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Show rf THE MORXISO EXAMINER, OGDEN, UTAH. 6 END AY, APRIL 1907. Suns HalfBrother The Most Picturesque of Rulers Calls Himself TIDES" ARE OTHER TITLES BORNE BY TI1E KING OF SIAM, WHO IS NOW ON HIS WAY TO FRANCE AND WHO WILL FULL BROTHER OF TnE MOON" AND SUPREME ARBITER OF THE ON EARTH, HIS JEWELS COVER THE ENTIRE WALL OF A ROOM, AND HIS MANTLE OF STATE IS THE MOST VALCALSO VISIT KING EDWARD HE IS ONE OF THE RICHEST POTENTATES llAREM CAN ENTIRELY WniCII A BE LAKE. IN PRIVATE OF SUBMERGED POSSESSOR HIS ALSO THE UNIQUE IS EXISTENCE ABLE GARMENT IN the WW ? Omt Britain by) Curtis Brava. an rights London, April 11 Jaded Londoner are eagerly looking forward te the approaching visit of Phra Paraaaladr Make Chulalongbora, the King of Siam which is aov timed for the midare dle of May. Eastora nooarefcacrowd to the more interesting always ! European royalties. It is the misfortune of most of these latter to look just like plain, everyday folk, aapeo-tallwken dressed, as they generally era when they appear la public, in the conventional sombre frock coat sad top hat of dviUsatka. As a spectacle they are distinctly disappointing. Eastern retore are different. They leok different They wear gorgooua raiment And whan they stir abroad they dont smlla and simper and Jerk their heads like automatons when people cheer at them. Ko king can look dignified dolag that Dusky potentates aooept homage as a matter of oounw, and treat It with lofty indifference, as beoomes men who regard themselves as a higher order of crea. tion real kings and not figureheads. There Is no sovereign la the world who is mor accustomed to receive more abject homage than Hie Majem ty of 81am. He possesses a moat Imposing string of titles. Among other things ha to Bupraraa Arbiter of the Ebb and flow of the Tides, Brother of the Moon, Half Brother of the Bun and Owner of Four and Twenty Golden Umbrellas. Whenever he takes no airing In hie own domain hta faithful subjects prostrate themselves ns he pnseee by, no matter how muddy the streets may happen to be. Even the highest la the land when they approach hie august presence must do so oa all fours. His favorite wives have to kneel before him. Hta brothers do likewise. Bo King Cbutakmf-korIs not likely to he miMh Impressed by n crowd that keeps on Ho legs before him and shouts end waves bate and handkerchiefs at him. He wont boh hta bead until hta neck urban, aa European kings are expected to do when they shew themselves to the public. As king of 81am, Chulalongkorx hat much easier billet than the occupants of European thrones. He to Invested with power aa autocratic aa thane of the Cmr of Russia, but hto to a paternal despotism which to not tempered bj roaeaelnatioa. Siamese folk don't throw bomba and none of them has yet reached that stage of (Copyright 1 strictly-Tessrvcd.- y n JVetat enlightenment to which muoareba are regarded aa costly superfluities. Chub alonghorn to net required to lead the strenuous life. He can take things aa easy aa he pltasea. Hto inoome to something like fl0.6M.0M n year. Hto gorgeoun royal palace at Bangkok to a walled and battlemented city with in a city. Behind the lino of not very warlike sentries who guard its massive gates to costal and treasure far la excess eg the loot obtained by the greatest font of robbery commuted la modern times the sacking of the summer palace of Feld in 1860. It is really a double p since an outer and aa Inner palace. Into the latter so European of the auto box has ever peatrated. It contains about 4.000 women and one man. And that mas is the king. The Siamese call the place Kang Nel ("The Inside I and so earred b It held that etiquette fern bide any open allusion to It. The moat extraordinary feature of the Kang Sal to the submerged harem, situated la aa artificial lake. It to built entirely of glass of variegated eotore, the plates being Joined to gether by aa insoluble cement. It is ornamented wtib quaint turrets and minarets. When not in use it floats on tho surfooo of tho lake. When the King desires to taka hto ease within It, aooompaaled by hto harsm tavor-naho enters the single door, which whoa closed, to air and watertight At n eignnl certain valves are opened and the house of fines descends to the bottom ef the lake The arrangements for supplying fresh air are perfect la the hot