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Show OGDEN, UTAH. TRE MORNING EXAMINE!!, SrUMl Kiuw ef which the ia f la bus f00 district, Uri ht. bugnla si ; down rad tha brirace tTJ "Sum Si ll-ito- K5TS-piS- ? "So closets. Into pantiy. two and eoaiplata n'y l600: ESSSTiBu. STt . baunca seme aa Sl InVegMt jSsmail lot ea le the bench. near to alley only pay-- eat down, balance a few of those 133 and these lota are our Isadora, of any value boat the balaaco 1 Ogden; 1 towa and tho Sir wh no Interest a.d no taxes. Hoot snap soar tho government that will hiUMtn: business property a sold at the rate cl reridenc prop Ptr. if you want to purchase some will thine as aa Investment which nest three la Talue during the JSra, you should look at this prop- "wacHMT . P"? VL0 new four room houses, within Rio Qraude depot; Mf a block of thebrand uow, will pay houses are omTsb oue-haper cent Interest per ifflith ou tha Investment. If you hare money U Invest It wlU ho arouspare to look Into thin proposition, eU tha two together, and if iVant some Umo I wiU take aonemail the garment down and giro time If you are Interested, call bslauM. In and we will talk It over. This la tha host year wa have ever estate In hag for the purchase of real Otden. It to becoming fashionable to an your own home. I sold nineteen beets out of the list that I adverttoed ibis paper Immediately preceedlag this list. Tlile list only contains n fbw of our bargains. Call and uea me snd we will talk It over; will sell you s lot or a house, or It you have n lot 1 will furnish yon the money to build you e home. lf J. J. BRUMMITT 2374 Wash. Am. Both phones 771. Garden Seeds Now it the time to plant. Our store is the place to buj jour seeds. I was in the big lire, as jou all remember, and all my old stock was burned. Our new and is the to Ogden. stock has arrived best ever brought THAT ARE SURE TO GROW 6EEDS Flour, Hay or Grain ES OR SMALL QUANTITIES. LARGE Remember, we carry a fall line of that famous Pratt's Poultry Food for animals ud poultry. W. T. ASTILL oth Phenes. 2264 Wash A vs. Oranges Lemons . brand sew outfit from tip u tor try spring and fall. Mrs. li. H. Oh. Happy ! If ou only Ho a to Overcome Freak Stroacs would! (Goes out aith brin-- ) Shots Barred. H. H. If i only would! Aad that woman doesn't realise yet ihai I've r Will the ahspr it the (Continued From Page Ten ) been figuring on that one problem lor iht tiuicunie table be altered the last ten years! Blue smoke and dom. and he didn't show himself much huly sake! How la a man le nuke a ot tu. tarctcsl results which have fola ouan understand, anyway? 1 give it lowed the invention and perfection of In public. It was supposed then the chief purpae of hi viirtt was to up. (Buries his head iu capitalist the now fatnoua "six nor stroke? Thi la a question which is beiug get Rutland to block the French game. paper, read oolumm on Our National On that occasion he paid a viu to Prosperity.) rioualy discussed. The prmtt-u- i ubie, it Is cuo trended, lend itself to freak tha Queen at Wlndaor Cwtle. He was billiards, sad no sooner is one stroke neelgnad to a magnificent suite of SHE PREFERS SOCIALISTS TO than aome player Invents another rooms on the first floor, which ROYALTY. which oerve the same purpose, reducto what Amuricua would call the second floor. But. despite tnelr ing the gams to an nigomatic exhisumptuous furnishings. It became apAgain (he Countses of Warwick haa bition of skill on the part of the playparent that hi drnahy Majsetr was the company of aorUIiata and tha er who succeed in getting going far from comfortable In them Then company of crowned heads, and again first. A more drastic reform than a mere the truth leaked out. It 1 cuau.mnry her choice has been for the company in Siam for the monarch to sleep at of socialists. tinkering" with the roles la evidently the top of the house, leare hear 8 ebway andat!tM(pfwp Mc?L qrfUX needed, and a suggestion ha been and that anybody should occupy At the opeulng of tha British psrlln-mea- t made, aad ha already found many r apartments nearer the realms of the It was naturally expected that supporters, that the present table should be changed for blessed than himself did not