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Show THE STXDAY STANDARD: OGDEN, rTAIT, APRIL 2?, SUNDAY. 1907. of the National League Clubs Viakeup Breezy Ball Talk on Many Topics d a National lea gun pennant for this year will be cloaer than that of The teams that had to laet year- have way for Chicago -strengthened m many depart and Indicationa are that the vision teams will be very closely at the toish. THE - mMkt hiiu-he- gren. Keister, Reulbach. Fraser. Mords-ea- i Brown. J. laylur. Overall, lturbin. C'tiiMiauU; inflelders. Chance, Kvcrti. Hoff, loaui. aieinfeiji. Tinker. Sweeney; outfielders. Stinkard, fiugls, Ranuall. NEW YORK. President. John T. Brush; manager, John J. Mn.riiw; catchera. Breaneban. Bower nun. Ktigerald; pitchers, Auica, e, BROWN AND WADDELL, PITCHING Brant-ti'-lparks. MuCToakejr; Infleldera. Gleason. Oixilin. Couruny. Grant. Kiiahc. gentelle; oul fielders, Titus. K. 7'honaj. Magee. BROOKLYN. President, Charlie li. Ebbeta mana-ge- i. Pairivk J. Donovan; eatehera Riiu-rBrigeu. Butler. Hurley: pitchers, granlnn, girieklett, Pnatorius, Henley, Bell, Euaon. Soescher. Rucker, Whliiug. d. . STARS OF merman. Bennett : o.itficlji-n- . Kelly. O'Hara. Hurry. Bureh. T. - BOKI ciN. President, George l; Fred Tenney, cntehi r. I'otry; iv.aungtr, e. dniin. llrown. l.i-- . n man. tiriudorf: Eoietie; Pfeffer, P. J. Flali-- r: l)in.r, l. InfleMvrs. Tenney, l:n nev. Ilium, gtrobel; auldrl.lt rs. Iloaard, lie lea. BeaumouL 1 toi!-.- . iiiid-wel- RIVAL LEAGUES. TWO The way In which they be ran the easun nas a suitthat Hilly Murray is a nmeti-- r ut nr t eloping a team. The Phillies batted the York National off tiie map. move Iron Man" MrCirnuy into tin- bomb proof and Mtigey Mvliratv into a pink trance. Mvt.Jee, m three limes at the bat. hit fur a total of sis baaen. and Centcrflelder Iti.y I'liuuum did alniost as well. Tim whole team ficlde like a crew of traiin-- 1 demons. Bay. the rest of the National league managers wiil liaie to gel a full giown hustle on. Murray will put it all over them if they dont watch out that la. provided the owneis of the Fhllliee will let him lake the bit In hia teeth N-- and Chicago, as well as at the Jamestown (Ya.) espositiun, and possibly in some of the other Mi go cities. While heir she will be opru to lroin any American woman swimmer who wishes to try conclusions with her. rhst-leng- Johnson and T'ngtaub believe this amount should he returned, but each thinks the other should pay it In addition Lnglaub gives up a (1.M0 position as city surveyor. THE PROGENY OF DIRECT, S:Mi Direct Mil), baa aired two winners UNGLAUB'S SALARY. of tha li. and M. in Ann Direct and Directum Kelly, and two C. of G. winBub Vugldub wauts the Huston Amerners la Ronnie Direct and Direct Hat icans to pay him ti,r,h for playing baseball this year. President Han Johnson His grandson. Walter Direct, also woa of the American league has notified Detroits classic pacing race. Preaident Taylor that I'ngiuub ia entiCALIFORNIA RACING. tled to gJ.OOS salary, the amo-m- t he was to have received from the Wiiliainapurt California will have a circuit ef (Pa.) club of the Trislaie league. meetings this year which will give her received a IW bonus from a Wil- hoiwee a chance te race for big money and run the team te suit himself. enthusiast for signing. Both without being taken east. Murray was formerly manager ef liamsport the Jersey City team of the Eastern league, but tiie big leagues will probably not he likely ever te let him go back to the uiinoiw. lie'a the gouda. nn I'li-gla- ub Baseball Sheri Cuts. It was recently announced by the National busi-bul- l commission that unless Boston or Kt. Louis of tho National league offered Bandow Merten, the uut fielder, tt.ool for a contract on or hefnre a certain day he would become a free agent and consequently at liberty to sign with whatever club wanted him. But why should any club pay Mertea $4,001 for a year when two men equally as good as Mertes could be obtained for the same ainountT Pilcher Corridon of the Philadelphia Natlonale recently pitched a sensations! game against the New York