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Show i K J THE MORNING EXAMINER, SORES OLD I r mloer is only s symptom, aa outlet lor th impurities sal mtm la ths blood, and aa long ss this vital fluid remains la yfriA fhm nrrrr The r1" application y"1 rrmtsmirpowders, etc., may cause the spot to scab over, but a fresh i of diseased matter from the blood starts it again, and thus it goes affecting the entire health of the ""mdamly growing wone andinslowly which the blood becomes contaminated ways There an - many -IU!CRe iv i -- native members to remove ths refuse and waste matter Sthabodr theeacasaivensc of mineral medicines in certain diseases, all with morbid matter and germs which sooner or later is that refuses to heaL Peraoa with inherited blood taint are sore a by with sores and akera. The taint may lie dormant afflicted be to zLvggt vigorous life. bat when middle aye is reached or passed and begin to grew wesher. the tissues in some weak point . i. nad a chronic sore is formed and kept open by the constant impure matter from the blood. If the cause is not removed the ftfcwiil continne to grow worse by eating deeper into the flesh, festering. Sduuging, and slowly undermining the constitution. S. S. S. heals old of the trouble, driving out the aaresby going down to the very bottom crrcnlatiou. When S. S. S. has removed cntire the and up building tmtrariries Macause ths Hood becomes rich sad healthy, the sore begins to heal, new Do not depend on external eih is formed, sad soon ths place is cured. whkh do not reach the Mood, bat begin the use of S. S. S. and mcove of the cense, and than the sore must heal. Book on Sores and Ulcers d medical advice frea. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COL, ATLANTA CA. Wmrd maa-jjjjgg- ad !K5aleiree ROOSEVELT I CANE FIELDS 17. United Wiscon- Francisco, April sin, who arrived hero today, gave It as his opinion that President Roosevelt will be renamed by acclamation at the next Republican national convention. SUICIDE. COMMITTED Vancouver, B. C., April IT. I. O. Russell, eaeoutlve agent ef the Grand Trunk Pacific la British Columbia committed suicide yesterday at Prime Rupert, by shooting himself with a revolver. unfavorable comment. Te Importance attached to teolated Incidents bearing on the future of Industrial activity and on the probable mmiim of government policy towards corporations Indicates sensitiveness on those subjects. . BURNED. Geo. A. Lowe Company Washington Avenue ' Castries, Island of Saint Lucia. April Quiet prevails here and wwrh has been resumed, bnt there to a feeling of unroot lest disorders break out The employers were compellagain. SIOHT-BEEINAND bn a TRIP OP ed to give In to the demands of the REST, coal carriers and laborers for increases In wages. These demand were considered exorbitant Rioting continues on the sugar Ha Will View the Hietoris Scenes ef estates where cane field have been the First Bsttlsmsnt ef the burned and faotorie wrecked. The American Continent, mall police foroe and pedal officer, H badly handled, are Inadequate to order her. 8inee the troumaintain Norfolk, Va., April 17. Preaidant ble the polios have killed four began gsesevelt and party, after their streaand persona, wounded twenty-fou- r In ths Inaugural ms participation taken eleven prisoners. Ons hundred ' of ths Jamestown Exposition, policemen end volunteers from Barbapeat today on a pleasure trip up the dos arrived today and have gone into historic Ks In Rleh Jiati river. th country with the governor. It lboros lined with land-wh- s of the colonial days of the old Dominion, the James river appealed to Os President ns the Said for a day's Oilot vacation, and ho looked forward to ths trip as ons of tbs noteworthy fwtani of his trip. Ths yacht Sylph, on vhlA he embarhed last evening af-thN return frea ths dinner given in Ms honor by ths president at ths