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Show j; ... ' . fii- I r . .. " 'I'jMr cmnw. THE V.'V I, UB UctonJirUfa .. :s ) Cork Given i V d In tha Jerry of SmithHeld, Elwln muelc Taylor, a mlaalonary comp ward, prelude . , of River. Halgbti, Mra. waa played by Suian Crt ' 11 .Peteteon;1 . ' Michael R. J...S wrightjplxbop Janet .PetatVM, Mri. nan conducted and Maty Taggart and Tent Tag- awarda 'to the RICHMOND ,1 l! Rkb-mon- . . .:! Chriamns . OFTSOrQOnLITY iA f.ik :i i. Decoration ' ' s i . r 'tl L t.1: rl . ' :"i ACCESSORIES VANITY i f t'.'t "?; ; .v.'V.rt yr . v J'.- - LEATHER t I Otf ' GOODS? I - V- Trina Vf'r j V 'jjvi'.'.Ry 1. ; . f.i.-rv- : - .tny-- sdou ',1 i vYv.V A ' A ..: "-- M t v Bair, ala jpaffc. fchna Eriena Smith, Pratt, Honda Andenon, Lin. da Johnaoa. DeAim Lawia, Julia Peart, Sharon .Tfcomp-oRuth Jean Rigby, An ..'..i:' :VsW. n, Iftt- ; . Pratt, Ratty Anhdu, Carsm, Suaon r a75 DANA' . ' - FANCY FOODS ,;;. i -- CORDAY WMW, DRIED FRUIT STTOOrOAIJ-A- a'! . . . 'iV . PHn Shapa . WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT SELECTION OF ' i n eight evening .Tuesday friends enjoyed a surprise party for Cub Johnson at Ms home in honor of Ms birthday. anniversary. Dinner was served to Rodney Anderson, Randall Hendricks, Rod nay Bair, Ashley ond Bradley Bandy, Barry Lawia, Edward Mendenhall, Kelley Ryan and Chris. vt-j- nrniATUDE ounimiG HT SET Popular PriccdJewolry FOR EVERY MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY - l 3.29 jun gmies OLF Equipment tniibaan HMi.V- H . LokB (IF - . R."W."V iCHfllSTMflS DeMDy Sconb Scout troop SB COVE held a court of honor recently with assistant Scoutmaster Orb Allan in charge. Committeemen Milton Spencer, Ollb Rodebuah and Nard Allen ware present along with the parents of the boys. Receiving awards ware Kant Walk, first class award pin and merit badges, Howard Preece, firff ciasa award pin and merit badges, Craig Al len, Guy Durrant and Andy Kctlly received second clau awards and otb merit badges, Wayne Allan, Richard and Glade Lanin Spenc received stars, also otb mer- - FHA dance held recently. Miss Aldee Cornish was on the honor roll for this first uarter at the high school also takes a leading in their yearly drama. Miss Cheryl Kingiford has a supporting rob in tha drama. THE MIA drama night waa bald recently with a large crown attending. The name of drama waiTThe Am CLUBS. V- BALLS, BAGS, , ,tfc- performed A larsa group ojparahts tha LewisUnJunbr day aor.mday. Tho Pcriect Qnistmas Gifts TOURS., FRL, SAT. DEC. SA7 sr. INK NIK IT HHMS PROFESSKBIALLY FITTED BY Chccohlos wfrihw ar IM Fbit Priea Bala EAm. al a QnBtsr Al The PARK AVE. PHONE dfti EUREKA UGHTVEIGHT 3u .js MODEL IDE HOST HASTED OFT . . . A Ucstdox I CLOCKS FOR I OLOCUf TRADITIONAL EVERrSij&tf. . , - k Qaattir kaSa 4v fejr I " . . v ALL GUARANTEED Pry Fresh reg nu. ; ' PRESTON J V'i, I Aba Available - lC fat I ar Traaabtor Madeta i . .v WsA'-- v-- ' dif , Acetate Pratectar Leaves, '' ssio Padded v? . w ; SftTaSI Camera7? DAD PHONE BSMU3 Vf . PURNITURI UaHlWCISH- TONLY 7 Imi Naafs funHurt fa any pHaf . . US. ONL- LARIS SANITBKOe 8ISP0IARLI STORKS ON NOOK OR IN CORNU . TMUkDEU WALT DISNEY ime- j- Y- I - MON. - TUES. DECEMBER t-- J U ALFRED HITCHCOCKS EUREKA VACUUMS From fU-- Carlson's Furniture PRESTON -- I a lipitimi ilBRHSATKD MOTOR a UL APPR0VSB r . ' mdtr M Noma swim CLSAfiS UNDIi FRL SUNDAY DECEMBER M . v RRddMfs eUANINI FaOlSANS RUSS. Molti-Bl-a ?. $195 Free PptWngJ7ith Cenrenienl Dear Enhance s . ..... "i SWM M POO PAST KVtSYOAY Vbwl Caverad, Foam Padded, Study Ballt REO. DUS ' QJJ ! ) WMakf camara - .. i fVIVW INFANT '1 1 Connnnity COLOR STEREO SCENES PLUS M Car Seal Only $1195 I. WATCH raojERon FUIL Oa - Puts cleaning powar.; n all 4Mn af.? tha new nozzle, ? as tha brush cambs tha nap. , Bj OLD SPICE.'