summer weather It affords a deliciously coot retreat and there Cbulalong kora ! accustomed to while many Idle hours away, rejoicing, doubtless, that rule did not summon him to tvlgn over n progressive and civilised people. That fomoue laying of Shakespeare's, .Uneasy lies the head that wean a crown,'' does not apply to him. In accordance wllh eastern custom he Is a much married man. Ia has a core er two of ofltalal wives and nobody knows Just how many hundreds of what might bo termed courtesy w)vee, though In Solomon's tlma they wort known by another name. Off Into years tho only trouble has has has come from hto wiles. And font was hto own fault He la an educated man. Ha talks English fluently and Is credited with knowing Sanscrit end some half doien other Astatic languages, but probably, hto linguistic gifts have been greedy exaggerated. How. a rt tee Mam. mvLhLonsKOu,SiMter kimef op lall lalte efIs tat Is, as! Skat to number ef predictions Out been Made as te tbe ef the baseball ram paisa 1M7 la the two major Jregues oeuld net be recorded even by a double Mated cash register serrated Ay a man with SL Vitas' daaca. Every sea, from BUI the office boy te the United States minister to Baluchistan, has made bis little guess as to tho pennant prospects ef tho various American and National taaguo teams. Troth to tell. It to n meet difficult preponitteu to prophesy with any degree ef accuracy this year. Many ef tbe big league managers are trying eut" unusually Urge numbers ef recruits from tbs major leagues, and' It to the uncertainty ns to the future performances ef theeo men that makes the Job ef prophet n basardeua one. Mere new men bare been seen on mathus for this year jor league tea than baa ever before been the case. About tbe only big league outfit that has been content to stand pat with elm exclusively last year's men to THB Promising "Recruits For he to never nt a toss to knew what a what In the playing Hm. Hanlon has wooded eut m of tho veteran Cincinnati players, and hto long list ef recruits Includes four men of splendid promlea They are Del Mason, pitcher, who a year ago tod tho twirling deportment ef the Baltimore club; BUly Then and Mike Mitchell, outfielders, and. Johnny Kana Inflelder. Then materially aided Youngstown, O, la winning the championship ef 1101 in the toegua Ha to a brother ef Key Them-a-a the brilliant outfielder of the Philadelphia Natienala Mike Mitchell was obtained from tho Portland team of the Parlfle Coast leagua He was the heaviest hitter on the Pacific slope tost year. Johnny Kane Is n wee little om. He to no bigger than Miller Huggina tha famous Cincinnati Inflaldor. Ho has been signed as utility Inflelder, and in n pinch can do good nil around work In the gardens. Under Hanlon's splendid training those premising association and a year ago batted .171, with a catching percentage of .117. Randall to said to have been one of the beet sluggers In the Western leagua Osborne hails from tbe Cantos (O.) team of tbe Central leagua One of tho dependable new men ef the Chicago world's champion American languors is Qulllla wbe showed up well In tbe Infield en the Mexican trip cf tha White Bex. Bill Bqulrec and Jefff Bqulrsa whs to acknew lodged by pugilistic experts in the antipodes to be one of the best Mg fighters the faraway possession , ef Greet Britain known as Australia ever produced, to route eu aa Invasion of America He wants the world's heavyweight championship honors. Ho hopes to accomplish the feat by a victory over J. Jeffriaa the retired premier Jan a Tho Australian glove fighting will issue a definite challenge ts Jeffries for a battla It to quite probable that the foretaner's challenge will be accepted by the champion, who has been living quietly among the alfalfa fields ef southern California and who recently stated that If suitable financial Inducements were offered ho would once again don lighting togs to dofond bla titla There to no doubt that Bqulrsa mud foot ring Jeffries in n twenty-fou- r would be n great attraction Squires achievements to tha roped arena In his native land have been of a brilliant character, and several shrewd Australian averting man who have seen Jeffries hi bouts In this country believe Squires can take the champion's msasunk , It to an tha strength of these opinions that Squires has determined to coma to the United Stales end seek match