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Show HONORS HGH With Groat Honor Noble Man. Id hat Seeds Jacob Franklin Miller Interred Prof. It i said the edilire, when completed will liavii cost Stl.imii. .harming is built along tim e .hii-pi'oiin-iiodot tin restaurant, where the. htcr.e loving epicurean may enjoy the gen- tie and other zephyrs, that play down tin- ili'divituus hills on the cast side t town. The inteiior is in he lilted up with a huge interior dining romn, n kilelieii, .lore rooms etr. HIM. .SHOWN A Groin. Iiii- ! tin- i.ii.i-i- - and mi- n -- I liiii'-- l i a mi im.'il pOik'l fllll ii iiniii tin' t ii .i ill In., nl ot Ii ,..11. in ,.yui " it hi- nl -- kind - I l.i- Imi l year ; -t MII-- I all M;ili. I tlmi lirnn. ii c, lull a riv-n- ll, ct-- . liii- - x-u- IT III'1 lo 1 liiin'ii'jii : .i am. ut ii - - ii . 1 nil kliuW till COUNTY NEWS IN ITIlIrlll-l',T- unil I aw n U ick-1, .roving Tu C. . cmi- - or xxl... 11 ..pTl Fairnington. In FTFk--'u.LIVED IIAlIY EVER Ihirls'r and Jlyrcni U uic- r .ire uow located in their new houiea, having exchanged residences at Syracuse. our) .ill :ti)il Limlx C -i SPRING j - (itiui wo in - ( hu-njd- hill line ot ,, di.i '.ni do not .. j,. i u:, l..ll.rv aj front a ..ig . night by jx:,.ti;s army Ilol Mlbi There were also present I liarles l. IViihiM'. ci the Apostles Ounrimi I'ml.J. It. Paul of the L US. I'.. I'res. W. J. nwl. illi..ut II..- - ...icll Mrs. Do Loery to Give Mu.icale. nl ahum Km nl the . C. nl I.og.ui. mu "f U"i r. . Hid display a riHli'i - j .Mr, lit: lau.rx , who ha been giving mm the day set for David Warren of Syra-lin- n spoke in a Iwltflg any. rerldyii.g to 'he o! rut llnwiT ami hri- it lira.:, - - j Smmuiis l.tli via'al aii.l instrumental here emu to be married lei, high Mail ml. Iiieenlnul.il-churu- i lh work nf her own hands. Mm,- last summer, is preparing a music- to 'lutv o. tin drv.itmu .iiid WALTKR earnesl RLjuICKS.-M- rx. mg bat on Id have none credit to much ale to be Riven by her pupils some time j w. . Steed STl,U) ..1 Syracuse gave birth to a .lrenseil in April, fourteen pupil will take j tin 0111111 .linger ami nimbler lingers. oy last Tuesday. Mother Ki minks ot i'unsnialiuii and Mgrel .ni ,) ,p ,n ,loi,IK weIl and lather liappv. . Grandma ' Mrs. I)e Loery is a Rrailiiate teach-- 1 Southwortli to live May part. . .is mise were also made by Hislinp J ' returns of the 1st eraml it is lortnnate for the young1 1 AT PRO VO. ,,,ail' . William Fuller, a K. Lardiui o Jyouaii au.l lroi. II. l.ulleii . f were the parting wishes of people here to la- - able to take lessons patient at the mental hospital, who was April, was benediction C. V. U. the of ail pn-ri- it. from a teacher ot l.er ability and ex- -' CBmn"1ll,!,1,.1 ,ron 1IooP Jetuiha, i mcii 1 tiu!lay evening fruni by Khler K(ia T. Kicliar.lr, without going away from liome j ioo. . yea-- a of Irieuce ;l to lollowcl were age. lie hai rel- .liter which the remuin t great expense. The irngratu will up- it : i.xnig .it Syracuse. The burial uc-their list resting place by a large rnrtryr . i.re-- l 1. . pearlale lWo. ol carriages. Among the iiiournei wm-CIN RKA1. KSTATK.