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Show DAYIS COUNTY ARGUS H P. PELT FARMIFIGTOJI i .... BON. STRIKE Pakltahai UTAH IN OH 11 TURN TO at Provo, It is rumored that a starch factory la to be creeled at Garfield in the near future. association The Utah Beekeepers will hold its annual spring convention in Salt lake ('fly on April 6. Mian Gertrud iaike, a stenographer, committed suicide in Salt latke, taking carbolic ucld. It is believed she was insane. Mrs. Effle Rinched died in Salt City last week from smallpox, she having contracted the disease from bar son, who has recovered. Mrs. John Moycs of Plain City had a narrow escape from death in a runaway accident in Ogden. She was painfully but not seriously wounded. The Iron moulders of Salt Lake City have gone out on a strike. Seventy-fiv- e skilled mechanics and about 125 helpers are affected by the proceeding. The senate bus confirmed the nominations of F. 1). Hobbs and D. It. Thompson as register and receiver, respectively, of the Salt Lake land of- RIG SHIPPERS Commerce Interstate Finds Evidence of Commission Under-Billin- Complete Suspension of Mining Operations in the Pennsylvania Region About 143,000 Men Are Idle ae Result of Walkout, Whils at Loast 17,000 Remain at Work to Prevent the Mines From Flooding. A CURE MIS ENGAGE FORCE UTAH STATE NEWS A nurse fair ia to bn held April 16. OF g and Will Turn the Cases Over to the Grand Jury. Washington. As a result of the Investigation in New York by the Interstate commerce commission of alleged iinderbllling and misdescription of goods by various shippers, It is stated at the nfficea of the commission that the present intention Is to certify the caacs to the department of Justice for criminal proceedings, with the view to bringing about indictments. This action, however, will be deferred until after the commission has conducted further hearings in other cities where it is alleged similar unlawful v acts have been committed. At present it is contemplated by the commission to examine certain witnesses In liuffalo and Philadelphia, where, it Is said, frauds of equal if not greater magnitude than those alleged to have been committed in New York and vicinity have been perpetrated. These latter hearings will be conducted some time during the month of April. A member of the commission said that it was the determination of the commission, so far aa possible, to break up the practice, and that It was their belief that this, could be done only through drastic action In the courts. Philadelphia. There was a complete suspension of mining In the anthracite region Monday in accordance with the order Issued last week by President Mitchell of the Mine Workers of America and the scale committee of that organization, with the solitary exception of the Oxford colliery, a small independent operation near Scranton, which employs about 5i0 hands, with a dully cataclly of alMiut 1,200 tons. This mini- - was kept In operation during the strike in 1!ii2. Every other colliery was Uiened as usual und In readiness for the workers, hut there was no response to the blowing of (he whistles, other than the appearance of the engineers, firemen, pumpmen und others whose presence at the mines is necessary tu preserve them from injury und who were exempted In President Mitchell's PRODUCTION AND DIVIDENDS. fice. order. There are 400 collieries In the anThe Gold Mountain country, both the Make a Good Record for thracite region, employing 1 iio.tmo men Utah Mines bus and Kimberly sections, Marysvale of March. Month and boys. Miners' officials estimate! been visited by numerous snowslidcs that 14:1,000 mine workers obeyed the Salt Lake City. Ore and bullion this winter, more than has ever been order to suspend operations. This settlements in the local open market loaves 17.UU0 men who ure imrniltted known before. to continue at work to prevent the during the month of March amounted Rodfor the Settlements Henry E. Steele and Thomas A. mines from flooding. lo $1,982,750. gers of Ogden are the patentees of a past week reached $470,250, SaturDOWIE DEPOSED. device for the protection of freight curs days contribution to that total being in transit and to prevent the sleuling $5.2,250, as follows: Silver, lead, gold Church Property Turned Over and of freight from cars. and copper ores, $2G,250; base bulElijah is Now a Poor Man. lion. $27,000. Fred M. Hill of Halt City has The open revolt ugalnst Chleago. been named by State Superintendent Being a quarterly period dividends John Alexander Howie, which took of Utah mines also made a fine showscholfree 51000 one of for the Nelson place Sunday, was followed Monday ing during the month. Ten companies arships in the Oread Institute of Mary- by the transfer or all the paid or ordered paid during the period public propland, awarded to Utah. mentioned the sum of $937,000, as folof Zion Alexanto Church of the erty lows: United States company. $656.