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Show TAB MOUSING THE EXAMINER PURE FOOD LAW. It (a sadly discouraging that after an tki trouble Secretary of Agriculture WUsoa aid Dv. Wiley, chief chem-la- t and food export of the department have taken la getting n pure food lav tknt they should tc confront' od vritk nat uni obstacle that even the niftr'T of the department cannot overawe, end that can hardly he hantod into court and prosecuted. It tan all art eon (ton the parrenitir of the been la Hawaii, and the chief Dr. Van Dine of the station. la now on hia way to Wfeehlngloa to conenlt about It. TOea the pure food law vaa passed, eeitain atandarda of purity wore aet up that might not he tiauagreaaed. On, of theae dealt with the amount of ghieoee In pure honey. The department decreed that there ehould be only no many mlltgmma or eentrt-gram- a or uomethlng elae of gkiooae la pure honey. But Dr. Van Din haa dtaooveiwd that Hawaiian beta make la heeey with more gluooee In It than ef Agriallowed hr the Department culture, and he la now on hia way to Waahlngtoa to gat the matter atraight-taaexout, Honey la an Important port from the i eland, and aa there oeema no way of reforming the do-raxed Hawaiian bee, It louka aa though the atandard of the department would have to be changed. Of y course, nature waa wrong and Wllaon wee right about pure food, but no them la no way of getting et nature. It louka aa though the eecreiary would have to nvono d p Seo-rotar- RYANS REVERSAL. "hole Seeing that the country U not ready to accept hie advanced views on government ormenhlp of railroads, Mr, Bryan hen come round exactly to the triewe of President Hoosavrflt ee to government control. Mr. Bryan ban made thla statement In ns authorised Interview, evidently In the hope that It will increase hie peraonnl prestige and obliterate the last remenant of difference between himself end the leader of the Republican party. Than lingers hack of hie change of front, however, a radical threat. He would have the railroad valued exactly on the baal of the money that has been put Into them, allowing nothing for the natural appreciation of land value. With railroad ratea ffsed on thb baala of valuation, paaeoager and freight chargee would he Immensely cheapened. But them Ip n ueriouu question whether sack violent wpeetUng of established values would not throw the country Into n flnaada! panto that would ho infinitely worse than the praaeut freight ratea. ALCOHOLISM At A DISEASE. fat ermoun tala Catholic: In our front page wo copied, last week, from the literary Digest an article oa alcoholism. The writer, praeumably a doctor, gave his lay read era to understand that, after fifty yean of experimentation, wrangling, vituperation and endless discussion the doctors have not yet came to an agreement touching tha therapeutic properties of alcohel or its effect on diseased conditions of the heart when administered ia small doses. At last the profession haa arrived at aa almost unanimous verdict that tha drunkard and tbs periodic are suffering from aa almost spree-e- r incurable disease. From Orest Britain there cornea a very Interesting report by Dr. Bnltbwalta, iwpector under tbs British Inebriates Act The document clearly proves that the official and the scientific views and the opinaenee oa ions of men of common drunkenness agree In regarding the victim ns n diseased person and not ns n criminal. With us the drunkard ia legally a criminal and manidpalitiet treat him as such. One of the point on which Dr. Bralthwaito Insists will hardly ho wetoomod by prohibition orators ns ire tendency to to weaken the force at one of their stock arguments. That poverty, disease and mental instability ara largely to bo attributed to drunkenness Is n favor-h- a taxt for temperance sermons. Pr. Brnltkwnito In of the opinion that heavy drinking ia not so much the cause of these coaidtiona aa their effort. It is often both, hut more frequently the latter. This position la in harmony with the contention that drunkenness It itself a disease. Worry, corn, disappointment, sleepfalllessness, chronic Indigestion, al's In expectations, sorrow and melancholy conspire to drag n man down, to produor nervous degeneration and n condition of the system leading to rocklaaauasa. to stimulants or narcotic . After mn haa mot with a great humiliation or haa failed la hie business or profession, hia temptation to drown thought in drink Is very strong, and vhra poverty becomes the companion of weakened mentality, drunkenness is very often Inevitable. Very likely la an earlier period In our social and commercial development conviviality waa more often a cause than an effect of failure lu life. Then tippling waa