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Show TOE MORNING EXAMINER, OGDEN, T'TAII. SUNDAY, - APRIL 2, 1007. In Kentucky. TWO BAD MEN i CAUGHT BY Turle Dick. hoa mluy toddies dor he Coluael drink every da)?' Well, o' see. Dos 1 rais at- - siigar de Kunnel leaves in de glass, an inng erhout de middle of the evening I gets fuddled an loses count. WANT ADB YIELD BIG REBULTB. OS MUd OFFICERS In the Basement tomorrow we will sell Ladies 75c SUMMER WAISTS for OQ C J ... A clever game of hideaad-aeewaa played at 1 oclock yesterday morning by Sergt. Tout and Merahaut Patral-R- . D. Plncock on one die of the treat and T. J. Lukas sad Stephen Quins oa tha other. The oOcere forced th game to iha surprise of Lukoe and Quian. who were leaded la tha dty Jail sifter aa exceptionally busy evening. By following la the footsteps of tha pair, after their play had been spalled at the very point of auocme, It waa discovered that Chrlataarea'a shoe store, Mrs. Warner's millinery store ang tha building ooonpied by tha Ifmillinery establishment, had beaa entered. Picketts and Evans grocery stores were visited but ef the five attempts euly three were tamed to the credit of the burglar. From Chrlatlae-een- a (114.75 were takes float tha till Losses at Warner's sad Lgona' hare not yet bees determined, but It la thought that nothing waa secured at either ptooe. The meaner of reining sat ranee to the buildings attests to th ability and daring of Lukes and Quinn. They used skeleton keys ou the frost doers worked hi the faU glare ef the street lights, safe lights, sad la sight ef any neftuririaa who might hare been oa the sidewalk. Ae It happened Tout sad Plaoook ware perhaps tha ocly other pereons oa the etreets 1 atdea kaye mad to fit tha ordinary door lock, akalatoaa tor Tale locks were found among the affects ef the i. At Pickctra and Ereaa' the heya would net work, at after Jamming the locks somewhat, thee places were given up. K la believed the robbers worked with the aadatanee of a etool pigeon," so when John Slovene, young man, flailed at tha polios station thla morning to Inquire concerning Quinn and Lukas, ha waa promptly k Off Sample Silk Petticoats One-four- th This line conust s of wuiueus, misses and extra siae skirts iu black, brown, navy, off l grays and checks. AH new goods, good styles, and excellent materials. our low cash prices makes this a rare akirt bargain. (Alterations extra.) In addition to the sample line we offer your choice of our entire line of new skirts (and it's the biggest and best line in the State), at a discount from regular price. (Altera tions free.) Une-thin- 1 1 7 Travelers Sample Skirts One-thir- offers the ease of soft, pliable leather and the elegance of smart styles; made permanent by the very best material and skilled workmanship. ni Off d HANAN Believed to Bo tha Fellow Whs Robbed the jewelry Store in Salt Lake Clever Capture. right lively time weve planned for tomorrow and tliia week in the baaement. The manager of the Second Floor said to the mauager of the basement: Ill sell you these .It was a great waist for so lunch. Said the mauager of the basement, 111 take em. bargain every single waist is this seasons style some are white, some are neat figures, some are trimmed with embroidery. All are cool, summery waists, the goods of which could not be bought for the price we ask. Each customer may have two waists not more and there will certainly be some en thusaistie customers when they see the waist s which will be sold here for 39c. 