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Show GET RID MANY STRANCE THE GAS OF Pink Pills Strengths the Stomach and Enable It to 1 i with utlii-- I'lgun., mul lung. with thi ai'iimi of llm Tlie Tbrkr gttws iai I'llitT ill liervi's uml llm htuiii urn diiliiiln'il Slid dlM iillifiilU Sili li ll il..ni-s- , hut r li-- , slrcpli'Miiii-i'- iii'i!iiliT"iir-..'- ( , that 1'1(h'I ii'lirit klimv.s VHIll.'ll just HI MMill UN hi I I III uml wnirri-- . irmilili'M Nllllll.il ll IS M iiwii in-c- vi-- l , la down niit uf thu tinin. n i.fli,:i (rival I hat I il, mill I in- - I'ihiiii iii and vi'il.-niLJrlinig spiL wi::'o vi rv too. M v niril iri nr cm,. iin lliili rnlirf mid il- was ip it, tint il I lii.-- t ir. Willimiis' Pink Pillillial I f.iiiud iiriu'i1. Within thin- - wi-- li ii thwnh-inijiinvi-niai- it Tim liidehiiig wit tin liniiiii wiw fi'i'iiiiiit, pell nut sn iiitniw, through inv Indy 'Tin- - di-tl- i- Cniihl Ininily mis r strret. p niu-i-- tt Mir i -- have iluw'ii . GAVE THEM BOTH A SURPRISE. Vice-Preside- Ezra SImpson'a Unlucky Fall and Hit Wifes Narrow Escape. K.ra Simpson whllo cleaning the Know offrn hie hark piazza roof last Tuesday morning lost h s footing mid started to full offen the roof. Just as he slid offrn the edge hi wi:e came on ten ho kitchen to empty the dishwater and Id go of u whole dish-pafull of It just as Ezra struck the ground in front of her. It was hid I'lionpli fur Ezra lo tall offrn the roof, Imt what, surprised hint most was to lie hit right In tin1 fuee wi'h about four gal of greasy dlzliwater. Put he wasn't no more surprised than his wife wii. It made her tremble to think wiuii would of i the re' It If Kzrtt had fell right on top of her and broke her hark like as not. Fhs give K.ra a seven leeksliuriiig and told him to wntch out where he fell A bereiifier. for Ezra he sprained his it it klo and junvd himself up a lrs wi-ii- and nflrr Inking lily fund was the pills fur a f. w weeks longer I foil mi fn-from the that I wnh nl luiNtirins I had sn lung saffriiil. What Every tlyiritii! tin mid l tn Kntninl llnw tuE.it.'' Write tin- - Jr. WiliinniN Mi'dirina (lo., fcvlicm.-i.'tuilN. Y., a free oopy. er 1 n fr Pay of Chlneea Engineers. Chineae engineers an Manchurian railway ant $12 tn $l!i gold u month, and Japanese englm its srr seeking posltluns on tlu Asiatic continent at these iirevslllti-- ' !i"ei. Tukn Curllolil Tra for liver, kidney, Stomach Slid Inwiil derangements, sick headache and ckronio dir.nms. This mild laxative will purify the blood, cleans the system sud clear tho mniplexlnn. It Is for young and old -- tho brut family medicine. Bay from druggist. I Iteu How Ivy Preserves Walls. Growing ivy prrHervrN wall from uml riHit extract damp. The ever) drop of th. moisture from the bricks am! tuorUr, and tho foliage keeps rnln e" i n iiir riMot'S ante-versio- retro-versio- t, 'TJsiJ . 1 WAS BOUND TO PAY PHYSICIAN. Fee Was Small But Carried with It Child's Gratitude. Carrying a pet spunlel In his arms, Alexander Wilson walked ato the arriih n' ro:n of the Samar- (ten hospital anil sail appealingly to tin )r, Hal, tun, sai I'liiladelphla , Inquirer: Won't you iiieml my die;' legf fie was run over liy u Idg wagon on the street.'' Dr. Ualnuin tiled (o rl the child that the lust It ut inn wan nut a veterinary hoHpital, hut the child pleaded o hard thut the physician consented to operate on the injured animal, lie found that Jessie," so the hoy called hit pet, hud siistaltied a fracture of the left hind leg. Tin injured limit was soon net and dune up In splints. When the operation was over, Alexander began to search his pockt ets and Anally produced n pleca, all his available eatihly wealth, lie g.avely presented It to Dr, The physician told him to pnt It back in hi pocket. Tie hoy insisted. hut flual'y olit ye tltn doctor. As soon ns IIik vu.:u door dosed behind him ler tno't the nickel from Ids pm lo t. rolled it through the rr.ti-- under the door Into the room and ran away. The physician Is I bin!. Ing of having a watch