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Show THE h. BARBER & CO., Dealers in county hn"iiii'M". Of coiir-- e Unixc I mi fur u- nun in know liuw to Krt lint ronrt Froth and Curad Maata, We realize that al) Irani" cannot house painted gratis, anil how to auaaaaof all klnda, Fraah Flah and Bread, Hie a urh Alma hi aiiiueiiient labors Smith hall, for ; hut. pay provide UTAH. 1. Y. M. I'. A., imr. in inaur whfii it rulin' to the rral work to hr Instance- - I tii'ii riiiiimi n nviiTi any ilunr, tiii'.v arc failure". NK1MII PAL.MKR. more than tin. regular inerting linior: I ifriiccB iihcwata abstracter B mourt public. Imt we know ail influence run lie Rest luiurance Ihruun urnninl the - i i n i krprewruls the ward! tin f.mes of the Worlil. He will tare you think Farmingto.i lia hogged .it i n; that "hall In . euu iilv liood gracious, not nmi.ry. anil iioti uriivr. (Irl thr nniti'il Trlephone y'n. Kouutiful Exchange. tin-sure! two past years, Farmington, Utah. uppnri of all the want organizations on seeing both ' parties get together Inwill h rail only "ivinril liy tin E. W. TATLOCK that all part of the eouuty are repiiiiqimllilicd "111111.111 of tlir bishop. resented on Iln- county ticket Farm-- : LAWYER. tirt elevating iiui-i- c fur tin young to as well as the other parts id d im e liy . If thr dniicrr, am too few iiigton Office, 533 'rnlencc, Karmingtou. the uiuiitv. Atlaa Ulock, Salt I.ake. to iav expense Mrnitier of the Bar. I'. S. Supreme Court Iirlil. all tin- tvanl iiutliuritir "hmihl I tai ls Irrigation, & Corjnir.tiun Law Mining, The of are people : and. wlu'ii oilier- - know of comity tin , help wi-- r in refusing to encourage the will llnrk to good niii-- ir hirrii. NOLurrcRS tele-- . Imt ward. Mini Mountain Tea long it will he-- j introduction ol an opposition two of anyI if Buay MadialM fur Ba tin lor Uu pcoplu phone system, (live im UvliUl Brftltl Bad BcCwy. ' Briup Imt are They telephones tor miles aroiiiul. The Lome girl thing i f.ir CAvt licit i.. it. liirf'r A u tim TimiMi. rimnie-fiaili n(yM will liavu ilcaiur in their a nuisance from any standpoint of ba1 kl'lncy H Itaif Iiil'vIsIi Braili. lb!.hwktrb. Hav 't lt'ky iijntrul of g ing away logie ; ami, a long a the Hell Co. nud uwJ B3 ni h Ij. Vt li. IT. mTi.B lm .l.t roai'iNt, given us good service as at prea-- ! Ij 60LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLO'A PC3P -- j cut- - let un leave them alonx, Illl'llt COUNTY ARGUS. DAVIS ITHLISHKI) KYKRY TIT.SHAV Faruiiiigluii. I'lnb Publi.bars SON ,j. P. FELT D. P. FELT. EDITOR. ERNON ll. lll'.lll. iJ.V- I M FELT llllgf Juki-- , ward i coiiciTiird It - 1 . JOHJS I BA'RTOJS UTAH. KAYSVILLE iineral Diric .. 'and mr s Cot tills auu ol all kinds Las-Let- c I 11 veil ti., Ija'.lller. iiruihbed. ; aiiiit-eiiit'i- SUfSCKirTloN PRICKS, iln Advance. - - - - - Year Otic I 'i'.c olli.-C"- ft - Mouth. -- i - - Miiiitli it, Il 35 .73 - .S11 1 1 Class, and Furnilttre. - ..I ... I rU,- - luuiiar M.i"iuIh. i. ji tanuiuirtini. Ulih. ..iiMiiariHi. of M.irrti a. tma it... i ''I H- i- ....... I'XRMINGTOS. - - A run. 3, SAY! ( I Why Not Make Additional 2 per cent? i 6 Per cent Paid on Savings Deposits ; lrt ine-v- : he editor of tld paper rc.iiitly had the privilege of viMliug the Y. M. C. A- lniildiiig of Salt Lake We wen altnuliiig a play City. given by Hie students of the I'ierponl school of Oratory aud Physical nil- lure. Our puriNiM1 - not to refer to the plat, but to the mag.n.kent '1 . ; j "I ' ! i : ! M. adapted by iinr sectarian to draw ami retain th dr young people within liilluein'ex of ail elevating ehuracter. diving to the liberal policy of our Church with regard to dancing ami kindred the young people may lie kept home under a proper "plivro of inllueiii'e much more easily than can our hretlieru of denominamean friend tional churrhe. in dancing; They do not believe to theatrical performauee, ll.ereforo it w.mrI.1 seem that they have a lunch greater problem to solve in tlda respect than we have. And yet, do our "ward father'' have that regard for the young 0 essential to the lip huildiug and of their retention in the faith-xune : : : 1 : I" u" "f "r ' in llm other hand, iif'ii the jrt-a- t Iiinnl'cr of young Mini old men who inutile along in adi"jointed half In art-i- d ua : oftentimes sucking an evil mm lliiig cigarette, pipi . 