Nationals, with letting down the only one hit and shutting them ouL Napoleon Lajole of the Cleveland Amrrtnpni was once a hack driver la Woonsocket, R. I. Today bo la tha best nil Around ball player in America. The Chicago Nationals have released Pitcher Harry Gassier te the Columbus 0.) team of tha American association, winnere of tho aaauciation pennant last year, Gassier wan all right tor a couple ef innings ia swift ball company, and then things would beX01DECAX BIOWV, CHICAGO HATIOIAIS. "AUBE" WADDELL, PHILADELPHIA AHEHICAHS. gin to hapiran to his benders Possibly tha American association batsmen Tho teams entered the race as above will be kinder toward him. lnflsidnrs, Tim Jordan, Hummel, Kvtry ana admits that the weaker C, Mstliewsoa, MoGinnlty, Taylor, Wlltse, CHARLES E. EDWARD Eg. teem ef last season art stronger now. IL Mstliewson. Cecil Ferguson; infleiders, Lewis, Casey, Alpermnn; outfielders, Mcgiven, although hers and thers an exMcGann, Corcoran, Devlin, Dahlen, 8 hay, Carthy, Lumlny, Batch, Maloney, RearThan that finished In tha second be dropped. may perimental player TO VISIT MISI: KELLERMAN String, Mullln. Hannifin; outfielders, F. don. were Brooklyn, Cincinnati. BostCINCINNATI Donlln, Browne, Shannon, SeyAMERICA. on and fit. Louis Hanlons Clncy" Burke, mour. President, August Herrmann; manager, on their surprising Murrayt the Phillies Great Mansgar. Bids depend Bwimmlng enthusiasts will have an PITTSBURO. Edward Hanlon; catchers Sehlei, Phelps J guess that Philadelphia National opportunity to see the famous Austrasnauat ef new bloed to carry them President, Barney Drey fuss; manager, MnLeas Hans; pitchers Coakley, Ewing, tats the thick ef the fight for tho rag. Fred Clarke; catchers, Uibson, Hughes, Weimer, Chappls, Ksvick, F. Ferguson, Director General Killy Murray doesn't lian swimmer, Miss Annette Kellrrman, TVr figure that youthful enthusiasm PhllMn, Hueston, H. Smith: pitchers, lfitt, J, Kennedy, Mason, Mlnnehsn; In. know a thing about baseball. I gueaa In cum pel I lion In America during the F. fielders he's bad. Hie team has enough snap coming summer. Her father, who arts Ganseli, Huggins Motrbrey, tad ambition will moro than balanco Phllllppe. ljerer, llfleld. Camnlti, Kane, I,eary, Pell: outfielders and ginger to eupply a whole major as her manager, has written that he vstaraa serve and experience. Maybe Miller, Brady, lrnch. Willis; infleldera, Alonso Davis, Hlnclunan. Mitchell, Nealon, Abatlechio, Wagner, Sheehan, and every single man is playhas secured coni raids for hla daughter they win this year, but they have net Leach, HallW. Thomas A. Krueger, Becker, W oiler. leagus outfielders, Clarke, Storks; darn it la the paat as a rule. ing the game light p to the limit of to visit the United Hlates newt summer. man, Clytner. . LOUIS. ST. r Miss KeHerman, who has entered the The makeup of the National league peed and accuracy. PHILADELPHIA. President, Stanley Robison; manager, J. - Philadelphia will make denta In tha profession!! ranks and la now In Londabs te this year la as follows: President. William H. Shettalina; man-sge- r, J. McCloskey; catchers Noonan, MarCHICAGO. William J. Murray; ratchers, Dooln, shall, Murray; pitchers Charles Brown, pennant race reoords of more than a don giving public exhlMlkma of speed dosen teams this season, and that swimming and high and .fancy diving, BILL RvaMrat 'Charles W. Murphy; man-i- v. Donovan, Jacklltsch, Crist; pitchers, Fromms Thompson, Karsee, McGlynn, half maana all tha other teams in the expects to spend several months in this Frank L. Chance; catchers, Kline, Duggleby, Lush. Richla, Corridon, Nouer, Beebe, Druhot; infielders Beckley, Arndt, Kates, Bsabeugh; pitchers, Lund- - Burroughs McQuiilnn, Moaor, Moron, Hoelskoettcr, F. Crawford, Holly, Zlm-- leagus country, and will appear In New York . Le-be- rt, rtcoj Od-we- ll, . SQUIRES, AUSTRALIAN HEAVYWEIGHT, YANKEE FIGHTERS. lot ON TRAIL OP Timely Topics In the Mimic World; The Orchid Daly and Nethersole In New Plays Our New Yerfc Dramatic Corre- spondent. in The orchid- - is foy Herald Square theater. play ia full of action