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Show ?r' - I Mil' il,l".n IW.. .. ?' vi . .w yu" iv., W rtt ., . ?' 3M iVa - A"- fcll-- 4 -- - 'uYW ' Xy3W'3$ December. S, INI ' f.iVAl . The North. Cache'BuIldogi qpened their basketball es- son last night against North forth Marsh ;en floor and . are scheduled to' ..moist Matedonthe home floor . to ) second . string ranks, of. be year; though1 there will pme experience. Last year the tom tot' I and won onegfeme. They defeated Logan for the. lone CUMiib - RICHMOND 1 ,.i ; , , Utahi rrtr Tluudv fetter Fw to Pocatello, Mri and' met imichs and sbos of MINK CREEK- '- AQ children hnd grandsons at the hohie- of the Delbert SeamonsM.fwi Thanksgivings and Mrs. Present were , Bud Seamens and sou of - DUP . ... HE CITIZEN. . Bulldogs To Play Second Game On Home Court Friday Jut -- I VAf'Y. L and Mrs. Rodney assssm -- 1 T- - . . ,T' - - Jenjn iy jti, -I n Friday James Hen- to DUP, met for' a g ...:' win. The prweasdnachedulc dricks camp, with Mrs. Ue-UlNorth for .December 'includes: Hawkins conducting. t Cache coach, totyam wfllbe ! December 6, ' Mated . "was lad a team, craning op. from to North Cache; December 11, Community-singinIdah by MrsTLaVto Galbraith , vmr. TV North. Cadis at Oskley. December 12, North ' Cache with Mrs. Billie Lu Begley CACHEV ALLEY Invoostion at Mlnco, Idaho,. December mpanylng. UVESTOQTAUOflON LaVim 13;' North Cntoat fiaOn, WfS oNerrai fay ,Mr. ) r.:; fttoy. ?. According,, toy.to resu-meetin- e. . ,v i i - Idaho; December 14J North Carlson. The pledge was led Stoddard. Cache at Buhl, Idaho; Decem- bMrs. Evelyn Christmas . dinner was North ber 20,. Wertside. at North set tar December H and at ,Top dairy fei'IBMO; good Cache; December 21,Decemthat time mohey ordinar-to choke datry cowa and Cache rt.Westside; be heifers fOHBMQ; smaller ber 27,. North Cache at Malad. llyjgerd fur ffiti would new toward hrtf-srs cows common dairy and Daughters of Utah Pioneers fUMOHOOiOO; utility county building. Two songs cows fUJOtoflMO; cannon and end cuttars IU.00 to 13.00; Fern Porter . conducted ware song by Cheryl by bulla 14J0:taVfl7.5O; hen-for-d to Relief Society meeting Terl Bagley, accompanied Clara Dean Mont their mother. Mrs. Thelma stock cum, ateen Tuesday. son played the prehide musk Woodland read a history of MJ0 - IMAO; honford stock and e mother, singing calves heifers fZLOO 93L00; led accompanied U- - cilia The Jacobi. Doris Woodward, by Holstein steers IOMOO Lb., vonna River Mission1 Social Sci- MOJO;. Holstein hetf-er- s ence Nash, M7J Olive obli wu given by Mrs. gave teacher, Lbs. l&0(kfZL50; 14 were on There file Murray. pteoed Holstein Steen BOMOO Lb. gations of the riwrch, assis- members and four visitors Automatic Action Brtish for Teeth and Gums frpm Dershlp H&5O430.U; Hoistain haifen ted by RaNae Eerier, Leota present REGULAR MMS QUICK, QMNTLM mum fiycafw no- - Veal Owen and Perry. calves 98.734MJ0; new bon Mr. and Joycelyn a Mrs. Gee new is The Mrs. Paid Woodbull calves M5.0C430.00 head. ward made a business of West Side trip to 1962 graduate Lambs, fM4H7.75. high school where she was Salt Lake Oty Monday. Hogs, 9UJW5.00. marching corps for Martina Prater at Weber in was Snow Market: Prices steady at College, Ogden, Richard Por- three . years last worts rinsing pries. ter and Aim Davidson of Queen in her senior year. L. N SOUTH STATE Stronger undertone in some Rteki OoDage, wen guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter pots. Demand for small cab of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Porter Wood :returned zecentty from a trip to Lea Vegas Nev. and Garth. - for Markets . :. to A to i ftiaklfa Irish f - Prospective basketball recently In order to select a team. Whitman (left), assisted tar Willard Cache will be chosen. North Cache plays on December 4. TRYOUTS to its first game at hosne the members of the and wives Bishop and ' Mr. and Mrs. Lew P. AD W. S. Holt, Mir. and Mm. Josop accompanied Mr. and seph E. Atkinson and Mr and Hhnsen and dark Mn. Mark L. Godfrey and Mrs. eons to Idaho Falls Sunday James L. Robson to Providence where toy enjoyed to ". morning far a visit with Mr. aurkraut simper. and Mrs. Blaine Godfrey and Mr. and las. David Lap-raand Mn. Josephine Lap-ra- y funny. ' attended the funeral ser-Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Artknft took 'vices in Ogden Monday for Uwistai Ixltis Ihm ATTEIITIOn . Gtisens of Dichmond City to John Lapray. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lapray of Buhl, Ids. came and spent night day with Josephine and ton attended to to Sun-Mr- s. La-pra- y, fumral also. Mr. and Mn. Henry EDer-maspent Saturday in Clark-stowith Mr. and Mrs. Port n n y, f North Marsh with Jardine. Mrs. Ihona e Little-dyk- of Lewiston spoilt nesday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mn. C. A. Brown. Charles L. Wood, son of Mr. and Mn. Walter L. W Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Wood arrived hone from Van Nuyc Calif, for a visit before enters tag to Wed- 300-00- 0 Prte-Payn- to Sqpin u, to -G- : $14X3 Only .. jonnsoirs dqugstode ADLSOITS COLDER CHMSTUA- S- 7 service. Marir L. Godfrey day for Fort Ord, Caif. for a k training pMiod with the army. Mrs. Godfrey and two sons accompanied Speakers at our Sacrament meeting Sunday evening members of to Blshopnc and ward clerks. Counselor Tber-oHansen conducted the meeting. Special musical numbers, 0 Lord Moat Merciful" two-wee- APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION OF LIBRARIAN BE SUBMITTED TO MAY EITHER MRS. FAUN il ,ii n DAHLE, CHAIRMAN OF THE LIBRARY BOARD, OR ROSS H. PLANT, MAYOR. OF RICHMOND, CITY Me, and Abide With and Tie Eventide" were sung fay choir, with Melva Cottle leading, .and Norma Boeder accrartonying. Prayers to BY DECEMBER 17, NO. M?' otowThf Mm Smith and Harold R. Ward. Jama L bf -- was the first speaker, Art by Henry W. S. Holt aad vai woo Rew Shipaonis Dally rn I. rtich Dcsatiful Gills Far Evorycso Tdi ti City Solid Unplo f fay. ptey during the part :Mrs;; Neta Benson accom-- gunto her dsnghterdatew Benson of From , Bich-man- d to Ogden Wednesday, where rtw attended the biv-la-l rites fra Mn. Ludnda Slater of Salt' Lake City, she PADS OF visited overnight with a niece Mr. and Mn. Harry Weanlg, FDAHED PICTUI1ES Mr. and Mrs. Reed L. Rawlins drove to American Fork their Monday and brought small sou, Draw, home fra 19 xB - Spedal REGULAR 94711 'V Holiday. to Many parols took portunity Thursday afternoon to visit the teachers of to Lewison Junior High School and consult with the teachers about their ddldran. Selltta Pitcher, Ruth Chambers, Flossie Afidnaon, Blan che Pitcher, Josephine Lap. ray, Jalaine Pitcher, Mabel Mortenson and Norma Reeder attended Relief Society G&oo&ler 1 Thanksgiving SOLID CHERRY Spedal CHRBTMA8 SPECIAL' BEGULAR returning Thursday. to amms UM9 - E, box I1A0 3 b. box 3.15 3b.boa 4JJ -- d op- NEW ITALIAN AND ( IBENCH PROVINCIAL ( TABLE i to Thursday aftat Oonddi ward. Friday, Mrs. Orris Mae Hansen and Mrs. Norma Reernoon i:f variety W plecae i el taitei tato Mto to and chewy canton ... Meal to sLssioms; ader attended luncheon and Installation of The Gold Star Motor's in Cache Coun- . eo sang , a dust with her rt.-. ,'14 i V.Vw Mn. Mutao Ruasoll and 2J4fc. I3J0 doth chocolates and a A choice nledlon of milk .and tow butter bom. Dock of Salt Lake City, son of Mr. and . Mrs. Louis Dock of Trenton la from heart His many Trenton friends wish him a speedy recovery. At Refief Society Tuesday, lesson on Church organ!-ratio-n and government1 was Riven by dess leader Ctera Cottle. A special number "Oh How Love'y Was The Morning" sung .by Lula Lott. NriaGrlfOn and Melva Cpttte. A large display e f Christmas decorations and wps dhows. gift suggertinu Lucile Humphreys ud Mrs. FIraence Butler were In diarge of nursery. Following the meeting a quilt completed. . to I AIWOJX from v. iv4j YV; - nr cM mOM, t Si? PHILCO CONSOLE STEREO, TOO ANDUP m ft f ifl, ' . Gei ri V i .'i ' V Yonr Tichois On Our FREE Clutouu,. Drawing W ' ' iS j VS i' v. -- to ibauoobu 1 r" LA RE RADIOS PHUGO wimi .vei : v sis-Ir- a Mrs. Russell alio sang a eolo, With Mrs.Reedar accompany- i i - lb. box 12.15 2 lb. box 4 M " Tho flnart Miniature chocolatoc ... . on elegant gilt, whh unwual canton onuG stode jornisoirs CONVENIENT LOCATION FREE PARKING PRESTON ;y'; .. PHONE FOR YOUR Dook 4. LDS I needs 39 NORTH STATE, PRESTON FOR CARPET SEE CARLSON'S .''tffi'CM- tifVvtfj V- - PHOME.OI37 ; OPEH FRIDAY AHD SATURDAY ."TD, Step at The Cltlzea Largest Sriecttsn la Ana .y - (.. ' V 5VTJ- - ,i if ,jl v -- w.. . w .1 e,.;- 1.V- - 'Sfif IV. H ift't ,,y |