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Show OGDEN, UTAH. THE MORXIXO EXAMINER, EXCURSION TO MEXICO CITY. NOTES FROM Daily, AprM 29th ta May 17th. Via Unto Factflc, (61.11 round trip. Tickets rood to racura nntll July 11. Stopovers nlloxrcd. For further particular aaa tichat aguta, Ogden Unlua & Mosley. Traveling depot or ftiMiitr Agent, Ogden, Utah. THE CITY i, E CARL PETERSON Gossiprr won, Elotros second. Nap-pthird. Time, l:2u 24. Sixth race, mile Judge Nelaoa won, Bedford seoond, Kokomo third Title. 1:40 a NATIONAL LEAGUE New York, 2; Brooklyn, 1. Brooklyn,' April 17 The Now York Nationals won a ninth Inning victory JAMAICA RESULTS. 9 over Brooklyn today on taro battery 4 ; error, .a sacrifice aad a tingle by New York. April 27. Jamaica and Biwanahaa, which toured Strong Devlin. Score: , Flret race, six furlong Tony R.H.E. woa. Cloisters second, Shen6 6 andoah third. Kew York 1:14 ....( Time, T I Seoond race, mile and seventy Brooklyn ..... Batteries Wlltv and Breaaahaa; yards Athlete woa. Orbicular second. Btricklett and Butler. Dishabille third. Time. 1:15 Third race, the Blniharm make, X 4 ; Boatofi, Philadelphia, tve furlong Laura Clay wen. Hlue 27. bona The Philadelphia, April Heron second. Rustle third. Time, team loat todaya game through the 1:01 wlldaeea of Luah, who pitched the Fourth race, the Paumonuk handiIrat two inning. Richie who cap, six furlongs Red River won, Lush allowed hut three kite In 8uperman second, La Lnle third eerea Innings. Score: Time, 1:12 R.H.E. Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth 4 I 1 Marthaon won, Boatoa Gilpin second Gold 2 9 0 Circle third. Philadelphia Time, 1:50. . Button Young aad Brown; Luah. Sixth rare, five furlongs Sepoy Htchio aad Jaeklltaok. won. Wood lane - second, McGregor third. Time, 1:01 Chicago, 4; St. Louis, 2 St. Louia, April 27. The Chicago LEXINGTON TRACK OPENS. Nationals wou the aacoad victory of the aarlaa from St. Louia today, la Lexington,1 Ky., April 27. Tha brg-aa- t twelve inning, by a eon re of 4 to 2. attendance in th history of tha 8L Louie had the game up to the Kentucky Racing asaoclatloa was prealath Inning whaa aa error by OHara sent today at tha opening. Results: aeon. Score: let two Flrat raoe, five and a half furlongs R.H.B. Gold Proof xron, Barneadale second, 2 2 19 . Louia .... .fe St. , Fantasti third Tima, 1:07 .4 7 2 Chicago Seoond rape,' four furlongs Skyo PfM-etBaueriro Oiyna aad Noonan; won. Black Mary second, Marry Bins and KUng third. Tima, :4t Third race, mil King Leopold won. Ovelando second, Mortlhoy third. AMERICANLEAGCE Tima, 1:42 44. Fourth race, six furlongs, selling Beatrice K. won. Camille second, Ral-beDetroit, 12; St Louia, A third. Time, 1:15. Detroit April 27. The locale want Fifth raoe, four furlongs John after Pelty and got fifteen hits, including Eva triple and two double. Harrs won, Great Pirate aeoond, Col. The gam traa called at the end of the Bob third. Time, : 42 Sixth race, mile Posing won. Prineighth to let St Louie make a trail. ce Orna second, Request third. Score: R. H. K. Time, 1:42 24. 12 15 0 Detroit 6 9 1 GOULD DEFEATS NOEL. St. Loul ..... Mullln and Schmidt; Batterlea London, April 27. Jay Gould, won Palty and Buelow in three straight sets over E. B. Noel, In the second round of the InternaWashington, I; New, York, 2. Waahlngton, April 27Waahlnglnn tional Lawn tennis tournament here 2 won In th tenth Inning tbla after today. Score: noon by Srhaflar, Cross and Altitegor. The young American entirely outPatten pitched particularly well when classed hi opponent. Gould has now V. H. Fonnell, reached the aeml-flnathere were man oa baaea. Score: R.H.E. the champloa of 1904, who regarded 2 12 1 as having tha beat chance against Washington Now York ..... .,... .....2 9 0 Gould la also left,- having defeated Batteries Patten and Warner; Major Coopsr Kay by Hogg, Keefe and Klolnow. DIED FROM EFFECTS OF BLOW. Chicago, ; Cleveland, 2. Cleveland, April 27. Chicago deWalaenburg, Colo., April 27.' Thoa. feated