accord the eownteas would behold the gorwith hie notion of what was due to geous spectacle from the seat she an elliptical oval table. Many adhie rank and dignity. So ha was shift- was entitled to occupy In the peer-eae- i' vantage! are claimed for tee Idea, ed to an attic room, and though of gallery. And the counts her- Here arw aome of teem: (a) A mors advanced field for th necessity It was a far meaner apart- self expected to occupy her customment, he was more than pleased to ary aeat until tt was brought to her exposition of tha possibilities of modmake the ehanga attention that tha socialists Intended ern skill. (b) Tho Introduction of more scienDuring his absence from Bangkok e have a parade of the unemployed tha Crown Prince, Somdetch Chowfa on the same day that the parUamenaiy tific play. (c) A fresh attraction to tec spectaVajiravudh, will oBclate as Regent. function we scheduled to take plnoe. He was educated In England and is That settled tt with tha count. tor who has tired of tho time worn uppoaed to be a highly cultured Straightway aha subscribed IS pounds strokes. young man. It may be regarded, per- to assist to defraying the expenses (d) Th Impossibility of such haps. as proof of his acquisition of of the parade, and addressed the fol- strokes as tea anchor" and pat, dfcftlnctly English tastes that ha fell lowing letter to the manager: (e) Although the some length and Dear Comrade: Now that 1 know width tee table can be placed In a violently In love, a few years ago, with M obeli Oilman. tha American actress, about your march I am sending hack much smaller spec. who was then appearing in the Ca- my peeress' ticket. Knowing what an With such s table no stroke need sino Girl" in London. He wanted to object lesson your march would be, be barred. The billiard eput at the marry her and make her his No. 1 how oould I, without shame, dressed top would be ao placed that it would Queen when he ascended the throne. In satin, drive through the street be practically Impossiole for the strikShe didn't fancy tha position and sub- guarded by police to the sacred pre- er to perform the spot stroke, aad, of jected the lovelorn prince to n deal of cincts of West minster end see my com- course, with the circular cuahkm the ridicule by publishing his love letters. rades watching me? cradle cannon would he wiped out enAs everybody knows, aho la soon to On the English aide the Countess of tirely. marry Hr. Corey, the multimillionaire Warwick represents tea type now The series of angles which havo president of the United States Steel becoming familiar in America of one hacumo the veriest A, B. C to th exTrout. Aa hiu wife she will have a far with Intoneifled capitalistic affiliations, port player would be things of the better time, no doubt, than she would associations and Interests boldly mak- paL New and wonderfully interestget aa head of tha Crown Prince's ing war on bin clnaa by indorsing so- ing varieties would bo Introduced household. . But aha went be able to cialism. with tea peculiar effects which arias wear bluotuerw. E. LISLE 8XKLL. Tbs owner of 23,000 acres of land, from a curved cuahkm. In fact, tea sdeatifle player would and a social leader of tea first magnihave to remodel all hla theorise, and consideration selfish might tude, every INTEEHAIIOHAL SOCIALIST reasonably have been expected to tha gams would for him receive a under cause her to assist in maintaining, or fresh charm and fiotelty-'whlcat toast to demist from attacking, tha present conditions tt haa long lost. An oval table haa already been patsystem of Industry that haa given (Continued from Page 12.) her groat wealth end, tndirecly, high ented, but whetesr U will be nhln to make itself heard under the pressocial position. ing us avary day naw ways to uae But notwithstanding bar dm Inter- sure of modern conditions remains to hitherto Idle toil, or Increase the ests she yielded to socialist arguments be seen. New York Express. fruits of that now tilled. and since her eepansnl of the cause Two hundred and fifty thousand eh has permitted no one to outdo her BUREAU. square miles of coal bads, an area In the seal with whloh she has gone greater than the British Isles, with about her