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Show THE MOUSING 12 EXAMINER, poorly fad or poorly housed person, shoddy goods, adulterated fuuJs. sweatshop and temeat houses will vanish, hut Jails, penitentiaries and some insane asylums will still have to be maintained la which to Incarcerate the hereditary descendants of the now predatory, Idle class and tho descendants of their poor victims, who, under this ii present villainous competitive system are stunned and maimed In brain and body. To succeed will not moan as now unOF THE OGDEN LOCAL SOCIALIST PARTY der tho "lew," that on must he more cunning, crafty or artful than his fellow workers, for opportunity of equal MAC JOB. LACHLAN. ! Addrata an Communication: access to land and machinery will CARL C. RASMUSSEN. Boclalirt "Editorial Committee, make failure almost Impossible. GORDON & IVEA Your little children will aot be comParty, Firat Natlenal Bank Bldg, Editerial Commit! Roam 42. pelled to toil away their lives In noisome factory or dingy mine, but will 1 44 1 1 M 6 1 1 1 1 161 H WH go H II 1 1 1 1 1 H H 1 1 H 1 1 1 to school and be allowed to play in healthful air and sunshine until HOME. world the will In the take AT his CHILDREN proper place KEEPING of economic Justice. strong and old enough -to toll, perhaps about 18 years of age. Tha IntelUgeat womea will be 1 Om of tha aarioua problems of Ufa. Prostitutes and paupers, private capMid especially of dty Ufa, la: BW gaily, at least, and economically on an most all petty Jealousies, cam va da to kaap oar hoy and stria equality with intelligent men, not as italists and aov classed with ladlans, idiots, la-- the classes and the contumely which ' at homo avrelags? now follow, with multitudinous evil bn such a if"g And ptupm. yat thla should aotOne mother Tho "full dlaner pall" and tho fool too many to mention which now Inflict difficult problem to solv with their hideous presence, with a family of aero tha oldaat IB. dinner pail" will bo relegated to the wianklnj curse the earth again. took tha mattar of karplas bar chli henhouse, and around a dining table will never clothes and the shame of tha with workers the Shoddy filled from delicious finds with har hooaa tha draa la them will he replaced by the will aa har to the toast, wearing found that dally gather and enjoy vary beginning, or man Uttla brood lBcreoaod la numbers and perhaps giving thanks aa well aa full finest raiment the Ingenuity will and can U "nasty" devise, cook. "cheap" Whea skillful the waa of vary pay aaceaedlag yaara har pi go the way of the Idle, merciless, Imvan tndaad. la tha Brat plac aha come to eating. found that It paid foam every stand- "Tha hands that help are better far moral rich. CUMMINGS. H. that lipe that pray." point to mako homa aa attractive aa I will go the interest ona and Neatness Rent, Uttla profit tha for pnftMa BOCIALIBM FOR BEGINNERS. and warm, rich color wara tha prin- way of tho private capitalist to the uf oblivion. cipal polnta la tha decorative scheme. rubbish heap as we see it today will Save Those and Hand Them to Your The saloon Than, aa tha children got older, mualo wara liberally In- not exist, because the immense profits Friend and story-tellin- g dulged In. Finally, aach evening of tha now going to nil who make or self It THERE 18 ENOUGH FOR ALU waok eama to have a algnlflcancr of ita will be abolished: intoxicating liquor own, aa it waa given Ita eapeclal pro- will, in aU probability, still be used, Socialism Is baaed on a study of hut ap absolutely purs article some-thin- g gram. For lutanca, there waa a society. The first steep topresent not now cannot millions drink, evening. aa ward understanding of BoclalUim means be will and tho made, la thla the whole family eang la having Is know to how things are today. be will la consequence cborua, and bealdea there waa nlwava drunkenness One of the most striking facta about a aolo, a dnet, a Quartette, etc, by the greatly lessened. Its Workers will no longer be like n the world today la the richness of older children, and aaually an outsider