made of tae nickel piece, so that In after vent lie can exhibit it when he til'. the story of bis first fee. j LZT five-ren- llal-ma- 1 Ali-xu- ch-ir- HELPS. In Management of a R. R. Speuklng of food, a railroad man My work puls me out In all kinds of weather, subject to Irregular hours fur meals and compelled to eat oil kinds of food. "For 7 years I was constantly troubled with Indigestion, caused by eating heavy, fatly, starchy, greasy, poorly cooked food, such as are the most accessible to men In my business. Generally each meal or lunch was followed by distressing pains and burning sensations in my stomach, which destroyed my sleep and almost unfitted me for work. My brain was so muddy and foggy that It was bard for me to discharge iny duties properly. This lasted till about, a year ago, when my attention was called to food by a newspaper ad. Grape-Nut- s and 1 concluded to try It. Since then 1 have used Grape Nut at nearly every meal, and sometimes between meals. We railroad men have little eliance to prepare our food In our cabooses and I find Grape-Nutmighty handy, fur It is ready cooked. To make a long story short. Grape-Nut- s has made a new man of me. I have no more burning distress in my nor any other symptom of fitomach, I can digest anything so as I eat Grape-Nuts- , and my Song works aa clearly and accurately pe an engineer'! watch., and my old perrons troubles have disappeared entirely." Nemo given by Postum Co, (Battle Creek, Mich. There's s reason. Bead the little book, The Roed to WelKlUo, in pkgs M WlL. WWMfl The Biggest Man of Addison County, Vt-- , Tells an Interesting Story. E. C. Scotr, meat dealer, Vergenue Vt., Past Commander of Ethau Alien post, G. A. R., says: A severe attack of typhoid left me with weak kidneys. Every night I had to get up frequently to pass the urine, which wa ropy, dark and very painful to void. I had no appetite, but drank water continually without being able to quench my thirst. Terrible headaches and dixzy spells oppressed me and my back was lame, sore and stiff. A months treatment with Doan Kidney Pill rid me of this i rouble, and now I am strong and healthy and weigh 230 pounds. I give the credit to Doan's Kidney Pill." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents s box. Foster-Mllliur- Co., Buffalo, N. Y. n Giant Bamboo of Ceylon. The giant bamboo of Ceylon grows to a bight of eighty feet. It is used in construction of houses and bridges. Also, water pipes are made of it Salt Lake Route. Low rates for Conference. Utahs most popular road. Large Sum to Check Crime. London pays about $8,900,000 a year to keep criminal in check, thatoelng the sum paid out for her police courts, prisons and prosecuting officers. Everybody get Conference. ready for Spring Historic Suits of Furniture. IN GAS PIPE. Lather of Soap Much Better Than Using a Match. The folly of hunting for a leak In a gas pipe with a lighted match is not so much because of the danger of an explosion as of other damage, as la shown by the experience of a West Philadelphia householder last week. One or two small leak were detected holdby going over all the pipes and ing a lighted match to them. The smell or gas ceased, but was replaced a few hours later by the smell of burning wood. Another visit to the cellar showed a charred fhsir Joist n little distance above a gas pipe. There was no apparent cause for this until a veiy close examination discovered that a tiny jet or gas was issuing from the pipe beneath the beam. It was lighted, but was so small as to be blue In co'or and nearly invisible. It had been lighted by the match used In the first investigation, but had not been noticed. If that leak bad happened to be In a lead joint instead of an Iron connection, said a gas man, "there would probably have been work for The smallest the fire depart . possible Jet of lighted gas Issuing through lead will in time heat and melt the lead and make the leak larger, until a big flame is issuing. This may make a Are hours luter, in the dead of night or