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Show i. rwi4i 1 lihgf'isls 3Ui n r.iiF wnmr m m .M irr T r .',7. . rv .' 1 This CITIZEN, iMristoa, Utah SB December I, im Okfui Brills ,: and c . I. Fisher OXFORD drove to Pm-A. ton Wednesday morning to a join tholr Melvin Bump They all wont to SIR Lako City to be with Ed Burrup whan he was Mt Tboy spaxtfor hla Mission. peat Oa night with tholr ion ilrTond lira. Clalra Fishar la Ogden and returned home Thursday. They all returned to SdtLake City Sunday to game. Mr. and Mra. Curtia Cos enjoyed a dinner party Saturday evening with the dm towatdoncy. PAUL COBURN of Ogden Is visiting his grandfather, M.r Fred cobum and iWBg him with the beets. 8heldon Kendall of Sunset attend the IOi Utah visited his grandparents mony Mooting, Mr. and Mrs. Game Fisher Wodesday Mr. and Mn. Saturday. of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hel-anOrln Hatch and family Blackfoot viaited hla paronta mandollar family and Mr. and Mra. Thompeon Boyce Helmandollar o of Hatch. Orln la taking a Job visited their parents la Ogden ao will leave Black- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Helman-dollfoot the laat of the week. Sunday. AND MBS.' Henry MR. AND MRS. Floyd Annie Hatch, Cedi Fisher, drove to Ogden Hatch, Rachel Baker, Mr.and Friday and spent the night Mra. Curtia Cos and Mr. with their daughters Mr. and and Mrs. Russell Roller at- Mrs. Darius Youngberg and tended sessions at the Logan family and Barham and reTemple Wednesday. turned home Saturday. Mr. Annie Hatch, Dorothy Mrs. Lavana Hatch Roller, Marie Hatch, Alton to Salt Lake City Saturday, Ralphs, Lavana Hatch, Bes- with her son Mr. and Mrs. sie Olson and Wanda Cos as- Milton Hatch ami Children. sisted Mrs. Clara Olson in They visited Mr. and Mrs. the qullltlng of a quilt this Tribole and son in Bountiful week. and enjoyed dinner with them Bur. and Mrs. Andrew and AND MRS. MR. George Koku and other friends from Redington have made seleval New Zealand. Lavana went trips to. Downey this week back to Farmington and spent to visit her father Mr. John night with ber son Earl Hawes who is In the hospital the and family. Sunday they all for observation. went to toe Salt Lake, City Mr. Ernest Olson went to Airport to see the Maori' Cbm Logan Saturday with Howard cert Group off. C a 4:00 Family Movie 0:0b 4:40 Superman 6:00 Rawhide 740 Music Han "Probe 7, er and Out" 8:00 The Day of . - ar 1040 Bpcr mal 10:05 Big Movie "The DooUns of OMaboma C Hel-andol- lar - . and BY OUR EXPERTS - ALL CHANNELS FOR YOUR HOME $11 J5 11x10 msrt 745 Flnt Tmpw Rag.90J5 4V4 - than drain faflun? Search For experts 10:45 Guiding Light fifM. $195. vj. (Night) KWV- : Family "Federal at TbaStara 10:90 Church If It - $195 LOW COST - The Home 11:00 Bible Ana. 11:30 Eton. Light 12:00 Mat llovto 2:00 Bowl 2:00 Wild Kmgdom 2:20 CoL ,owl 4:00 Med Prem 4:20 News, Views 9:00 EE Dana' lew- - Wond 6:90 Grind 7:09 Bonanaa PHONE 052-13- 20 840 C Movie A News 10:00 Cuba: Bay Of Pigs 11:00 Night Final 11:10 Acad. Theat ft 4:45 Superman 5:15 Lone Ranger 5:45 Big Newi . 7:90 Arrest Mal 0:00 Biography 9:20 Languor 12:50 Nat footbSD 2:15 Bur Nagd 4:00 20th Century 4:90 Mister Ed ' Sale 10:00 Km 5:00 Lassie 10:30 Sporta Final 5:80 Fav. Martian 10:30 Edo Adams 6:00 Ed Sullivan 11:00 Big Movlo 7:00 Judy Garland 8:00 Candid Cam. 9:00 AL Hitchcock 10:00 News Final TRANSISTOR RADIOS .... Supsieer 6:30 Outer limits 5:00 M'ckey Mouse 7:50 Wagon Train 140 News 9:00 Break. Point 6:00 Fractured Flickers 1040 News, Wsetb- 6:50 Lucy Show 10:15 Weather Sta. 7:00 Dan. Thomas 10:20 Sports Final 7:50 And- - Griffith 8:00 East Bids, . 