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Show THE MORNING BUN DAY, UTAH. OGDEN, EXAMINER, LEGAL. FOR RENT Second Ib the District Coert of the Strict at the Suie of Utah. County cl Weber. BldieF Stevens Implement oompuy, M. Buchmiller. U A akin tiff. J. Stephans. Mery E J. Stephens, Jr., ns ffidnlawtor of the estate of Elixa-J- . Stephens,. draceaed, Eiusbeth . rhIM. Charles E Child end Doro-Ae Child, by Eltaa- Child end child, their guardian ndlUem. t lev of C. A. Child. Jeeoseed, and John Flaeock, juies C. Stephens . defendants, under-fineTo be sold separately by the shniff of Weber ewmtv. State rtah. as .spent at the above named by the court, subject o conformation le- - ch- of n4 rtldoett ietetas redemption. not subject pert noT the northwest and j urthsast guqhero of section nine (I), township Ere U). north, rnnie one (D weat of the Sslt Lake meridian, tn Weber county. Itsh; beginning at point 41 rods eouth of tha northwest wrmer of the northasst quarter of ssld sin (p), and running thence mr ii.gi chains ta William Garners Boat line, thanee eouth 4T rode along nld Garners weat lino,4T thence weat 10 rads, thence rads, thence north osst to tho plaeo of bsglsning. I. All of tho northwest qnarter at tks southwest quarter, and ths south iMlf iff tho aeuthwetf quarter of sac-tio-a nlnt (I), township Sts (I), north f mngo one (1), west of the Salt Lake jfHdisn, in Wbber county, Utah, and a part at tha northwest quarter of said fxitinn mine (I), beginning at tha seothwwet coraar of said northwest raarter section and running thence moith 140.4 feet, thence east 9ol.l feet, thence eouth 830 feet, thenoe east M7.1 (set, thence South 6X0.1 feet, thence weat 1416.19 feet to tho place at frfinnlnf- - the same being platted Maori a ad known as City Park adddition to Ogden City, Vink. aid property to be sold on tho 16th day of May, A. D., 160T, at II oclock, asoa, at the front door of the County Osurt House. In Ogden City, Weber County, State at Utah. GBO. A. SEBRINQ, Sheriff. By George Ritchie, Deputy. t ra d OF ASSESSMENT NO. 1. MINING AND VTBBR COUNTY It tiling Company. Principal plaoa ' at business, Ogden, Utah. U hereby given that t a of the directors held oa FrV its, lid of Msrah; MOT, an assess-se- t of oae mill par shsn wss levied rs the capital stock of tha corpora tfco, payable Immedtstsly to A. G. )Uw, sseretary, Ogden, Utah. , lay stock upon which this assess-ms- t may remain unpaid so Tuesday, April 10, M07, win be delinquent and atvsrtiied for sale at public auction, unliei payment Is made baton, nl win be eolJ on Tuesday, the list day 1 Hay, MOT, at II o'clock man, to par the delinquent assessment, to pther with the coats of advertising at expense A.of sal Q. MAW. Secretary. ' Oplca, Utah. Ketloe mrstlng with the OgJea acquainted usm Laundry today. Delays are 4srous. Many opportunities that vesld prove virtually "gold nuggets" to people have slipped 4sy FOR Itog-xiip- 8te-!Sn- toy owing te or hesitation. Don't lot this ms to entrust your lanndering with poesesstag usqnslod faetll- - w tanlng out your work prompt-ud aatlsfiutortly slip by any lon- .Begin today favoring us with 7 fur handles, Olden Steam Laundry tosas 174. 