fashionable, It waa In fact n social custom and almost universal, and a man might become n ulnve to tha habit before his friends noticed anything very wrong. Today when total abstinence or at least moderation la an absolute essential to euocoaa In business or the professions n man can hardly make the first atop without scandalising his friends or damaging hia prospects. To bo drunk, or rather to be eera drunk, la to bo disgraced, and (tern and earnest will he the prospects and warnings that employers or friends will utter. Thanks to thin public and private aenUmrnt thousands are saved who, la earlier days, would be permitted to go till salvation became MAKING CHAMPAGNE. The foiling off In Importations of champagne into the lrnlfd Btnteu, recently noted; appears to be due. In part at least, to the fort that more than two million bottles of genuine champagne , wine Is now annually produced In. the United States. A study of toe general figures of importation shows. clqarly that, the importations of champagne era not keeping pace with the Imports of other claacea of merchandise, nor are they In proportion to the growth at population or at other conditions whtrh might be expected to lead to large Importation at thla article usually classed with luxuries. A comparison of the figures of 1106 with those at several year earlier shown that the champagne Importations of llOd were hut 17 per cent greater than those of the year 1800, while the Importation of all articles classed aa luxuries la 1906 was practically 65 per cant greater than that of 1900, and of general merchandise an Increase of 60 par cent. Indicating that Importation of champagne has not kept pace with that of other luxuries or the groat group of articles Into the forming the total Imports United States In tha period from 1900 EXAMINES, OGDEN, I7TAIL tween the bureau and a large number uf parsons engaged In the Importation and sale of foreign champagne, cr in the production and oale of American nine of thla character. This corimlt-oai-e respondence aeems to dearly of genuine that the champagne wine In the United gtatas has quadrupled la the last decade, that the product now exoeeds two million bottke per annum, including In this class only the win fermeut-s- d in the bottle and not that charged alth carbunioccld gas by artificial increase la methods, and that this borne production lu the principal cause of the alow growth in Importation. The class of wins ordinarily dealgnat-- 4 a champagne, which obtains Us la chiefly ms if from tha fact thatofitFranco forproduced ia that section Chamof Province the as known merly char-scien-s pagne, haa aa one of its apodal lies the fact that its fermentation In the bottle In which It ranches the consumer results in the absorption d gas by tbs wine of the carbonic-acigenerated In the fermentation the wine thus becoming effervescent when the removal of the preeeuro permits the gas to become disengaged. New York State le by for the largest producer of American champagne, the Industry In that State being chiefly In Orange County, in tbs south eastern part of the State, end Steuben Country, In the western section of the State. A consensus of estimate by the producers and dealers Indicates that s of the American probably of the genuine, or ferchampagnes mented In the bottle vnriety, la produced in New York State, the other being produced chiefly In northern Ohio, Missouri and California. The area In which conditions are suited to the production of champagne la estimated ns sufficiently large to render possible aff enormous Increase In production, the growth bring et present limited by the foot that large sums of capital arc required for Its suocesriul and profitable production. One marled characteristic at the large number of letters received by the Bureau of Statistics upon this subject is aa almost uniform expression of opinion by experts, whether engaged la importation or otherwise, tdat the American product compares favorably with that produoed In other countries and la steadily improving in quality with tho Increased experience uf American producers. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 97. Womens High Grade i it""" Suit, Coat and Skirl Sale Exceptional Display and Sale for this Week i E ANNOUNCE for Monday a special show--I ing and sale of Womens Suits, Coats and Starts. This sale will be one of unusual character, surpassing any ever attempted in suit selling in two-third- Ogden. up-to-d- ate The garments are of the newest and most models, in all the exquisite materials so much in vogue. one-thir- d Great Purchase of Fashionable Shirt Waists EXCEPTIONAL VALUES They are about to abolish the gull lotlne lu Paris, and thus will tho official headsmen be officially beheaded. It looks now as though the deliberations of tho Peace Congress will have to be put la the purely academic due. So far aa heard from, the American sufferers of Iloilo have not had to repulse nay offers of assistance from the British Asiatic squadron. Tlie backward spring sad a surplus with the manufacturer enable ns to present one of the most phenomenil sales of Ptjlirti Waists ever attempted in Ogden. This occasion la indeed interesting, because all are new, fresh, In every respect. ' ABOUT TWENTY-FIVDIFFERENT STYLES IN ALL TIIE WANTED TRIMMINGS AT $1.19 20 per cent off on all Suit Cases: . . SUIT CASE SALE up-to-da- Harry Thaw's lawyers are looking for a change of venue for tho next trial They might gat Lieut Peary to see If he cannot empanel n Jury when he retches tbs Pols. Mr. Harriman says that ha would rather go to tbs penitentiary than to the poorhouae. Ho stems to be making strong efforts to keep out of tht out. te E LISLE GLOVE SALE A lot of Idng Suede Lisle Gloves, 12 button length, Mousqnetarie Wrist, perfect fitting in black and white, values for Kid Gloves, black only, Monday 5 Doz. $1.23 90c $2.30 SALE OF BELTS Colorado man has Just boss Jailed a 960,000 gold mine. Servos Inspection of the following values will show our prices to be absolutely the lowest In the City of Ogden. In addition Tbs law Is hard oa ptekara la any walk of criminality. Hs ought to ail the correct ideas prices than other stores we offer exceptional values in belts that are exclusive with oa to have gone attar a transcontinental to 1906. 1000 yards Best Apron Gingham 10c 8 c II 36 Inch 12 Percale. Thla falling off la the Importation of road or uomethlng sloe worth while. II 12 50 Dot. 25c 50 9c Dos. Tan and Towels, Brown waa your-cboicIn Hpecial referred to Hose, champagne, which, Postmaster General Von Myer, the a statement prepared by the Bureau ef 3000 yard Remnant Gingham . 6 c Statistics some weeks ago, haa led to latest addition to tbs cabinet, starts a considerable correspondence bo-- work with a much needed reform la announced He his department. quietly, but Brmly, to hlu subordinates that h did not care about the title uf General , being tacked oa to his name as haa been done with an Plain of hia prtdeceeaora la office. Mr. Mysr waa good enough for him, and hs, though th numerous other York City, ara to conduct, will he un- disturbed Mrs. Eddy or affected her pose. It turns out always that her four or five years old, and they to tMf Generals" of the department, had dertaken here today. The objective work, while the eanae of Christian Judgment la superior to that of bar ad- variably die after only laying wM will be Washington nog Uie trip Science has bean undoubtedly advanc- visers, no matter how astute died fish point One also. Japanese they may egga bettor adopt civil designations In to be taken In order to demonstrate he. ed by it, a Is evidenced by the one year old. On the west roast of This la a small matter, bat It lops off the efficiency of baUouna aa signal attendance In her churches rope there occur a email fih ta, a little gevernmastal Subdub. agencies In warfare. The aeronauts all over tho eountry. I talked with THE AGE OF FISHES. like an annual plant that it expert to make no descents, but to Mr, ffiddy some weeks ago. She was the Individuals die sack year, and oav In the vicinity of Washington driving and aeoordtng to her custom 8t. Nicholas: Tha normal of Jhe egga 1. e.. the need-rem-ain SINGER HERMANN ACGUITTEO. land next Monday. The balloon In which when panning extended me n friendly life of our common small length minnows produce th next seesaoberop. will be attempted has a fronting. I carried oat to tho carriage probably rarely exceeds four or flvs Washington. April 57. Btnger Her- the journey thousand n bunch of flowers oooh as I know she years, and may be much shorter; but capacity of shout eighty mann, former eongrtuamnn from Ore- cubic Ha Would. feet which is the standard also Ukod. Thanking me for the bouquet, there are few satisfactory observations gon and former commissioner of the of balloon per west of clubs ont me aero the aho to of invited to I the Pleasant on Grocer go can tola No rule pay my boys 3 chance general point w general land office, wu acquitted of worlJ. a have View new I some see had and aha Will bo laid things down regarding the ago of Applicant the charge of destroying permanent rooelvad. juat floo or tho relation between age and Oroow-qY-eu rsoorda, by n vurdict of the Jury at One waa n sculptured bunt of Mrs. atse. It la known that tha salmons of bat Tool! rise Js 19:40 o'clork today. Tho trial had MRS. EDDY'S BEST YEARS Hddy, presented by friends, and the tho Pacific coast which