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Show TUB HOBNIKQ STREET EXAMINER TELEPHONES lITORIAL .1? ROOMS iMspsMsnt Phw ladpdsnt 'Wih M 'Fhoo, tw Hnga UtINIM OFFICE Ball fkiiMk an .Na. St .Na. BS .Na. .. .Nil ting t: J. KIESEL MORRISSEY FULLMER IS CAIRIF. SERIOUSLY CAPTURES GIVEN TWO ODT ILL BAD MAN YEARS AT IMS RUNS INTO QUARTETTE OF BURGLARS ABOUT MIDNIGHT. FORGED AND COLLECTED MONEY ORDER FOR B30 IN THIS CITY. Was Seised With a Severe Attack sf Hiccoughs Yesterday Bunch Waa in Rear ef Wright? Scattered in Different Direction Youth Opened Letter Addressed to Traveling Mas Confeoaod to Crime. oooooooooooooooo o Officer Richard M. Morrissey ran into a quartette of burglars at the rear of Wrighta More about IS o'clock last night, and after a chase ta which three of the number eluded tho Intrepid, daring otficer, one of tho four, Charles Johnson, was captured at th point of a gun near the corner UNDER RESTING INFLUENCE OF ANAESTHETIC. aot ta falHag ta ear-flor- No Cara WHt Be Dm By Onion Mon In Zion To-dy- UI eaafar a favor octve tha bjr ealUac Na M oltbar phoaa before the Enamlnar Tha atrret ral'wry man em ployed by the Utah Light A Railway decided at a moating Georgs W. Morgan rf Salt Lake City anmpany held tMa msrnlng. cemmanolng ta ta Ogdea takfar ta tfea rights. at 1:10 eclsok, ta rojaot tha WANTED 68 1 borers, Ogden Rap- propaaltian of tha aampany, and ta go sat on atrlka. Thera will ha na oar ' id Transit Ob. vanning In Balt Lake City today by unlea man. Tha ih eating, T. W. Bahaa of Dsvilfa Slide, Utah, la aa Ogdea vtalior, registered at the whieh waa a rad bat ana adjourned at IMS o'clock. Bard. LAMAR NELSON. Otooulator. (Slfaod) A opoolal dlnpateh da aaya: d h anaae-theti- Tha near Shade "Golden Brown offer nnd go out on strike. The chief point ef aoutendon on the Shoo oompany. Oiforda part of the union men I the Inatalonoo Sea lfalan Traaafar On. for aOBrago by Rwllnl Bnaeroft that tho repreof all ktada. Our specialty la moving sentative of the smptoyws aa (ha hoard of arbitration he other than a anioa pianos, fur Kara aad afSea fixtures. man. Tha quaetton of wage fa etlll Marriage Meeaaea vm laaued at loft ope ta arMtratloa but tha qaoa-Uoof tho raoogqltlon of tha anion, Balt lAko during tha week Just paaaad to two Ogdaa eouplaa, Gaorgo H. Buah-ne- ll moat Important to tho men. ha been and Laura Ellsworth aud J. O. finally aad Irrevocably settled ao far aa tho oompany le concerned, BanJenson aid Chriatlna Ehaaon. croft absolutely refuel eg to beat with Poultry aupplloo and tha beat of the man aa a anioa Tho proposition submitted by tho wheat, eorn and hay at Grout's, Kl oompany, which ft la thought will bo lath St. Both phonea. turned down by the men. In that tha matter be submitted te three arbitraOgL L. Herrick, formerly of thaaftertor to bo chosen ao folio : den police force, left yeeterday Tho employes to select one arbitranoon for Cobra, Nevada where be will take a pool! ton with tha Soothers tor from amongat their number, tha company to name the other, and two Pacific Railroad company. to select a third arbitrator. Tha hoard o selected to act together, thq dsets-lo- a Dr. Johaaan, physician nnd of any two to bo blading and degam, specialist Bys, Bar, Noaa, Throat aad Skin diseases. Ha ala termine the question ef the reasonable treats all other trouble by appoint- rate of wages to be paid moronnea, conductors and shop employes. Tho ment. Office over Clark's atorn. schedule of wages so Used by the The schools of Weber county will board of arbitration to govern for n have a long motion this year, clow reasonable length pf time tha comlag May 10th. Tha greduaetioa anew pany suggests for n period of two dies taka place at tha Tfcbernaicle on years. Tha company aho proposes to agree May Uth. that no discrimination win ha made I A. to & ef R. T. will give a denoa against any employa however aetlva Tuesday, April 10, at Oongnaa dancing ho may have born hi the p recent agiacademy. Rcfisahmeota. Admlaaian tation for iBcrMvod wages. 