- There have been several large snow-slide- s der had (100: silver King. $100,000; Granger, whose dismissal around ML Baldy on the Marys- been directed $108,000; Consolidated Mercus, $25.-00by Dowle in a telegram vale and Gold Mountain side, drifts from Mexico. Grand Beck Tunnel, $15,000; Central, $12,500; Victoria, $10,000; covering the mountain all the way A warranty deed und u bill of sale Sacramento. $5,000; Uncle Sam, from twenty to fifty feet were filial in the Lake county court at and Utah, of Fish Springs, $1,000. Jess Thomas, colored, who shot Waukegan, III., by W. G. Yoliva, the and killed Harry Wilson, also colored, RECORD BREAKING FIGURES. bead of Zion, who was ap in a saloon row In Ball Lake City last liy Howie some months ago, October, has been acquitted, the Jury (iresent all the lands standing In the Rush ef Aliens to the United'stata1 Continues Unabated. deciding he shot In self defense. Dowle and his wife are made Albany, N. Y. During the last Cyrus Dullin, the famous Boston over to Granger, for the benefit of 164,-54- 0 sculptor, who Is a native of Utah, hua Zion City and the followers of Dowle three months of 1905 there were New of Yoliva Dowle holds at from arrivals the port alien generally. received medal the gold which just was awarded him at the 8L Louis fuir a Hwer of attorney, and by virtue of York, according to the quarterly bulIt he has turned over to Granger for the most characteristic group of everything portable In Zion City, even letin of the state department of labor mado public Saturday. This Is an inAmerican sculptors. to the bed of Dowle. All the officials of Shiloh House," crease of 9.000 over the William Rosa, a colored man incarthe Dowle residence, thu horses and of a year ago. the influx cerated in the Suit laike county jail, carriages, the niachiniTy In the mills fromfigures Italy alone being larger by1904.0 was caught while attempting to escape and everything In the name of Dowle than In the last quarter of "New York becomes the home of one night lust week. He hud succeed- outside of personal Itelonglngs of tho the ed In sawing through the bars of his retd lent 8 of the town has boon taken 63.413 of the newcomers." says away from the control of thu deposed bulletin, and the fact that 35.728. or cell window when discovered by thu "first apostle. of the 140.000 Immigrants Jailer. over 14 years old can neither read Folk at Jefferson Banquet. nor write ta not altogether reaasur-.InAt a mass meeting of the citizens Dos Moines, Ia. Governor Folk of of Mantl It was determined to submit the proposition of municipal owner- Missouri was the chief apuukcr at the Miners Engage In Desperate Battle. under ship of the electric light plant to the Jefferson banquet Monday night Charlearol, Pa. One man shot to fc citizens at un election to be ordered the auspices of the Iown Democrat two others suffering from buldeath, club. Democrats of prominence from by the city council within the next let wounds that are expected to prove all parts of the state attended, and few weeka. fatal, a third seriously cuL a fourth the gathering was one of the most burned about the hands and face and From the teata Just completed by notable ever held in the state under a firth seriously Injured, is the result State and City Chemist Herman of this party. The banof a fight of miners In the woods near Harma it ia ahown that the manufac- the auspices wns preceded by an Informal here. The men quarreled over a keg quet turers of adulterated food stuff are Is Lewis Wilmeeting of the members of the Dem- of beer. The dead man complying with the law and are mark- ocratic state central committee, but It liams. 38 years old. The two fatally was decided .to take no action until wounded are J. S. Schneider and Os"Artificial ing their productions serosa the label. after the Republican state convention. car Schneider, brothers. The farmers, atockraisers, poultry Assembly Stood the TeaL Alleged Plot to Kill Spanish Royal fanciera and others, in numbers suffFamily. Columbus. O. The Ohio general asicient to almost fill the meeting house, Madrid. The Spanish authorities sembly has. backed by the reform assembled one evening last week at an anarchist plot at sentiment that swept away party llnea the first Farmers institute meeting have discovered e twenty-ninmiles from Se- In the election, enacted many reform ever held in Kayaville and listened to ville, the notorious center of the black measures. Among those are the laws instructive lectures. providing for 2 cent passenger fares, Two passenger cars on the Cache hands, to assassinate the royal family creating a state railroad commission the of the visit King Alfonso, during and providing for the regulation ot alley express, known as No. 12, on the freight rates, wiping oat the fee sysShort Line, running between dowager Queen Christiana, and sister of the king, the Infanta Marla tem for the payment of county ofLogan and Salt Iake, were derailed Teresa, to Seville ficers and putting them upon a salduring holy week. near Mendon, delaying all traffic for The