work of spreading her folth. new methods of forestry and naw She has repeatedly a tamped tee prov- Extraordinary Number ef Cease. sources ef electricity, guarantee an ince in behalf of socialism and fresupply of heat and power. quently makes addressee In London. One agricultural report tells us that o Since It establishment, tee tha Yasoo Delta of the Mississippi Bureau of tho Salvation Army The capitalist never refuse tee river alone, If properly cultivated, workingman tho right to a Job looking has dealt with aome 600 case, and hu could clothe the world with cotton, for a Job. demonstrated the need whloh existed while another says that the grnslng for ouch an Institution. A network of agencies all over Enggrounds of tha single state, of Mon. millionaires realise what weve tana could supply ua with all woolen got,Wewhile seems to land, tha Continent, America and Ausclass tea working garments. . tralia has been built up. realise what It haa not got So wa might go to almost any length merely One cf tha officials la on interview stated that on tea previous telling of the natural wealth stored yesterday not the made mayor go; Money only within our national boundaries, waiton that day. n singularand again day, there. new mayor get ing to bo changed Into forma that It also made the ly large number of cases had been will feed, bones, cloths and amuse or eeajt with. I dont know, he said, whether or not the holidays have educate the people who live hern. MARXIAN CLUB SOCIALISTS Not only tho Batumi resources had anything to do with It, but yesterof this onintry boundless la their day wa had about 20 applications for (Continued from Page 12.) extent, but the tools with which the advfoa, and today wa have had a number more. people turn these raw materials Into One man who colled tea other day flood, clothing, shelter and ether things labor now going on, caa you deny that satisfy their natural wants are that their condition la steadily grow- olmply told as ef hla utter destitution ing worae? and hope lasso d would say nothmarreloualy perfect. B. J. No, I cannot. on to hla former position or tea It might easily ha possible for n ing U. 8 In the light of both these reasons for hla plight After ho had man with only n sharpened stick of called on us ones or twice ha told Polish sd atone to starve on the most facte together - B. J. Something must be done about hla story. Ho had been a vicar, but fertile soil, or frees above boundless coal bed, or suffer In many ways amid tt, and dona quick. through drink had loot hla position, U. 8. By curbing tec capitalists by and there had been domestic diffplentiful natural wealth. But today iculties, which combined, led him setha toola used la tha production of law? B. J. Wall wealth have attained a perfection unriously to contemplate suicide. U. S. No, Jonathan,' curbing by tow A German doctor whom we found dreamed of In any previous age. slaveholder as tha In n moot desperate strait from finan,The former can produce from ten to will not stead. Just n hundred times as much aa the farm- waa fettered by his material Interest cial loos and Inability to keep to rather a practice, la sailing tor Canada, er of revolutionary times who toiled and oould not fre or even ameliorate the condition of Us slaves, tha capi- hla family haring bean randy on our with wooden plow, sickle and flail. The mechanic, with steam and elec- talist earn not give up hla mines and appeal to place at our disposal 9500 factories, or Improve (he lot of hla to help him. tricity at his command, turning mam- workmen. Aa long aa wags slavery A clergyman has appealed to ua to moth and intricate machinery, often fate of the wega alava must help a son of bis who has left the Uni accomplishes a hundred to a thousand stands, (he worse. Juat as tea planta- varsity, baring foiled to take his detimes more than tha foliar of earlier grow ever s. tion lord was forced to maltreat the gree, and taken to drink and had ream. hi was ) chattel slave who through Contrast too, (ha driver of the ox There have hen two esses In whloh team with a locomotive engineer, or feudal right, in order to keep hla own hand above water, eo tho factory lord after applying for advice, and whilst