10:25 Big Movlo Side West Rode They West" 0:00 Dick Powell Reg. jj). mw I 225.. McQmr ' . aportf ntattan, rr IM U,YgDMt g:00 A." WHUarns f- j Whether mn nr3 f SAVE NOW ON AU, Newsred T. I'M. xmmm. 19,1993 I t OHRO SSL C. HerriB & Son's im mIJSTi r y?. " : 5:00 YoU Boar' 5:10 HMaUay Vbltay Jig 7:10 OskteHantot i-a- mi WE HAVE WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS PLUS A COMPLETE FOR EVERY grbU i glm Similie U40 4 amrNewi see ,1040 Ita News to DtoMukm U;00 .. stoevos Bad Day" FOB A taste: iml - ft Tho'Mtfm ' ' m PBONI J ' i i ...i f H 7:90 D. Van Dsfho : BuajKnft i ,ii " "- i NM Agobtot ,' -O. TheProdon Citizen ' Mto ; , whaHtar ton-- 6:00 Dstoctlvoa 10:00 at 19:20 Stem Alim 12:00 Nows FtojiS 10:H Big Movlo i i04Q KUTV 1040 a it33 4:48 Superman 6:16 Loot Raagmr 0:45 Mg I 4:00 Family Movlo "Glldw-- M. T.xnuiMt Bumv decethih 4 HR (NtaMi ' .1 UJ6 $12X3 10:00 NOws 10:20 Stive Allan a, -'-- C U-..- :.. fia lip WEDDING BANDS STOCK OF WEDdbfG BOblCS. a ' , SILVERWARE All Pattens P .... ipw9ef Beg. DEPENDABLE . Mg 4b Tan. 10:00 A Time To Tiger Worship 12:30 Directions 64 10:00 Face too , 1:00 BoD. Skating MgtlOD 11:00 This Is life Badmtodl g:ao Football 11:20 Davy and 5:90 Saga of West- qpntn . 11:45 Cavalcade 0:30 J. McPbeeters 12:15 Football ; 0 4:15 Superman, Amos N Andy, ' t' C !' 11:00 Ag.- UEJL-- . 11:20 OowbQy SSS-1S9- 7 . maSir 42.50y..-. in 10:50 Tonight show ORB) KUTV I 4:00 Famdr Movls 8:18 Lone Ranger nnrigSTBLASSaPMIT u Mafwwi iwp mw wvi- Ut- Thi Answer Sacrad Heart 40 From tha 20:00 Cathedral lO:J0Dr. at WM 20:09 10:18 0:00 Mitch Millar H.(S POM WW completely dotalled byii expeets '3 fl ll fi r s WEST nOTOB COUPMIY rss.irL.11 VALUE -IMovlo Numbers" " The ftta line REG Day) 1993 8:90 Hollywood TijuTiaui FT 9SM0 9:90 . 'iSflrw 150 SOUTH STATE "House of Season" "Whmg t-- or - Lynn FaclireD Plunking and Healing Company 6:10 Movie - . 4; .5 GOAODTV Worid-- Gerry Mom Heavy Defy. rcavictor Neuolfctd 840 Walt Dtaeyli Large 1:10 SeH-Steri- ng v eest service teigy! 10:00 ... tor fast 5:00 Huck. Hound 5:80 040 KUTV -r Jr-- As phmblag fts COD Agent $r Ft COLOR TV YAUJE WM 40 Menea In Ag. were 4:00 RUGGED I What's AHYWHEBE Trees ALUMINUM SSL 6:90 SuulM 740 Farm Show 840 740 Chat 40 9:90 Beany ft Cedi 8:00 QD. McGraw 1040 Leva of Lite 1045 CBS Newi 10:90 "Attack of the Crab I DRAINS CLOGGED? 40 Bempw Boon CBadm 940 Face K Uetal tear . "The Crawling Eye, 12:00 Movie (AO C 1140 Midday 1140 World .Turns Shut 12 Noon rewwm'il 12:00 Burns, Allen 1240 Art UnkteUtr 12:80 Day In Court 140 Tell The Truth 12:55 News (P) 1:30 Edge of Night 140 Queen for Day 2:00 Secret Storm 140 Who Do You 2:30 Mat Movta Trait 4:00 Popeye 240 TV Bingo 4:15 Rocky ft Hil 240 Mori Friends 4:00 Capt K. & 4:30 Cartoons 4:45 Mick. Blouse GO BEG.95J0 Ft 1140 On. Hoepttal 11:20 Perei Gen. 10:00 Truth or Con. 10:05 NBC Newi 11:00 8ay When 11:25 KUTV News 11:90 Word for Wd. 1940 People Talk 12:90 The Doctors 1:00 Loretta Young 1:90 You Dont Say 2:00 Match Game 2:25 NBC News 2:90 2 on Aisle REVOLVING TREE STANDS 0 5:90 Aim Southern 9:00 Price la Right 940 Seven Keys ' 1040 Brata Ford '1040 father Knows 8:00 Today Show 9:00 Concentration 9:20 Missing Link fliririmas DecOfOtbllS I 45 40 Today Shew 140 NBC Kiwi CLOSEOUTS UBS nrrv 9:50 Town-Countr9:49 Fmn Report 7:00. Sunrise : Sami 7:50 C. Kangaroo' 1:00 CBS Nbwo 40 Z Love Lucy Christ Philos. Nightmare Thtafa, Frau's (Daytbne) M5J5 11x54 2 ii 9:20 Snorts Final 1040 The Tanlaht Shew C y Our World 6:10 Today In TnOTMay Bh 745 KUTV 740 Tsdaj 10:30 10:95 JT 0:10 Zane Grey 19:00 satTm 1040 Steve Altai! j 12:00 Bod. Tower 1:00 NOwg Ftajel , Yo-Y- 11 $12.95 CUshns ScU?g MONDAY THRU FRIDAY S 1:00 Understanding Christmas Special BOOB H 151-11- Jack Paar -C 1040 KUTV . he. Healing and Appliance, Action 9:00 1040 Buga Buaay 40 Bln Thi Tin 1040 MOite Lead 1140 Friend Flkka 40 Bff t 11:90 Am. Bandstd. 