resources. Every corner of the earth or two came In to help out tha pro- mere cog In a wheel of some machin- has been ransacked to hunt out new gram. These musical evenings are de- ery, bat tho workers and the machines materials from which things can he be In wlU mannonloua a a and very for partnership a love music, veloping made that are of us to man. Old decided talent In some of tha Uttla ones the Cooperative Commonwealth. Mother Natures vast cupboard has for no be of will There need "looking that Barer could have been developed been rummaged with sufficient ears to afford with because cannot a Job," every . otherwise, aa tha family that, unlike Mother Hubbards, to spend a groat deal of money on ex- men over eighteen and under fifty show not bare, but la filled to burning on the poeslbllltleaof their yearn of ago working with the aid of It la perimenting ' our wonderful machines not to exceed with good things little ones with outsiders. Look for n moment upon tho great Another evening that la proving a de- four hours per day, all will be eager "United States" and see rided success from more standpoints to work, simply fur the love of having shelf labeled host a of what good things It bean. an after to do, creating one la tha something whpn than literary evening, There Is land enough to give us nil storlee nr read aloud, and criticised or abundance for use. it, or commented upon. And still another "If nil the working days were holi- a home with ample ground about stone a form If we wish It Thera is day evening is devoted to real debates on n topic that la usually picked out of To sport would ha as tedious as to and wood and clay and Iron enough to build palaces for every one. toll." These debates, of tho newspaper Boundleess seas of waving grain are The "Incentives" mill nearly all be course, require mors work than any of bread, and only n the other programs, hut tho older chil- for good, and very, very few for bad then to furnish has been made In cultivation. dren stick to them because they are purpose, because economic equality want for Irrigation, dry fanning, market garhelpful In their school work. And any will place all people above the girl and the necessities and luxuries of life and dening and Improved and more inten- one hearing the crimes against private property will sive agriculture of all aorta are showboy debating auch a question aa railroad rebates, or tho big almost bo unknown. You will aot ace n poorly dressed or ( Continued on Page Thirteen.) tick" would at onco eonduda that tbeaa vara abnormal children, With brain capacity. But auch is not ' I H HUH IIfrHH I 1 1 Ii H tho caso. 4111 Hf4 ! I myself have heard tha eon debating tho question of Internai tional peace, and It vas astonishing ii what thoughts he presented intbe-gutt-tevaa It all 1 that after But knew merely a matter of dlactpUn of training, and acquired taste with aU chil-of Editorial Committee: Any question concerning Social(hem. They art exactly like ether ism answered. Address all comKATE A HILLIARD dren aave that their parents and espeE. A. BATTELL munications ts K. B. Hilliard, long ago to cially the mother-deci- ded 667 Twenty-sixtROY F. BOUTHWICK Street. bring thorn up la n anno, cleanly, cheerful home atmosphere. And Instead of 1 1 1 ! 4 4 Ml l tho eharpnsea and cupidity of tho n are sharpness developing street, they There are truths which some men ports" of their operation needs only and an Intelligent grasp for tho thtnga because they have not exam- n modicum of success at the polls to despise and n make for to higher that ga ined and which they will not make It ridiculous If It has not even them, womanhood. cleaner manhood and examine because the wherewithal to make Ita voice they dlsplse them. which Them la another evening la heard outside Its own bailiwick. The tha glrla are taught to mend their Contributed. Socialist party haa no offlclal party-owne- d clothes and lu vhloh theobya overhaul newspaper Its ambitions must LABOR DAY. INTERNATIONAL their toys and various poeae salons and be local because the human vole canAU