01 cigar, whi-li .iinue an excellent sign of and worm vice" indulged more in that ap the intellect and vitality of lif . Nature in an unrelenting indie, lor nt one life: a poor keeper of the inmost secrets when raid are made upon it domain. A children of a ex pert people from whom 0 tnnch ed, not only in the life (o rome, hut also in the great work to he done of whir, w, r'' h,n ,u ",ih M r duty to make ourselves out of the I'las that is a aud to ,,f ' I A Ogrleu Kailwa SIMON BAMUKRGBR. Prea't stijierchirgcil life. They forget flint the young enjoy oiuethiug beside aud dry aertuuu. long meetings, last day. Amusement committers are appointed whose sole duty is to provide home pleasures for the voting members of the waid. We have iu mind one Salt Lake bishop whose ideas of ward pleasure are actually lire 11 in scribed by and father, mothers. silers and worthy asoiiate. than to lie seen in place provided lor with a discordant violin wf moking and "bowing aud wheezy aceoniiou for Hie dance and thi. nature's by ahitrari sign Hint His is home idea music. talent have that fallen to the Ion down they should lie employed, and thus keep condition of man in as w-average the money at hoine, the result world the i we it say today, particbeing the girl a well as the money are to stay at home no outside ularly distressing aiul humiliating. Let ti note carefully every person gentlemen can to get within the we meet. It they show a higher sphere of such music. The rhythm, ol life than we do, let'a iiulate music, ami all essential to elevate plane their life, .eek to associate wit-- i such. the nrn The wild teai-hi.ig- Ih'-co- I i I - j . I hc-id- Vork on great Utah 1'arking au assured fact; furthermore it - entirely within havis county Hues, to anybody opinion the contrary uotwithstand- -' ing. (. thi" is now plant ti. I- I'aint. Siaiii", I'alcomiiie. Interior Decoration, Mouldings, Painting, Tinting, lirdiiiing, etc. .lap-a-ia- u'. Paper-Hangin- LKAVK SALT LAKK. h. tn.; a. 4:30, a.v, p, in. h:.v. n LEAVE LAGOON. 13 u., 3. 5:30, a. in.; 7. : ESTABLISHED Cham-lieilain- 'a 70 p. 18S9. 1 WhitaKer fS Dallas Masii- Bank. CAPITAL, SUSTAIN HOME INDUSTRY. in Commerdd & Savings Utah Tko Grip. - VCTIRKHS ill' HAVANA AND f juo,ooo. domestic; Win. K rmstruug, president. Byron Groo, Cashier. COMMERCIAL HANKING IN ALL iTS BRANCHES. Cent Interest on Savings Per lonr t I,Vrptr.it. Account Solicited Satisfactory Bervifce Guaranteed. cigars BLUE POINT PERFECTOS 13 ttthitaKfr cents, two for 35 cents. Dallas, 134 W V.'e make all Grades mi 13 I FAVONITE. 1r.rr Third South St. Salt LaAjt City -- Have You FIGURED? .amount of money you are losing by not getting interest 011 that idle money you have nt decided what to do with? Why not deposit it with u and take out a certificate of deposit? When you waut the money you can withdraw it and Hie lutercst it has earned. On k 4 Hie Investigate. PFR CENT INTEREST ON 8AV COMPOUNDED SEMI ANNUALLY. IPS DEPOSITS. steel engraving of Ihig Utah Satiufs & Trust Co, erman Pass, the most famous mountain W. F. McCoruick, Irest. J. J. Daly, pax ill Colorado, ha. Iieen issued by the Vice Pre. Ileber M. Wells, Secy & Mgr Colorado Midland Railway. This en160 MAIN ST. SALT I.AKK CITV graving i. zb x i. inches aud suitable for training. It will lie will to any address 011 receipt of 15 cent in alanip by L. II. Harding, Salt Lake City. A magnificent 20 Discount at Cutlers. 