-.So- me AOTVIiY H. A. II. lohn Bowen, II. Skidmore. New Bank A Goat Lat. Tho real estate occur right aloug. in changes Roc llrmlnckh, B, Kcinp, Ii. The last reported was a purchase of Homer, Johan Mikii. Cynthi.i Hess, uml three acres irom W. H. beaer by J. A. te.ichrrs j Planl Plodds Guilty to Charge of Miip- Iaie for Jkoo on main street south di the Kvungcline Gardiner Tuesday u meeting ol tile prouiotors ol ; nieeting house. A Given Is from the It. Y. C. who liad become eu-- . Polynamy the new liank was held at which the . deatcd to I'rof. Miller while in I.og.m. WILL M( lv I. P 1(D .V Mi. ...ut Heavy Sentence. I mil b:oi has sold luva s from hist ii Syracuse There were also m pupils th Uitloii.s to Miller x Sou a... n.xi.,iI'hc sr oiul I lislrict court convened who came down from I.og.m to ihus chased trn acres on the bishop show their reapcct for the deceased ml.i nioriiing at In o'clock with where lie intcrdi. to move his :uie death Tii.id ui ic- - up Milticu-1Trof. Jacob F. Millrrs ly, How'l l on the bt'iich and lis-- r Igo I t.ili- roil ol the from SKSSliiN. PLKAMNt; I Ji'INT The I I in-. ficorgi1 llslvcrsun in one who has a, helved i Kir n , join". sCnvI.iii ol t.ie M. I. A. r.l tixe ' :ii ' I lll-,hieu M1 ..: t T. j ii. guve a sn-- ui iiogrbin and mk'.iiI ai lie s in advanced won., an.; uiu ol social Time Had. ol the m:.isoii The e j last meeiiiig x i . I', mi xxmixxu- - .'liiii'gi-tls tirighles! iniinU. I'ioi Miilt.i !.... ic i.x A e at the Social Hill iM 1 liKk plai mtelb-.-- t tin ami wlli'-l. well traiucil mill . mu III IUI'l Hl singtllaiy StM'I'H WlxbhR. Aor. i. t.li.ule ami J evi ning. lie luul mw.ivsi ii'1 I uud i.f iiilirrni.itiviii th.il ii tlii. dale, mi-- , imd. I'iuif Jaiiix-- l ii r ..I tin- east, (Ij-T.iiY. Man- gncs of,1i W DtiA'Iil aviillable caused him to be u . Iileil XX. Auoie ilu-II iim:.,il nI'nt-I- ' I. I, ul and Ci .I. Icnim Atnlersoii thin veil bj as i mid pii.ienltiiorilv a lining sliivli-ntx. Iare:we the In ni .I- ! .1 Viler ihiiner ilia I Vlr. ..nl IImiViTs.iii .ilei for whenol the It. '.k'- il b'lgan died laM Satiii.L-tof Spinal Mv.-.i.it iiiilT.dtiii-iI.;, t Uci Iht nicn I I get is and Tini . ruocrculos'.s. Hie li.uer.d . Att'ipMc- many yeaia held the chair ol IliMruy, ..ii , the orixe. Dluming tin-i;i good time. almut 2 p. in. at the residence, planami it facts jtook of iuestinn nun tile history any ning rsMiiil point.. CAN ANY ONK The ipiesiimi Mis memory, indeed, "I l.ixi i might arise. In the lltc Sli. i ifT i is Fruits of Commercial Club. How is it j olieii asked 111 Bountiful, as marvelous il not might la- descrilx-ure. .II'., wa- till- lil.t (X it j there I.M......1. aie .so many lioys ot' scliool-aabnormal. Me had iiioiruvri, a genial in-. bill VTII-TL- . fur the .tnie. After alioul There is 1Ilwp , mstesiii nf U Apr. . I, . . disposition and h kind heart. The nix 111 srhofll; hihi who is '"Moii and comments, giving credit uml cross exam- was a soil of Jaeoh ami Helen linin' of responsible for sinth negligence"1' to the Commercial i. lub in to Miller and was Inu 11 here hv the iiltoi-iiev- . Mar Col. A