TRY OUR SPECIAL CHINESE DISHES ,v aad (Veiy Good Qafck V--- Ou Dally MERCHANTS LUNCH ; ojy DOUBLE ' Ertna Every C A FE Flaort LARGE a pink 0 EOT 10 DON GREAVES Day Franhlin rtaaa ' RED dUSP GDAPEFDUIT. POTATOES Now i: I 23S 2Ss IGA STORE Central Market LOTS OF FREE PABELEO IE BACK OF THE STOEE (Ndert aad Cato 1C H , . 1 :V I |