with the modern Hercules ef Tankoe man cf muscle. n familiar with In the opinion of the physical development ef athletes and baxsrs tha Australian comes up te the requirements of perfection recognised by all authorities. Ha to big. well muscled, active, plucky aid ran strike with equal force with either hand. Ha to else emnrt at sidestepping and well versed in the science of Jeffrice la a murk bigger boxing. n. however, than the Australian. KITTY" BRANSFIELD, THE GREAT PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL When Jeffries retired three years age no boxer in the history of the prtio FIRST BASEMAN., , ring ever had a clearer claim te the title ef champion. He defeated repreall parts of the Pittsburg. And tho few new Pitta-bur- g lads should rapidly dev slop Into gen- sentative pugilists ofthan-thaworld. Ho did more because players are tar more experienced uine big league timber. ha always gars a loser a chance to than the average recruit. Billy Halltry again, .and In the second kettle man, for Instanca the outfielder Drey-tur- n Chisago Reeruita assured tram Loulrrllla to a true have corralled convinced bln beaten adversary beyond The two Chicago tee and tried player. In Bolding, hitting several likely "comers." Charley Mur- tho shadow of s doubt that he (Jeffries) end base running ho is tar beyond tbe phy. the National's president, said last was hta master. winter that he had IZS.fSI to spend oa experimental stags. Winner May Meet "Gunner Mein now men. ' Wen. for once (or maybe Hanlons New Mia I If Jeffries to as greet a man physicaltwice) hi hto life Charity made good' Probably the man who to depending and went eut and spent a big bit ef ly today as ho was when hs quit the more than any one else on now ma- that amount. Among hto recruits are vigorous end. exciting life of teriel is Manager Ned Hanlon of Gerry Bill ' Bwaensy ef tho Pacific Coast tor tho quiet, simple ways ef Hermann's Cincinnati Kada Hanlon leagua an infield er; Newton J. Ran- the farm and consents te meet Squires, kmc te Introduce himself to hto teani dall and Osborns, outfieldera and J. he will find mere financial backers than oven the once mighty John L. had very morning In order te be sura that ' W. Beaboush.aa catcher. At knows whos wba But ef Boa bough comes from the Western against Corbett at New Orleans in m prise-flghll- THE STAGE. Otto Skinner possesses one ef the largest and rarest collections cf eld of standard ploys. prompt books They were formerly owned by the late Lawrence Barrett aad bequeathed te Mr. (Skinner in token cf Barrett's admiration tor the younger actor. Rachel Cretbere, tho author cf "The Three of UC is a native of Bloemliyr tea 111. She went to New Yerk so years age aad became an Instructor ta u school tor acting, where aha wrote several short playe for the students Two ef her plays, "The Coming of Mrs Patrick" and "The Afterglow," will have prodiirUon this season, and n new piny Is to be written. Mine Clara Bloodgood has signed n contract whereby she Is to Join the theatrical tones sf the Messrs. Bbubsrt "Big Bidding for the match to likely a sensational character. Two states only are available for the match California and Nevada nd It to likely that the rival promoters cf boxing clubs located la the territory which thoae two eta tea cover win bid high for the battle. If Jeffries and Squires are matchsd It Is net Improbable that tha wiener will', be matched against I HA to be of BIU t. ' iux. M aaa rin ef a are of black patent leather with gold 8r It day and night, h i. . bucklest tbe stockings are of white to be donned only 4We a ilk, and the ngoderately tight bloom- Hto Majesty psy, hU 41 ers, fastened at the Vase, are also of portraits of hto ancestors'1 silk. She is a petite creature with The royal palace, original, . features of the Japanese type, oval, strutted by European J and ollveeomplcxloned, flashing black terih. Very fetcheyes and pedtt-whlt- a ing she loka in her rational drees, for, not to speak irreverently of Her she possesses ahem 1 Majesty, neither limbs that would make the fortune f a ballet girl. At a Lord Mayor's reception at the Guildhall none iff the grand ladles la the land would attract half as much attention. She to always accompanied by g bodyguard of a doses ladies In waiting., simply attired. An enterprising Bangkok photographer once obtained a pho. tograph of