Cleveland today ( t 2. Heal Millar, a minor aged 20, died today was wild aad ineffective in the flrat from the affects of a blow oa tha solar eoored four plexus, given by Samuel Irons, aged Inning whaa Chicago mna Rhodes pitched welL but Brad- 21, In a prias fight last night, lixma The dead boy'a ley' error allowed two more rans. baa been arrested. Smith, who started for Chicago, waa mother became dollriona whan In taken out because he waa wild. Boora: formed of her son's death, aad it ta R. H.E. (eared the shook to her nervous sysCleveland ge 44S444tall 7 I tem may terminate fatally. ...... ..............I GROCERY 2-- auc-crod- MARKET . 1-- B yen xraat ta K down living cal and aaa ua aad ha on Cor. 24th and Grant 2-- 4-- Bell; Oil Independent Dainty as a Picture 4-- 5 . 5-- 0-- 5-- - herself vhea aha adoraa herself with taateful and handsome jewelry. Wa km all Ua lataet daaigna ta chela. broaohee and Hags, aa wall aa all kind a of praakma atenea aat U aalqee daalgaa lor par aonal adoramoat or wadding gifts. cw W. L BUSWELL (SOT Washington Araana, bay a hone? a Doe your hone suit you? If not, we will exchange. SEE US Claude M. Dee C. B. Johnson Seeds Seeds Garden and Flower Seeds A FULL AND COMPLETE LINE. Pratt'a Poultry lac. Pood and Lira K li- The fameua Oolumbla aad Pratt'a Stoak 1 Haaa, Rhodaa and Clark; Smith AHrock and Sullivan. for bnainese on or about April 20th, at 248 24th Street, with a high-claa- a line of light livery and aaddle horaetk Special at tention given to board era. Do you want to Bell ( C Batterle .We will be open hone? 1-- Chicago Say!! Do yon want to Remedies. ; aad Imported. High Patent Hay, Grain aid Produce, prompt delivery. Addition ..... ...... ....( At Columbu Columbus, 2; Kansas City, 0. At Louisville- - Ijoulavllla, 2; 8L Bnimmitts Addition I have a very large llet of residences and residence tot In an parts of tha At Toledo Toledo, 11; Minneapolis, city. Th following are only a few 4. of tha many bargains 1 have to offer: At Indianapolis Indianapolis, A nice building lot, wlel located, I; near tbs city, only (12. Terms. Milwaukee, 6. A brand, new house with large pantry, eloaeL electric lights, ON water, lag rain paper, nicely Paul, Utah Feed & Produce Brommitts Boston, I; Philadelphia, 2. Thia choice tract of residence propBoston, April 27. Boston won a light hitting game today, largely by erty ha been platted especially for (he purpose of furnishing desirable daring work on baaea. 8ocro: R. H.E. building lots at very low prices oa 2 1 easy tarma to thoaa who desire to Hva Boston 2 K near the center of tha Philadelphia city, dose to Batteries Glass and Sbaw; Tickers car line, convenient to schools and In the most desirable part of tha city. and Berry, Thla addition which has Just been put on tha market has a frontage of WESTERN LEAGUE a quarter of a mile on 22nd street, a 4 " quarter of a mile on 21at street, a quarter of a mile on Harriaon Are, Denver, I; Omaha, 7 Omaha, Neb., April 27. Denver won a quarter of a mile on th Boulevard, In th tenth Inning today In a game a half a mils on Tyler Ava., besirva that waa fall iff poor work on both extensive frontage on several other streets. Idea. Score: I have let th contracts for the R. H.E. medium priced . 7 1 2 erection of several ... a, Omaha in thla addition, which will Denver ..... ...2 S 2 cottages be put on the market at bed rock Batteries McNroly and Gooding; prices, with a small payment down Wright and Saluaky. and the balance the aame as paying rant, thus by a very little self denial Daa Moines, 2; Lincoln, 2. Daa Molnaa, lawo, April 27. With any one may own his own home, he hla own landlord and get rid of tha McKay and Miller pitching In grand awful rant paying day, which comes style, Dea Moines and Lincoln went the around with never ceasing regularity. fourteen 1nnlga,thla afternoon, 477 lota are quite a number of lot champion winning on Hogriover'a drive over aeooad after two had bean to sell in on year, but this la tha task I have set myself to