'A THE HAD ENTERED THREE BUSINESS HOUSES AT NIGHT. About 25 good silk patticoata in this lot, ranging at sale price from $4.90 for a $6.50 petticoat to $10.50 for a $14. CO petticoat. Plaids, blacks and colors. Covert Jackets at a Big Saving To our regular line weve added & travler's. samples and offer your pick of the and more. J'his gives yfciu about IK) tuew: style whole line at a saving of " ' jackets to pick from. Not an old one in the lot. one-fourt- h Entire Line of Newest Wool Suits F6r Monday and Tuesday we offer your pick of all the Panama and Voile Buits at a discount. Every style la a new one and people tell vs this is the beat and biggest showing in Ogden. During the past week we're added some novelties to the line and it. is an updo-dat. showing. SHOE CO. DEE-STANFO- RD SOLE AGENTS WHY BE SISK? (Buw(b ESobb ar-ntti- e By Skulking along In tha friendly darkness ef doorways ud entrance to upper stories. Tout ud Plncock la working their way atoao to Lukoe and Quinn as they pursued their aootarnal work, alert aad const anti y oa the lookout for officers. Tha petrolmu ou boat they oueoeeafully avoided. Fran their hiding piece Tout and Plmoock saw both tbteres coma from Warner's mllllaery store. Awaiting a favorable momuL they stopped Into the open ud glared Luhoa ud Quinn under arreot Employes ef (bo shoe store were positive in Identifying a (5 Mil tabu from tha mosey collected about tha penena at Lakes aad Qatua this morning. Combined with the evidoooe la poeuwdoa of the ofltoere, the police are JuMlut ever what they oocalder a sure cast against two had mu. A grip belonging to Lukoa waa (ound title morning containing a miscellaneous assortment of clothes aad Jewelry. Two orereueU, ou revolver, three irtda combe, set with real or Imitation diamond a, a aet consisting of a comb, minor and brush, a package of sea hell, souvenir cards ud several night gowns were among the contents of the grip. The police are working to unrovar additional plunder, believed to be cached in the city. Balt lake authorities are of the belief that these mm are tha case who robbed Daynre' Jewelry tore and offloer will arrive thla afternoon ud examination of the goods In make tbolr poeaeaaton la an attempt to fix retponaihlllty on them, if guilty. auo-ceod- W R I G If T i , 9 ' L topography of the bland, Its resources and its relative value, aa one of our poaaewtona. He also described, in part, the people of Porto RIoo, their demands, aomt of which the speaker considered lost, others unjust The was much pleased with tha A. T. Wright r ud Sidney Bamberg company a desire that a Mamed from tbs Buckhore miss last addreaa and expressed aooa fallow. occasion similar might Wily, favorably Impressed with the Accordingly, tha ladles have arranged Awing mads at the mins. Bamberanother nodal tor Friday evening, May ger took with him to Balt Lake s number of mmplea which be will have B- lid, at which time Mr. Crus will tell more concerning the people, their ailed. customs, superstitions, and religious A Rio Grande train sooth of Balt and home life. Lako wi wrecked, delaying trade tor A warrant haa been leaned for tha ewal hours, arrest of Mrs. Jennie Thom peon on a charge of Insanity. The sheriff will A marriage Hoenae baa been laseed inquire into the matter, this after Id William Bwaray of Idaho ralla and noon. Mrs. Thompson la reported sick Muy Maxwell of Ogden. In bed. J. W. Miller and Martha Ray of Madron, who was operated on Rwth Ogden, wen married yesterday at Roy the hospital last week. Is Improvby Deputy County Clark Rtohay. ing. Red J. Kleeel la alowly reoorering the attack of hiccoughs and- Dm and Joyce, who are attending Urn, are of the opinion he Is well tot of hla trouble. Dally practice occur at tha dub house of tha Ogden Qua dub uud local hooters are working up great accuracy for tha tournament on May I, I and d. Tha cracks of Balt Lake art working aqually