censorship prevents the send- ary basis, abolishing prison contract several hours. As the train was no ing of details regarding the conspirlabor, repealing the Inheritance tax law and raising the saloon tax. acy. running fast, no one was Injured. Fetor Caiito, an Italian, suicided at Great Britain is Satisfied. Proposition to Name tho New BattleMerrur by Jumping down a 100-foNew York. ship liondon. The London newspapers shaft. He had become estranged articles Monday in their editorial The that suggestion Washington. from his wife, with whom he had fresettlement of welcome the the 20,50lMon battleship morning projected quently quarreled, and Is the man win-o1 to authorbetween in which is the coniroversy points congress cxpcte one occasion was publicly whippet! over Morocro aa should be session and ize ut the France Germany present some of women the of the town. by abanremoving the anarchical conditions In A young daughter of Niels C. Jen named New York, Involving the a name for the uriuore.l Morocco which have constituted of donment that sen of Richfield attempted to swallow i was the flagship during constant menace to the peace of Euwhich cruiser coffee bean a few days ago, when I consider that although war of the Atlantic fleet, rope. They be became lodged In the wiudp!pe, and th the Spanish France may disappointed In her asever the most formidable naval force little one came near rhoklng to death guihered under the American flog, has piration for the "pacific penetration Morocco, she has secured all her a physician arriving and removing thi raused some commotion In naval ef Immediate and solid interests in Moobstruction Just In the nick of time. circles. rocco. Reports come from southwesten Los Angeles Claims John D. Conductor Shot by News Agent Utah, one of the wildest spots In th I.OS Angeles, Cal. The Express of I the of west, finding placer fields Roswell. N. M. Frank R. Curtis, a what Is known as Cedar basin. Th says: John D. Rockefeller expects to conductor on the Pecos Valmines are north of the Iceberg can make his home In southern California. passenger Eastern railroad, was & North yon, one of the canyons of the Cole He has bought the Cannellta property ley thrice and killed Saturday night shot rado, and In the east aide of Vlrglr tn Pasadena, for which it is said he on his train between Fortales and mountains. d $250,000, and bus arranged to paid C. L. Price, news agent, It la estimated that the expense ot $200,000 more before he enters Ellda, by The property, whom he had reprimanded for alleged the Smoot hearing. Including wilnea upon Its occupancy. Price fees, stenographers fees, service oi which formerly belonged to Mrs. Insits to women passengers. Jeanne Sarr, whs offered for sale ten was taken from the train and was takwitnesses, etc., will aggregate 923,0O This does not Include the attorneyr years ago for $25.000 Simeon Reed en to Port all's for his preliminary fees. John G. Carlisle. It Is cluime bought it for $26,000 and aohl It to L to have shot Curtis received a retainer of 5,(NUi from th Y. llarkness of thu Standard OH com- trial. He claimsbut It Is said the conin self defense, fur $160,000. pany protectants. ductor was unarmed. t s t, Daly-Wes- 0; $5,-00- 0, record-break-In- g 20.-00- one-fourt- h g. i V FOR DEBILITY NOTICE Pink Pills A Reliable Remedy for the Weak, Ailing and Bloodless. When the body is weak and the blood thin it is sometimes difficult to find the I, cause uuless a wasting illness has or the sufferer happens to Ui a girl on the verge of womanhood. Obscure influences, something in one's surrounding or work, urny lead to it slow impoverishment of the lilivsl and an eiifeehleiueiit of the whole body. When a serious stage lias been reached there secius to be nothing tbut will account for it. .Mr O. K. Lcgg, of Tipton, W. Ya., has found a successful method of weakness and bloodlcssucss. lie Or. Williams pre-h-iIh- suys Teets will open a New Bargain Store on the 4th of April, in the New Orpheum Theatre building on State Street. : i used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for weakness mused by a lingering iiiiiliii iiil in the spring of 1 V.HJ. fever that Tim worst effects of this were indigestion and u hud state of my blood. 1 wns aiiicmic, us I lie doctors say. People generally would say that I didn't have blood enough, or that 1 didnt have the right kind of blotul ; inino was Lsi thin. My kidneys und liver were out of order. annoyed by sour risings J was badly from my stomach. There was a good dcul of Miu, too, in my buck and under my right shoulder blade. How long did these troubles last? For over two years. For four months of that time I was 'under the care uf a physician, but his medicine did me no gissi. Meanwhile I learned uf the cures that nod been wrought by Dr. Williams Pink Pills. You owe your cure to these pills ? I certainly do, and I also know that they are helping others to whom I hate recommended them. They have real merit and I know ufiotkiug that would tuke tlieir place. For further information and valuable booklet address the Dr. Williutua Medicine (Jo., Schenectady, N. Y. Everything JVeW, And Greater Bar-ain- s Ghan Ever ! you want a Carpet or anything else, wait until next Wednesday. Everybody knows Teets SELLS CHEAPER than anyone else. Remember the place, If Lytton'a Famous Phrase. The phrase which has become trite by its frequent use, The pen Is mightier than tue sword, which Lord Lyt-toput In the mouth ef Cardinal Richelieu, was written when the steel pen bad barely began to supplant the quill. n A 6 POST FORGET larsr psi'kaire Kcd Cram Hall Blue. rnlv ernla. Th Hum Company, South Hem!, Ind. FATAL TO ALL DISEASE Theatre Building, Orpheum STATE STREET. 