CM1CKKN.S AGK A well known I t f ' customer of the Adams and Wee. to, 11x56. lie attended the dislnet Sons, ol Lay- li1,L ..rix!"0 i llm l !f,T permission b. Imix-of un-- j m a chicken home for and grown ton, when a brought schools at Farmington boy, from certain age, 10 sell; Miss Chloc Adams guilty" to guilty." tali. later studied at tile I'mversity m was the clerk who was detailed negotiate Ienui-sio- ii was granted and tlm plea He liegan hia career as a teacher while the sale, she was instructed how to deter-The Farmington O. S. J,. agent lalw. The age of the bird, 'by u friend ) by ex-- ; still in Ilia teens and taught the .lislrict wits entiTiil. Ii is not kuown just ' school st Clarkson inCarhe county. AfterThe licb ihIiiiiI xvnived limr rnr Iam milrn,'(1 Saturday evening from amitiiug its tectli. . -pi ho lie had gone to attend wards be was associated with Josiah eulem-- and lereiteil a term of three eil a protest at any iinjuiriea as ; the fum-M- l ul In brother vVilliam. who to hisfly color . .. Greenwoial in Davis Stake Academy. or previous condition of j age, . nem-s(lie in Hie, years was imy. bi,w M;r(.,1 I7,h T,l; lIe. servitude. Miss Chloc insists that her He also taught for some time ill the district schools of Farmington. lie was ary pa,. 11 wi re made nut this nun 1- ceasid was killid while m the act of her appearance had nothing to do with Undas and signaling m the engineer to stop the'y; chanticleers lusty departure. Urui taken to alt Lake. a iug elected and served super In selmoN. ent of the Davis county The ullcnee lor wliieh I'lant "'"x' iXSiund 1KS4 he filled a mission iu the tb. 0 1 ' carcollided vii teil was committed at I'armingtuii Smitlu-rstates, on his return he was ,ip with iMltli ifix ir I striking hia hii made clerk of the Dari county atakc and ,111 hnvitilMT For a Big Crop rUnt i'utiu to ilrivi,ILr uir lMne into Inn sioniai' result- -' . clerk of the High Council. Iu Scpteui-ite- t I t ami Irom went cn ariuuigtoii the a lie ftegon fiositioti ilig , accepted iHys, ingjll ,ie.th lI)OUt Mx PLANT with e ,,aves a wil, ,.1(1 faculty of the H. Y. C. ol Logan and ha llimiigh a mar, age . made home his there, mi Sept. Miss May of Nilt Lake, lie left her, 111 tiucc IS, 1901, he married Mias Huld.i l. irsen a few months and moved to Califoru- .. 4 V06ELER S PURITY SEEDS ut Logan and lisa two children, u boy R f'A,U' ,u atTLs rf dw 501 ia. it w as later that he had a i . ami a girl, asn result of this union. . willl ,an1. right to eoutra ted u1(. Prof. Miller has continued his .st.i ln-Good loCHtimi. At'piy, J. J. Walker. ot his all active the hie, Tliey are the best llut years during Syracuse, I'lah. iwincipally at the Wesleyan I'nivci sit v uumey can buy. . awanlcd t .if llliuois. and lias 11 the court. .nu. ol D. It. ami A. H. For VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lake City, Don't Be Stuffed. time taut lie has nccuied the chair ol In - Miller iav ihslr.it science ami ciuiit Sail: b.Y.C. 2...ii .it the SYKACl'SK, fiolitical Soul Apr. history 111 tile divmvr suit o! Cluta Y. having , mi chased tiie Kaiiipton fnrin, ' In Church matters aside Iruin his woik A Macohii vs. sited leiix-wenSteed school lie has lsaird. tv in stake ou the Sunday exjiectslit Syracuse soon for acted as one of the prrsideucy uf the AllorneyJ. 