over." n them "going general give Tha first day of May Is celebrated by not agitata the municipality, county, of thla keeps them busy and enternatlona and the Socialist tained, and, shove all things, keeps workers all over tho civilised world state and from them the "want" to ha forever on who recognise that the labor move, party denies the necessity of any othmeat Is and by right ought to be In- er than privately owned publications tha steer with their acquaintances. Begin early and heap everlastlnly at ternational. Slace the nations have which are subject to change at their It la this mother's motto for keeping boon mingled by Commercialism and owner's whim. the art of commercialisation has children at home evenings. reached a stage where we are never JOSEPH1NB CONGER KANBKO. ALADDINS LAMP TO DATE. more then IS honrs behind the worlds news It aeems odd, to aay the least, THE CLAIM OF BOCIALIBM. When the compositor has set the to esc a large number of American type ao to speak and everything ie In "X have looked at this claim by the workingmen celebrating "Labor Day apple pis order to ran off an edition the expense of a second edition In time light of history sad my own con- la September. Time la n most Important If not tho and labor la reduced many fold. Capscience, and It aeems to me so looked nt to be a most Just claim, and that most Important factor In any move- italism haa "evoluted" ua to a point resistance to It means nothing short ment. local, national or International. whom n now Industry can bo reeled eS of a denial of tha hops of civilisation. If we la America celebrate the first tha perfecting presses of our system "This then is the claim: with such neatness and dispatch ns to Monday In September while our com"It Is right tod necessary that nil rade across the ocean celebrate the occasion hardly a ripple oa the surmem should have work to do which first of May what right have wo to face of our eonactouiMM. shall be worth doing, and be of itself claim ourselves ns international this According to n writer in the Enginpleasant to do; and which should be or International that? Mags sine of April, the advaneering den under such conditions as wonld Begregatioa of the workers Is the tages of tho tantalum Incandescent mako It neither over wearisome nor first, raqnlaita for tbs development electric lamp are ouch that It would over anxion and continuance of the capitalist else. be cheaper to pay one dollar for a "Turn that claim about as I may, Rtrenoous efforts are made by tho lab tantalum lamp than to gat tho old carthink of it as long am 1 can, I cannot ter to divide tha workers along nation- bon lamps for nothing. find that ft is an exorbitant claim: yet al, race, craft and other lines. On the It la moat remarkable and without of society would or could admit It, other hand labors emancipation de- precedent In tho history of any vara of would be world face the the chang- pends on labors solidarity. When la- metal, how quickly the supply has reed; dlsoontant and strife and dishon- bor In America celebrates one day and sponded to tho demand. Prior to the esty would be ended. To feel that labor In Europe celebrates another Invention of this lamp the whole w were doing work useful to others world's production of tantalum hearing policy of labors segregation capitalist and pleasant to ourselves, and that has been aooompllsbsd. minerals was too small even to supsuch work and Its duo reward could ply nil museums and mineral collecnot fall ns! What serious harm could tions with good bpeclmenta; now AusCHARITY. ns to And to then? the price happen tralia stale has produced more than be paid for so making tha world happy 70 tone of tantallt the roost importThe covers eld that saying "charity William revolution." Morris. Is a multitude of alas" Is true. It Is look- ant of these minerals during tho last ed upon by. some a mere of a curse year, and Norway, Sweden, France, WHEN BOCIALIBM COMES. Finland, Boubern Russia and the than a blearing and from this reasonUnited. States have also produced apacIf had the all to