20 Discount on Ladies Prices from $1.25 up to $6.00. FOR DAVIS COUNTY PATRONS UNTIL APRIL 3rd. CUTLER BROS. CO, M MAIN STREET., SALT LAKE CITY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. REVERSIBLE DISC PLOWS. THE PIERPJNT SCH30L r r,N''ilitie we are under; above all. know that wecanuol triiie ,th "al"r ,M thu " vice, ranging from the simple glas of hivr or cigarette to the .ins that hav e such disastrous erfciil on ones intellect ami physical conditions u in the face of violators, lie they moderate or habitual breakers of cl Oratory & Physical Culture- Utah Implement - i t l- - - i.i-iij- n IL.MI'LKltiV SALT I.Ahl l;lT. If I The leading school ot F.xi KhaioK in the Middle West. OUATOliY, IMIYSICAL ITL ENGLISH. TUI.L, IUAM.TIU AltT, SHAKESI'EAKI.. and kin-tir- llUM'ITtON. ed hraiu'lie. i'rotessioual and General Culture courses for ladle. Gentleman and Children. Pupil, mar enroll at ANY time. GET T11K REST. ompany. UTAH. Be Prepared For any emergency! This is the wisest plan. A Life Insurance Policy will give your family a menu of support after your death, or an Endowment Policy AND SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Will give tlie same protection iu case f your death ur will give von the lull ticurfil of your savings if you live. Lake o.ily. ! Sole Agents tor Utah and Idaho. CAN he used left hi right plowing around the land, or rev tble, throwing lurrows ail one a Our sales of this plow are increai each year, and we have yet to fa ol tlie fit st man who has seen it i condemn it- -.,r my anything exc that it is the hesl thing he ever i in a field. Prices quoted on appli UTAH repres.-nt-isolatio- e , U discouraging the nocjaliun THE METCALF RECITALS ami aujiport of young men from Dramatic and Literary. For all other ward ; hence almost complete let ux have aonie good Ocoaaionn. from the social world, alive citizens piai'ed on our eouuty FlfEDKIt A. METCALF, O.M.. New ideas, influences, and i ial ticket this fall. Especially should Principal of Oratory relations are not catablUhcd. and j we ut men on the eouuty eomiuia-thMISS 111 KK ELLA PIF.Ilt'E, whole problem of home amuse- - aion who kimw lion to run the Irincipal of Physical Culture. j Varnishes, I t il, rlv,. to down them. Il the poison indicates a lowei st at it iii llicn nr inline purl. escliew his cumpaijj . cxcppt we can raise him up without ourselves fall ing to hi level -- or lower. Iteiiieniber iln J - . Msinir. PAPER STORli. WALL Tune I'alile in EiTect Nov. 2h. iyi$. - young Gen'i BIG Chas. H- Bodel, WALL, RARER. sanitary aurrouudings. ahle-wul- , Sc fflK af R helagoon Salt Lake 1 a block - UTAH. i ARMLNGTON p. yuiiug people? In some ward Hie bishop takes a keen and lively interest in his wa ! pleasures ; but again, in other, there are bishop who have grown 0 gray in the faith that they forget their become el.ronie wall flower or "fe- male atag.'The whole theory of crcal- is transposed : ing home amuaem.-.i- t and, instead of good wholeimiiii- ami aspiring mush: which is so elevating and productive of gool. the object of home amnscmiint Is lost. Instead of the ward parties prov id ing amuacmeiut for the young folks, e they drive them to distraction; OPTICIAN. i m,cc si aines resilience, one north of the post office. "He lore we cau aym(aithixe with other we must have raifeied ourselvea. No one can realize the aufl'eriug attendant 1 uou an attack of the grip, unlesa he has had an actual experience. There is proiaibly no dis ease Hint causes so tnucli physical and mental agony, or which so successfully defies medical aid. 1,1 ! AU danger