har la her rational!, but some comments that were attached to reproductions of it which appeared in some London Journals gave such offense to tha bewitching gowayi Pongs! that she ordered tho negative destroyed, and the photographer was told that be would lose hta hoed if ever be sold another copy. No European queen, probably. Is so rich la Jewelry as the Supreme Queen of Slam. She has n huge safe or casket, the handicraft of a londoa firm, la which repoao marvelous seek lets, pendants, bracelets, anklets of diamonds, rubles, emeralds and pearls galore. The eecond queen owns n scarcely Inferior casket, and each of tho other wives has her own special heard. The national Jeweler has a standing order for $500,000 worth of Jewelry to be delivered to the King every year, much of which . to distributed among the favorites of hto harem. But hto own collection of jewels and bijouterie for that of any ef hto eeneorto. Wkhln the last few years it has been enriched by the irobaaq of many ef the rareet and most costly genu that have appeared la the European market Hto Jewel repository to said to occupy tho entire wall specs of the royal bedchamber, which to Itself Ja many respects a work of nit. This throne of state Is second la magniflcenco only to tho marvelous peacock throne of Persia. It to largely composed of gold and studded with precious stones. Hto mantle of state to without doubt (be moat costly garment la tho world. It to of great antiquity and as banded on from king to king, each one adding to it eorna embellishment, ft la literally covered with gems. Bo valuable to it that Mx armed soldiers mount guard s to thing over a hundred yssni tronally present, of European and eriang Chulalongkoru has dou7 modify the lattsr. No fewer ty rooms have been fitted Lento Quinxe furniture spsckiirw out from England. The great room, la particular, baa ben with la a moat coatlv fashion tfo shuns being In solid Buanlrt any, aid having the Btaunas arms worked upon each aitldt. royal white elephants, whlehi, ? ways associated lB the taatlon with Slam, are not yet a myth and a memory, iManus , four or five ponderous drahcoloN beasts may still be seen to ihstZT s tattles but they are not now umZ state cere moo lata. How for contact with Wettere ft. iliaation has modified Chulalocgw gn bu S S? SJ JS eeUgloue Blew J nobody knova nominally, at least, he adheres tarn tote religion, which Is a 4eeae form ow Buddhism on which maaja paretttlone have been grafted, Tk huge pelaoe la girdled by a holy n which has been bleated by tbe grins and to therefore supposed to torn n effective barrier against the fled host whose special prey to rojakgr m Its multitudinous offspring. It is A Siamese custom to soars dsaomb demons, somewhat os tbe prlzxcipte (! setting a thief to catch a thief, fit demons employed are hugs aid IK eoua effigies. Tbe priests sum Chutalongkora when ha awdsi A throne to permit the erection if t of thee monstrosities outside the pi acp galea But they oom prorate a the holy rope. Opposite the pahmu the western hank of the rlogr, unit a temple known as Wet Ohaag rtk Temple of Dawn,, which tha Eg attends for pubhs worship The uv dona are tiro gigantic atone flmn male and female, wearing night masks. And tho King, ttffiW though ho may ho as to tbdr eBctg, dee it prudent to make amatol i when ho passes between town. He has visited England ogee Mat That was In 1107. Ha Mu particularly comfortable at that ttm for Fraooe was threatening to oobbis up tbe biggest portion of Us tor nut (Continued an Page TMrteoJ 'Players MaKe "Baseball Forecast Xncertain; ! I Ue ever that muy be. It to a fact that in an evil hour he conceived the notion that some of hto wives would make more agreeable and enterprising companions u they were given n smau-r-luof education in tha European sense. 8o several governesses were imported ' from Bugland to es lighten them. Among them was n tody who held advanced views oa the subject of women's righto. The harem offered bar a gorgeous field for proMlytizlng. And aha mads the most of It. Before she was found out and packed back home the mischief had been done, tho seeds of discard sad discontent sown. Several of the wives were sighing for a larger sphere than tha Kang Nel afforded them, and there were nil sorts of ructions. One day one of them staggered the Brother of the Mown end Half Brother of the Bun by telling him to hie face that he was n mere man," and that she want going to kneel to him nay longer. Chula longhorn acted with decision. He started a vigorous investigation and weeded out the wives who had been inoculated with tha domestic peace destroying notions. 