opportunity All human parasites will go to work ing. tantalum-bearin- g life there preciable quantities of or off tho earth or under It; the arth quire ths necessities of the fact mineral. Considering would he no need for charity. It Is not and ftll (hat pertains to It will be that one pound of tantalum metal la bebecause of the lack thrift but of nil and owned, occupied possessed by for 16,000 lamps of 26oandle that sufficienteach, the people, and the people will be the cause of the system of productionmeans tt la easily understood power exists thrift today, whereby workers. there Is already an overproducwhy In the an For Illustration, poverty. not be perThe mentally strong will minerals, the tion of tantalum-bearin- g mitted to rob tho mentally weak, aa locomotive repair ahops of a railroad. of which has consequently deprice servicesoon more so aa la there Just now, and the physically weak will be a pure creased to materially that engines on hand than is needed ami high grad mineral la only tosaleable amply protected from the physically able livelihood. men are deprived of their strong. day. men the Tramps and millionairess, twin prod- The greater the thrift of the ucts of civilisation," will vanish, fewer there nr needed, consequently the more work for charity.. Charity AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSE AGAIN. "merged" Into useful workers. acta aa a safety valve for the capitaand Bankers and brokers, lawyers Mr. Rockefeller has compared the of the middlemen, merchants for profits and list, for when then condition nt point where there trust with the America Beauty rose, prophets of and for an unknown world, workers arrive Justice, which owes Ita supremacy to the quaek "doctors sad nil other Idlers Is danger of them todemanding pacify and make nourishment gained by the ralhlest who five by their wits, will have to in rashes charity them contended. Charity with Ha sacrifice of Innumerable buds. The work nt something useful or starve. trust p running knife has been so effecThe horse market, cow market, mule cheap lodging houses, swatauranU, low- tively applied that tradition Is about all haa fro and hand second clothing martha hen market and market, hog by enabling that la left of the great ro n serve tie ket may remain, hut the labor market ered the standard of living the capitalist to bay hlc labor power middle dare," which was supposed to will go away forever. save society by forming a bumper or Tho wild beasts of tho Jungle will cheaper. The following quotation from cushion between the extreme and confood for contains London thought. Jack perhaps be here, but tho mors savage go to the tending forces of wealth and poverty. and for less merciful Bears and ether Oh, you charitytormonger, the poor alone are commercial beasts of the real Jungle poor and learn, It Is refreshing to hear a man like They neither give nor of civilization" will be skinned to an charitable. with hold from their excess. They Jacob H. Rchiff My that the classes everlasting finish. Strike, lockouts and black lists will have no excess. They give and they come nearer to doing their duty than he no more, and tho fear of losing n ! with hold never, from what they need do the "masses." There are claese? Job will never again terrify the work-- for themselves and very often from in America the capitalist and the what they cruelly need for themselves. working elasses. The use of the wool masses" la calculated tn blur over th. The workers will not be compelled ! A hone to the 'logs Is not charity, to divide up," na now, with the Idle. : Charity Is the bone shared with the consciousness of the working class. class, but will have aa dog whan you are Just as hungry as Any class In society that becomes will do Ita duty. It cl their own, the full social value of an the dog." Is hard to imagine a mass" or a Jelly that they create, whloh meant they flab with a sense of duty. ' BEGIN AT HOME. will enjoy an of tha good things which the are now denied in greeter part. A political party which clamors for Mr. Bchlff U filled with admiration Quality win take tho place of quanfor Rockefeller. Morgan and many tity, use the place of profit, ownership the Industries f the country and promthe place of rant and interest, and man isee to aubmlt regumriy "public re- other capitalists Says be: They 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 II I H 1 1 1 Httl i f mmi IM--- m I I UTAH. OGDEN, SUNDAY, APRIL 2S, 130 . I INTERNATIONAL SOflAUST DEPARTMENT OGDEN BUSINESS DIRECTORY Painter and Architects Directory A. GRAVES. BL Architect. 