npeskloa, will oerry th party up tha Jamaa rivar. Tha little yacht had (Upped down th bay from Norfolk , firing tha night to be In readiness X7. ) 2326-232- 5 RIFLES AND CARTRIDGES ISSUED TO THE VOLUNTEERS. to Madison avenue In or end ef th pier. this city. With this istote addition 8upritttondt Edaoe, who as Into tee holdings of tea University it jured In th performance of tha asm Race Are Students Hindoo Inciting becomes possible to carry out the ssrvlos, wm not seriously hurt. Hatred and tha British Rulers building plan ef tha university. Are Uneasy. In the pate sixteen month Mr. IN PRANCE. T TO FUTURE tor th early atari Hi fiylph waa headed the river with Jams town directly ?p a ita final Msdastta. Much Interest has bean Mt Is the ruins at thla historic apot, th tnt wtt lament of which tha as-- , paritka aommsmoratoa. Rare It waa tint the Int permanent settlement ef . bgtkA speaking people npoa the , imrieu continent was mads on May 11, 1K7. lbs peninsula jutting ou t ints th James river, Jamestown auoaea-dvd- j named Fort Jamas Gty and Jhnutoira, became an Island through thi making away, nearly two can-twi-ii ago, of tha'nack which coonect-v-f tht tody of tbs peninsula with th . ' ARC NOT SATISFIED WITH AMERICAN PROGRAM. U asle - trip a (tritely private affair. No annpapar nun aocompanlsd the party sad the President sought as for as poe- albie to enjoy tha days vacation in th teuton of hla family and friends. Th party will return let In the and will ha transferred to the wilier yacht Mayflower, which la expected to leave Hampton Roada for tha return trip to Washington about 7 block this evening. It la expected that the Mavflowsr will reach Wuh-tagto- a about 10 o'clock Sunday af-ten- THE FORESTS. Kuhlagtan, April 17. Th United forest servlus has leaned a dr-ta-r e saying that thla country every year between three and Jw time more wood than all of Its grow In the meantime and that this Is continued the result will be Saber fsmlna. A policy of govern-a- t aoutrol and regulation la reaom-fe- d u a, remedy. The Pateflc con-tejt- tat tatae. It Intervena. Lahore, British India, April 17. Rifles and twenty rounds of ball cartridge have been served out to the local vol untears In consequence of signs of marked unrest among the Hindoo student element. Tha publication of Inflammatory article In the native newspapers, Inciting race hatred against the Europeans and demanding native control of the government of India by means of an sleeted parliament, has bang followed recently by riots at Lahore and alee where in the Punjab, and by attacks on Europeans. Professional and political agitators are new fomenting strikes on tha relit roada and th government has concluded that ft la time ts suppress tb rioting by forMflil mean If necessary. Th authoritlM are mtlsflad that a determined front will speedily ond tha outward signs of dlaaffsetkm, especially as they have tb unanimous support of the groat Mohammedan population, who, at numerous meetings, have condemned the movement. Recent event have given a remarkable Impulse to enlistment In the volunteers. The recruits Include five Judges of ths supreme court, the directors of universities and leading bankers and merchants, all of whom bars entered the ranks of the privates. n wall land. at Hoag the rivar several stops tanous colonial bora as had been planted tor the party. The satire for the day was DEVASTATING Sam Must Define What Will b Sufficient Cause to Again - aaj-awill soon taka the in timber production. Havana, April X7-- In an Interview yesterday, Joes Loans, preaUant of the Coaservatlr; party, aald that hs believed th chances of th Conservatives defeating the Liberals were good. The Conservative want article III of the Platt amendment to defined that It may be known how and under what another Intervention circumstances might take place. According to artlele HI tha Americas governmsnt