1 per eospla antra lady, 36a. Thin proposal did not most with tho approval of tho men and they formuMrs. Hanaah Hughs, of Spanish lated tha following proposal whieh was t a ltd hour In Og- carried to Ben croft by the mayor: Fork, Utah, We will submit tha entire questions den yesterday afternoon visiting with relative. Ska left on the Overland Involved In the present dispute (this limited for Philadelphia to bo preoent dost not tnclude tho closed shop quesat the graduation of her non from tha tion, e that la not n matter to be armedical college la that city. bitrated) to board of arbiter to he Tbs company selected ns follows: kail choose one, the employee one, .The much talk ad of twoatapping contest between Ogden nnd Salt Lake and the two (hue selected shall eboooc aketer will taka place Tut day even- n third, who shall hoar all of tha eviing, April 30th, at the Auditorium dence and render a daoisioa which heilr. The state champion ah Ip and a shall be binding upon both tho Utah gold medal era at a taka A large Light A Railway oompany aad their crowd ta expected from Zion to boost employes who art Involved la tho for their favorites. controversy, o OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOLINE WILL e f v I IS ; On Aftemooa o Tha condition of tho Him. o Fred J. Kleael la still quite ' o serious. At I o'clock this morno ing he waa reported a being o under tho influenco of aa anaeso thetic. administered with tha o Idea of atopplag tho severe ato tack of hiccoughing which o started about o'clock yestero day afternoon. For about six o hours tho attack lasted and so About 1:M o'clock this morning tha o severs was It that grave fears If paa are ioIbi to am eee Melon, traaafar tana. Leave order for eoaL street railway men. employed by the o were entertained that he would Not Utah light A Railway company, held o not withstand tha shock. at. Blade' Phoi 0t Twenty-fifto a maaa meeting la Salt lake City to o until ho comes out of tbs will hia asact condition Joaeph Carlaoa baa relumed to Og- decide on the pro pool tiea aubmKLod by den from a trip to tha ooaai and ta their employer. Definite report are o bo determined, but at prevent, hard to obtain, but tad teat!on ar o however, ha la roatiag comparaNevada mining camp. that the man win isjeet the company's o tively easy. ; 1S0T. mak-la- s b and Baa. APRIL SS, We Are Prepared SS (Mnliliti rsgardlsg the deUvary of (bo Examiner da aa dlroct ta aabaerlbor Ijttnalur SUNDAY, MEN ARE DECIDKD UPON STRIKE THIS MORNING. NOTICK TO SUBSCIIIBKRS-J- EXAMINER, OGDEN, UTAH GETOGDEN PLANT KINSEY COLLAPSIBLE BOX COMPANY TO PULL UP STAKES. Artwmed. and Gnat ava-nuand lodged In the city Jail. Officer Morrissey, who has the upper beat on tho 11 o'clock shift, waa Twenty-fourt- h atrret e, making one of .the usual nightly rounds of tho promises at the roar of tho business bourns, about midnight At tho roar of Wright's atoro ha observed four man whose actions ware auspicious to nay tho least Tba robbers saw him at tha same time and started to ran, taking tha alleyway just wsat of tho Independent Telephone company's building and emergstreet. Moring onto Twenty-fourt- h rissey waa close on to than, but like a number of rabbit frightened by tha appears ace of a hound, they dartod off In differrat diroc lions nnd it was impossible for the bravo officer to follow nil of them. After tha one who went in the direction of Bee rafts atoro went the officer at full speed. The burglar aetng the game was up, finally obeyed tho police maa's command to atop. At tho police station ho gave tho name of Charles Johnson, 69 years of age. On his ponon wsra found n Jimmy, brace nnd Mt, revolver and other articles usually found la tho profee-Monbargtar'e kit. Ho refused to answer questions put to Mm concerning hie action, stating that ho would say nothing until ho had consulted aa at attorney. That he la aa tha game Is quite evident and tha capture la therefore of tho more Importance. Tho presence of four