do this year. retired. Score: R. H.E. I am determined to have every oa I 7 1 can persuade to do so, to live in hla Dei Moines 2 2 own home tha flrat day of January, Lincoln ..... .... Batterlea Miller and Wolf; Clcotte, 1901. If you desire a home tn Ogden tha McKay cad Sullivan. only thing I ask of yon is to call at my office or call ma aver either phone Fueblo, 6; Boo City, 2 No. 771 and J wlU sell you a lot for Sioux City, April 27. Corbett' tha balance at wildnsaa In the early part of tha game One Dollar down and no interest and Dollar per week, gave Pueblo the victory today. Score: On R.H.E. no taxes until after yon hart fully 2 S 2 paid for your lot. Sioux City After von have paid for, your lot I I 2 0 Pueblo Batterlea Corbett and Sheehan: win furnish yon money to build your home This ta the beet opportunity Gilbert and Smith. ever offered to Ogden to get yon a home and become your own landlord. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Besides FLOU R Pemaetia 2. . Co. 2941 Weak. S AT Jamas Yaung of Annie RusaaH's Company Addressee Students of High School and tawed Heart. 4-- MEAT a woman MEET HELD HIGH SCHOOL THURSDAY. INTER-CLAS- ; four-roo- Phene. TBEJRACi OAKLAND RACES. at Fraadaeo, April 27. An attractive card drew a large crowd to Oakland today and .the aport waa clew interesting character .Born It sprinter met in the fourth andwon proved to be a good raoe Iisaro from P. Nugent and Butre Jtou. The mart hurt the ehaneee of Saafera, the Ban of-a- la tha character of the transfer aervloa wa supply our patroa. Prompt, reliable and at tow east. Any time yea aaff well be on your Job aad handle it expadltlouily and wall ALLEN TRANSFER CO. Phone 22 far yours. city painted, all complete, half block from Rio Grande depet, only (1,209 on ln-aliment plan. New five-roohouse in good location, with hall, pantry, bath room, clothes closet, two porches, nice lot, only (1,600. Terms. Good savea-roohouse In the nil-roa- d location, this la a great snap at Thirteen Hundred Dollars. On terms to suit. An elegant lot near the 8aered Heart Academy for only (10 0 on the Installment plan. A fine lot on Wall avenue, near Inlon depot at a great snap. Thla lot. If sold, will he sold vary cheap. If you daslro a lot or wish to ovrn pour own home In Ogden, please call at my office or call me op over the phone, and I will he glad to assist yon. as I am prepared to give terms without Interest on lots and oan sell yon a home on almost any kind of terms. favorite. College Widow to, the Loras Doone handicap cleverly. C. C. McCh Bettys Royal Rogie went up from 1.500 to 1,100 aad secured him. Thirty three hooka out In. Kaanlti: Flrat race; Loraa Doone handicap, five furlongs College Widow won, Oreston second, Husky thlid. lime, 1:01 14 Second race; mile and five furlong, won, Ben olio aelUng Byronerdale second, Adonla third. Time, 2:47 Third race, six furlongs, selling Royal Rogue won, Nonle LucM second, Nothing third. Time, 1:14 Fourth race, five and a half furlongs Lisaro won, r. Nagent second, Uou foird. Time, 1:06 Fifth race, nix and a half furlong. Either Fhene 771, -- En-tr- a 1-- J. J. BRUMMITT 2974 Wash, Ava. AHHL 1907. SA meeting Thursday afternoon and the R. B. society Wednesday afternoon. Prof. McKendrick has been Invited to deliver the address to tha graduates of the Oneida Stake Academy at Prestos, Idaho. During tha weak the devotional period has been occupied by th fob lowing students, who have given vegr interesting talks: William Wright, The Value of the Lecture Course"; of Elinor Bingham, The Necas-lt- y a Ideals"; WUizulna McFarlsa. t be drawn from Mr. Gnat's address"; Charles Jones, Opportunity"; Dora Brown, fHow Far Students Should Look Ahead"; Wlnaifred Marriott, "The Power to Do"; John Wilson, "Public Speaking," and Edith Barlow giving a nummary. ' 111 chafing dish class has completed .tegular work aad la new working xm a menu for a luncheon to be served ta the near future. , Th Art Needle elans is rapidly filling th cabinet with moat