at a time when no one is in the house. The only proper way to look for these very small leaks is to paint the suspected pipe with a smooth soap lather. Just as In the case of a bicycle tire, the tiniest leak will blow a bubble In the lather, and there you are." Philadelphia Record. - nn-nt- A most valuable and historically Interesting suite of furniture is that which, more than a century ago. was by Warren Hastings to Tip-poSahib, and which was purchased at the Lnndeis borough sale for 1.100 guineas. The suite consists of a card-tabla sofa, two small cabinets, and four all of solid ivory most exquisitely carved. presented o arm-chair- Unweatherly. The Cloud Compeller finished reading hia reports and turned to the winged messenger who fluttered In attendance beside him. Tell Boreas he'll have to puff up a bit," he said. The Oldest Inhabitant hasn't sneer ed at the weather for a month. Puck. ful he didn't fail on his wife. For Infants and Children. J gisid deal Internally, but he Is thank- ' ay a: TO DETECT LEAK GREAT SCOTT. . Rrd Crm lUill Mur. I.mcr ! noring S amis. The Kum ('iiluiimiy. South trial, lud. FOOD 8IGN8. English Terms Derived from Latin Words Dollar Mark. They were discussing the other uf- 'ttmon the question of currency symbol. The discussion had started liy remark lino one making a casual uUniil "I.. H. It., referring, of course n "ismnds, shillings and pence." says 'he Washington Star. The question i arose why some of the coins were by letters that had nothing ai all iu do with their selling, and thirc was not one in the crowd though there were some nominally well-lI'h lin'd people present, who could tell Hie significance of the letters till the luestiuii wjk looke 1 up. It appeared thiii (In pound sterling mark was simply a eapiMl I . with a line drawn iirfni the stem. It came from the I.uHii word meaning a pound. The "il" used for the penny came also frnm the l.atln. meaning denarius, (liiciniilly a small Roman silver coin, hut later having developed into a generic term for money and specifically for a small copper coin of Insignificant value. The "lit" mark, also used for the iivolrdiipnls pound, came from the as in Saxon sitnu word "librae times the pound avoirdupois was the ;nmc weight as a pound sterling of ailver and tlie shilling was or this, making the old shilling ihout three times the size of the present one. When It came to the dollar mark, "$." then was more discussion, then1 being half a dozen explt. nations for this sign. But the most likely seemed to be that it was simply a modified figure ''8," there having been eight silver reals In the old Spanish dollar, or piece of eight. in use in this country long before the Introduction of American currency. drle-teilou- a i iintii-cnld- MONEY n aiiat-oiuis- ; ln-ii- I farther OF A verdict has been rendered In favor of the plaintiff in the libel suit brought against the Indies' Home Journal (published hy the Curtis Publishing Cn) hy the Worlds Dts pensary Medical Association, of which The Dr. It V. Pierce I president. suit was brought hy Doctor Pierce against the Curtis Publishing Co, fur making false statements shout one of his standard family medicines known s Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription. In the May number of the Ladies' Home Journal (1U04), Mr. Edward l)ok. the editor, stated that Dr. conPierce's Favorite Prescription tained alcidiiit ar,d some other harmful ingredient, and Dr. Pierre had In the action alleged that the defendant. niuliciou.'ily pulill-hc- d this article containing such false and defamatory Dr. Pierre fun her claimed matter. that no alcohol Is or ever was contained In Ills "Favorite Prescript inn." that said medicine was s vegetable preparation and contained no ingredients whatever; that Mr link's statement, pretending to give some of the Ingredients of said mediand absolutely cine, was wholly false. During the trial, the of the Worlds Dispensary Medical Association stated, that the Ingredients of Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription were extracted front the following native roots: Golden Seal. Blue Cohosh, I ady's Slipper. Black Cohosh and I'nlcorn, by means of pure glycerine. He was asked how he knew, as a physician and experienced medical man, that the Favorite Prescription" was s cure for the diseases peculiar to women, such ts amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, Made a Speedy Recovery. and he stated On one of thu visits of the Amer'.hat he knew such was the fact because of his professional experience ican fleet to English waters. Admiral was in command, ind the many thousands of women Erben, now Alfred T. Mahan, the whose Ills had keen cured by this with Capt. writer on naval affairs, as his flag The "Prescription." being asked to give his authorities, captain. One morning Capt. Mahan came to read from the standard works, such as the United States Dispensatory, his admiral with an invitation to dine The American Dispensatory and many with a ilnke. I can't accept this, said Capt. other standard medical books. The retraction printed by the Cur- Mahan, as they forgot to Invite you." I should say you couldn't, growled tis Publishing Company two months I'll answer for you. after the libelous statement appeared the admiral. and nearly two months after the suit Whereupon the admiral wrote: Admiral Erben, 1 8. navy, regrets had been begun stated definitely that rehad made been at their that Capt. Mahan, his flag captain, analyses cannot accept the Invitation of the quest and that the Favorite Prescription did not contain either alcohol, Duke of Blank. Capt. Mahan is on the sick list. opium or digitalis. An hour or so later a messenger from the duke returned with invitaDyspepsia Caused by Eye Strain. Dr. George M. Gould, the Philadeltions for the admiral and the captain. phia eye spcriallst, asserts that fully WhiTi'UNin the admiral wrote again: half of the sufferers from eye strain Admiral Erben aecepts with pleashave some form of dyspepsia, partly, ure the Invitation fur Capt. Mahan and at least, as a consequence of their himself. He wishes also to advise I visual defects. the Duke of Blank that he has taken Capt. Malian off the sick list." New DISFIGURED WITH ECZEMA. York Tribune. Two vidlans on re stole a Wiscuil-the First, they luoo-graves, selling the skrletnos to siole tin- - louili-siiiin- . Then lln-nit inn, naiurully. a good jirlre for the granite uml marble. Tin place wasn't a rnm'tery liy the lime It was the theft was disruvere.l. Held. only a toru-uMiii have stnh'ii rivers often. To irrigate their laud they ( hauge a stream's nnirse. They dig a channel through tlo-i- r own iruiTty and th river, leaving its iiutinul bed. follow stolen a stolen this channel. It river and bitterly does such a theft enrage tin- - man who suffers front it." llii find. liniiiii hlmiiK I'lioiigli In ilig-'i-- f ni4 l lull w ill ii In nl In r will'll, ll llm uni I. uf tlie Imiiimi il lit fiNHl inin i n iini lin ii r. Mim-rvMi-- s C. l.'id l, uf lusivfcli, I ll.nl II Wall ntuliiirll Ullm., Kivu: 1 v. hi a )!! I'h )' t . fniiii tin limn it nmi!i Wlii'iii i r 1 1'ii'U i ' y f Mil I wn:i!l raiiM i i'll 'In f.iiiitm-N-.fluilllv Vntnit whilt 1 had rati'ii. At tillll'N I hill Wmild - ill. nil ! intense tin iii;ht nil i.f i.iv pains i in ilayn in .mi.ui, I sly. SIGNIFICANCE Vindication for Dr. Pierce. Decision by the Supreme Court sf the State, Against the Ladies Homs Journal, s Do Its Work. When til a Ktoimuli i tho food lias in it iiiidigesicd, iliTays ami tliiuw (iff IilMlliU gone thut Uinleuii the wall of tin1 Moniiu-l- mill rum HhnIii A Lighted Stoves. Cemeteries and Rivers Among Them. of Columbus Till1 theft of the asln-was aiieinitei in I'lihagri duili ' fair, said I.iorq. In ilctee-tive- . "Thank to a friend of mine the attempt failed. Hi runner things I. live succeeded. though. "The theft of a liKhted stove roaA noui, havst it tiled my Hist rase. ing deserted his wife, vt unit'd hoiin half drunk ami in tin- - good woman's uliM'iire pill the stove on a