128 a GERM& Effect of Acida of Fruits on the Human 8ystem. An eminent Japanese bacteriologist has shown that the acids of lemons, apples and other fruits citric acid, malic acid are capable of destroying all kins of disease germs. Cholera germs are killed in flfteen minutes by lemon juice or apple juice, and typhoid fever germs are killed In half an hour by these adds, even when considerably diluted. If you squeeze a lemon into a glass of water contaln-h-; cholera germs, and let It stand fifteen or twenty minutes, you may drink the water with Impunity, as the germs will be dead; these juices will kill other disease germs, says the New York Herald. Instead of telling a man to have his stomach washed out. we can now tell him to drink orange juice, which will cleanse the stomach as thoroughly as a stomach tube, provided It he not a case of If we have to deal gastric catarrh. with gastric catarrh, in which there Is a large amount of tenacious mucous adhering to the walla of the stomach, a stomach tube to dislodge It Is required, but in ordinary cases of biliousness, foul tongue, bad breath, sick headache, and nervous headache a fruit diet la a wonderful purifier. LAST CHANCE The Magnificent, Specatcular Extravaganza. THE WITCH OF THE WOODS REPEATED BY REQUEST. SALT LAKE THEATRE, APRIL 9. the cast. Clever specialties. Catchy music. Gorgeous Beautiful ladle. Perfection of Acting. Richness of Plot. Enchanting Tableaux. Admitted by all to be the moat superb performance by local talent ever put on a stage in this city. 800 people In costumes. PRICES 35c to $1.00 Auspices liberty Stake Amusement Association. One of Everts Epigrams. William M. Evarts, when asked U he did not think woman was the beat Not only judge of woman, replied: the beat judge, madam, but the beat executioner. "COFFEE JAGS." 4 Nlghta Oommanolng Next Ween With WED. SOUVENIR MAT. Tbs Doctor Named Them Correctly. Some one said "Coffee never hurts any ona." Enquire of your friende and note their experiences. A Phils, woman says "During the last 2 or 3 years I became subject to what the doctor called coffee Jags and felt like I have heard men say they feel who have drank too much rum. It nauseated me, and I felt aa though there was nothing but coffee flowing through my veins. "Coffee agreed well enough for a time, but for a number of years 1 have known that It was doing me great harm, but, like the rum toper, I thought I could not get along without 1L It made me nervqus, disordered my digestion, destroyed my sleep and brought on frequent and very distressing headaches. "When I got what the doctor called a coffee Jag on, 1 would give up drinking it for a few days till my atomarh regained a little strength, but I was always fretful and worried and nervous till I was able to resume the use of the drug. "About a year ago I was persuaded to try Postum, but as I got It In restaurants It was nothing but a sloppy mess, sometimes cold, and always weak, and of course I didnt like It. Finally I prepared some myself, at home, following the directions carefully, and found It delicious. I persevered In Its use. quitting the old coffee entirely, and feeling better and better each day, till I found at last, to my great joy, that my ailments had all disappeared and my longing for coffee had come to an end. "I hare heretofore suffered Intensely from utter exhaustion, besides the other aliments and troubles, but this summer, using Postum, I have felt fine. Name given by Postum tle Creek, Mich. Theres a reason. Restaurant cooks rarely prepare Postum Coffee properly. They do not let It boll long enough. MARIE CORVELLIS STUPENDOUS SCENIO MASTERPIECE, Endorsed Alike by Press and Public- 3 Nights Beginning Thursday April Bth wl.h SATURDAY SOUVENIR MAT., The Most Powerful of the Present Dev Mslo-Drs- Every Aotthe Aome of HERFATALLOVE Ar.lr.lo Achievement A GRAND DRAMATIC SlORY Pure In Thought Aotlon end Language ti LVC3IC! ALWAY THE BEST SHOWS IN TOWN. Matinee Every Da This Wek THE BIGGEST OF THE SEASON THE I UUE GIRLS Preaent ng TWO BIG MUSICAL And the Moat Beautiful Chorus 7 In COMEDIES the Burlesque World. BIG VAUDEVILLE ACTS Including Co-Bat- 3 GREGORY MURPHY JULES BENNETT. COMPANY. Hear and Geo. Murphy Bing BROS. -- 3 KEYNOIDS. the Shan - 7 OLGA ORLOFF and THE OIRUGHAPH. Garten Honaa." |