aa hard and the finest hooting tor many yaara la expected ae a result. Guns and ammunition belonging to outside shooters who Intend to take put In the contest are arriving by express. On all railroads reaohlng Into Utah and Idaho; round trips for one and onethird fare have been arranged. - 'bint Jbo state hoard of equalization mot v"k the county board of commlealou n yeetorday afternoon, to dUeuas relative to the aoaeaamcst of W.Jr A to tha Friday. Mothsr boy was born twelve-poun- of R. Andaraon 4 CMld axe welL Smith ft Tate, a Nevada cattle Jbo rialt of the city council end pany, through the law firm of Magln-ni- s ft Corn, has commenced action in the District court against the Un- RECLAMATION Ogden Man and Others Hava Organ I zed Company. Thom ae C. Foley of Ogden is asro-datewith a number of Balt Lake men end others In a large Irrigation project In Beaver county, Utah. They have formed a corporation to Irrigate 11,000 acres of land In Beaver county between Beaver City and Miners villa. The corporation, which la organised under the lavs of Idaho, is known aa tha Beaver Irrigation, Land ft Power company. The capital etoVi la in aharaa of tha par value of 10 each. The Incorporators of the company ar Joseph KimbaH, James P. flprunt, J. U Oaitroa, F. M. Lyman, Jr, and Edward Krehblel, all of Balt Laks; T. C. Foley of Ogdon, Thomas Baglcy of Montpelier, Ida.; William B. Erek eon of Murray, Joebua P. Terry of Draper and Benjamin B. .Judd and Oscar N. Dee pain, both of Granite. Bartch ft Bagley, attorney for the company, have prepared applications which will he filed with the state engineer in a day or two tor tha right to uae and atom the flood waters of Beaver river in Puffer, Mirror and Blue Lakes Three watee will not only he used for Irrigation purposes but will be used to generate electric power. d -- COUNTY TEACHERS com- roVtoty owners to the proposed route avenue resulted In nothing uglbla The trip was made Friday ??! In tha hop that aome 1 ion Pacific, Southern Pacific and Wabash railroads, for (2255 damages, stttiement would ho eSactod by delayed cattle shipments caused Mseen the eonflletlng Interests but October last. question was only disputed anew during toaleft in an unsatisfactory oondi- W. H. Wattla ef toe Utah ConstrucSeveral of tha oounolhnen tion company is in the Ogden general whoth-allethemKlves ss doubtful where ha haa boon operated would over ha opened hospital, sbaceie in the right leg. tototh the block owing to the oppo-r- on tor en to be out within the week. He expects number of business mea, joe iattreaU, they claim, will ha BAKCBOfT MISQUOTED affected by a public ?IS?1- - A movement haa been tor a thirty-foo- t 2soed. however, trike ef Balt Lake Street Car Man one sixteen feet tide, la a Possibility. d the matter may rented hefor the city eouaoU The strike situation in Belt Lake la night. ' reported aa eritioa! this afternoon. Mr. Bancroft claims to have been misd wife have returned Jn the statement that he would quoted Pleawre trip which ejrtended-"rid- s manner arbitration or In aocept and other Southern states. countenance the union. Auy nan meeting of all the employes of the street errviees In the Bsptlrt. car system and the electrical workers for the Utah Light ft Hallway company la sailed tor 7 o'clock tonight, 1 'aoa to decide upon whatever concerted ac. tion la to ha token. Jhle y " aJJnins JSinr; PROJECT Twenty-eigh- Have Been Boloctod by the County Beard. t Twenty-eigh- t teachers were elected for the county school term of 1557-05- , at a meeting of the county hoard hald u the yesterday. May 10th was aet date of closing the choola. May IS and 14 for eighth grade examinations and May II tor exercises in the Tabernacle. The