16 First NaYl Bank Bldg. 685 K. Rhea IIW ii IBON. Houm painter, artistic MntrZa hanging. Estimatae work. 468 86th BL Bell phareiSt F. C. WOODS A CO. Architects. B6 A 67 First Natl Bank Bldg. Beth Phones, A A DRANK. . Painting and paper hanging, mu Wash, Ball phone BPtati Art id MRS. JL A CO, Writer Palmers. Psaas nangsra; Estimates given on mZ oral contracting. 8246 Was. crau lot. Bath nhonoa. L. HERRICK. - and 14 f expenses y.iyl,li av. yaara oppaelte Library 8668 Wash, A A HARRY RUREN. Wo d the artlstio work ef tha city. Relief, fraao and asenle da anting; original designing. Latua hew you our work In Ogden. Qa oral work ala Office B4M Waeh. av Boil SbLZ. Building. C. GUM NELL Attb.'noy-at-Law- Office 8374 Washington Ave. A T. Boom 44 weed lb and pap Cleaning. Shop 481 83rd BL Bah Yhone 44ffi Re 664 Slat SL , king, paper hanging OCONNELLY. . Photographer s Atternayat-LawTwenty-fourt- h Grocery, St, aver Richard-sen- s lad. phreo 64. LUKE CRAWBHAW, Pretographer; Stud Is Artistic, 6446 Washington Avenue, Ogden, Uak A picture that looks like ye JOB. MacLAUCHLAN, Auditor and Accountant, Notary and Conveyancer. Office Room 42, Firat National Bank building. Ind. Phene 47& KODAK FINISHINA Engagements made for raaldam and view work. 3431 Gnat ave. soar posteffioo. Bell phone I73& AGEE A MCRACKEN, Ceunaalore-at-Law- , 63, 64 and 66 Firat National Bank Bldg. Bsll 06, Ind. 10. al C 0AB3U6, Phones. Club H1 . L. WEBER, Photographer. Every variety of photo art Both pbona 1436 Wash, av Contractors and Socialists ' Builders , t . eldevMUn ray. saunter Ween Ave. Sell railing, phne HtHHHIfl doer at bah 8263 JAA A BALLANTVNA Real Estate, Insurance and In vestment Office 316 Stoiee BUp Sil--y. R LI CROBBIE. Reefing, guttering and tin ef all kind 2241 Wash. Av werb A A BRUMMITT Insurance. Real 8374 Washington Av Phono, 77L Lean CALVERT A LEEK Contractors and Builders, Brick an. Lima Mfra. 81d Eeeisa Bldg. Phene 600-Y- . 80S 81aL FRED HOWARD, Contractor and Builder. Phene 617A P. O. Bex ! 846-8- H. H. GODDARD. Rani Estate, Loan Inaursns Conunorolal tteek 311 Saule M 336. WM. A. HICKBNLOOPEA Real batata, liwuranee and Invert 806 Beeies Building, au ment to N. H. I vo P, A. IBAKBON Contractor and Builder 22d eL Bell Phone KELLY In A . N. H. IVEA Live Stock, Ranch City Property. 244 Homes on eaoy payment Wash. Av. Phone 1396. NEWMAN. Tin Weru, Galvanised Iron Cor Real Washington ava. Both phene A C. NVB, Batata, Leans and Insun Notary Pub II Bill Waahlap Avenu CHAUNOY PARRY Rani Batata, Plre I neurone lean Comer Bid and Wash, GKO. OLMBTEAOL Contractor and bulldor. Office and 84th BL Waal shop at rewdanee, 600 Ogden. Bell phene 461-n- , W. N. PEI RCA Notary, Pin 41B S4tb BL Real Estate. Ufa InaursM phona CALVIN BTEWART. Contractor and builder. Neat lata modal residence; pantry and clseet; 68 23 GO complete, paint pnd pa par, 8120 Royal Ava. Bell Phans S73 X. . A A ROLAPP. Real Batata ,Flre Notary Publl Rental 404 aM phene SB; m Eosia tt CARL BAMUELBON, General Builder and Contractor 17 86th 8L BoM he.ie SI4-- A A SMITH Mine and Realty Brener. Neta Publl Ream 61, PI ret NaL Bank Ind. phena 667. PBTER UNANDEA Inw" Real Batata, Lean 846B Washington ava and Rental Boyle Block. v Both phana Oonerat HI 6th m HERRICK, and Lean Estate Investment Rental JOHN T. NEWTON Contractor and Builder. 