11 Movie, lor piamtilt iml (itlier fields, lbs irieuds hope Hint C. S. t this Of Martin the nil ing lor wi spring he will not lie de1'orticth (aoruiu uf Seventy. u times and t.tmilv his lather and mother, hia brother ll i lumor granted a divorce to pbiin'ilf jcervi-- bv the v uud took u.ider advisement tiled. s.itiou locate on wli it might hereafter prove to U I'rof. Daniel T. , and his sister, Mrs. 1 11 v lie uud the custnilv ol ihe childilescit Athalis Steed. Iiesides his will- and child- ol pi ix, x , mi. The litigants were allowed to draw , ren survive liim. from funds on deposit with the clerk ot WATCHMAKER r air Rostauront Building llie third district court in Salt Lake sulli- Pn A HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARTY. eu-u- t tor support and maiuteiunce. an The lien at thr I.aguou Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry lor same to he made to this is rapidly muring acciuiutiug Repaired and Warranted. completion, and Grandma Southworth'a 69th Birth- emit. ts an imposing addition to the faitiou Prices Lowest. day Celebrated by Rolativoa Ksl.ile of Siis.iiiiih1i Bums, order d report, ilu nn-tm-e is built iu the and Friends. Inwiiig adniiiiistijtor to sell real estaie. 150 W. South Temple Street I'Al.ileo! Alwnfhl bnxwn: order author- - Colonial style of m. liilertiire ; to lie ! in oml administratrix sell to a of Mr. mug afternoon. shliigles.puiiiletl. portion April 1st, Sunday SALT I.AKK CITV real l.x pay a 5,0.0 inortg.ge belli ami Mrs. Thnd Grillith, assisted by In- ion's Saving txink and Tie.t e.1111- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suutliworlb, JMI1V. The Jabc Harris estate winch aas eutertainexl a few friend and relaui territorial .lays, was the tive at dinner. Hie Irom the being eourt laljv. xii ITiits Adams f Lavtoi: asking the ti'.itli liirtliduv of (irtuidiua for an order Occasion assigning the ttMl e- tate to onih worth. Several of Hie invited Kliubcth R Adam estate. It dextlop. that a decree of distii'miiMi i:n-guests wen- - kept away on uivnunl of man v to the yeai.s ago had been lost an. I un me m the clerk's .illic . nor the ol the weather, but Carl Inis m the olti.-- . t. cord in who braved the slorin. n any by tho-- e It u.isshix.x 'liit Mi.ls'th R. Ail.i.-royal good time wa had. About had bought the rite rests of the In r s and on this showing :ri ordti was A . m. tinal down to u hens, gin-- ! mil iOsllnM Bscraafo.- - line, so MMi-niii- : nest Saturday I'nitcd mi that in l me. to Imy :ini I hin (f in s:,n Hint :ui one and w, lie to a l liic-lii-iig UK INSPECTED. Ci:i,iaiix V located at bountiful xv:il under- go insjiection Major Hi!', of the IMislIiK to WK ei of bountiful is steadily itorn hia recent attack of piini,,.,nla. .1 - CONFERENCE VISI TORS! BIEF. lMTkliUill HEALTH- .- milillg lllllhil'.'. N i- ! ami V 1,ii-..ii- TO e - U a liul uf enmity bunds, .111! i were I'm nmin - Irinii an.' ( )vr ( ) GOODS-I'iN- Iil -- 1 Farmington Com,l. & ilfianufacturing co . 