following teachers were accepted: EHa Peterson, Rae Keck, Jobs Wheeler, Peart Jones, Pearl Swift, Leila Manning, Jennie Neal, John Neal, A. C. Patterson, A. E. Allen, K. Harris, Mary Loftftiat. Rosabell Odell, Kellie Froet, Samuel Beddulph, Jennie Schofield, Oeorge Fowler, Delphi Hetalcr, Helen Maycock, O. W. Dale, Roaael Btlnap, Prudence Quick, May Cornell, Jennie Groberg, J. Blaylock. Alloe Taylor. U H. Pettenmn, Eutella Hotline and Mlea Paterson tor anothel year as primary aupervleor. COLONIST TRAVEL Estimated That UA00 People Have Paeeed Over Western Lines A1 tr Of the Fin This Spring, $10 REWARD 4 a!!!.!ElUoop1 nbnreh oonpany In the ehuich Colonist travel to the West has Membera ef the For the arreit ud conviction ef uy STLJSSyKen J"V!r a aumbar of aelact party or parties stealing the Ogden been unprecedented this year. The rates which went into effect . duete and Standard or tha Morning Examiner. - tSPV- Cre ? I lw 1, tw yara, Si,"4,0 tf0dan. and baring a to h hb Mr. were won vary Rico. Having k;w pri-tad- tm a situation, the .upractical toasthehandto well aa ae M of IntillhM manner. He brooked ou tha March 50, have had the effect of bringing more home seeker from the East and middle West to the mountain amothlng For Him. Shfl 1 nut see why, because a aad ooaat Mates than uy equal time woman marries a mu. aha should take In part years. Every train with the hla bum. exception of the limited, that hare He Just o. The poor fellow ought pasted through Ogdu Mace the rates to he allowed to keep something he went late offset, has carried t ieat ft one extra tourist deeper aad could call hie ewa. cvap. LAMAR KELSON. Circulator. TREE IYt Guaranty Spmady and Abmo-iu- ta CONSULTATION Dr. Elliott, u DIED is BY ul-japuai- Aoompt ftcroas tbs street from old atsad now at If ItsReal Estate You Want, I HAVE IT u rockeFeuer Wm 23S6 WaJhlfigtoa Avbbm. onach for the accommodation of those who have taken advantage of the colonist rate. It le estimated that by tha time tha rata haa discontinued. April 10, that In the neighborhood of 25,000 ooios-lat-a tiokats will have bees sold by th railroads leading Into tha WasL That estimate la oonsldared a conservative on by local railroad agents, tor mare than 20,000 wen carried in 1500, and 'figures of tha movement thus Car thla year Indue a large Incraaae. A careful record of tha number ef tickets sold at ooloolst rate to points on the northwestern lines of the Harri-masystem, shows 1,405 to have been sold during the last week ef March, alona, ae Increase of 227 over TABERNACLESERVICES the corresponding week of last year. D. S. Spenoer, assistant general passenger agent of the Oregon Bbort Line, Joseph F. Smith, Jr., non of Presiat tha reports that during the month ( dent Smith, will be tha speaker TaberMarch. 11,024 colonists passed through regular Sunday serrioes in tha Ogden on their way to the want and nacle at 2 p. m. oa the subject,o northwest Thla la aa Increase of 100 Aportolle Succession. Prof. Ballu-tynunounooa the following special per cent over March, 1500, according music: to Mr. Spencer. Choir. 1. 'Author of Faith Treasures, 2 Soto, "Heavenly SACRED CONCERT (Johnaon) Mla Florauoo Fiohor. a Male chorus, "Savior Ctomfort . oreeerefl Will Bo Given at the Methodist Church Me. Two Cltiea, (Gray) 4. Solo, Th Sunday Evening. Mr. Caleb Marriott. S. Chorus, "Song of tha RedeemThe member of the choir and other ed," (Stephen) Choir. of Fl the talent ret Methodist friendly of church Ogden will give a Epioopal acred eonerrt, beginning at night oclock in the auditorium of the church on Twenty-fourt- h street, between Washington and Adame aveauea, on Sunday evening. The program la aa fallows: 1. Organ Voluntary, "Oommunloa,1 (Satiate) Miai Bertha Laird. 