burglars In one gang ohoare that Ogden at tha present time is Infested with a bad criminal element, bat that tho police are proving eqnal to the emergancy la shown by tho capture of Saturday morning and that of last night. old-tim- Factory Will So BuIN In too Illinois City, Ample Capitol Having Boon Secured. Ta J. Parry, business manager of tho Kinsey Collapsible Box company, has returned from a trip east and makes the announcement that ho has been auoceaeful la selecting a alto for the box factory, which 1 to bo moved from thlo city to Molina minole. Sufficient capital has been scoured to build tho now big plant at Mollao and tho Ogden concern Intends to get bnsy right away. Tha articles of Incorporation will ha changed ao aa to take In u number of auxiliary companies. . SINGLE COLD STANDARD BUSY Promising Mining Property Will Bo Fully Exploited Supplies shipped. THE DANGER FALSE OF ALARMS Ernest Fullmer, II year of ata who was arrested some ttma ago U thin city by Detaotivu Jaimes F. Pander nnd Foetoffloo Inapeotor Durand, tar forging nnd coil acting a money order for $30. wae yesterday eantanoed by Judge Marshall of the United Staten district court to tws yuan la tho stato penitentiary at hard labor. The letter in which tho money order was contained waa seat to a traveling man In Ogdaa but Just how Fullmer got hold of tho aamo la not known. Ho forged tho name of tho traveling man nnd collected tha money. A week later ha waa arrested by tha effloers mention sd and lodged In tho city Jail. Tha youth medo a full confession to Detective Ponder so that ho was sentenced on the rapid flro or dor. Ho was Indlotal by tho federal grand Jury last Monday and yeeterday ha pleaded guilty to tho two counts of tho Indictment against him and was ordered to tha ntato prison for tho time stated. Ho waa taken out at once l begin serving hia oentenca To supply your wants in Millinery, Shirt Waists, Muslig Underwear, Gauze Vesta, Pants, Union Suits, Ung Short Gloves, Ilosiery, Kimonos, Wrappers, OUR MOTTO etc., ete $ Good Goods Cheap Not Cheap Goods GRIXS 358 25th St. ITALIAN CHILD DROWNED Fall Into Ditch In Front of tho Family Residence Yesterday Afternoon. FhlUp Dtnovo, I years old, son ef Mariana Dinovo, was drowned Frtdaj afternoon In n ditch la front of tho family resldsuoo nt 2707 Padflo avenue. Tho little fellow had been left to play In tha front yard by his mother and strayed out of the yard, across tho sidewalk and fell Into tha ditch. In n comparatively short ttma his absenos waa noted and the mother discovered tho body lying toco downward in tho water. Funeral services win bo held Sunday afternoon at I o'clock at Riehoy'a FRYER Makes the Ice Cream, Sherbets, Punches, Frozen Puddings, Etc You will need for that party. parlor. SUMMER Phone EXCURSIONS Via Colorado Midland Railway. City of Mexioo, May 1 to 7, June 7 to 14 aad 17 to July 1L Round trip, $69.15. Loam limits. Heaton Excursions May 27 to SO, Juaa I, 7, 13, 14. One faro plus 92.00 for long limits. Stop overs. Other cheap rates during the summer. Writs I H. Harding, Balt Lake City for particulars. U H. Harding, Gtneral Agent -- SHEEP ASSESSMENT ' County Board of Commieeieaare Molda Seance with Meases Thomas and Wats 1. J. Thom an and John Watson of tha state board ef rqusllaatlun met yeeterday afternoon with the comity board of commissioners, tha county treasurer and the eounty aaaaaaur. Tha principal matter discussed concerned cheep and sheepmen and the manner In whieh the county has lost thousands sf dollar by Incomplete aqpeastnents of these animals. Two reasons were advanced to for the shortage, one that the value per head Is given below the actual value of the sheep and tha other that the number of ah cep In the county I underestimated. The work of arriving nt a correct MHWDnt of nil Ihnep In Utah will ha panned by the heard of equalisation na the condition la Weber eounty are but the counterpart of the conditions in every sheep ratang county In the state. TO StTTLE