may Intervene In Cuba whenever, la Hs Judgment, It la eon vanleat Tha reason and manner are at tha optica of the United States and Cuba baa nothing to say on th subject. The Oonaervatlveu want to remedy this and to find a guarantee of safety in some regulation of th application of article III. Asked whether he expected th Americans to withdraw from Cnba without naw guarantees or a verbal definition of article HI, Seaor Lanuaea an awarad that aa th Americans were not withdrawing immediately It waa parbag too early to ana war the quea-tkHa added: It is true .than was a pries on the first republic and there may b on the aeeond, but I to aot believe that the Americana are going to name It until shortly before they are ready to leave." Grove avenue Rockefeller has given II.OMjOflO and ths total of gift stoat tee founding of the Institution amounts to 111 Was Short XT.-- Dmrer, April 17. Mrs. Kata PIER Before bsyiag your summer underwear call and iw r line of garments and uuderewar, which is the best the State, and approved. We ab-1- 0 being home-mad- e Dtelj guarantee to sell garments cheaper than you clD buy elsewhere. We make them. Utah Knitting Factory 302 25th Street Question . i to-aa- KILLED Haa Left Denver for Reiss to Be With Her Huab-nd. Whether yon can do any better than to bny your baggy from Cfi Wtw got what yon want and eaa giro you tho pricey too. Onr AUTO neat, rnbbertfeo nnabonta art as good tsIii ai yon can And In town. AXOTHRtt OAR JUBT RECEIVED. SUPERINTENDENT OP CONSTRUCTION CAUGHT IN WRECKAGE. Wm Warning ths Employes Tkat ths Piling Was Sinking and There Wm Danger. Baltimore, April J7. A section of ef th new pier being erected emigration station at Lseuat tt the South Baltimore, tor Dm BaM-tno- r Point, A Ohio railroad, fbr tt us at th Norte Gemma Uoyd Steamship company, collapsed today, carrying down betwwa twenty and twaaty-ftworkman, of whom aix era Mown to b dead, three Blaring ant fifteen Injured. SAN FRANCISCO STRIKE, W. N. Bdsen, general euperitdeut of th Baltimore ' Bridge aempaay, Ban Francisco. April 17. who had charge f tbs ikd cmatiue-Um- , failure ef a tb wm caught while waralig ft of the Carmen union an President workmen off th pfer. Th bead. Calhoun of th United Railroads ovr th demands presented by th carmen Tony Wolf. for sa eight-houHobart Swestman. day and It day, which Calhoun refused to entertain, Four BMafifid man, drowned. the labor eouaell last night endorsed Tha pier la a twowtoir aaresture tb carmeni demand and agreed to 1,100 feet lent Ha estimated seat is stead by them In any notion the union 9400,101. might take. Waning af th dtaaoter wm had Daring the. day th officers of tha aoreral days aye when sum ef th local nalon received the tndoraamaat shortly pile began settling. To-lato their demands ef th executive comw tie disaster, ths pltes settled mittee of the International organisa1 such an alararing manner teat or-- , tion ef which W. D. Mahon Is presi- dan to leave the ptaoe ware sent dent. This la taken to mean that tha out It la dUb to this fact that the International body will support the cMaalUss war not greater. These local carmen in the event or a strike. caught were at the end of th pier The hopes of averting a atrik have upon the roof. not yet hem given np. Later this afternoon a revised list of the missing ws tasued, placing ths ROCKEFELLER'S GIFTS. timber of (Mounted for at sixteen, most of team laborers. It was further X7. John D. RockeChicago, April that only three bo rile, have stated feller. It wm annaunced yesterdav. bas f been recovered, all of which have been deeded to the University of Chicago. Identified. tract nf land comprising about ten Howard T. EMender of Baltimore city blocks and valued at t2.00u.O09. was one of tb deed. He lost Ms Ilf from extends The tract Cottage trying to save the men upon the wot- 900 feat A Fine Line of Surreys and' Traps i Up o-dato ' la rrary ratpott and ail tally guaranteed. Wo will take pUuuo in showing thou to YOU. Harness, Robes, Whips v Fei-lovri- y I A We Seriously COLLAPSED ar Headquarters for Garments Underwear and hosiery. ' Chea- hotel here today and wm killed. . Mva. Chaster left her room apon tha third floor and from all that cm be learned, walked Into tha shaft, thinking aha wm stepping Into th National Bank of Butler, Mo., which elevator. 