enter the rivmorning at 4 a. m. or lose your progressed for twelve weeks and the last work of n noted artist. I Intended ers in such Immense aboala, llv to be Upplneotts. hours. Jury deliberated twenty-onWe just received about 250 pain .. of Children's Nothing waa heard from the Jury Christian Science Leader Has Not to call before now, for some ot my Failed For Five Years. most agreeable hours have been spent room after the Jury retired at 3:30 with her. Ton tee, I helped to prepare Shoes which we are going to uae as a lender. yesterday afternoon, until 11 oclock toPleasant View for Mn. Eddys occu(Special to the Boston American.) day, when word came that it was deN. II., Concord, April 8 Mr. pancy and well I remember tho aplen-disired that Justice Stafford repeat hie We have placed ail the 5'a to 8's on one suggestions always made by her charge to them. This waa granted af- Georg H. Moore, No. 96 Warren calling to look over the work. table at ter brief argument of counsel, and street, roualn by marring, sad person- upon " Sometime they did not agree with the next hour and a half waa occupied al friend of Mr. Mary Baker O. Eddy, that Mn. Eddy la a remarkably our ideas, but eha had her way and It .aye $ In the after which charge, And all the 8 's to 2's on another table Justice Stafford, who, at 1 o'clock preserved woman phynloafly, while the Invariably tamed out that; the at last night had sent word to the jury moat wonderful woman In the world right. It wu so la everything she did, room that It would be better at that mentally and spiritually, and that all time to drop conrideradon of the case reports to th contrary are the merest and It no continues. Dally aha astounds her friends by seeming to parThey are made of Vici Kid and Box Calf and are and get some sleep, advised that the nonsenae. Mrs. Moore talked to the Boston cel vs many moves ahead ef them In to their before lunrheon Jury proceed 60c Kniven and Forks for. I. in every respect, but for a few days, as a American reporter in her first and everything her mind touehei upon. I again endeavoring to reach an agreeIn Interview a that o a about for publication found her so interesting 90c K mres and Fork only way ment. The Jury, however, disregard' .75 leader, we offer them at . the Innumerable calls at Pleasant $ ed this admonition and within ten Mrs. Eddy. $1.00 Knives and Forka Her husband, George H. Moore, who View and during certain longer peri, 1.20 minutes after its second retirement $1.50 Knives and Forka died last summer, wan a prominent ods. when I nralatod ia the house hold. I' . appeared with the verdict of not guil- bnainess man last of Concord and hia home was t a I ago It think $1.75 Knives and Forka for.. . . . .. year ty. 0 . the finest la the city. July that Mrs. Eddy first vial ted her There was Immediately a gvneral ia one ofMoore $2.00 Knives and Fork Mrs. and her husband were private room In tho church. It grati.2-3- 5 scene of congratulation In tha court ot the fied n very much to have her say she $3.00 Silver Knives and Forks for room. Mr. Hermann expressed thanks charter msmbers and trustees 0 , Moore has been liked the furnishings and arrange$4.00 Silver Knives and Forks for to each juryman aa did his counsel. Concord church. Mrs. 4.25 of Mrs. Eddy's beautiful ments, which aha declared ware quite custodian , United State Attorney Baker and $5.00 Silver Knives and Forks for private rooms in the church building perfect. When In the church. Mm Ed. 7.50 many others In the court room conabout Is visited $8.50 Silver Knives and Forka for the since its sreotlon, which by dy reed ail tho Inscriptions gratulated tho defendant I was thousands annually. walls without tha aid of gtaeaea. MONDAY ONLY AT Mn. Moors U sure that Mrs. Eddy astonished, oven though I thought I BALLOON ASCENSION. haa many of her moot useful year in knew her no well. She Is always out-- . store and has not foiled in the last prising us with her capabilities. St Iiouis, Mo., April 27. The first five years. She said: Mra. Eddy always knows Juat what long distance balloon aaoensiou teat, The recent attack upon Mrs. Eddy she wants and when and how she which Captain Charles fo F, Chandwas moat outrageous and unjustifi- wants It. Wo have corns ra understand 9476 WASHINGTON AVENUE. ler, United Plates signal corps, ami able. that she la right each time, even If Mr. McCoy of the Aero club. New Fortunately it ban not materially we do not Immediately see her pur-A for salting him right. alower l-3- l-2- c. l-2- c. e .. l-2- P ffi OM AS CHILDBENS SHOE- . e d ...95c $1.35 Sale Special Cutlery 20 Monday AprU . -- up-to-da- te for........ for.... 95c$1.35 for...... for...... tl O' ! l. 3-5- I Co. Wheelwright Bros. Merc. |