'The discarded ones were by special favor permitted to merry court officials. They were readily epproprtated.for It to regarded in Slam as a great privilege to any one who has been aa Inmate of the King's harem. Boms of the officials subsequently had cause to repent of their eagerness, but that did not bother the King a bit. for he was the undisputed boss of hto own harem once more. . Hie No. 1 wife, Bowayt Pongri, who is designated tho Supreme Queen ef Siam, was wot among those who the pernicious doctrines of feminine equality. Orest hopes were entertained at one time' that Chuialoug-hcr- o would bring her along with him, but it seem ho hasn't done so. She would make a far greater sensation than the King. Members of tho Womens Rational Ejts Association would hall her advent with rapturous delight. They would banquet her and make her a life member and honorary president of their league. For she wean the garments they hhv long been trying In vain to pppulwrtoe bloomera Her Costume, roughly described. consists of tunic, knlckeroock-ers- , stockings and shoes. The tunic to closely fitting, with fluffy trills and and across her breast and shoulWbs laces, ders ! a bright blue sash, with a glittering order la diamonds. . The shoes I I ng tor the next three years, appearing nest September as the star In one ef their New York theaters The set rase will shortly sail tor Leaden and Paris to confer with Messrs Victories Barden and CoamS Gordon Lenox In reference to two plays on which the Messrs Bhu-bs- rt hold options Mrs Flsko ta endeavoring to Implant In tho minds cf theater goers the annoyance caused by spectators leaving before the play te ever. She says: Leaguetj earns "RingTa again, but there to ne competitor In eight unless some one purchuaee one of the ether three and chooses ta race. W. Reas Procter still owns tha Mlneola, hut It to doubtful U ho will put her la commission next sum r, and tho Virginia to owned by W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr., whs Yankee. the Tank for tws seasons has refused to hire a Harry Maxwell raced last year against Captain Barr crew and race. In 1IM the Virginias and the Rainbow and wants to sell her owner kept her stagnating In tha waters of Oyster bey. New York, as hto dagsMp ef the Beawanhaks Corinthian Yacht club, and last year he had twa anchors bolding bar mod cf the time off Robert Jacobs shipyard. City Island. N. T. With Commodore Vanderbilt's new n foot Slaloop and two ether gle stickers being built by Herreehoff for Henry T. Ltppltt and Oeorga M. Pynchen, that olaae premises to be ana ef the features of yachting next summer. They will try conclusions with the Deris, a Hsrreshoff creation ef IMS; tbs Hum and the Altalr. One rumor was afloat last vrock to tha offset that Harry Maxwell would build in this otoaa, but It was denied by a member ef the family. Harry Maxwell to traveling Is the south. Tanks, Mlnsola and Virginia, almost aa towering and atatsly aa, the ninety toot cup defenders, appear to be doomed to pass Into yachting history. Only one to now held by an ewnar willing to equip and race That ana to the bow, Bfty-eeve- . GOTCH AND HIB TITLE. Frank Gotoh. wha to just new taking his turn as champion wrestler ef America, to not proild of his title. He to ashamed of the wrestling business and the company in which it throws him. His father and mother are ashamed of It, tee, and Octch to going to get out of the game as soon as it ceases te bring him Mg meney. Of eeurse Ootch to act proud of hto title, and he's Just dying to get eut sf the gam, but let asms see show kim er aa NAHMA, 2:1 4U. B. M, CARACAS, BY BY PETER BINGEN, THE 2:07V. GREAT, 2:06U. Gunner" Moir, the reigning heavyweight pugilistic sensation In England. There Is no doubt that Orest Britain's champion will get a match, Because Jeffries has frequently said that if he the roped arena he would meet the two leading men and. win er lose, be would never put ou u glove again. Bqulrea and Metr are tha enly men whoee priae ring records Justify the champion In fighting again, and a there ta that he can defeat both net the sllghteet