417 2AU St 15 FURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RENT Two modem, furnished rooms. Kelly Herrick. sheriff sale. NOTICE APRIL 28, 1907. UNCLE SAM CAUSES SCRAMBLE ON SALT LAKE EXCHANGE. OPERATIONS OF OUTSIDERS ON WALL STREET. NO DISCERNABLE Thousands e Shares Sail at Almost Any Fries Holders Aafcsti-Mar- -ket Is Strang. Bank Statement Proved Favorable and April 27. It has been a long urn alaoe tho local stock pit as much excitement or heard as much note or did aa much business as It did this morning. Unde a.m wss the big feature with a capital F, and when this stock was opened for trading, the pit bscsnts filled with brokers anxious to sell or with more wanting to buy than tobuy, selL The ore find, as imported at length in yesterday's paper haa been confirmed and aeoordlng to a message from the superlnteadeat at the property, is bigger than It wae at flrat expected. "We have bonansa." la the gist of thta message. The whole face la In wo, and there seems mo emd of it." Mr. Derm, sponsor of the Ttatlo famt-7- at which Unde Bam la m prominent member, wss happy this morning tbata putUng It mildly. Unde San a activity has thrown a ginger Into trading, and all stocks are bring exchanged at beter figures than haiv been marked up for moms time. A noticeable instance of sympathetic" atreogth la that displayed by Yankee Qm.. a neighbor of Unde Barn's. Yankee has been Idle around the mark for a few days, but cold at 41 on the open board this morning. The whole market la la better ooudttlon than It has been for months, and broken are JuUlanL The trading was opened this morning by Carisa at 66 and 14; 600 going at the flrat price and 100 at the second, lower Mammoth sold at 91.66 followed by May Day, another neighbor of the Uncle Bum. May Day sold heavy during both calls and climbed through each succeeding sale. The first run brought out 7,000 at 16. the eeeond, 1,600 at IIH. When the open board call rolled around 1,000 May Day went at SStt and dosed its activity with ths transfer of 1,000 at 16. When May Day stepped out Nevada HUla came ta and 100 sold for 4.40. This Is s high price and oae that seems likely to bold good. Then came Uncle Bam. Thats a story la Itself. The minute the elm railed the noise began. The pit, for weeks only partially filled with broken was crowded by ths time the stock came along. Undo Bam dosed yesterday at 66, after a sensational run from 61 and the spectators mads cigar beta on the impending ran. Whan It baoame possible to distinguish a bid" from an "nak" the stock at 71. Bale after sale was made at thta figure and ta no time 1,000 ib area had been snapped np. In tbrir anxiety to get ta on the good thing, brokers yelled at the tqp at thstr voices and everybody argued wtth everybody the Instant someone shouted eold" are "take It" loud enough to be heard above the din. The ealler pounded hie right arm Into lamsnaaa tiring to keep irifiiir straightened out and a number of salsa were called off oa account of disputes. From 71 the stock went to 76 and all ta all 6,100 sham moved; 800 followed at 76 end 1,600 at 77. Tide appeared to be the limit decided upon by the buyer so the stock went back to 74, 1,000 going at this figure (seller sixty), and 1,000 flat The open board trading ta Uncle 8am was even more excitin' and noisier. Bales and priest paid follow; 600 at 76, seller 60; 1,000 at New York, April 27. There were no disc ramble operations of outsiders in long-lackin- g 44-oe-nt Had Helpful Effect on front ADVERTISEMENTS ON THIS PAGE COST ONI CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION. FIRST INSERTION NO LESS than w adver cents, THREE housekeeping rooms, NESS BOOK ACCOUNTS WITH US. HANDS Woudmaaaoo block. Furnished or unfurutehod roomt, raetouabte prioon. IM 24th. FEMALE HELP WANTEOl 8602,006. WANTED Sewing glrle and assistant on waists. AUdam Oocnraae, Wright's store. IOR RENT Rooms m "BXL l6Ua. 16. 87. Corn May, 50. 