2. Invocation Rev. Frank Shew. I. Anthem. Praia Ye Jehovah, WEALTH (Ira B. WihioB) 7Chelr. Bun of My Soul," 4. Quartette, (J. E. Hall) Miee Olmatead, Mr. Johnaon, Mr. and Mrs. Mark. 5. Solo, "Alla Right, (Templeton HE PLANS TO GIVE AWAY HIS Pierce) W. E. Johnaon. REAL ESTATE. . WhUtllng Soto. "I Heard the Voice of Jem Bay, (8. "G. Bathbun) Mias Addle Rowse. on i to Take the Reopanability f 7. Anthem, "Bn on Thy Guard, (T. ' Caring for the Magnates D. Willlamil Chair. Preparty. The Day la Ended, (J, C. Bartlett) Ml-- a Anna Fleer. Violin Obligato Mle Edith Corey. I. Duett, Come Unto Me ud New York, Apr!) 27. The World toRest, (F. Campus) Ulaa Olmatead, day publish, in connection with the Mr. Hadley. aanoucement of gift by John D. Fart II. Rockefeller of land in Chicago ud 1. Organ Selection; "Lovely Appear Clevolud. the autemcot, credited to Gou-odOver the Mountain, ) a friend of Mr. Rockefeller, that tha (Cbaa. Miaa Jeaale Welch. gifts era part ef a plan which Mr. 2. Anthem, The Land to Which Rockefeller hae formed of giving away We Go, (& B. Ashford) Choir. all of hla real ertat. Three holding, . Vk4ln Solo, "Cantilena, (Carl It la stated, have always worried him Bohm) Mia Edith Corey. ud bio Idea Is fa fora ever nearly all 4 Solo. 0h May My Walk Be of Me real estate to hla eon ud have Close With God, (Herbert Johnaon) the letter earns th reaponrtbillty Miaa Ella Htnaea. that have com with their ownership. A Duett, "Hops Beyond, (repeatJAPS ARE COMING. ed by reqoeat), (A White) Mloa May Victoria. B. a, April 27. Advices Conroy. Mis Anna Fleer. have ben received hare that greatly A Anthem, Supreme Submission, Increased Immigration from Japan to (E. fl. Loreni) Choir. British Columbia le oommeuolng, tal7. Offertory. A Male Quartette, Jeeua Lover ef lowing the removal ef reetrlcdoaa My Soul, (T. D. Williams) Meson placed upon emigration to Canada by the Japanese goveremeat. Laird, Mark, Hadlay and Johnson. Tha Japueae autkaritlre bare hith(Franz AM) .Trio, Twilight, erto d I .allowed Japueae emigration Misses Fler. Wrich and Wlnana. to Canada In vtew ef the strong 10. Doaology and Benediction. government la British Oo- WANT ADt YIELD B!Q RESULTS. l.iaikla n la Oaaaa Oaram s e I have some unuaually good bargain! to offer If you'll apeak quick, and if you are desirous of owning a home of yonr own, I will make tie buying easy. IxYok orer this llat of bargains and nee if there Is not something that interests you. bonne on Nob Hill; has 2 lota, a $1,G0Q for s No. 1 barn; good brick chicken house; genuine bargain. $1,650 buys a nice. Broom houm with bath, pantry and improvements; well located; worth invest! gating. two apartment house; rents for $2,500 for a $30 per mont frame on Patterson Are. $1,800 for a brick cottage; bas pantry $1,900 buys a new and bath; well located; easy terms; apeak qnick. modern bouse, built of pressed 700 for a in best residence district of the and is the brick, to want If get a really nice home at you city. the price of a small cottage, investigate . 12-roo- ' m m thiA I have m many nice homes at this price that I really rant do justice to them in an ad. $2,500 Tall and let me show you my list. I also have some nice places for those who want to raise poultry and fruit, and atill be near town; reasonable in price; easy terms. REMEMBER, that I am making terms so easy that its aa easy matter to buy a home; start now; you'll regret it if yen wait. ,. GECRQE A . HORN . REAL ESTATE THIRD FLOOR FIRST NVTL BANK. JESSE J. DRIVER Wishes His Many Friends to know that he is still la business, and nicely located at 2275 Washington Avc. i You are especially invited to call aad see him at his new ooation. |