8b fell to th basement, where aha struck upon th concrete suspended In September last and th which he wm president Hla aoeounts floor. She ulsd shortly after mediwere short In the Masonic horns of cal aaslstaao had hem summoned. Missouri, Knights Tempter of Mis- The coroner will make aa souri, Walnut Land A Coal company, a corporation with largs holdings, the Bates County Investment ompany and several estates at which hs wm trua-i- . The Indictment contains elevra counts, $19,000 bring Involved. us pension of th Following th bank, Captala Tygard wm declared and was confined to a private sanitarium. He la T4 years ef sgs- - t One Door East Carr's Drug Store. Grove ton, Texas. April 27. Stale Rangsr J. D, Duaaway aad former County Attorney H. L. Robb were shot by R. O. Keatey, a lawyer. Ruth are dangerously wounded. Keatey fired tha shot from hi office white hla victims were In th street below. Koatoy aaya ho did not Intend ts shoot Robb, but that ho shot Duuowar because tea latter recently naneslted hi at Trinity, Trees. Dunaway, ha added, had made threats against him aad wm moving toward hi offioe In a auaptctoa manner Just previous to th shooting . Chicago, Kansas Gty, Mo., April 17 The federal grand Jury here today return-a- d an Indltement against Captain Flavius J. Tygard, charging him with misapplication of the funds of the Baton ?" 02 25th SL SNOOTING. greed secretary for Illinois ef the Order of tee Em term an down fell a levator shaft In a Star, Denver, April XT. Mrs. William D. JohMtown, Pa., April 27. Twelve Heywood, wife of th aecretary-treae-nre- r of tee West ora Federation of I"- - Aj,ril XT. Th stock man, H foreign era, era reported to be been narrow and profsa-- 1 Imprisoned In th Fouetwell min of Miners, left here today fon Bole to V under th reatralnt of the var-z- the Barwtad-WhU- e Coal Mining com- attend the trial ef her husband on th lectors at uncertainty in tha pany, la Somerset county. Their fat. charge ef murdering former Governor Ona of the moat Important I not known, 'nor will It be until Bteuneuberg. She hM been a helpless vta tb nnnatlsfnteory eondl-- 7 VMt quantity ef water hM bran pumpInvalid tor many years but ah de-- 1 winter wheat crop and th ed out and thla wfil Uka a euupte of Clares aha wfil alt In an invalUa chair felay for tha other crops day. Maea while there is the wild set beside her husband throughout Mg beck ward spring. Mon-band trial. If the court officials do not deny !! excitement among relative declined In alt money frieade of th impriaonod men. her thla privilege. rUe In foreign exohangs, pump have been going steadily ha gtran rise to dtscua- - slnee the accident but they are aot THEY CONDEMN ROOSEVELT. tfehLMl,1bto arty Outflow of gold. making much headway and It Is not reIn th Interior known how great a body of water position Ban Francisco, April X7. Th Ban m eJ?d by the report of March mains to be removed. The earn of Francisco labor council passed a n controller of th currency the flooding of tbevmine will not be lutlon condemning President Roosevelt for bte reference to Moyer and Hay-wood, the Iddho prisoners, as undesirable cttlxeas. Utah Knitting Factory A TEXAS Prominent Woman Walked Into an Opat Elevator Shaft. MRS. WM. Dl HEYWOODw nr ts Japan. Violent , ter at 19,000 In Hie l XT. level. X.T01 feet under ground. Th bodies wr buried eevoral hundred foot through the gaagwey, striking the ears Mi wore horribly mangled whoa picked