1 tly 1 ! 'd . . x - Mc-se- inni ir r USMRSSI s : ' g S jx Ilo-i'.l- - g " win.-nlh- e ti tc.u-hcr- . - .... i i.,-- i ' x I j' i s t. -- i- - 11 s i - - .i. ; 1 1 iil-e- s vu-i- i,t XV 8 . i - I'.-- , J' 1 -- ' Altci-iiom- - -- CliL-ne- . g 1 When making a ill Tai-lm-- s (' iipoiu. v Ca-- li i'lireiiiue. ask tor mi me to a eiititl.-- J. D. WOOD, ! 1 8 8S ABSOLUTELY R - g Tullviii" . M . b n : . m you get e of charge. FARMIbeC ON. ' iWVI 4 I . in , mm ! I 1- - , 11 Fop Yeaps , s ; U-e- n district - t I yap rjd . r III! 1.11-iiieii- 11. e - 1 IVKLL-KNOW- lx. n V ft hint. ,ii N Thomas of Salt .Y has served his friends from . ijity iii of a clerk to dial ol .pric-to- r. He is still in the ih ! with the MOST and COMlLl. IT OfK of DRY GOODS, in all that the word inipi;.-..- . . K. Thomas is the friend of every nargain -- . eking man or woman. IL K. Thomas has a Stor,- where if kV' is to be spent fare cuu be ai-t- l and where ANY Davis eonnty piitron can save his rail road fare by spending a fovv iloli.tr- - with their old friend IL K. Thomas, a: . nyvAntaviafwr unOADBcNT super-aojiieo- & 1 J - , ! ff'-asei- - pi.i-b.'.tc- d e admin-istt.ilo- A 1 - Visit xij tiXi-a- v . PAWN SHOP 1 - as praxe.1 tor xxhich passe- sUlilptllous limner, the table being to tile M Iiris projK'rt v, :i ver e vain..1,'.- :l, laden with ail the substantia! edible j K. A ,:,n,lt 7 okK..vs,il!e to Kli..b. winch hlus A L.ijis kjLJ Hlld of tin ffeA'tnil, In flip as .iiPKiDU'il AV r L. center or wlm-l- . wns a lm.r,. r cake settlement o! mi:d iiecouiit andpet.t.on diKtt't.ii- two feel ill height, buil.leil ill j lion grantnl. IV MuKhuii. the form of a terrace garnished with tnatu'-- "1of l'hnelic t s.ite ol l c!.ite. e.iuit ji't-- 1 randies ami lb. nei's. It goes nut.e.l Mrhi!l gu.trdun m Jvv enien-i- i ; . ! Sii-rd- . If you t.-- Buy . Clothes at the I l's n-a- Tltl.o.lt .i.K II'. I in, ,,lr l..i. o wan done the repast by ul! present, aud espeetally Ihe Argus reporter. Wfho I from hi " the , ' will meet next tYcdn.-sdamste.nl of Moudav for ,hp twnuition ol the regular business ot ' 1 T J V rr--i A trT tVl BEST BARGAINS l!" 'lu"ul' - i lI m t ' , J CLOTHING L IN tofSeund R. K, !k-c- j 'R,-,- i - M.o-l:(- ( ,N E COUWTY! Thomas Dry Goods COMPANY j te t fI rin- comity- - eomuiissiuiiers anatomy. ,H 'h.- ut itriitioiiia'i market Satunlav Dinner over, the guests repaired ar,n'1 virinii V' lo the sitting room, wln-r- the ex . - limit crS of Ogden were granted a ntarri Ing yxas passed ill suual iiiteri'i'iii'si' nue .iml liter were married bv .interspersed witli inuxi.- - ami pre.-ieJui c V.. V. Rtcliar.ls. furnished by an License hate graplioissued tu G. 11. mill P. Matson, pliVUC. Mrs. Soutliworth wa iiunle K aged J" uud f I. A. l.r.mbax. aged 50, of titanx present. Inthe i.,.d of Salt li,.1,1l..,y nged. ,u. her ri lativcs. n: Ihvisi- - couples were Hriih l.i'.e, Althongli r.'J xcJlff old, Hiet iijoy. uia ra.l 1v LldvrG. II. Iilmxd. s 1 , availed himself of tiie to remove the wrinkles SS'.u.. ".S' ?3 67-69-- 71 Mam Strict. - Sat Lak City, Utah. , ?V rjpf - -- - 0 |