tha worker in a modern steel mill to compelled for the same reason, to teelr cases were still la hud at ten with the village blacksmith. offices, tee applicants hare actually No man, woman or child need lack maltreat tha wage Slavs, who become the masters taken (heir own lives. This prove tea nay necessity of Ilfs la tha United a slave byof reason ofwhich the slave reality ef the Intention of property States because of the niggardliness of ownership in tee minds of the nppllosnta for nature, nor because man does not need in order to Uvn All that oould being un- assistance. Fifty case have been tokhave tha toola with which to change ever be sold about slavery and a sin In tha aye of en up la which persons had actually tha .raw material Into form that will christian God can be applied with tripled end attempted suicide, and have been dealt relieve human wants. quadrupled force to the present Indus- with eatisfoctorily. The despairing creatures who come DAILY ANNALS OP THE HAPPY trial system. It also will hnva to go. Getting together and compromising to tha bureau seem to derive greet HOMES. will prove Just aa devoid of help for consolation from the mere fact of havthe wege slave ns they did for the ing someone bo will listen arm pa. SUNDAY CLOTHES. . chattel slave. The working class of ths tically to the recital of their story Mrs. Happy Home Now, Happy the land to font waking up to thin fact, and give them advice. I Happy Homo, have got tha children and by organising In the Industrial In one Instance related by the offall ready for divines worship, after Workers of the World end the Social- icer a bad held the position of a thro bourn of hard struggle and noma ist Labor Party, la drilling Itself to doctor's dispenser, but had lost his misgiving! aa to tha fitness of soma possession of the means of pro- situation through giving way to drink. parts bf their various wardrobes. Tor duction and distribution and run them He carried e bottle which contained instance, Algernon! got hi new suit for the benefit of the whole people, ounce ud a half of prussic add and hta new shoes, but his waist to and not of the parasites. . Aad If tho about with him for aeverel days Afthem la a very frayed and faded, and dar to oppose armed force ter walking up ud down outaldo tea Inartistic patch oo the leg of his stock- parasites to the trill of the people, (which, aa oflicee tor several hours ond three coning. Alfreds has her new hat and they are a coward class, they prob- secutive days, h came In ud laid bis dross, hut her ahoes are terribly stub- ably wont do), fores on tea part of case before one of the officials. Showbed, and no amount of polish will tha people will teen become every ing vrillingneM to work, he waa given make them look like new. Margue- whit as Justifiable if not mors tonailing fire bricks eoguethlng rite's gloves era worn out at the fing- ss it did for the Abolitionists. atreeto-o- nd be proved la In the ers, and her laundered neck ribbon B. J. So It will; and may I ha that way hla sincere desire to help naw I waist Oh, hate there to help! Weakly People. don't match her able to arrange for himself, we this kind of conglomeration Do yon him to go to CU ado." London Leadd hear me Happy? I say it aint In er. THE SECONDARY GENIUS. with my artistic nature to wear old shoes with new beta, and old ribON FIRE AT SEA. If we remember only the greatest bons with new waists. It looka like poor trash,'' thats what it does. It nemea lu tha arts and sciences Terrible Experience In the Pacifle looka like tried and oouldnl."" If I Shakespeare, Newton, Beethoven ae Ocean. not know should true the to history of tvgard the holy hadn't been raised achievement. human Uka Senator Hoar and 8abbeth Id stay at home A heartrending story of (he perilous other heathen and yon. Ton stay at once said that tee hulk of tee worlds adventures and hairbreadth accepts of home, then? No, I will not stay at work haa been wrought by a vest quancrew of the Carnarvon Comic, a home. I must have the children tity of commonplace persona who did the Liverpool ship, which was destroyed broaghVnP reverential and pious, even their beat. It la also true that tha by fire while on a voyage from