48, 60; July, 0, 48, 66; September. 60a. 48, 48 OMaETAOM BTA01NN 48, 48a(0. 45 ; 44, 44; July, 62, 41a, 41a; September, 86. 86. 15.70; 80, Pork May, July, Oats-M- ay, I1H1 22nd. hiaSL MASONIC. LOST Pearl brooch. Tuesday might I Quean Esther Chapter 11 between Vicuna cafe, skating rink E Regular meetings held st Masonic and 2631 Grant Kinder return to HaU on Washington avanim beLwees Twenty-fift- h thta office. Reward. and Twenty-sixtstreets the first ud third Fridays tf each LOST Chugs purse, between corner month. Sojourning members cordial24th and Washington ud Groea-weli'- s ly Invited to attend. ANNA LEWIE W. M. butcher shop. Return to ULY V. HALS TED: Secretary., GreftnweU's butcher ahop. 8 k PYTHIAN SISTER A LAST Pair nose glasses In csss, between find aad l7ih Bt., on Wash. Marta every Saturday afternoon at Return to BtudnrA. 6:26 in Pythias hall, Utah National Bank building. Sojourning atetaia non LOST Pearl broach, Tuesday night d tally Invited te aural between Vienne Calc, skating rink MRS. EVELYN GIASMAKN. M. EL C. 2681 Grant Kinder return to MISS LOUISE KJTTEH. M. tf R. 4 C. ud thta effioa. Reward. ORDER OP RAILWAY CONDUCTORS LOST Baby ring with tiny chip diaWasatch Division K 124. mond. Return to Whkioa Hotel, LO, Lincoln aad receive 93.00 reward. meetrseoud and fourth Vtidnyn at 9x1,0 h a 4 27-- 1 1 LOST Gold olrale Maocabee pia, Friday. Return to 2721 Washington ava. Reward. White bull deg, answers te mams at Compy. Return to Mrs. Meadeu. care of ladies department. Union Depot Reward. 4434t 849-- TOR RENT-- Te rooma wUh closet 738 fid st Ball phone 441-T- . WANT BSD Girl fin general Housework; fnaily at two; 2641 Adams Itltl Ava. LADY SALKIMKN FOR RENT Two cflieo or steeping rooms evor Clarks at woo. WANTED. IMMEUATBLY, Ladles straight salary 61,400 par year, expanses. Motel Lincoln, Roam 1; no tabs. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Posltlui as lady's anna. Apply 843 23rd- Beil phone 414-- FOR RENT HOUSER SAL8M HN Everywhere sell our lea Crushers to saloon! its, nods confectioners, toe erasa fous-talatat- a, u llr FOR RENT nor kitchen. MONET TO LOAN on Improved land; reasonable terms; no imii..iil Enquire lnd. phone 87S1-A- . 421-- mo house ud Phone 281K. nm FOR RENT Stmw room and beeo-meof Du wtt Block. 919 84th SL For information oell at taw offices of Joseph Ches. manufacturers, eta; side lino; good commission. Davenport lea Chipping Maehlaa Ox, Davenport, tows. FOR SALE-RE- AL at. Iwk MONEY TO LOAN. ESTATE. n 12 He-cl- u 19-- tt MONET TO LOAN, on farms and city real estate. HUNTER 4 KENNEDY. Room 8, first National Bank 3ulld-tag- . work ta shop. Thu Hess Steam Bakery. hotel; sidewalk, guttering, ete, an MONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMM1TT . 16.02, psM; 60x118 tot; foar rooms furnish-ed- ; 15.87, 15.17. WANTED will eel furniture with house, all Mn and boys to loan PROFESSIONAL Urd May, 8.70, t.67. trade. Day aad night 1.80; July, 9.82, 8.77. September, ' plumbing for 91,106. This house route for 828 clause. Special rates. Catalogue ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 1.87, 240. 242. FREE. Colorado School Practical Pr ta Ribs May, 8.60, 8.87, 8.67; July, ' 1645 DenPlumbing, Arapahoe SL, 6.80, 8.72, 8.78; A. O. HORN. September, 8.60, frame; good tot; IU00, 9360 A ver, Colo. 4 ML Offices ever Badeons 6.82, 6.15, Ueraey down, batence I years at I per coat Drug Store. 