and and much of tha music h lwdag. but Eddie Fey has but few Wortunltles te cut loose" and make Us heireri giggle. Foy should allow hla managers ($liP fata with poor lines and corn- - Eddie six dramatic mechanics. James Tan ner and Joseph Herbert evolved tha book, which is really sa visionary aa to be no- - book at all. Tha lyrics came from the founts of Adrian Ross and Percy Greenbank. The music la by Ivan Caryll and Lionel M one aton. Eddie Foy and Joseph Herbert Indulge in a boxing match that gets a good laugh. But Instead of .nocking out Herbert, Foy should have knocked W.C." in vocal color tha Joy of the bachelor of tha married girl and the tribulations women. Eddie Foy --brought down the house when, attired in a kaleidoscopic female costume, 'remarkable for the of skirts, ha plaintively asked, shortness -Oh, Vhy do they call me a Gibson He bad several of tho riginal girITGibson girls --lashed to the mast, aa Rose Btahl says, for beauty of fact and form. The story ef the. play, whenever.lt comes Into view, attempts te narrate a narration about two young couples who marry clandestinely, at the same time, and tha old city official who performs the ceremony manages te muddle the names In the marriage certificates, causing serious complications. The two eweet young bridea have, to exchange husbands for a few hours In oityr to live up to the faulty records In the registrant office. Other players la tha cast were George C. Boniface, Jr.; Melville Ellis, r the talented musician.-actorend composer; Joeeph Herbert who plays a character role of a c Orkney pugilist hi search of his lest wife; Alfred Hickman, Irene Franklin, etc. By the way. the orchid, from' which the play takes its name, happens to be a rare specimen worth Ilf .WO. which is exhibited In n European show, and which Is lost and found, reloet and rediscovered - several . times during the ' performance. -o- , c.w NHL Cine" ari-ne- 1 kapellmeister for an tha Henry W. Ravage musical companion, has bad a grand opera accepted for production nt tiie Royal opera in Berlin. Dr. Muck, director of tho Berlin Royal Opera orcli Mira and now temporary director of the Boston Bymphony tr- that ohestra, has notified llerr the new opera will probably have a production In Berlin next aeasun. Herr Mchmldt founded the Fhllhnrmenlr society of Louisville and was musical director of the society for twelve years before accepting his lire sent position, lie came to this country seventeen years ago from Germany. II -- Arnold Daly Reappears. Arnold Daly haa taken up the life military In a mild way.- In TThe Boys of Company B, at the Lyceum theater, he plays the role of Tony Allon, a young blade who proposes td hla lady M - UndeW" K The play Is described as one -- full ef highly exciting action." and . all Ha are laid in Faria It baa been equipped with elaborate scenic effects. Disiatches slate that Mins Nelhersole gave ,a masterly rendition and won much applsuss In the titular role of In her support were Tlierese de Megs wife! Frank Mills. Charles A, Stevenson and Olga Nelhersole le said te have Jullen Royr--rFREDERICK TRF3GELLE8. picked a winne- in her new drama. Which she recently produced In Chi-SCHMIDT WRITES AN OFERA. The Awakening Is Its name, cago. In English of Herr Karl Schmidt, Ilia well known and it Is an adaptation -the French drama Le Revell, by Faul cellist, formerly soloist with tho Hervieu. Thomas orchestra and naw ganaral offered 11,061 to go Into vaudeville. Her rometllke plunge into fame, and deserving fame, loo, la one of tha seven wonders of tbe dramatic World. And she in net yet out of her teens i Oh, bow many of us wish we had such a noble breadwinner aa Kbilo for a sister, a mother, a daughter or a stage-directo- -- r. feeds you. Miss Janls was extracted from obscurity by a manager and mods by him a real alar. A mors liberal offer waa made her by another manager, and abe attempted to break her contract with her original manager. But tha courts stepped In and Issued an Injunction. While the courts cannot make her acl for any particular manager, they can prevent her from acting for any otlier