D. & R. C. TROUBLE Knapp and Neill Accept Rldgvmyta vitation .to Visit Denver. Denver, Col., April 27. In- A message received here late tonight from Washannounces that ington Chairman Knapp of the interstale commerce commission and Labor Commissioner Neill have accepted tha Invltattoa of General Manager A. C. Ridgway of the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad company to come to this city and assist hi settling the controversy between th company and Ms trainmen and conductor. Mesera Knapp and Neill will arrive In Denver Wednesday. Making Old Jewelry New Down In your strong box there are probably several pieces of old Jew-dr- y that are doing no one nay V gooJL For n small cost we might be able to modernise them Into desirable shapes and Myles, or If hops-loaal-y gone wo will make CASH ALLOWANCES for them. Let us show yon what we can do. The Single Gold Standard Mining oompany, eompooed principally of Ogden people, ta getting ready to exploit tbo property lx tho Salmon river country uo a Urge scales. Supplies sufficient to rua the force of men until December have been purchased and hipped north. Tho prospect ta a most WRITING IN SAND. One picked assay promising one. In gold. It would be Interesting to know bow showed 120,000 to the ton will suocese of this mean Tho company now remember many people living the days shen their Three R'a" were another boost for Ogden ns tha princishareholders live hen. taught them by means of sand Ink, pal pencils and paper bolng too costly. of than GENTLEMAN BURGLAR ARRESTAn interesting reminder ED. times M tho old .sand wrttlngdable to Chicago, April 27. Edward Tata, be seen at Dranlngton, In Suffolk. It comditi of a long, smooth board, known aa tho "Gentleman Burglar, with a rim all round. On this surface who escaped from Peoria recently, waa fine aand waa sprinkled to a depth iff arrested today aa ha waa about to enabout' an eighth of an inch, and the ter the office of a friend. Tata was wiwriting was traced thereon with the der arrest for blowing up the safe in forefinger. A plasterer's leveller was the office of tho board of educe tin at used for smonthlng tho sand for the Peoria. The robbery is alleged to have been for the purpose of removing evinext pupil. The sexton shown in the photograph dence against the alleged accomplices nested at tha table Is Just fourscore of Newtoo C.' Dougherty, the convicted banker and school superintendent years and ten, and he learnt to writ on this hoard. These tables were of- Tate had been In prison with Doughten kept In church, and writing lessons erty and the plot to remove tho evidence I said to have been made there. took place after morning service. When arrested Tata was trying to London Graphic. obtain an interview with Tneodore Smith, whom Tate la Mid to bar bastA FROSFEROUS SWISS INDUSTRY. es and robbed three years ago. it Is sppoeed that ho wished to arrange Thd annual report of tfce Zurich Chamber of Comment, furnished by that Smith should not press his charge Consul-GenerRichard G'leo'her. of and to make restitution of the money Frankfort, stales that the importation of which Smith was robbed. of cocoa by Switzerland In tho year MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. 1309 was valued at t.khfc.MO franca (franc 19 2 cental, and the exportaShanghai, April 27 At today's sestion of 'SwUa manufactured chocolate, com flour and manufactures of cocoa sion of the missionary conference tha amounted to 3J,59S,b90 francs, exceed- disc union and resolutions emphasized ing the exports of 1901 by 9,569,000 tha Importance of national ministry, and a francs. church and eduoated preachof tbo Swiss ex- Chine Fully ers. because of the awakening of the ported chocolate goe to Groat Britain. The exportation to the United State empire. baa aot been up to expectations, aa the DISCHARGED. home manufacture there dominates the WANTS RECEIVER market owing to tariff protection. GerTopeke, Ksa., April 27. H. H. Tuckmany. Russia nnd Italy are also excellent