Liverworld's tea bulk finest of set a heathenish doe work haa father If their pool to Melbourne, cornea to hud with example. Yon wouldnt go If you felt been done by a multitude of secondary the Australian malL la ms what makes It geniuses. ns I doT Well, Leaving Liverpool on Nov, 3,- tea The science have bean brought to feel like I do? Aint It the disgrace of on aha to when be fire found drip was g this everlasting poverty? Ain't It tha teelr present state not only by out, ud bad reaohed n 90 days wu dtooorerica, but the toll in withering, bllthing eoudousnees of by spot about 656 miles aouthwaat en south never having enough to stretch over thousands of laboratories of of Cape Leeuwln, West Austra shrank blanket names a whose teelr like needs vmly our all colleagues Look at Marguerite, with know, who have contributed etch hla lia. in wlater her skipper, hu Oapt Evan JoeA like scientific labor rise true of bit fightap and spirit declared her flits doubled up test teesw waa a sudden reholes the her la ach Twenty congressmen, with a er, trying to hide like n dl tut gunshot, ud the fflovea Look at Algcnum there ngAlnat touch of the sUteiqiau'a genius, might port whole Inetutly aflame. ship the wall, with one lag twisted around dp more for the country than one globourn the craw, who numfive PYr tha other so no on can see the patch rious leader whose name goes round bered 7, fought the flames with exon his stocking. Why, It's uow what the world. An anthology of the lesser but their efforts wera hausting energy, are you laughing at, Happy? It ain't poets makes a precious volume, and they had to fly to unsuccessful, better than (he eniiaeg a toughing matter, I tell you. And If yon wa a man with feeling you works of any post but the greatea Tha captain and 16 men took to the When Leslie Sephan died he waa life would weep with me over It, no you and tee chief officer and ton indeed os tha great pedestrian, not menSyr, would. Laugh, spoken of their plnoen In the other, ud took I Lord aint only because ha indulged In walking-matches- , there they watched the Caniavoa CasHappy Home Oh, bnt because he did hla life's' tle. filled with a cargo of spirit ud laughing I'm Just Oh, inflammable Say, for goodness' sake do take your work In Titer ture at a steady, material, bum Hs never made a glor-to- highly to the level of the waters. gait patched up brood off to Church, to I practically caa St a chance to figure out a way spurt, never on one pegs achieved Berea days, they estimated, would to get each and every cue of yon a great literary utterance. bring them within night of land, but HALF-E80IHE- a fair aampla. svn Good fcUow-ki- OVAL BILLIARD TABLES. MOST PICIUaiSQUE OF RULES CALLS HIMSELF THE SUN'S j. J. brummitt R" pit-s.-u- curre-apoml- t.i-har- a two-squa- h ANTI-SUICID- After-Holida- Anti-Buicld- . eas-ron- . oom-puton- Bananas Dates Figs Fine Red Apples GROCERIES i The Best on the Market Prompt Delivery E. A. OLSEN 2259 Washington Ave. ti u u -- ae-cor- r Plendld stock aids toct Just what you Cons Stock remedies will be a Peclaity with us. 2" ni POULTRY SUPPLIES. T- - B. . HAY Heller Son and CRAIN, epoch-makin- AIUII. SUNDAY, i: req-.i-'.-- 13 vt i Unible Jays. i da.i ::c ikiatg kept com-the- n for-!b ighr of each oth-tTheir wipp uf gave out. Mt water aunii and at last, batiug been wi.!.,u.i fresh utter for Fur .I Estes Doctor Specialist (i i r. nw evea days and rut--si for four days, of i he men Urcama delirious. To terrible for void were their suffering, a they uawd about on (be- ocean. When sit lost, on Fb. Isthe mote's boat sighted Rnthneat tl, land and met a fishing boat with n bottle of water on brerd. the raving men nearly vwmpcsl the boat lu teelr mad rush for It. Lotor in the some day the rap tala' bust reached Capa MaiurellMe In a sorry plight, and a government steamer look them to Fremantle, where they rejoined the mou ot the mate's boat is hospital. Tv of tee mes In the captain's boat had auocumbed on the water, ud other, an apprentice, died soon after being landed. On that dreadful Journey th captain's hoot more thu one wu acred from destruction only by u miracle, A number of sharks expectantly follow ed the boat day after day. and hug creature