1 seek the bselaeu of WANTED Hrat-elaInside wire nil parties; am aiteraey against nil CLOSING STOCK LIST. man; none others need apply. Etoo-tri- Rents for 918 per me; figure thta oet oerperattou ud monopolies. Preand see If you eu beet It. Supply and Fixture Co. 86- Atchison pared te Iran act any ud nil at legal beamas do preferred 66 Double house of 8 rooma; dose In; 68 Baltimore and Ohio MEN sad boys wanted to Mara plumb on ear line; rente for 939 T. HULANI8K1. Attenuy-sLUw- . Canadian Paclfio 178 per month; E. Rooms tog, plaster lag, bricklaying: sioetrio II Ud II. first National 111 Chicago and Northwestern 93,106 taken It; while figuring try this. si trades: free catalogue; psslttoia Buh bulldtaf. Oeurnl Practice. do preferred 211 A fine balldlng comer, 68xl30 to scared; tuition fifty dollars. .Goya Colorado Southern 16 MAIR GOODS AND OOBTUMES. Trad School New York and Baa 28 Denver and Rio Grande .. . Francisco, 1 yt UT Alley; oa llth etreet car line; 9660. 76 do P inferred A . HAIR B WITCH EB jar sate at ledncod RHe , Thta earner should double In value in24 riesn. Hair nhnlag a specialty. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 148 lUtaris Central Masquerade eeatumoe to rout for 12 side of months. Louisville and Nashville .. . ...111 Dalle aad theaters. AH mail orders WANTED Pork veal, gad chlckaas 21 Mexican Central Ust your property with us. at RuaiaHJames (a, 116 24th SL CL . ?-76 Missouri Pacific 14th. P. O. Box 421. FOSTER GARRISON, A GARRISON. New York Central 118 WANTED. 2411 Washington avenue, over Frod 126 INSURANCE. ... Pennsylvania SECONDHAND goods and upholsteri4. Reading Ill ng. City property for nice fruit M. Nyoa. Independent 'phone 671. W. N PIERCE, Notary tablle. Real Rock Island ,. ,, .. 21 form. L T. Alford, by F. O. Phone Batato: fire, Life end Aocldsut ' 66 and 223. do preferred 48 ..... FOR BALM Fine tot, 6x16 rods, brick 497 I4tb fit St. Paul 184 , i i. house, 2184 Adams Ava. 61960 Southern Pkrifle 86 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUE .M... 22 JUNK. cask, bstance oa time I per eent InSouthern Railway 76, 1,600 ut 76, 600 at 77. seller 60; 100 Union Pacific terest. Address, Mrs. Tbes. StewFOR BALE 144 Horse sad buggy, baby at 76. 200 at 76, 1A06 at 10, 10 at 61 THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. bura ard son, Eureka, Utah. Go Cart; also full blood white Jap-sne-u 86 ... preferred and 2 at 61 Thta ta a climb of 20 Tl do all kinds tf Junk. Ball phone (ml abash 14 643 36tt L dog. apiu for two ta FOR BALE Modem seven room brick lnd. phoeo I66ia Groan 4 Jaaote prints days, and it expect- Wisconsin Central 16 ed the dollar mark will be leeched 1. Ittf Pactflc. bouse 8 14 blocks from 1st NaL FOR SALE Baby bnggy, 1691 LinMiscellaneous Stocks. Monday. This morning's business ta Amalgamated bar. 8911 Adams. 63 coln Avenue. Copper W TOU hSTa esy kind at Junk, phone ths largest chalked np to the credit American Car and 27$ Foundry to Offilee Junk House; ws will eail FINE LOT on Bench on street of the local exchange for n half-da- y American Locomotive FOR 62 SALK 72s (8d St Bell for tt. BeU 'phone, I25K; lad. TIE for many moons Full details follow: ear 11ns 160 441-American Smelting and Rfng ..122 phone tot oa 18th strost near Large do preferred .108 560 Washington Avo TOR BALE 69 Brooklyn Rapid Transit LACE CURTAINS, home, driving Fine residence tot. East front Colorado Fuel aad Iron 26 eheap, also 80gg incubator. 2721 on A vs, 1600 block. ... Wash. 160 ' International Paper 14 Wash. luL Phone 692. WANTED Loco curtains to launder Lot 02x166 on 28th SL 750 Katfcmal Biscuit 76 BeU phone 1111 641 26th. room frame tot 700 house, large FOR BALE Household fufulture and National Lead 62 modem bouse oa bench 1,100 LACE CURTAINS n Pacific Mall .. 