push (art and Hurled off with P. lie had set up. it berms, an e.tnblistuuejil uf hi Dr. Williams' iloilmiidi'iiry original, frnm tliU THING.V STOLEN 'T.ing-vill- e The Kind You Have Iltigle" Items in lioston Post. Brushed Scales From Face Like Powv dee Under Grew Dreadful Burial Ceremony. Physicians Worse Cuticura Works WonA Swiss traveler, Paul Bran, who ders. has returned from two and u half I suffered with eczema six months, years' travels among the savage tribes t had tried three doctors, but did not of the Congo, describes in his recently published Journal the dreadful burial get any better. It waa on my body and on my feet so thick that I could ceremony of u chief of the Uukcte. The body Is set in a rhamber hardly put a pin on me without touchhollowed In the side of a deep ditch. ing eczema. My face was covered, Into which young girls are thrown, nty eyebrows cume out, and then it their iinus and legs broken with a got in my eye. I then went to anoth(lull. In the tonih with the chief are er doctor. He asked me what I was ' and fowls, toge-hegout with his taking for it, and I told him Cuticura. weapon, and especially his gun. He said that was a very good thing, which Is hrokcti to save It from theft. but that he thought that my face The earth I then filled in, and his would he marked for life. But Cutl-cudid its work, and my face Is now wives and slaves are slain over the as rlear as It ever was. I told Just grave. all my friends about my remarkable cure. I feel so thankful I want evDockyard Puzzle. wide to know what arc The Jiipunt'M1 building a new ery body far and ran do. It Is a sure cure ducky ard. U is to be in the form of Cuticura a letter E. us bhowu in our .illustra- - j for eczema. Mrs. Emma White, 041 t ion. in honor of Kiug Edward, tho ! Cherrier llarc, Camden, N. J, April monarch of their allies. Their naval 23. 1903." experts, how ever, art1 considerably Sexton for Fifty Years. perplev1 over thu thing. Id service of fifty years aa During For example, suppose the eight men sexton or Cutlomp'on church, Devon. of witT numbered 1 to S are in the England. Samuel Voisey, who has just shown, bow are they to manfuneral held in euver in iho ipiickcst way so that I, died, attended every the churchyard, mid saw eight vicars l 2. S. and 4 shall change place with come and go. ll. 7 and S; that I, with tin; mini-- . her still running from left to right $11)0 Reward, $100. as at present, but the lop row exl Ttisreadm ut tliUpii'-rwi- ll to tesrt changed with Hie tuittoui? N (nil tlitri t At u'i t iiiio iltv I'tfil diNfMi that tclenei to curt In at) Ita ataicw.aaU U L Make a large diagram on a sheet h lNn il'ie i'liurrb. lU.Fa Cuiarrli Cura la tha only poultlvi of paper ami use eight numbered vuro a kitffn i th tii.MU'il fraternity. Catarrl a rHi:tuuiM tliteaae. nNiulre a Ounstlta eounter. What are the fewest p.i e iNt.ijc it ua1 tri'iimcnt. 1U'.!' CAurrn Cura la taken in , aciline i ia biuod aud mueoui moves? One ship moves at a Ci'mally un ai' uf ifaadlrerily uh tbrrehy daairuylitjr tbi time, and any distance counts as one foundation of thaayaiam. digram1, and Kivlnif tha iMtlrnl bybuthltDR up tba GiniUuLlon aud aaaut i(rcatb Inn wiiuiti In d lu ll work. Tba phpr1uir ban much fa'th In n man-eatin- r j , Educating Children. Forcing the youthful mind Is a practice no longer obtaining in schools of the best standing but not yet obsolete in many of the common schools. In schools which represent the dominant Ideas of education today, stimulation, interest, suggestion If prevail, and driving Is avoided. there has been some leaning toward the proBalc, there la now a fresh interest In stimulating the emotions, and a full realization of the need of many things conventionally not classed among the useful, says Collier's Weekly. The greatest problem of ed ucatlon unsolved relates to girls. Heretofore their education has been a men copy of that long ago established for boys. Some (lay a genius will come along and conceive thoughts that shall form the basis of an