. STr . - r.' PLUS 7 REELS $125 Recepttaa FOR YOUR MAN '"HIS CMMaan , Oat-perfar- Shaving' Deads' '. YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR. SAUYEn'S VEmiASTHlS latori aH attien ;"Baat Taaa . . . Baal .Kww v SAYLORS.' SWEETS . BAUERS MINTS ,v v t . &YViWEftfcE FULLY GUARANTEED . i ttS Y liduuuimuuuiay nADIOS POPULAR FOR f, WATCH MADE. fr LADIES AND MEN. , From SSJ5 wf ilininr THE MOST RUS8ELL STOVER WHRliAN ' l . 4 Larfaat Selortloa Li Tlava . "Days Of Who; ACTION! CHOOSE FROM OUR IN CACHE VALLEY SELECTION CADDY V . - : Ml DEC. .. ALARM CLOCU aad MON. AND WED. GLEANING TRAVEL CLOCKS . EVER DECOR . THE LARGEST DISPLAY. . O ' O ' SEE...5-WA- Piwriey 7U AndDoml" Jack Lea Ranriek lam, Featara Starts TiM and 100-- A i. CORDLESS WALL CURMS Ehb Featare Starts FULL POUNDS IW World's With BEG. IMS O O ItDaniancd ... Fair Yaar Fuafly aad Tsaditf Schoig Pareot- - (i Anorted CUM Unspeak-abb- e with Diana Hendricks directing. Orvilb Richards beaded tha make-u- p dagpar met There were S partici-pantand it eras vary wan EVERYTHING ml and o, OFALL-I- jL - 4 Dimer Court Hu-gt- CLOSEOUT y w Nola Stod-LuAnn Bapey, Jearmle Anderion. Weaken were Mia. Mbs. Luella SATURDAY Ruth White and Eider Brent Bair was honored by U a White who reported Mi members of the immediate in Taub while on a mil- family at iHtwiwr the Bair lion there. home In honor of her birthday attendance AMONG THE OUT of town anniversary. In Mra. Richard and Mr. ware sertha who attended people vices were Mn. Dorothy Thomson and Rickv of Ogden Glade Bair White, grandmother, of Lem, Mr. and Mrs. aons Mr. and and and three Mr. Harold Mra. Ronneburg, and Mra. Jam Raamuman Mrs. A. L. Hyer and two ions and son Dick of Salt Lake of North Logan andMrand Mrs. Bair and Allen. City, Mrs. John W. Jansen ana family of Logan. Mr. and Monday evening the South Mn. R. S. Nelion,Mr. and ward Mutual Marriedi held Mn. Lowell Plowman, Mr. their regular meeting. Prayand Mm. Dean Smith, Mr. ers ware offered by Don o to. and Clark Rigby. Reese Miss Myraa Allen and Mrs. Wayne Bair and F F CUSMBf Eva Godfrey, Prayers , mra offered by SUy HuMt ana La-- . lab-or- ';MAttBABEL . t- MaM-an- ;, ' ls' ,i WIRING INSTRUMENTS Rlchnumd prsnted The Com of tba uaspoak-abla- s to a vary appreclatiVa audienct lntha .comhiuhlty building. Tbg cut included 35 members' of flu tWtWuds ka.(. Menden-VkdOUao-ii. - : . . Anbdar, MAX FACTOR ' ' rsj' andBobiAnderaMii WU served to 9S peqib. MIA r Tuesday evening .the organisations of . the .two Pr. S1M - nos .T' '. W 8a-a- BIB ' ' V- - r SbcaOer .i of !f . . 1' CLAMOUR BONNETS AND "t ' ' '70 i k . , line " V,P v ! faMn 'i la - rapUlfTO PLEASE A Elweuifln eT Jjo-rmualc waa jranibradjMliM' Jai chorua Edna vt,iAu Heber S.- Banbnaad';jD Tba by Ruth AiPWIpta, WanavJBa; n LOpen-houaa. tar Mr.AdDplk accompanied a Dahnb; ' Ward. And ataU ."ateW&ea. irardtware MiMaentid 4 to RICHMOND Sunday ev AlanUaa Bair. .aarvieMJn--thanh Fkr Shafchma ;Dndthf KrM ward weidrtconthttMB Soronaon. EUen Bair, Jauca nSm Hulat with-.-, pcayan by Ray Cber-rl Linda AIvey. Anduion, Erwin Stoddard and Jerry n by Lawla, JuUa Anhd The high council was 100. Linda Htasie, Cartwright; by D. D.-- ' Hvw represented. RnthAaa nd Sybn Janop wb i. Batty po ; : yrt. ' Neagle 'gave - the 'toino, "Speech' In'the Home . Dinof ner under the direction Janice and Dell Andrus,. Gall and Marva Alvey: mod Margo ' 'Trouble Wilh PRONE S5M737 Witt Jam , Stewart ' , - , S |