26 good piano at 2643 Grant Ava. specialty. Pboee brick, dose ta 2.000 9186-M- . 89 People's Gaa room modem brink 3AO0 Pressed Steel Car 26 frame, dose ta 2,500 WANTED lacs FOR BALE Cheap; a new typewritPullman Palace Car 167 cnrtslna to taunirr ISncre Improved form, close Standard Oil er aad eornet No. 811 22nd streeL 526 at 167 !6tb SL IsL Phone 8669A. to 2J00 dtp ... . a . a . 125( 941-lSugar a. , city. farm, 7 acres fruit, Tennessee Cotl end Iron 146 well good water, located.... 1,000 FOR BALE Second-hanUnited States Steel 87 OSTEOPATHY. Automobile, farm, flee Improvedo preferred 101 good condition. Enquire Ogden water acres 0 ments, end fruit 3,600 GORDON O IVES. CORA G. 1YEE Auto Co. Western Union 82 brick residence, large Northern Padflo Osteopstba, graduates from parent 181 tot on LJnooin FOR BALE Good as new bant cultischool. Klrkvllte. Me. LswtaBUy-ne- r (jot Great Northern 4....I86 100 cheap tots afi over the city. also an bleek, suite 81 Treatment by tab Met- vator, cheap, orchard c out25 1.000 aeras unimproved land In Wn-he- r voter at half pries. W. B. WodelL nppotatmaut Hun 6 a. m. te I do preferred (9 County. BeU pbeoe IftdC lal P. Mackey 69 Small farm of 10 as roe and large do preferred .... .. .. .... ... 6 farm at 100 actea, FDR RENT. PHYSICIANS AND BUROBONE FOR SALE-11- .00 par sotting, 8. KELLY 4 HERRICK Rhode IslsnJ Reds. Ponltsr Bros, Caeh Quotations, DR. A, FEKNLUffO, Physicist aad corner 22nd end Wash. Chicago, April 67. Cash quotations urgeoa. Office bean, 16 and ll a. were as follows: REEIDKNCE with pantry 19 te 4 a. m. 846 Mth SL Office FOR SALE Fnraltnro for 10 rooms; A Flour Firm. and closet on Jefferson avenue, close ttaa b pboee BeU I1IK; tad. good. Apply 2326 Lincoln. Wheat No. 2 spring. 89a86; No. I, ta. ILS60. dwoe 941 Wash. led. ehone Ml 76aSS; No. 2 rod, Aa elegant residence 1a railFOR SALE. Corn No. 2, 60a; No. 2 SANITARY WORK. yellow, Modal Fruit Farm for City road district. 11.900. Property. 50. A with bath, tot 60x11!; also Boarding House, near shops, 4 stories. Oat No. 2. No. 2 white, 45 block of DONE of all kind Ball phoms BOtK. good barn, within ons-hal- f Blacksmith shop, 10 b--p Boiler Farm s46; No. 2 white. 41a44. street ear. 91JM. Nel McCarty, 1721 Gnat F. O. T. Phona L Alvord 66 US by and Rye No. 2, 68. Broom brick with bath aad 141 tf One Barley Fair to choice emaltlng, 69 CLffiA KING For HOUSE sewer eeneacUoa, 99,000. carpet a73. Also one window eleutag ud scavon located nil cleaning, frame, FOR Horses, SALE of J. inquire Flax Seed No. 1, 1.14; No. 1 northflret-cis111 dis19th. Ball phone residence btnoh, ta enger work. Toponce, Hsrriirllle, P. O. Box No. western, 1.21. 146L John Xaiameyer. trict. 01,600 cash. 941-la-s 173. Prime timothy seed, 446. A ud betb, saw residence, Clover Contract grade, 15.25. with hot ud raid water connection BCAVINOIR WORK. FOR SALB-Sse-ond National hud Short ribs sides, loose, I.57a8.60. In railroad district. 91,000. Great O. cash F. register. Bargain. Mess pork, per bbl., 15.75nl587. II 3 acre of good alfalfa iud clean ALL KINDS of scavenger work. box 993, Sslt Lake City, Utah. Lard, per 100 lbs., 8.67. ta, 91400. Frompt 1100100. John Vu Zwe-du- . 607 2nd BeU T4TT. Short clear sides, boxed. 8.75a8.00. CHACNCEY PARRY. 3441 Cor. 23rd ud Wash. Phono 356-Whisky, basis of high wines, 149. LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED. , RANK STATEMENT. 