nearly overture d th boat. Rising out cf tee water, it rained its hungry Jawa to the gunwale, hut am apprentice, with rare presence of mlud, supped a lifebelt ecrouud it snout, and the monster disappeared lifebelt as well. An extraordinary incident took place Jure before the rapt ala's host reached land. The frutic crew, with the young apprentice dying before their eyes, righted n flaking hut muned As the ftriting boat by forelgnere. draw near, they Shouted to the foreignera, printed to the unconscious youth, ud made agonised appeal for frekh water. Tho foreigner, without troubling (p pare, looked woo daringly acrore th short dlfUnce that asperatsurvivors, ed teem from tee sailed away, without ud nonchalantly offering the slightest help. London Lender, Cures when ether fell. oeaeultaUeu for say Chrome Every rvrI - 1 !t -- aos yield Teld BIO nt war List of Bise&ses Cool Onaanh, Deafness Ringing to tea Ror Bmau Ah tite-urf tee Head. Threat, Ims Ifyw or vf tee Tessa, Bronchial Tubas sad (had rnah. liver: Ktoae?a iri'Mathr. Mae Memo H . . Nervous Tsoubtoo. ExTM (tonus, PH tain nod ril Reate Trouble Tape Worm, Jhmi Haurateg team any enure Dmreeea pearitar to Vernon. tiff MRN qutohjp eared to stay enredL ember te examreellre and advice b-nt-Cl Cane eg ones w may be to laa. CeE or rite u DR. us I ESTES, SPECIALIST Are (fieri teeaetnhre BINGCR MUBT REDUCE loo fat It spoils their appegrafece. GIRTH OR LOPE JOB. They raaaot sustain tha Illusion of thrir parts. Supposing a run pom on Oarar Hammerateln, tee picturesque n suit of lights ud a Jerkin and comes ud ensuring New York grand opera out on tho stag w alng Ormond In director a boa remarkable life story TravUta. Supposing ho hu such a le told in the May American Magaatne, large what you call it ah, tom fa It: 1 now after the fa I mam bore of hie supposing ha haa such n targe what company. If they want to sing for you arid that the people oaaaot help Oscar they must rednre their girth! looking at teat laatead ef hta lore Here are Mr. Hammerstala's very what kind ef a ouseem can he make? words: Fuhl It to foritafeneoa. Yea, tt la true that I have told Big. Signor Anooaa hu e wide reperAncona that he mud take off five toire. He slug In Dun Oierasat, Inches from around the bolt or ho he alnge In Travtam, la 'Rigelotte,' aunot alng In my opera house next in Carman. He I a good elnur asaaca. I told him 'that several days end the people applaud him. Nt aad ho got very mad. After he taegino what must be th todtareea ago WILL ABOLIBH BTENOORAFHY. had got through bring mad he arid result If fee to too hit. Think of n that he would no n doctor ud find Onrmea foiling in tore with n tasenflnf Telegraphone Premises to Bo a Mast out what fee eoeld do about that who hu snob n greatness sheet the Useful Modern Invention. waistband. I told him (hot was good. middle: telak of hla bring a bull"I doat want my singers to get fighter anyway, tt to ridtaatou." The teleir phone, tha latest aad moot wonderful electrical Invention of the age, le on exhibition at the chamber of commerce ud during the past weak has attracted the Interest of than sands of person. Tha tolcgraphooa la tha Invention or discovery of n Dutch telephone engineer named Voldemar Itoulaen, who ooncrivad th Mu that tinder proper oondkioe magnetism eeuld be absolutely localised at the point of cutset In hard steel. . This waa revolutionary to tha fond omental known town of magnetism. Pontoon prosecuted hla experiment ud at law wu able te unounee the oorreotnea of hla hypothesis la n orade illustration at th Paris exposition. Tha discovery eo completely reversed the aocopted principles of magnetism that whan ha later sought petrol In America hi application was the grouad that hla Invendenied tion wu Impossible. ' rude l It la a for cry from contrivance to the perfected Instrument uow in practical us in New on exhibition la Ldb AnYork ud geles. Tha operator now talk onto n fine, naked atari wire or onto n steel disc. There hla voice remains to be reproduced Inter at pleasure. By YYe have In operation on of the new Ideal lawn ' Momar actual test the hnmu veto ao recordwa to before yon have examine Ilka would that you many Bharponern ed hu been reproduced have