OCR Text |
Show ' I ",!,L V . la.,'-- '.., i'' i f t - - .. i v V . - Pfwlia fifffi 4 LormFoaOy Golhon v s, 1m LOST AND rOUND Man in tba Sorral LOST ClifUm-Oxfor- area. d Phono ward. man. w THE cniZENj Preston, Make Clean Out. Storage' Areas - Sell The Stuffs With Classifieds Re- New Brown wallet. LOST . :i : ; : , i Joel Reed Long or J. Reed t Thiokol badge Long Joel R. Long. Valuable - . BANDA Gory Lanon and Karan Chafbe of Calif., pa- - Reward or Call 'A 11. Li: 14 UNFURN. HOMES FOR BENT i FURNISHED APTS. - fc!' COVER THE X-FOR RENT Two, S bed- LOS- T- Sleigh, in room ..partly furnished FOR RENT Modern small J. dttkon. Was pick bona. Good location. . Can .Apts. at ITS E. 1 N., Presfamily wen hollow behind Bill Augen. ton. Call SK SON Collect bo furnished ,If deslred, Call homo . fop tbs ' for Appointment .Vnd Mn. Gana Lanon Rowan Can family of Preston, Mr. 17. BEAL' ESTATE t. I 'Mrs. Ariel Lanon and FOR RENT Onaor two 4 HELP WANTED OmMimI family of Soda Springs,' Mr apt. FOR SALE Incomo pro Can yon Good location. 7 S. and Mra; Gian Larionjmd HELP WANTED bedroom I Two, riw Gena In of Lika ad weak Silt a. ptty,Mr. family jry perty fumlsbadApts. WIB A er TncyB-xtdition to your promt onr , andlin. IS. HOMES FOR SALE .".Anyroasonabla ddldnn of Loa Ar&eisf, Bundy eor mat .down payment' Balaneo oR and Mr. and MrTSvta .... FnnkttnOoaaly SALE nto. I Nbw Gold low f Ogdsn. ton with largo . Rawlelgh FOR po w and family MedhMon Homos in .PresDale Tayte jtt,96 E. cenand kin. Robert Uno. Start earning immediton. Both have ter, hopak m ean SK and family of WrttaRawlelgh, ately. Contact Spencer E. Nelson. Dim. Phono :Mfc. and Mrs. Cadi Mflei COto. IB FARMS FOB SALE and family and Mrs. Rada FOR SAXE-T- wo Gold WANTED AT FOR SALE Mink Bay with Mr. and Mn. Howard ddi Danlor In Preston nm eatlro rahdi or ton. Both havt three Franklin Chanty Wrltn roans. few mink for Yoang and family at Thatcher. RnwMgh. Dopt DH 43M, E. Nilson, 4132 on Donvor, Cdo. Lonone Cole of Belt 1mVm City spent the SALE Total Electric FOR 7. bar parents the Ldfar Odes. MAIHm qhmf ca lyfl FEMALE Mr. and Mn. Gyle HollPerk View Avenue In FOR SALE OUrsr ingsworth end daughter spent HELP WANTED -Bm the Thanksgiving Holiday or Christmas! Need CH ,JMdJotiQ wtth rolativas in Henan. uala tor Christmas E. Naim in FOR Robert L Geddas, son of Bishop! and Mrs. Robart God beenviattini wiihtheir km mother Mr,: Ellen .Lanon. Other maftiban of the -- " mtm. I mottt ll. . yyy-fflftf- t. From.' Richmond,' . - gMr. l"Vrt To Grace, Idaho S-O- dlomn, AND EVEBYTHINO IN BETWEEN - - iY . WITH CITIZEN CLASSIFIEDS o - Lew-kwbto- w CACHE VALLEY CITIZEN (UTAH) PRESTON CITIZEN (IDAHO) o . 2rde&N. dao'wat cenSrmsd n i bar of the L.D.S. Churdi dpy by Us father. Mr. and Mrs. Paul ston and baby of V the recant three L Gen aiitmiss VgytaeaS WPOaiUNITIEl ord, train foe Aug. And Ann vn ni 3WSft &VLV& mq nmr la Pocatatto. Mr. aad Mra. Vert SPM . ad for an fl00rt furnace. (HM Mr. IH f!dk Can mM FOR SALE OR RENT--4 bedroom home with new drapoi and wen to WtS carpet in living . TOad bathroom and aSSanS Howard SLSI Bar-U-t, SS. lot mo hgl trade. Cmm H. C. So. 4388 WM FOR BALE sms foai Stay at Thg Qdsan Lsufeak BeteeSsn tn Area HARTS C3IC a oeqaBisit. anva yan