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Show Ltwistei Brisls Ward Hakes -- 'I '!. 1. ' aV' Vi.n-'V- ;. 'M' ? f&y -- $'& Kt&ti s t XX;r? . Staii Changes ,s v- XXr;!;- s lb c !.! r'?' WILL HELP YOU Several changes were made hi the different auxiliaries in the Lewiston Fourth Ward on Sun day! In Sacrament meeting. Ruth Released were Mrs. Swendsen, chorister and teaand cher in the Primary,, Mrs, Jean Johnson as Secretary and Historian, Mrs. Karen Hyer as a Relief Society Teacher and Marie Talbot as a Sunday School Teacher. Sustained were Karen Hy-- I er '.as chorister in the Primary, Koa Wiser as Sec-etary in the Junior Primary, Gay' Jorgensen as Teacher in the Primary, Karma Hyer Thompson as a Primary teacher, Mrs. Oreta Barber ail a teacher in Relief Society and; Vaughn and Barbara Bair as Dance Directors Sm LEWISTON ,;' - PresioH Lumber Co. v 'X7UL&&. g$f A ROOM FOB CQDISTn&S h I $ UAnOGAUY PADEEinG AklA. m WORK CONTINUES Wort via w-iortoa the Bonaon Stain Cantor with in 'Kelly M. Talbot, Friess, and Sidney K. sor Were ordained Deacons. Elder Garr Morrison, so tha toft of ttadctnra Is and the brick square the bottom port of the steeple. There wfflbt front entrances on eedi oUde of the chapeL one for e the Rlriunond wardo occupying ttenullillng id TheCttfien this all Ed foe chapel to bo put under roof. Located between the two wings of the building extending to the left wm be a covered patio. Ttechepel.will Bo located to the right 4 3o95 of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mor--I Ison.- reported his Mission to the tew England States. - - sflnTft gq q - X 5V4 ...SHOP HERE VINYL ASBESTOS SCSOfficials Given Pif HIS $11 to John G. Kannard and Don R. Simmons, Soil' Conservation Service, received official training in Radiological Mim fd Cuff Links GIFTS SHELL TREASURE Costume LIFETIME r . ; , GUARANTEED . i . i Training wax given in the je of . different types of meters uimd to measure foe intenrity of radiation due to fallout after atomic attack.1 Tib Tacks Jewelry X v.-- i FROM,' $UI -- t LIST - ' r. PLEASE EVERY .LADY ' ON .SOUllr . . YOUEr' ; fr ANSCW .'.i. aLjnooharirtJb rdar to obtain - EARRINGS NECKLACES , - PEN ANTS WE ALSO HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF UTILE Fram.&K LADY STYLES FROM $LM for Prayer THE LATER FASHIONS ART TO RINGS -LWE ADIES, CHILDRENS AND MENS HAVE A TERRIFIC SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM. nuasTOBunos ' YeBew. nOTOIOLA er White Geld s. DtemeadSet ; M OTHERS To PRICED TO .,v a ' v CHABH BRACELETS C .van V S3LS5 ; V! CLOCE RADIOS . V . t " From $3195 t .i 1 DISKS FOB GRANDMOIRER BRACELETS Freni STERLING SILVER Af Lew As $L5$ f i 4, i V Ptetee r t1-- v'- J , . V or Gnmd&d aad Mafl A POWER AT A PRICE TO YOU ... COME -- PLEASE IN AND LO(S THEM OVER. Lteht Flxtaires ' - ;".,v - , T -- V : "1 v 1 hi Set WELL SHOW HOW AND EVEN HAVE SPECIAL TOOLS FOR YOU. :vt: ' ' iI h S12U5 ; j i.Tj ' I NO DOWN PAYMENT 952-024- Stfo 1 FBEE . " From SL45 ' NED 1L HUTCHINS Howell Motel 6 Phono. - Maay Beedfod StyMe Makes al Hsm Lighter, ,; v; Brighter. FORTIFY YOUR HOME Against Winter's CeM a: , Ordy Ferai to $IJI Per Mrttt'. Iacladee Recessed Tab, ' Lavatecy and TeOat EDUCATIONAL ? - : ?' ij- - te Shipping Metal : V'tb4 w ' PBONE CM SCM : . :l!' w hi TV VX'.',W CO UJK1DBE1 Uendier X W V.1,- v c- StomSv APPtB BUM- - Please eeadtte foBewhca MU ma. oMeney eoclssed UM (Peetage Me) New Spedal EdUtaa (paper) e (Peete lle) New Detexe EdUtoa (dett) iWateJ peetage vea awasy apeampaalM erfor.) - 0: j -- -- RERVICE, Bex 74, Preston, Idaho , mmv. is AN EXCELLEhfr GIFT tUGGESTHEfl Qfoe DeMghtfil APPLE BLOSSOM DAZE INew Third EMtten) v Every aareot aad teenager In foe Chmch stedd read this teeki writes eae. It Is a red esafltet betweea I dsaT see hew i ned aad evil with teed MARKHART SOM DAZE. !.. i s Droihor, Undo I - Mrs. Leda CH r Bo U For Bud. planning and advice YOU d 1 's : TOOL TO PLEASE HIM Singer Sales Service PoPond gave .a Program of Chib Cosmo the etry, to, Loan last week, at the home of Mrs. Vernon Cook. to M Carat Totals FROM $MJ$ IlIJS' MOTOROLA CONVERTIBLE AC-D- LEWISTON .1 . CODES YOUIli FIND GIVES POEM WEDDING RINGS Only I13.SS . rjimths To Pby WIN GAME ; At. 4 the widowed Lln-col- Ssis Ht: no . noun paypeqt a Tribute of November 33. He also gave foe invocation and ta in addition for the of Officer JJ). Tip--1 famlhr of foe slam ..... suspect, and the prayer of foe of ackowMdgemeat than in foe sins of bigotry, prejudice and hatred respon-- l sible for foe act that plane-e- d the counfry and the world Persons who an interested In taking foe course should n contact1 Bill Craner or . Orme at foe high X acted.,-- FROM $MJt rtl ' MINK .CREEK The Mink A farm arc welding courec Creek Ward BaakatbaU team will be held for foe farmers met Its first defeat at Dayton ;foe .area daring., tha Wednesday night Christmas holidays , at the Prerion hJgh school "r O ;;;. WE HAVE COMPUTE SETS OR YOU MAY BUY EACH PIECE INDIVIDUALLY forw WtUiifCwM U1AMUND RINGS LARGER SELECTION IN TOWN ;V Petal .'OGrates In Mace of an original ou--l logy.VUUam Weber read foe editorial from foe Salt Late Lin-do- n . .Radte Ceee, Battery Brushes Q Wfre Screen thew, Mrs. Kennedy, her family and foe World Family, including ' new President B. Johnson and foe Nation, was offered by Ralph Roberts. Scripture nadiaga were reed by Gus Mink and GIFT RINGS Backets O Oed 1 ob-Jecf- o, I - ola to Fireplare Accessories Robert Acock,' including foci SSrdand 37th Psalms, and . Mectkms from the Sermon on tha Mount from St Mat- - Members of the, Preston Community Church conductfor ed Memorial Services former President John F. Kennedy at 11 a.m. November 35. Organ dectioni were played by Aim Weber, who also accompanied the congregational singing of foe Hymns Be Stm, My Soul, and 0 God, Our Help in for Ages Past, Our Hope Yean to Come. la Seta er Iadhrttaal Piece. sms ju mid assessment of agricultur-- l . el resources. EU the event of an atomic attack upon the United States radiological monitors will do-- 1 tontine the degree of con-ttnMrtw of posonneL wat facilities, food Hid arer, specify foe particulardeco-1 ea or areas in which taminatton la required. de-- l Trained radiological fense monitors ere essential giwirmnity OmrA IMds Services Far Pres. Bmody Jewel Cases "c EACH MENS AND LAMES ,s PINS re-- j ndkdog- - I Once to ical monitoriag tab information upon.wMrt idoee baao deciilona and operatioM In Franklin Coonty of foe 8CS. STUNNING NEW STYLES. WE HAVE PRESTONS LARGER SELECTION. Bird and Layton OTfeOl of the Atomic Energy Corn- - ing protection survival, covery and rehabUltatlon well as appraisal. 3.20 4 1 1 SPECIAL FINER QUALITY SUEETBOCB Sqnaree In Many Bnatlfd Orion FOR LADIES AND MEN PEE BnOTTT TOE FLOOD WALLETS FROM 13c u Square Celoiex Coiling TBb . OLIO : v; : l Snterdeye , TO in lfom. " 3HT ,r S v i' r J i. .. - V.V-- v J, |