0 wMwwnww, ww ni sw rnwns iff I HI hep roar ef Wright A Bent Co. W. EHhar AH. GODDARD. Real Estate, Plre and Life 413 one Notary Puhli Bldg. Ball Phone 6348. c. jhumphries Office. Estate A M. PORRIBTALU Real Estate Surety Bond saurane 313 Eeclaa Bldg. 1 tn . Real Estate Agents BROWN IRON A BRASS WORKA Iren fencing. uh Photographer Ontdoor views promptly, 376 IBth sL Both phoose H-H-l Marxian WILSON, News painting, natural First Nat Bank Bldg, A T. A A HULANISKI Attemay-at-Law81-8- 3 OB ERG, Contractor, general house paint hig and paperiianglaffi 1QM flat ga Roll phene B4B . B16 Eocloa VOLNEY able-bodie- d A. MULLER A BON, - . FARNSWORTH Attemey-at-Law- Ne chlrga Bair Man 160 2nd BL a toffi Painting, Tinting and Oanmm JOSEPH CHEZ. Attorney and Counselor at Lavs, 40 and 41 Flint National Bank Bldg, Ogdan, Utah. Both phones. Notary in nfflea. A S. IBAKBON. and Paperhanging. eatin-at- Attorneys mu-alc- al a C. Rain dnd decorative iia Wash, ' HOPSON Sign Lessens in china painting. Firing a specialty. Complete Uno of white china and material Studio 1760 a r. Paper-hange- rs W. Contractor and bulldor pkono 676 BL Ball A WKDELL dcsm have groat fortune hut they direct their diffusion rightly. Their wealth is like a reaerrlor, into which runs little streams from the mountain who themaelTra would bo ef no use to mankind. Mr. Rchiff thinks the "general run of mankind should be taught that it la "a good thing that the means tt dotng things had been concentrated la the hands of the few who could use them wisely. ' Follow the little streams that flow down the mnuntalna and empty into the reevrlor of the Great Salt Lake. There Is no outlet except by evaporation and aa a natural consequence the water ts salt and Utter. The little 'treama of wealth whose source is human labor that are lrrlslatably drained into the reservioni of thoee who possess "the means of doing things have to outlet in ths hands of the few who could use them wieely. luxuriate on his holding!. But tho struggle between capitalists la one of end elimination that concentration leaves the Individual capitalist on tho raw edge of suspense between wealth and poverty. The struggle between tho capitalist and working class is an' economic struggle. The working does Is not satisfied because tho portion of the wealth which It reoeivee aa wages Is Insufficient for physical recuperation from excessive la bo to say nothing of moral. Intellectual and physical advancement. Whenever the workers have asked for "more" they have received the equivalent of atone The theory U being advanced that the commonwealth produced by labor should not be but (bat stored In private reservoir It should he distributed among hu-- j basis of "Labor the only manky on No ne the capitalist not excepted the means of wealth title to wealth Is vatiafled with the present distribuproduction being freely aooesstble to tion of wealth. The capitalist might all. When the day dawns and there be satladed If be ooold call a bait and things oema to pare hnmaaltv wU! look beck to this era of anldd mur- defend (heir property, you der and rapine as we look bask upon 'that army with force. the middle ages and wonder how auch U. A Why. certainly, we darkness oould exist regarding human B. J. And thats wrong, affairs among n people no far advanced U. 8. Hold yew berare a Ml Lincoln want war or peaoa. along lines of material progress. m A 1. He wanted P V. A Whs K then hypoww ART FOR ARTS SAKE. ro la nre Unoolas part to nee a chattel slave? Ait for art's sahw does not thrive A J. N of centre neL under capital lam. Judging from thla to do re to save tha W ' ditty from Harper's Weekly: U. fi.-- Wre It wrong, than- "The poet kissed his watch good by evaa wroog. not A J. No, And nighed, Ill have to hook tt; Uhl and inert JljSoeert For though I've Jingles In my heed. U. A la light of the cr TZ Thera are done la my pookeL fhmiUea, than flour mlUtae onethird of the aatto mast UNCLE BAM AND than ! an Incomes I BROTHER JONATHAN 1m lea today la tn Brother Jonathan Toil Routallsta bad If not worse than W1 are all hypocrite Ton talk peac chattel slave? and yon advocate foroel Uhole Bam Advneada form? U, A U rtaw of B. J. Tea; yea aay (hat If tha cap- ef Brtag aad the italists dispute tha Socialist vote whloh the Oawpermttvw -- mg on--1 I rate aa a " P "13.STA-- eo-da-l, . ; ; j |