education which shall help girls to all their best possibilities, without dissipating their strength on lines of effort established for natures in some respects entirely different. i But. hark! n .mind of silver lu lls. dells. Echoing o'er the woody A lit lie laugh, il swi'i-- l Hear voice Which makes my Isa ting heart rejoice! Kite comes, a fairy from iilmve, A little maid, whose name is Love! tie comes, and everything Is bright. Hhe emne amid the golden light. All natal ) once again Is gay. It is the brightest summer day! ghe (Himes a fairy from above, A little maiden whose name is Love! Outdoors. Csss of Survival of the Fittest. In Ireland ' from time immemorial candidates for political honors have had to cope not only with Irish brains but with the noble Irish onk In the Mr. Window' Soothing Rjrnn. shape of u shlllalah. Ait rhlldrrs tmtiln. , nifim. th. snnu, twIik. tn When George IV. visited Ireland an fitmaunlua, ..Ufa lulu, curwwlBiluuilii. tHc.ltuuin, election for Galway wit pending. The king inquired of a Galway genAnimals In the Water. The horse can swim for miles with- tleman, who came up to Public to at out heing exhausted, and shows a tend his levee, which candidate would wonderful Instinct In choosing the probably be returned. "The survivor, sir." replied the gen--j best available landing place. Bears and moles swim well, but bats and tlemnn. Blackwood's Magazine. monkeys are helpless In the water. Knew What It Meant Everybody get ready for Spring Blocker I say, old man. why dont Conference. you consult a phrenologist and find out what that peculiar looking bump of wormy Encouragement. on the back of your head Indicates? A Brooklyn policeman who wai M'ker Oh. 1 know what it Indicharged with absenting himself from his post offered as sn excuse that hi cates, all right. Blccfccr You do, eh? had gone into a church to pray, ani Meeker You bet I do. It Indicates he waa let off with a reprimand, ai wr wife has s that praying policemen are believed to fas muscle." rare. Utica Press. ; Gold Piece. Rev. C. D. Babcoeli has a 23 cent piece of gold coined In 1872. It Is octagon In shape and was ro:nc i In California In the i.nys of "' trl money." The goll duller Itself hut err- - '"!tU the a barring scale. In-Mny gold piece 1 NtAIN I S ?( HILDKLNl Signature Promotes Digpslion.Cheerful' ness and Rest .Contains neitlcr Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. of ROTXARCOTIC. afoua-sacLPtraa- PrJtU jHxJmut w- - AmUUtSdk-AmtA- td In .w-i- w rterm A perfect Remedy rorConslipa-Tion- , Use Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms X ktuvulaioiw .Feverishness nnd Loss Sleep. of For Over Fac Simile Signature or NEW VOHK. Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER The morning mist now tolls away. in light. The sky I. A golden sunshine clowns the day. M) loved one is In sight! The hints sing out their songs again. The flowery all Idoom anew. And music swell in joous strain From nut the heavenly blue. Varying Weight of Timber, The weight of most timber varies according to the part uf the tree from which it Is cut; us a general rale, that cut from the top of a tree may be taken as about three to five per cent llghtur than that cut from the butt I 1 s a To prevent misunderstanding, 1 The Malden Love. TIvp mctiilinXM liM- - lhi-:- r mitiMiu-- r green n veil nr stay: fnder A mini l'lili o'er the sunny kIiwii: It is il (iicur. iluli il.iy! li the l.lail.'N with bead, Tim Tinit shine like eillv grins: Tit-- ' runes hung tln iv li'usliing 'Neath glilteilng diadems. rurailva powers than tiwy offal Oua Hundred IM, are tor any rane ihal It tail! tfi ttfitd for l!r. of irailmonlala. ;ur. A I lr? P. J. CkIKNKY A CO., Toledo, H il l hr ell Uru.;(K TV. uaii'a ITaiuliy PtlU fir foeiUpeUdOi I' move. Bears the to-da- y . the stopping plates arc marked ,ta squares, nnd only one skip enn be In a squaro at the sanis time. Always Bought BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL TH ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. |