ttmaaad far tha matt e! yeuTjS. Woo estonatM and fafar- - andOfito M laaA 4dl- - uv. paLft9Vgf?5 Laaltxao, And W 8. IE. Gtnsslogicsl CALVES ANOUSHOLSIEM tt ye I $UR 'RENT Newly remodeled tarot bedroom k can moot : Darnel Bsa With W iMImVIi QB JMT WP" bnet' son Vbr AS UU or aae 487 Buy wl& E.18 North, Logan, 1RH. FOB SALE 830 Bread - lwfalfc, m Livestock Ok, tooi him Aren shsssbr&sssi arrival. THE CITIZEN v w . right r , ' 1961 PAnrnNO REPAD SERVICES FOR COMPLETE and DECORATTNO 1959 SEWINO MA Pint COUNTY JUNIT af M.S. BniQo. FaekndL' quality at dsrieM. Aaaodatlon a ltoka bun PhnUbfais Prtea. THERKCAPPDIO . Your Then! SSua O ness terns, booldsts, mtadt cards, testimonials, Tha Preston Cttbten. say-thin- e. Bides, agent, at i60 South nay State, Preiton. Phono WO- l959.Qinv)l(f lqr Mortgags .Cancellation Insurance. See Bob Acock Insurance. Phono ttdBM. HUNTERS INSURANCE Sea Bob Acock Insursnco. Phone 833-182- Sjt 1956 Stn,! 2- -. 19i( Plymmili 4-D- b 1956 Dodg(-D- r. Sdaa I 4-- Dr. (M5.00 IY! id . i (395JBK Cnpt (450.09 Sudani ' 995.00j Sport. 1955 Buick 2-- i J Sport Coupe Dr. "!f Custom mode alumbmm wooden framed storm and windows. Pay no for these than ready-madcustom buOt expertly fitted doors and windows at Hansen Glass and Paint 1961 Corvair Rampside Pickup 1960 Chevrolet 2-T- on Truck 852-108- 7. fWHEEL DRIVE T$1095.00; j 1950 Ford 2-T- on Truck (1495.09;r v; . ' " ' , V 495.00 4. . y X S, 1-- ! $I395.00f es 1960 PC 150 Jeep Pickup ? A '"X ,'i- TRUCKS STORM DOORS 85M181. J- f (450.00 - . ' (99Mif SiaL Wagicfai 4--Di. 852-01- 80 Pi r i WEDDING CAKES AND DECORATING ON ' FOR INFORMATION INSURANCE Can Winis R. Rawana Shrives Cakes for 852-; or an occasions. Woddiu 422 Ante - Mori- - cakes a specialty. South Fourth East A (1095, Ct (995.59 , 195i(ljniait.Or.Scl Phono - Protect your borne and car E :i f c lnaChnwbttoUriULM' (69&a Oran-Chevrol- et 11SL i 1295.00 1955 Plymouth 4Dr. Sedaii a INSUBANCE (AUTypoa) Travders Insurance Co., Nor- - ;i 11595.00 $teL (Mihr 1956 Plymouth Wa now have 4-- 4 -Dr. Sed Sta. Wagnt IIZ.M jk 1956 IS7,U!!We, fun 8 Sol $1495.00 4--Dr. 1957d$a8Sft&l. ; ss-- r . For an your plumbing can Praatoa Lumbar. 863-061- 4. las 4-D- Chenokt 1959 Foid Interior A Eatartor V-- 4-- Dr. I960 Plymouth in Shndaa cut ta dao Chtvrolet I960 Chevrolet cSBTSS rmMr i I 1961 Fozd Galaxie V- 6 IFTOU REED SOHETEHG DORE Ont Of Todt Idghbon Can Do It an four' mf CRANNEY CHEVROLET In lorth Cddit VaUF - i .Phone FNdUk Xjna B0NANZAUYS BlbsAVWGSfR NEED AN EXPERT? '( 05 i 'O' ef DoO THUCB, THAiUCa. 17, ALWNUMraNG-W- m LDS taradDSmEom s. DcchDcds sW dethaf an rnm. InoMra at 3N W.' FOR SALE 4& IR SaSCELLAKSOCl TWO Mttlt CB9BCH SvTncsai bay u Ihr. Ml perttoahnw will ' RO&EWT G. LARSON WESTERN AVTO. SUPPLY COMPANY fop im, CsAtn. Utah seif im overst 1p.m. 8 anranea. Can wmteB. Buw COBe not HUVES1DCK. IS. UMFUBHL pro-grtt- oi r.rS,1 SEED POTATOES. POULTRY. PETS CfeB ffMfr--lilCT- S rental in Salt Lake VaUey IMpjamoiM FOR TWO BEDROOM WELL ESTABLISHED WESTERN STORE SALE i i 84 AUTOACSBSSORna! MrORSALEORTEApE sedtea ' 84 SPECIAL SZRVlCn TWO TIMES GUITAR Rkh-- WILL TRADE CsnOMHU.. Smith for yourum CHE TIME U WORDS -- IMS RUE TO PROMOTION have Opaaiag fe r MANAOE-nM- T TRAINEE. la - IS W0BD9 CSs |