customers for Swiss chooolate. er, Jr., the Indloted secretary treasurer of the Uncle Sam Oil company, The report, while spooking of the favorable condition of thin Important ar- filed a petition In the United States ticle of Swttserisnda exportation, district court hero today asking that notes the Increasing and nherp com- tho receiver, recently apponted be discharged. Tucker declare the company, petition among tho manufacturer, which has 10.000 stockholders. U solvwhich show Knelt markedly In tha Inordinate and highly expensive adver- ent. A hearing upon tho petition saa tising methods aad large discounts and set for May 6. price Conor salons to the customers, thereby greatly reducing tho profits. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Tho large number of tourist visiting MANY SALOONS CLOSED. prove profitSwitzerland every able customers, aa they take home Tasvenwonh. Ka., Ap with them considerable Swiss chocoT. F. Carver and S. f. late. two of tho brewery receivers It would appear, adds Mr. Guenhers today closed many saloons ther, that our American chocolate their could Increase manufacturer supposed to be owned by tho brewers now resting under the sales In foreign markets by following stato supreme court's order, tbo lines of tbo Swiss producers. and at each place caused noQuito a Luxury. tices to be posted announcing that they had taken charge. A Lady How much do you charge for daebehiindsT few hours before the receivers arrived In the city, several carDog Fender Five hundred dollars a yard, mum. loads of beer and whiskey were Lady Dear me! How expensive! shipped out of the city. And of course I must have four feet. Llpplncott's. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO g one-thir- d yr HIS OFFENSIVENESS. J. S. LEWIS & CO. JEWELERS Raynor J know, of course, that old Pragmatt It offensively positive and controversial, tea hes generally right, isn't ho?" Rhyne Blame him. ye! Thai's what makes him so offend c." Grammar. "Mother, can I have another alios of pier "Te. dear, you can." "Well, may No. dear, you may not" Mother, ain't grammar aa mean thlag?" Judge. ir awful FIRE DEPARTMENT RESPONDS TO NEEDLESS CALLS. Fifty Dollara Reward Far Arrest and Conviction of Partloo Turning 1 Box. Chief Paine of tho Ogden City Flro department la Justly angry at tho wan ton nebs of unknown parties turning In falsa alarms and wan moat emphab to la his statements loot night na to what would happen to an offender caught doing suqh n eon tom ptl bio trick. While tho city ordinance provide for tho payment of $60 out of tho fine of a parson aonrlctod of timing In a false alarm, to tho Informant Chief Patna said that ha would gladly give $50 himself to con riot na offender of that Ilk. -A false alarm from Box II In tho Southern Pacific yards, near the shops, waa tha cans of Indignation among tho firemen of Station Barly yesterday morning there waa a legitwmould-ering Bon from imate call II and a flro In some rubbish In a building near the shops waa extinguished by the chemical. Because of the flro of early yesterday morning the depart meet thought that there were another blase to contend with when the alarm came In about 1 oclock last night. Upon arriving at tha shops the foreman Informed them there was no fire and that he had no Idea who had turned In the alarm. It ! likely that some smarty. lacking In common horse sen, pullel (town the lever which caused the department to make a wild, needless run. Tha punishment provided for culprit who tamper with tha fire alarm boxes la quite severe. The ordinance provides for a 50 fine, or 50 days' Imprisonment or both fine and Imprisonment. Were one or two of the would be practical Jokers given the limit It would have a most salutary effect on other of the Mud. There le danger enough to pedestrians and rigs on the streets when there la a real fire to which a feat ran must he made, without endangering people's lives needlessly through the reprehensible acts of wanton rowdies. MONTELLO