10:00 Sky 10:00 Cartoono Ktog 12:50 Pen point od. 10:90 AMn 10:15 Loan to 11:00 Cavalcade 1:00 Teen Debate . Draw 11:15 Football 1:30 Pioneer 1040 Cartoons 2:15 Scoreboard 2:00 Touchdown 11:50 Exploring 2:10 Am. Football 2:30 Football 12:00 Inq. Editor 2:45 gpts. Sped. 2:00 Wide World 12:50 Cartoons 5:00 F. Bcoreboard of Sports o 12:45 2:15 Movlo 4:90 WUar Pm 1:00 Sat Movie 4:45 Bet headUm Olympic si 2:00 Sat Mattaoo SkFrtafls 5:00 5:00 Dan Smoot . 4:00 Int Roller 5:15 Maalon Form 9:90 Hootenanny Derby 5:90 Bendeuroos 9:90 L. Walk 6:10 The LL 5:00 To TW Truth 7:90 Movlo 840 Joey Mop 7:30 PhD Silvers 740 Bat. Might At 9:15 Nows :00 Gmsmoka . 9:10 The lievlaa C 9:00 The Dtfsndsrs Daughter A 40 Wan 10:00 Nbwi at 10 10:00 Route 06 0:20 P. Tbaatro 11:00 Ron. skating 10:20 Movls SAVE YOU MONEY C THE PERFECT GIFT earn 5:00 H. Haatcota 5:30 Fireball XL4 1:00 Don. Monaco 9:50 Fury HAUGSGAABD'S 1040 MIRRORS c Chftchftfl - IFLL i 740 Butt YOUR FURNACE EDIT . imr -- l THERE 18 STILL TIME TO HAVE at Pocatello REFLECT THE ELEGANCE OF WITH ONE OF OUR BEAUTIFUL FOR 4 (AS Day) DOLLARS AND FUEL -- Oiled - Nm 540 0:00 Greet Ad f. 7:00 Steve Mo- - DECmm 7. 1913 WILL COST YOU NEEDLESS WASTE IN Penned ALL SIZES BUY NOW AND SAVE DIDTT FILTEnS it YOUR HOME - OF SHOTGUNS AND BIKES 1:80 Int 7:50 Bob Hope 0:90 History Ifc AEIE20 Twfuwr EABL GLEASON. MONDAY evening Mr. and Mrs. Ben Johnson of Preston, Annie Hatch. A. L. Fisher, Russell KoUar, George Fisher, Curtii Cox and Cuff Kendall attended n meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hatch. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Olson were Logan visitors Monday toe mi attended tnulnns Temple. Mrs. Henry Hatch attended the Farm Bureau evening they MR. AND MRS. Karl Ren. , dall and their sons ShbMcn and Barry of Ogden Wednesday on the term. WE HAVE 9:00 Perry Mason 10:00 NOwa at Ton 1040 Steve Alien 12:00 News Final 10:11 Up- rising" 040 XUTV Ov- Paradise US0 4 8Ur Mews Kirrv 0:20 7:00 Password 7:90 Twilight Zone 7:00 My S Bona :00 Ann 1:00 Adv. In 0:00 Dr. Klldam "Seminole i, 540 Mickey 0:15 Lone Ranger 5:46 Big News , 6:90 Sunset Strip 7:50 BurkeS Lew 1:90 Bsttlo LtM 9:00 Fight of Wk. 0:45 Make Spare 10:00 NOwa ... 10:16 Weather Sta. 4:00 Femlly Movls 5.-0- 0:40 Big NOWS 0:90 FUntatones 1:10 0:00 Newsreel 0:00 Pony Como im 4:18 Maglo 0 Mickey :ll Lone Ranger "Lord Jeff" "Her Twelve 6,1913 Dienm V'BL-- wont 4:40 Saperam a a 1 Mr. and MINK CREEK Mrs. Mel Roy Larsen hoeta to a large group of frfendo and relatives over the Thanksglving HoUday. They were Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kendall of Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. LoGrand Price of Provo,. Dir hm Price of Portland, Ore.. Gayland Bassmussen Margerite Kitchen of Hyde PariL John Memmott of Ico. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Lar son of Preston, end their son Ervin was home from college. SAVE DENOTES COLOR BROADCAST! Diamn s. lies Poe-ateu- Large Group and m d Larsens Best - CLIP fob ebude week pnoGBAmmiG SAVE Mr. and Mrs. Henderaon to aee the football TV Schedule Weekly CLIP Families In Salt Lake For Farewell drills! mZh? - ! M.VM s j' i i .. |