your Mower sharpened again. There to nothing Ilk tt on tee 40,000 times with deterioration. Tha market. By Its uae sack blade la sharpen ad with tbs utmost axaotl-tudwire of the dlac caa be rubbed or te bevel oa tho knivaa being kept nt tha umo degree ril along. scratched, or rusted ud burnished with emery paper without effecting Every laocuraey la taken out and a perfect clearance" given the blades. tha record. Only la ou way cu tha record ba destroyed nod then It la Mere good Mowers ere spoiled by feungleaome sharpening thu n , sponged nS Instantly, aa rieu aa by the work they are Intended to do. There's aa guauwerk" about the Ideal It la dimply accurst a to n hair. slate, aad la then randy for n new record. ring Your Cranky Mavrere to Our Remedial IneMtuta for Die- Tho quality of tea speech and tbs abled Lawn Mewara." tame of the nude reproduced la ea doctored. Price only 79 cents and n cere 'em have sad property tha moat nearly soft aad clear gw nataed. over a truamterioa perfect perfect telephone. Thera la no mechanical grating scud boaaue te record to electro2S2t WASHINGTON AVE, OFF. CITY HALL The magnetic and not mechanical. WILL' CALL AND DELIVER 7272. Bell Fhone operator literally talks Into the mole'The tetogrshpoae hu cules of It perfected the telephone beaaue records perfectly bote ends of any tala, conversation. Contracts, phonic broken orders, conference or tore ell meeaages over the tale phone now he preserved on n spool of wire ud reputed a 1 laities number cf times. A business man cu have a transmitter on hie desk and dictate all hla letters te n typewritIF YOU BUY A. ing bureau, whom the totters cu ba typewritten tad out hack for signature, mailing, etc. Personal tetter need now no longer be written, but era be talked onto n wafer ef etui end sent through tee mails wttbo or without' aa envelope for a stamp. Th length of th reproduo-tioto only limited to the length of th wire, ao tent whole opens or entire plays cu ha llatnad to at home AIpo we want jour KODAK bnmaei. Full line of EAST without Interrupt km and with th oriall supplies for the aiua MAN A PREMG KODAKS ginal quality of tone or articulation will and actors. want your bicycle put here or tha it teur. Hpring Bingen employed by jou Tha power of this atrugo Uttle InOur repair department hai been enlarged an, order. in strument to drew the speech of prices are right about friend out of n cold piece of tori, where It lie beyond tee detoo-tioef the moat powerful mliroeoope, hu somuthlfag nneuny about It FAMOUB u the-Ara- u u u e. -- u H. C. HANSEN 0. SON at. Your Expectations Will Be Realized cu tele-grxpho- " RACYCLE BICYCLE n utf u a Ne Twe T. S. HUTCHISON BY PALATE. IDENTIFICATION Human Mouth Sami. 306 Are Tha TWENTY-FIFT- H STREET. u Dr. Paul Prefer, army surgeon la Vienna, who hu made a special study of methods of MenUflcatloo. recommend teat prisoners should be Identified by the shape of their palate. Ha thlaka the system for more afftoacteus thu by finger prints. Dr. Proger declares that the method would be much mere reliable thu any at present need, for among the thousands of moulds he hu taken of th Interior ef th human mouth he haa foiled to find two which even lightly resembled each other. , He says test though tee teeth alter greatly with time, the marking of th palate remain unchanged throughout life. The Individuality of the print to greeter end more pormuut than that of any other part of tee body, end n detective force which possessed a would large collection of mouth-mexld-e hare guide Infinitely safer thu n gallery of finger priaU. London Express. E. F. BRATZ Real Estate Bargains In pny port of the City and County. Loan on Improved ttty nnd Farm Property Promptly Negotiated. Fire, Tornado and Plate Glass Insurance ly Wiitilngten Avenue. Both Phones. Ptrtul Free malbaem of any GENIUS. Mr. Kawner How la Johnny clerk? ting along aa the grocer's ' Written in Strong and Safe Companies at Lowest Rates. get- Mrs. Creaaway Wall enough, I guess. Ha ou tie up n package with e knot (hot yoe eral uUe te save your Ufa. and yet R11 oomc untied to sell aa aeon oa yau gat on tea titan with it Chicago Tribune. 419 25th Street . Opposite Reed Hotel PHONES: 426 AND 420Z. I |