beautiful pieces of their handiwork. One of tha most plssaant dancing parties of the season wsa given by the Aeoni staff Friday evening. The refreshments were dainty and well served, and tha large crowd (bund th staff to be aa successful at aa they are at editing their paper. The botany class took a field trip Thursday afternoon, returning with sufficient flowers for a weeks analysis. Miss Jeanette McKay occupied tha time at devotional Friday, reviewing tha story of Silas Manor in n very Interesting manner, emphasising certain parta of It to more thorough bring out tha truths and lessons contained therein. Tha furniture and fixture of the chemistry department are being moved Into their quarters in the new build-la- AMUSEMENTS. AUDITORIUM 80UH! OPERA HOUSr Direction Northwsatara The,-Kssoeisti- SKATING an PER The eighth grade girls of the Mount Port school entertained Misa Johnsons room with a musical for a while Friday afternoon, rendering several violin and piano asluctiona to addition to their vocal numbers. The program waa much appreciated by tha Util toU. Miss Shephard visited tha Quincy and Fount Fort schools during the week. Tha Washington echini is making preparations for n parents' day to be held later on, whaa examples of tha ehildrea'a work for the year wUl be exhibited for their inspection. Mrs. Kerehaw and HU Gibson have returned to thalr respective schools after being absent an account of the death of their brother. High School. The nnnonnoement that tha high school intar-claa- a meet would take place Thursday afternoon caused much stir among the boys Monday morning, and captains immediately began to lft their man aad prepare tor the events. Aa many entriea as desired were allowed in all events except the 220 hurdles which ware llmltd to one . i entry from esch Class. The entire school besides many others interested In the sports witnessed the exhibition' on the school track grounds. Tha freshmen carrying off tha honor for rooting, making themselves heard aa wall aa seen. Coaches Blahsales and Mouck were unceasing in their efforts to make good men out of raw material, and tha auecaaa of the meet la due to them. Tha oncers ware: Mr. Nous, clerk of the course; Mr. BlakasUa, timer and referee; Mr. Monck, starter, aad Mr. Steel, Beeson and Rnlp Emerson, field officers. Thera warn a good many entries, classes being well represented, and tha following schedule shows th results of tha day. Thoaa marked first plea count 5 points, 2nd 9 aad M 1. Sllvar medals bearing tba Initials "O. H. B., th date aad event war awarded the men making first place: 110 Hurdles Tim (1 14 ascender 1st Belli ap, 2nd A, Campbell, 2d Mat-- th Daek Time 11 14 wa onda; 1st lewis, 2&d Betnap, 3rd Mat-son. d Run'Data 2 min., 26 sec.; 1st Dlusmora, 2nd Frost, Ird Snyder. 100-Yar- d 180-Yar- 220-Yar- d Dash-Ti- me 9144 see-end- s; 1st Belnap, 2nd K. CaapbeL ird Lewis. d 02 seconds; Ran Tim 1st Rotspp, 2nd Dtaamore, ird Chrlaou. Broad Jump II Ihrt, 4 lnehaa; 1st Cross, 2nd Floyd Smith, ird Rotopg; High Jump S feet; 1st Rolapp, 2nd Cross, irj C. Barker. Hammer Throw 102 foot; tot & Harris, 2nd Baird, 3rd Thorburn. Shot Put 2 feet, 2 lnehaa; 1st Har-ria- , 2nd Lewis, ird McDanlsL Individual rants Belnap 12 (individual ohampkmship), Rolapp 11, EL Harris 10. On Thursday afternoon Mr. James Toung who so ably peraonatod Ober-on- , king of th folrlaa, in th Annie Ruaaen company, addressed th students on tha subjeot of "Bhylock" from "The Merchant of Vaulo." Tha studanU being especially familiar with thia play, wars deeply Interacted in Mr. Young's detenu of "Bhylock. Hla interpretation was new to moat of us, and whether or not w aa as b does, we can bat appreciate Mr. Tonng'a earnestness, hla master delivery and hla gracious naa. Through tha totaroeaaloa of Mr. Allison, Manager R. A. Grant gave th high school students wishing to attend "A Midsummer Night's DraanC red need rates. Many of ths students took advantage of this kindness, aad are grateful to both Mr. Allison and Mr. QraaL Superintendent O. E. Swanson of Evanston, WY, eras a guest at tha high school one day last week. Th following students attained th Ughcet averages in their respective classes for the month of March, ah tendance and punctuality included: Lily Oreenwell. Bessie Halstead. Helen telanb, Blanche Williams, Maude Pains, 07; Mary Wilson, '97 H; Mkrgaret Crltas. 