doubt. . B wrestltet- - k n ha adds: tlculsr, ' I earned every cent Trt fit Now, who said he hadn't? BASEBALL RBLEASBl President Harry C. Pulliam National tongue has Issued ths lag bulletin: Fallowing are releases of ptor. O. w By New Yerk to Newark. W. bert By CManatl to New York. tM?" & T- Corcoran; to Chicago, ChariM J. ear. to BL Louis (A. L. wmeu hasty; ts Lancaster, Pa, Jobs to Toledo, Homer Smoot; ta ells, F. Livings tea and Jebs a. Pto" to Columbus, Robert Wicker; m tents, WUMaas H. Dyer. CtoudsBW By Pittsburg to Boston, WsshW y and P. J. Flaherty; te te (A. L.), Robert T. Oantey; Henry C. Pelts; te Milwaukee. Clark;- - te SteubenvUta, B Fleiss; ts Kansas City, Frank 1WM By BL Lento to Toronto- Fhyle. : By Boston to F.c. Johnstown, ... mer; unconditional, John off reserve list by George Btarnagis. GN-Stric- i TO JOE WOLCOTT AS UNCLE Joe Wolcott, the Mack dowse. many years a fightingI-- champls " now looked upon as a to desert the squared dre as chance behind the footlights Ms dsbrt . Jes will make r. plan. role sf Uncle Tom In sent eut from Boston. YACHTING TALK. Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt of ths New York Yacht club has admitted that the repert that he was to have a iiew Herreahoff racing sloop la true. a M company Walcott's ambition te P was fired year age. JJJJrN production ef Uncle Oshkosh, Wle. a OAKLEY TRACK TO Bl UI The Oakley rent lw naU has passed tats real so tats firm. Ths land wWJ . Many of the modern plays depend for their greatest effects upon tha final scans If tbe acton are in earnest. If they are playing with Inspiration and to the best ef their abilities any sort of disturbance in the audience completely doetroys . tho Illusion for ths actors and annihilates ths sympathy between them and the audience." M . Sarah Bernhardt has been appointed professor ef dramatic darlania-tlo- n at the Conservatory cf Music and "It's a poor game this advice to aspirants la, 'Don't hr k because theres ns money to tt uatflfii are champion. Xfs a long, hard HM4 to that point, and theres room tow one at the top. And after ysuri fi ed away youre done tor goad, bast you cant tost longer this km fire to sersn years. Its pretty ksrt tha and to settle down to hustoran The eld game spirit Is to yes. think sf ths crowds, the glare sf;s calcium lights, the cries fur T pton, the struggle ou the mat As I rebel. I rebel even new when I long as y farm." w And then, apropos ef nothin . HARRY GRANT. The construction of ths yacht ta new well under way In the shops cf ths America's cup deaigner Is Bristol, R. L. and Cammed ore Vanderbilt Is to sell hie seventy footer Rainbow and anil his new craft. While the members ef the New Yerk Yacht club first looked with delight open the rumor that their senior flag officer was to build anew, there to regret among many, as It may' mean the paaelng cf the "seventies." These famous one design racing sheila, the Rain- - any ether wrestler a chains ts mbi penny, and he'll forget all ef kb fib dtoea. Heres haw Octch dseriuta, i JLpil tor establishing a asw tier. (Myn Glen Brown and a number are wbs Cincinnati sf Nil la horse racing triad te p-- n efforts their but course, ew iws ref re THE TROTTER URBANA . MC, 2:12tt, B. H PATTERSON UP. Declamation, In Paris in order to remove the objection ef the Legion of Honor, which refused to give her Its cross on the ground that actors can only he decorated whoa they are professors David Proctor,- - who has been most successful during the last two aeaaoM In "A Message Fram Mare. I qbout to produce a new oc dy by Avery Hopvood. called The Powers That Bs In hto support. wUl appear the BY PERRY MC; for the subdivision sf tbs 7N building tote ore new foil wing well known pis yore: Edwin Holt, Anne Sutherland.- Katherine Mul-klEmmett C. King and Sidney Mansfield. concluded arWilliam A. Brady I rangements with Frank McKee whereby "The Man of tho Hour" will omttauo tor un Indefinite run at the Bavoy theater, New York, la Chicago un addi- ns tional company will play, with Eugena ORourke us Alderman Phelan. Edward Knoblauch, whs dramatised esmy The flhulsmlte tor Mtos well, returned te London utre age aad has sines rrevreV milled to Mr. Flake h B dram designed for Mm llch. Cosmo Gordon Lennox te London and has new ... w adaptation of MJ Frthman. Mr. hio voreten of Lo Voleur lnni Alexander- - a - g- -i- r'1'1 , , hs- .- ;. |