SALT CO. IMPORTANT. Locators will pteaa call at tha offioa A Corn, 42$ Eerie bonding, Monday, April 29th, to aocuro their claim. This moat bo- dona promptly, aa tho hooka will remain boro only a few days longer. of Maglnnis MAQINNIB A CORN. THEATERS Round Trip to Los Angeles On sale daily, April 26th to May 19th. Good returning to July 31st, 1907 GOOD BILL AT UTAHNA. Qslte ns good If not better than any yet offered at Utahns Is the attraction which played Its first performance last night. Not one dull moment occurred from beginning to end, and two audiences that taxed tha eating capacity of the house, got a dollar's worth of pleasure out of tha variety of amusements. The first number, Budd and Warns, singing nnd dancing acrobats, goes with a snap aad vim Tha pair la exceptionally clever, and something out of the ordinary marks the acrobatic stunts they perform and the departure from the oommon proved tho delight of the house which showed Its apLa preciation in hearty applause. r Danseuoe and change Adrlla, artist, follows with an exhibition of the dances of several countries. She wears costumes to represent each try and doe everything in the line of toe and heel work, from a Jig to a high kick. In tho comedy sketch entitled "The Old Love," Evans and Lloyd appear to advantage. The playlet la full of bright lines and many humorous situations are evolved ont of a reconciliation of a former husband nnd wife. The net ta properly staged and la amusing throughout. A If Holt, mimic, comedian and nil round entertainer, deaerves tho title of Prince of Mimics. From the sweet notes of the mocking bird to the lusty crow of the cock, and the angr7 snarls of street dogs ' engaged in n fight, ho Imltatte with incomparable accuracy.' Hia work Is especially good SALE OF SHIRT WAISTS and decidedly clever. At th head of tho Hat, however. Is Wright's Bargain Basement Springe the Nellie Andrews company, comAnother Remarkable Surprise. posed of Henri Gun son, William Gor don and Nellie Andrews, baritone. There ta much talk those days of tenor and soprano, lesnootlvely, who And Basement tho appear In tcensa taken from the opera Wright's Bargain sale which begins there tomorrow will 11 Travatore" The Misers Duet, becrest mor favorable comment among fore the window of the prison by Altai the ladies. It seems that tho manager Andrews, nnd Gordon, was given with of the second floor found himself over- dramatic effect and musical osrreot-nes- s. bought on a Has of shirtwaists. He ofMiss Andrews 1a poasraoed of a fers the line to the basement mkn at a dear, high soprano, of warmth, nnd very Tow price and ha In turn will expression whieh ahe uses, with Judgput them on the market at an equally ment nnd effect. Mr. Gordon baa low price one whlcn will no doubt tenor voice particularly sweat and take many shoppers bto the new pop strong. Mr. Guo eon completes the ntar department of Wright's store. A trio with a rich baritone, rssonaut aud voice. The complete explanation ta made In their excellently controlled advertisement in this Issue. wonder ta that artists endowed with such capabilities are playing in raude TURKS MEET GREEKS. vllle. but this fact robs them of none of their charm. The challenge scene Atbsn. April 27. A detachment of which followed the duet, completely Turkish troops and a hand of Greek captivated the andtenoe. and round brigands had a sharp fight April 26 at after round of applause followed the Moriboven, in Macedonia The Turks singers behind the cranes. The An illustrated song by Morey Long ultimately routed the raiders. Greek chief, rrven of his men and 29 and moving pictures concluded the Turks were killed. MU. Both are entertaining. Ml N.l. Worlds Greatest Pageant ,iwill take prace first week in May. Ask any Utah agent, or wrfce for information to , Pn-mie- d. j. h. burtner; SALT. LAKE CITY p. a.. Just Received! Exquisite Patterns Your Choice $23 Coat anti Trousers $1950 Made In Any Style EDMUND 305 TAILORING CO. Twenty-fourt- h St. A |