02; Barths Laird, Mattie Preahaw, 08; Dorothy Bigelow, Baatrioe Boohs; Fern Hlgley, Viola Clancy and Blveretta Littlefield, 09; Mahal Wilcox, Mattls Horn, Clauds Corey, Jsnala Calvert, Irena Brown, Florence Baird, 10; Clyde Wtoodoock, 10(5. Weber btxka Academy. Monday morning, during devotional exerolaea. Apostle Heber j. Grant addressed the students on the interesting subject "Success th Result of Perseverance." The morning waa one of th most profitable ever spent by the atndenl and on remark will tong remain li the minds of these who beard him: "That which w persist in donlg beoomro easier to dot net because th nature of the thing changes, but because our pwwer to do becomes greater." At th else of hla address Mr. Gnat sang several aonga. among them being "The Plaf Without a Btoln." To thoa who hoard hla flrat attempt at singing in tha Salt Lake tabernacle several years age, the pran-tlos- i address which he delivered xm what perseverance aaa naaompMah xra a moat valuable one. President gbntt-llf- f si so addressed th students to hh delightful, encouraging way. During tha week ths following groups Halted the photographer t arrange for tha Souvenir Acorn: Prof. Nichole and hla band. Aeon staff, H. C. P. olnb. Sororioty girts aad the' senior clans. The many aat and drawings win add much to the paper and there Is no doubt that thia issue will, in many respects, surpass former publications from tha achoeL Tha histories society mat Monday afternoon and discussed the question Resolved that Nspolwm was a greater general than HannlbaL Members of the faculty are still xrorktag diligently to collect nsreasary money for the completion at the new building, and many are contributing without bring spoken to. The H. C. P. dub held its regular 440-Yar- Open Every Evening ject. Misa Alloa Ooltmsa entertained th nndar graduates at a tally-h- o New roof, new floor, better than ever. . MINSTRELS everything Ttm Music by Nichols Band fro. Ladles admitted Gents, 15c, skates AN OPEN LETTER. January It RufwRsstus in, Mlnstielss ad to Opera Hou. roam only. Th oompsayTT good hand; ta composed of class artists and U high!, taintng. Bvmyone wasu siiiJr ed with tha show. WerecwtonS them as a good minstrel rnZ!? T. S. SOUTHGATE1 Manager Wanette, I y ' On.. House. A WMWWMWMeWMMMMMM 25c. ,Ihe Place for Select People xr 75c, SfcT Grand Opera House NORTHWE STERN THEATRICAL ASSOCIATION Resident Manager. DIRECTION R. ALEXANDER GRANT, MONDAY AND TUESDAY ' MAY 6 and 7 Daly Atfgtistiti Musical Company - TUESDAY MONDAY the Cingalee A Country Girl 80 PEOPLE 80 THE COMPLETE NEW YORK PRODUCTION. PBIGESi a a parfy Friday afternoon. Ik party was In honor of Mlaa Obltmaa'a birthday, and her mother, visiting her at th tlms, chaperoned tha party. Mlaa Gladys Rick entertained tha girta of her class xm a similar party Saturday, after which the party repalp-a- d to her home for refreshments. County Scheotn, After a successful year the eounty schools trill close on Friday, May 10. Appropriate closing exercise trill be hold to all tha schools in connection with which exhibit of representative work done by th pupils throughout th year, trill be hlld. The eighth grad examinations will he held in Ogden oa May 18 and 14, and on the llth Instant th commencement ex? erctaes for all the eighth grades of the county trill he held at the Tabernacle it 10 o'clock in the morning. It la expected that about a hundred students will complete ngnlar grad work at this times, making an excellent showing for tha progress of th county schools. St, Rufus Rastas Sunday Including g. The attendance of the school at thia neaaon la larger than at any previous