24-t- f TAILORS.. Receipts end Shipments. Flour Receipts, 28400 bbta.; ship, I ta condition lawn perfect WIUj put Clothes dsued ud pressed 1 a menta, 23,400 bbta. Corner tot. Twenty-secon- d mowers, old or sew, at reasonable FOR BALE 187 llth SL BeU 4heas 1162. Wheat Receipts, 61,000 bu.; Madison street month, Now York, April 17. The statement Ixl rad sivenue, called for. James R. rates. Work 126.400 bu. rods, pantry of tho clearing boose banks for the bouse, ud 24th Ind. phone 845: Allen, 454 Cora Receipts, 212,400 bu.; cellar. Address Mrs. A. D. Smith, week shows that tho banka held Bell phone 797. more than the legal reserve roomy 28 end 29, Woodmsuse Blk. 178,000 bu. FRATERNAL Oata Receipts. 306,000 bu.; ship, required. Thta ta an Increase of V DONE CURTAINS UP. meats. 268,200 bu. 660 as compered with last week. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUE FOR SALE Twe tots. 48 feet each, Rye Receipts, 17,000 bu.; The statement: Bull S75Y. up. done Curtains Phona of on nssr Msdtaon comer the ud 1,000 bu. Loans 91423,417,600; decrease, Council No. 777. Meets evud 22d street Inquire A. D. Smith, eryOgden Barley Receipts, 50400 bu.; chin-menWednesday evening at K. tf C 24th streeL Ml 24400 bu. Deposits 91,106493,200; decrease, ball. No. 9479 Wash. Ava at 9 o'clock VETERINARY SURaEON. On the produce exchange 91480400. today the Vlaittag members wslcoin AGENTS WANTED. Circulation, 960,008400; decrease, butter market was weak; creameries. Dl P. MILUKEX, graduate J. H. DsYINK O. K. veterinary 20a!5. w. j. MORAN, Fin. SeKy. dairies, 97400. 20a26; Calls tnswered night or MEN AND WOMEN'Cro making 111 surgeon. 976,766400; Increase, Includ-016at Eggs Steady, mark, cases Legs! tender, Feed Sale Ogden Office. to 2I n day selling our embroidery ud day. 92450.000. firsts, 15; prime flmts. ROYAL ARCANUM. Are. Both Stable, 2216 Wash. goods; no capital or experience re Bprie, 9211,126400; decrease, $!,003. 45SK. 6441 phone night not Write for phones; you? Why qulred. Cheese Steady, at 18al5. 100. - Tested, aened, rellabte. Fntsrnsl samples and exclusive agency. U. beneficiary Order, insures men at 9288462.600; Increase, Reserve, 487. Commercial bills, rates 484 and NtX 8. Omaha, Works, Embroidery reaunabta rate for one. two. or three MONEY. 9146.600. 483a. thousand dollar Accumulated emerReserve required, 9276445425; de65 X Bar silver. gency fund nearly three million doNew York, April 27. Close Prime crease, 1195.060. , Mexican dollars. 90. llar WE PAY syec: ladle or gentlsmu. Investigat Rocky Men n late Snrplns 812,246.775; Increase. 9641,-65- mercantile paper, 6a6 per cent Sterbonds steady, railroad 60 cents Government 81.00 to aa to No. 627, meets eeeend u-t from bur Council, with ling exchange steady actual bu. bonds firm. introduce ud adrertlse our remefoarth Fridays at A. O. U. W. ball. Ex United States deposits 920438,-925- ; oes in bankers bills at 481.10a25 and Med. call F. W. 8 tone. Regent; J. W. Wothe:-epoon- , dies. on sixty days Money dry or country. Car-ob- a 9651,025. 483.25a35 at for sixty day bills. Potted 80 increase 8356 are. Ce., OcUector; G B. Roberts, Bec'y. Washington day 4a Vi, six months, u u ... Turf .... .... ...... ...... ....... ...... .... ...... -- .... ........ e .... Go-Ca- ...... .......,,,.,,.,.8 ...... ........ - d 10-ac-re ... ...... M l mi a St. Twenty-fift- h C?lfota and Eastern ill 60a. Direct wire for all Prting events. 44; -- ii 0R MONUMENTS, carloads srtl of ". tosyISttuUy Iro COtnmUsloES k U thcB- OrtS It w tor Dsoorntton cti nraS 0ProaiTB CAFES. 111-246.7- 'wSf-JESTAURANT kwiltat A,1D n,QHT. tTCa 11 to mJS? Select I Prtvatn tot Ss? put up oa manor. Ovir.SyANY STYLE, LNIsrp?. 