manager Tha courts finally refused to make the injunction permanent, no she became free to accept the new offer. The original salary of Miss Janls waa $700 a weak, and it ia said that sbe was ctw' Ql,,EF0Yf GROTESQUE COMEDIAN, PLAYING IN' THE ORCHID. ' beyond - ont the autbore of the bock. .Trixie Frigaasa, Amelia Steae and Laura he paying Guerita, - In the three, principal .femito 4icu.1T w,lh "ome extent to hia nine roles, 'score, but for a real bit -,u draw-- 5 William Rock In his song Far Peru" y from ,Urt te finish. takes all the sweetmeats. Rocks Wces all the makeup la aa weird aa a veteran ghost ThF I? ire th on and during tha Dl toe sev- - fancier could build,axcellent "'uons. character aong ha does aoma acting. oSLaSr1" "1f,r Th,t Trixie Friganaa received --many In her amusing aong. No WedIs th. ,thre ecenee The wk of no lose thsw ding Bella For Me, In which sha palnta kn'owl- I Mb en-edr- es love through a speaking tuba la an endeavor to outwit a watchful parent Tony le, It la seen, a reapurceful sort of person, and a farther evidence of this quality la noticed when he Is .caught by hie sweetheart In tha act of klesing another girl. Here hia explanation !s that .he kissed out of curiosity, Of uncontrollable curiosity to find out how it feels te kiss a girt who lisps.. ' Fer tha girl In question does Hep. Assisting Mr. Daly In the piny are Florence Nash, Morgan Coman, G retch -en Dale, Frances Ring and a galaxy of -unknowns. The Boy of Company B" la by Rida Johnson Young,, author of fBrown of Harvard." Mrs. Young seems te have the faculty, af writing pleasing plays In which the younger generation la the center ef attraction. Elsie Janls Is a fun fledged actress now that aha ha had a bonaflde -- run in" with tbs courts and the Judges. Alee aha hae seemingly tho disposition to dp aa many another public person haa donie that Is, to hits tha band that at the last performance ef --Peter Pan OLGA NETHERSOLE, NOW Albert Oran, formerly ef the Norwegian National theater. In Christiania, of "Madame new hi the a prothe After to author appear play le announced recently. and later- of numerous prominent next season. return-ZVTwfc. to told tho h own children, atoriea etc' who stage writing of her American companies W il me I J . ftarq visit in duction ' Augustus Thomas is at work on a Maurice Campbell sailed for Europe are ail devoted to him. were tha Brand" ??? for re"Peer and fee production I0ninr win recently to arrange a Bta Gynt for Dustin Farnum. the scenes of Play of a dramatization of Pilgrims Prog- cently seen at the Garrick theater, which will be laid in Mexico. The Crosman In is Henrietta Northe original Chicago, , played ress, In which Playwright recently made a trip to wh as Christian, wegian, by an actor who was coached Mexico for the purpose of verifying a - tej.appear "other te Guide as the cabman himself. In He is the parts by Ibsen m. Barrie appeared story which he had in mind for stage DRAMATIC gr v. DOINGS. at the Duke of York's theater, London, PLAYING IN THE AWAKENING, A NEW PLAY FROM THE FRENCH use and else to study Mexican condl-flon- e the understanding that it was to be as they exist today In order to be given a complete production before able to give the necessary touches of April 15. Ida Conquest was engaged recently local color. .Olga Nethersoles option on Paul as the principal member of the stork lOrvlew's piny. "The Awakening." has cominmy playing In Elltrhs Gardens, Louis Nelhersole hae In Denver, for three weeks, beginning now expired. been keeping the cables , warm seeking --May !7. Miss Conquest will appear In an extension of time. Miss Nether-sol- e Leah Kleschna. -- "Tbe Girl With the Sha bought tbe play a year ago with Green Eyes and Captain Jinks. OF PAUL HERVIEU. la the first noteworthy star to fee en, gaged for the Denver season. Curt Stark, who for several seasons has been doing good work with Leon Wnchsner's company of German players. u 111 shortly sever his correction with that organisation and go to Berlin. where he will Join the stock company of the Lessing theater, a playhouse of International tamo. |