year. Sacred Heart Academy. Mr. James Young, who addressed the high school students on Bhylock, lectured to the girta of th Sacred Heart on Hamlet, dwelling at soma length and laying a pedal emphasis on tha madness and mystery of hla character, and proving to tha satisfaction of his audlacoe that Hamlet was not mad. H impersonated several of th speeches between Hamlet and hla mother, aad besMas giving th girls an Interesting and profitable lecture, succeedad to convincing them tint .ha was a thorough Shakespearian scholar. To show their appreciation of ills talk, th girls gave a little musical after tha lecture. Several of the students attended th play "A Midsummer Night's Dream and found that Mr. Young Impersonated tha king of tba fairlea aa wall aa k had defended the character of Hamlet Tha academy students had two final examinations in United States history, last weak, and the third eanlors, who have finished thalr work to arithmetic, also had ther final tort on thla sub- ORANT. tonic ht Lea-aon- 3-- Bo-aer- o U SCHOOLS sum-mars- & CO. Pfcenee SUNDAY, (la s s mi a ifli50y $l00p l50j 50C SEAT SALE FRIDAY . EXCURSIONS BTflHHft THERTM Evenings, Twa Com plat Performances, 7:So and Dally Except Sunday, Saturday Matinee at 2:20, ta j Saa Francisco, April 27 Tba varrace waa declared off sity eight-oarv- d after the thro eompetlng boats had been swamped to succession, Stanford, second aad Waahlngton third. The irater was rough and accidents occurred soon after the start : with beautiful lUuatratlona. LA ADELIA The Premier Danseuae and Artist Chang at the Eastern Star LIZ- Important Wall-know- Engagement a ZIE EVANS A LLOYD JEFFERSON to Charles Horwitsa One-A- Comedy "THE OLD LOVE." Dsl Potter. .Mina Llzxls Evans Harry Cartsrjdr Jefferson Lloyd Time Now. Place Mew York SUNDAY THE NELLIE ANDREWS COMPANY Of Grand Opera Vocalists in 11 The Favorite Tenor, win reader "Just Became You Were aa Old Sweetheart of Mlaa" Trovatora" CAST: Manrtoo, The Troubar dour, Mr. Henri Guaeon; Count dt Luna. Mr. William Gordon; Laoaora, Misa Neills Andrews Musical Numbers. Boons 1 Th MUorer Duet and th Tower Scene. Seen II Tenor Solo, and the Challenge Scene. Act cue. Chas. D. Haxelrigg, mnrical Director. UTAHNASCOPE Presenting Three complete performance; Night Prices Cleveland, Ohio, April 27. Captain Jones of tha Chicago American league teem, received notice Of hla indefinite suspension from President Ban Johnson hare today. The action waa token as a ivault of trouble between Umpire Stafford and Jones at yesterday's game upon the local gronida. OFF. Aero-ball- s MOREY LONG turn (direct $30.00 Ogden to San Francisco and return (one way via Portland) . .(43.50 Ogdea to Los Angeles and return via. Southern Paclflo ..(40.90 Ogdan to Ima Angels sod .re- turn via. Salt Lak Route . . . .(31.(0 Ogdon to Las Angolas And return (one way via. Portland aad Ban Franaiace) (51.40 Tickets good to return until July (L Stopovers allowed. RACE DECLARED The Prlnae of Mimics, Comedian aad Entertainer. Act May 10th. JONES SUSPENDED. ALF HOLT OVERTURE. WAYNE Singing and Dancing and SUDD . Ogdan ta San Fraadsoovand re- CAPTAIN Matins Following is the new program at the Utshna theater, which changed its bill at yesterday's performance: TO CALIFORNIA. Daily, April 20th 9:15- - "Tha Flrat Clgsr- - first at 7:16 p. m. IOc, 2Qc 30c : HIGH QUALITY Lawn Mowers wrm and Ball-Beari- ng Self-Sharpeni- ng Warranted to last for ordinary cutting lawn for ten years of : . . The Pennsylvania Mower to EVERY TRUNK wa sell la made to stand aervloe aad rough handling. Bodies of tough brass-woowith narrow elm slats to lend their added strength. HEAVY STRAP HINGES locks, extra straps and riveted comers. All sixes, style aad grades. TRUNKS REPAIRED. fin Gallacher Trunk Factory OPERA HOUIE SLOCK. $13-5- 0 The Best Lawn Hose 3 7 7 ' inch, per foot. - j ply Cotton Hose, guaranteed, foot ply Boston Terrier, guaranteed, 4 inch, per inch, per foot ply Bulldog, guaranteed, WATSON-FLYGAR- 3-- 4 3-- 3-- 4 IIARDWArTH E |