up. e CAPT. TYGARD INDICTED. Ha Fariu, April wfO la said to ba la th at Lord and lady Cooper wbe rjpantiy cam to New York. Th testament will be probated after tha funeral af Mr. Smith, whose remain are now s rente to this city from Tha akm appeals that there th military to refuse to act agatate la Th American also says to a possibility that there another th strikers els and sees, laboring 411,000. which have been placarded In Parte Md Is ter will. nsls Just after Mr. marriage la which Mr. Smith nut In th provincial towns, hare Smith's 8. T. K. PRIME DEAD, been followed by a datonninatkm ef mads far more lib rat provision for widow. Such a wU. It states, th government to prosecute their au- his would probably be oos tested by his Hla Work Waa Known to Fanners aa thor. Tha polios hare amatol acre blood relatives. Prims'! Orop Reports. of tee twenty-onsignore at th appeals. Tha prisoners laalado tha Chios go, April XL E. T. K. Prime, rotary of the Union of Belma anions. SIX MINERS KILLED who for XI years waa atattonad at Dwight, life, gathering statistics on MILLIONS TO EE DIVIDED. y a Baplsstea af Qm In a Cal erops, died last night In the Chicago Min. home for Ineurablea. Ha was atrirkan Lady Jan Caspar Will laharit 9Mr with paralysis two rears ago. m teS1 Seattle. Waate, April 000,000. 'Prime's erep report mads tea ars war kilted In the Morgan min publisher know throughout tha counNew York, April Aaiarioaa of tea Paste Coast Coal compear, al try. Farm ere regarded his figures and claim to Informatics that Bleak Diamond, early yesterday. A hare today aa Infallible. Even after th opinion teovernmant broadened out ita field on uader tha will ef Janie Bsary Smith, carets caused a aooumulatloa of this work, Mr. Prime waa by many th millionaire who died rocoatly la gas aad wha workmen 1 dceoeadad conaldared na authority where views Japan, tha widow, who wm Mrs. Rhine- with open tempi tha gas gal tod, Th Dead. lander Stewart, resolves $1,440,000 o of exports conflicted. Mike MItebeU, 41. miser, died from Mr. Prims was 71 years old, a native an Income from that na eat of hla buna, lee res a wU and four ehll- at Oenaeetlcut, aad ths sou of Sam-u- l Immsaas estate. LaJy Jana Cooper, hia sister, inherIrenaus Prime, minister, author, Reeee lUaee, leaves widow aad fire and for many yearn editor of tee Now it 9X1,000,000, It says, white sthsr York Observer. Hs moved from of hia blood relatives get liberal be- childres. Merit Doattey, leaves widow aad M Dwight to Chicago ten yeara ago sad quest. According to th Amariaaa, friends child. for a long time mads hla horn at ths of Mrs. Smith declare that th will F. L Damaatea. Union League club. , Jos Belmonte. not be satisfied with tea provision A. Domino, mad for her la this testament aad FELL TO HER DEATH. Th explosion eaeurred on th iath will oonteat it. TWELVE MEN IMPRISONED. Caught by tha Bursting af a Slg Water Pips. PEEKS STOCK MARKET. APRIL 29, 1907. TO SE RENAMED. States Senator LaFoUette, of San has been a subset of THE JAMES SUNDAY, known until tht mouing puny wi sain an eutraooe. It is believed the uen in ibalr werii upped an old mine that vw full of water, in which case Uure would probably be no chance for their escape, while if the water came more elewly frotn.burewJ pipe they would have a chance of by climbing up through an air shaft. Even in the Utter case, it is doubi-tu- l If they could survive for the Incut of air. The Isas have been suing iu an attempt to get air into the flooded I part of the mine, but it U aot hnown At t:U o'bow far it penetrates. clock Mine Superintendent Heighan, who is at the head of the rescuing party, euoreeded in getting a signal over the pump line and it is new certain that some of the men are alive. It was than aaid all but seven had been accounted for. -- COES UTAH. OGDEN. We Will Treat You Right Burton Implement Co. Washington 2312-1- 6 Ave. |