0N to " fto,tr 0.1 SHiT D'n," ndJ Rcstaurjnt Proprietor "a 9 ship-meat- s, ahln-ment- s, chin-meat- s, it eight-roome- u, s; Ogden. Utah. it,?1" riv,0-Dst- e. Every-r- t 000EN, UTAH. Utah Camp N I960, Modern Woodmen ut America, meets every Tuesday night at Eagle Hall, s p. m. Visiting members tail tad. J. 4a. 3. ' H. SHAFER, Oterk. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAA Leeoteh Council, No. I, D of Pm meets tbs first ud third Wednesday afternoons at 1:10, Eagle HalL Dura can bs paid te Susie Aides, C. of W, 112 86th SL Visiting members Invited. MARTHA A. MORRIS, Pocahontas ALICE COLLINS. K. tf K. . OOP FELLWWA Ogden Ledge No. 5, Jadspradmt Ortf Odd Fellow Meets in L O-F. hall every Tuesday evening. Visiting brothers cordially Invited te der be present J. W. BAILEY, Noble Grand. , msSEU Secretary. HENRY REBEKAH LODOA Meets oem Friday evenings at QUEEN CITY. No. 4, a O. F. halt foarth 1. ud Fellows' nd Odd baUL strost. Tweatr-fourt- h Visiting members Invited-IDBAKER. Noble Grand. GERTRUDE KOONfi, Secretary. e 10-ac- Exchange meetfsga every Tseaday erasing. A. T. HE8TMARK. Exalted Ruler. J. H. KNAUSS, Secretary. ORDIR OP WASHINGTON. a ... .... a KLKA A P. B. P. O. Elks Ogden Lodge No. 716. Lmdge and club rooms, eeeoed floor, 2416 Washington avenue. Regular -- -- Ogden a M. A. UOULD, V. C. MONET to salaried people without eecnrity or endorsement; te suit etthsr weakly or payments monthly; business oenldoutlaL Cell ud get D. terms Dl dlu-my Drake, bldg. FOUR BNAPR b lucks from Reed frame; WANTED' Young man to 471 1 STORE. GEO. ALLEN, C. CL L DOYLR, A and T. u WANTED Good range. Six-roo- m attend. Ogden Union. N 171. Order tf menu every Tuesday LOST Between 2lr4 fit ud Utahns Washington, ta A. O. U. W. at oclock I a Wash. enten. Drug Avo, evening Invited to eomradsi watcb geld Inscribed with graved Initials from P. 8. to IX T. Return Attend. WILLIAM DOYLE. PraaldeaL to 921 ISrd. WALTER RICHEY, Secretary. WANTED TO DUY. MODBRN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. FOR RENT house, 3109 Madtaou, after May leL Apply on prom teas. Z. male help wanteq, LOST Either takes by mistake or stolen, a Rambler Bicycle, from the hall of the Colonial rooming house. Slack frame, rod head, toft beadle tip cracked. K 24.102. 1609 model 810-l- f Notify Standard office. esrur F rn.taK.tfP.halL Washington avenue ud 8th stieeL are cordially invited to AU brothers LOST 4-- FOR RENT Tbs leading features ranged as follows: Wheat July, 24. 12, llttaV ; September, 86. 168s, 845fcaS6; December, hosso-keepta- WANTED A woman to do two or FOR RZNT-C- Maa . lUrulahod three daya buuweeork each week. with bath, torrosghiy roaovatod; atao light bvntTbrtplag rooms Ths Apply 724 Twsuty-tourtstreeL Cftonial. its 4U SL China. Manager. 6IM WANTED Girl for general houno-work-. BOARD and ROOM. Apply moraiug or evening, 724 Twontylounh sireob U BOARD aad room; alee, clean rooms. 104 Wash. 44-t- i GIRL for general housework. 2101 Wash. 4 394. BOARD and ROOM 449 84U strost WANTED Two girls to taka flours ta naming. Ogden General Hospital. FOR RENT, UNFURNISHED ROOMS FUTURES. Chicago, April 27. for light Feery Annw, 2436 Wash. WANTED Girl for general Turin v FOR RENT Newly fumisho4 room work. ' Center 25ih and Jefferson. tth bath, also light houMkooplag - CHICAGO 117 26th. CHANGED Stocks todays stock market, although tho tone was improved. The scanty dealings were largely ooooentretod as usual lately ta half n doses stocks. Bank statement proved more favorable than had been anticipated and this had some helpfnl effect on stocks although the prevailing ase of the money