from the grip uiay lie avoided, however, by the prompt ue of Cough Remedy. Among the become tens of thousands who have used this not one case Iims ever In cn re(if imr who worthy Iihs resulted iu that AlCFa cri'ilit touinukiiid? In almost ported or that has not recovered. For sale liy every cae, the physical or lueii.al 1uriuiUKtan Lo-oII. J. Sheffield, Ky- di'fiirmities that nre seen on all hide, ville, Centerville Co-oare not the results of hereditary taints hut rather Hie seeking of cuviiou-mrii- ts Met Double Disaster. aud associates Hint tear ami One uiidii lusi w it was raining ! drag them down to the more or less amt Iduwlna hard. A man turned the ! iimur iti'o Rmadway. A that we see leimpnle degrading coiiilitioiis gnat of winil 1H1I, lis luit off. He aiouiid. This i particularly so wlicro tan after i: and iilnni-i- l li to the wiili hla iiiiihri-Un- . the ferule olir father, have left the worlil of sin of which punctiircil the crown. As ,Ul ,',l,vail ",1 "d1' hi. picked up tlic hat utinihcr gust of "d a home iu Llali where enliglit- - wind 111 Bed the iiiiiclhi Inside out. 11c clutched In saw "nine part of it. . m iy In- filing religious Iu doing so the liar fell from his grasp and where moral guard are and the wind currU-- it upon a track, thrown around mankind so bounti. where a car wlu-t-- l ,.mxeil over It, In two. the ha' in fifteen dividing ki-iWhere son Huh of of fully. seconds he wax wlihuut a hat or an allow llieuiselve to degeu-erat- c umbrella. parentage Hupi lcxa situation Ht 9 into insipid ambling failures O'clock al nighf The crowd thought wlio have 110 more regard lor their It great fun.-- - New York Sun. i -- lacking. hoys would rather stand outside ami "boose tin; gentleman who tssay the dance must perforce, rush through the frantic gyrations of keeping lime witli tlic ward music'' -- the wild wilder, and the vouug ladies AMO ; )u i , lor i SURGEON, PHYSICIAN, OBSTETRICIAN. t J WESTERN LOAN & SAVING8 CS. I M. D. OSCAR C. DIXON, nng inni did it ever alrikr you ,,r t" w, I1"the of htreetn along your city, town, or tillage that per cent are uot up the "tamlard of the avetago young to woman who in seen around you? Jmt for curiosity, note carefully the average man you innet, and aee if Kishop J, W. West must be that think he in a lit associate for the Hierarch fellow who worries the ? Note the Tribune, regarding the Utah racke e, smart ami euergeUe air or ing Co. and its alleged carelessness s,1 ",f in serving dressed meat and keeping "'P 1 hi-h- op vouug forget that daueing i wholesome and attractive vent . -- ('. A., and thin gam an idea of the plea-mre"- Gat Your LOANS ' 1 At the funeral tervice over the ri'inaiiiRof the late i'rof. Jacob F. of llie harvest rich Miller, cufoniiiUiii that was showered upon his honored Ider waa indeed excellent fomi for thought for a young man who aspires to become great in the commuuity. ; huildiug that adorn that corner and it elaborate equipment, installed for the encouragement of young people to frequent or assemble in eduralional or healthful pursuit. The huildiug eoutalua an auditorutii, with "(age, "I'euery, etc., and a xeut- ing caparitv for neverai hundred people. There is a gvinuaMii.n. equipped with t.v(.ry eompietelv cnvironinrMt of ... elevating character that I I to draw the young in. ami then keep them. . 51 1 i- We would he glad it ever) in the rimrch would vis'd the From Us. We Grant the Longest Tima aud Require Smallest Payments at Reasonable Interest. Uniter the Supervision of the State Bank Examiner. He- - 4 I In-- j ' ; - . I.N Ticture Frames. Walt Taper. Win do) I , I Pli.li.KR i Beneficial Life Insurance Co. Homo Office, Deaoret News Bldg SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. IMPLEMENT Salt Lako city. CO.' Utah. |