market detracted from the Importance attached to the Ahowtag of the banks Loans were reduced to n emsjl extent, marking y subsidence apparently of the heavy transfer of toons from interior New York banka which has been forcing an expansion of New York bank loans for several weeks past. The cash Item also showed small gain In place of th expected decrease. Abroad, the London market was reported to be effected by tha prospscet of a further heavy withdrawal of gold for shipment to Parts oa Monday. Considerable speculative activity Is being diverted to the wheat market aad strength continued today ta that cereal. Bums significance wna attached to the slgne of strong demand for New York real estate Indicated by the course of sales la Pittsburg and Inferences which were Issued of n tarp available supply of capital seeking investment ta that field. The bond market, however, has been appreciably firmer ta the past two days. Trial sales of bonds, par ralue, furuUhod Elegantly Room 64, Opera Monse. PO REST Large room for railroad Bum. 114 2ih. 9414m must all be paid in EXCEPTING BUS! houses running open e tiiements ADVANCE. HbXT room. LOST. FRATERNAL ORDER OF KAOLKS Fraternal Order tf Eagles. OgJea Aerie. No. ill, F. O. E, moots every Menday evening in Eagle hall, nut Reed hotel, at 6:04. Vtalting Brothtf er Kagiea are tavlted to attend the Aerie meeting T. C. MORRIS, W. ProetdraL D. T. TRACY? Secretary. DR. H. R FORBEA Aerie PhysicUa FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD N 171 T. F. B. fourth Turadnyn at W. htfL Ytaittag members eordtally invited. D. H. ADAMS, Prdaidaot IDA BECKER, Secretary. B. F. MlfiCH, Trraarr. Ogdra meets Lodg ud aeorad l.nulaA.O.U. ' - OODEN LODGE NO. 1, Ol OF H. OGDEN IODGB NO L fi OF H B'eets to A of P. Hdl tho first end third Wednesday afternoons tf auk month at 8:86 p. m. SUSIE SIMS, tf H. JEANETTE MILL, Plunder. U JENNIE PROUT. Reoorder. d WOODMEN OF THE WORUX Weber Gamp N 74. meets ta K. P. hsU ta Utah Nstleeal Buk Dvtldlag every Thursday nvmlag at I oclock. VislUpg Woodmen sordidly tf invited to sttaad. aa T. C. MORRIS, EL AUTH, Clerk. First Buk Building. Nstirad KNIGHTS OF FVTMIAA Ogdon Lodge No. 8, Knights cl Fythlae, meets nt Castle HaU, Utah Nattoul Bank bnlMlng, every MutAll K. tf P.e requested iny evening. ee. te meet with W. B. U J. UNDERWOOD, O. M. at F. A GEIGER, N. MEAsiK. a tf A ud . OF WOODCRAFT. WOMEN Sage Lily arete. No. led, meets ev-eeeoed ud fourth Friday night at 7:16. In K. of P. halL Vtalting aotghborg eordlally Invited. DAISY CASHMORR G. N, 117 Tracy aveeu KATE HETMAN, Clerk, S99 14 Urd fitrooL Wonei of Woodcraft, Ogden Circle 881, meets every Tuesday night nt 7:96 oclock, A cf P. hdL VUll Nnfgsbors tavitod. Dues eu b paid et the sfloe tf E2 Autk, ths afternoon tf the llth tf each First National Bank BMg. . ALICE COLLINS, O. N, 2699 aPlane Avo. MARIE CRTTES, Clerk, roe 8781 Men- - Av LADIES OF THE MACCASEEA Sliver Hive No. L meet the second m, and fourtk Tuesdays at 9:30 K. of C. hall No. 8741 Weak, avenue. Visiting staters sordidly Invited. BB8.7S SEBRINQ, L. LtCT NBLSON, A A a KNIGHTS OF THE MACCASEEA Ogden Tent, No. 24. meets the see-on- d ud fourth Friday evenings, nt f o'clock sharp, ta 1. O. O. F. halL Flatting Knights eordlally invited to attend. J. W. HALSBf. Oemmuder. F. F. BOND, Recorder Ke BROTHERHOOD OF AMIRIOAN Yeomen, Ogden Homestead No. 1968, meete every tint aad third Friday night at 7:10 ta Wneh are. VUItlBg archers cerdidly tavlted with us. Frank A WlaeL Foiemu, 2118 to meet Lincoln. Mabel Turner, correspondent, 2211 hloffit nr |