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Show i. ' 1,1 Wj 'itf pi ' t. X iTS A Mcr For silt.' Capitalist look tor The Argun to furnish them with 'uig.iins in Kc.il Kstitlc in avis county. If you wish to sell a t.irlii, adifrli: in The Argus, the paper that will tiinl you a laiyer without tlcla. . m The Arum brings result., almost instantly. Are you looking for Then, Ik- - wise and use llie i 4,uou every 1 unit-getti- coilv week. VOMMK II. r HEAL ESTATE Tlulun uilvrrusfiiit'iii twit' .. llie Argus lad, eh? Not n MJ.M15EU A Journal Devoted to the . I of Davis County. Up-buildi- ng AUMINtiTOX, UTAH, TL'KtlAT Al'lill. . a yi:ak ID or. Probate and Guardianship clearly to idem that tlie plaintive crie had e'liiu.ited Iroui the Iwsket. Soinewli.il siiipiiseil. and with NOTICES. treiditioii, he took, the basket up and eiiriifl it into the room where Consult Omul v Cl ii. m tin cr.ic thii.imilv lui l silting.' By this Sigilrislor lurtln r iulm m it on turn , i ti ii lie' youiigisl child, Tiessie, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. li.td keen amused .n. all were decidedly the Mi.:. . -- It a tnya . opened curious .n i. iiii o Kd.ll ef Ifc tcrioii' ntck;gi , thieli was now known - ill 11 lWlw (Jfrtittor- oifll I ' lit n hi ii, V to cor.i. iu .i loiiudiiiig. I 'T-- kit. mu or SlF i :: ! :U'U iuv I'm- lid ol the Ijasket, iViNL l Mil.! M:. Hit. I ill". iis a.f I '.iff el.ii' ite'y ciulirtiidi red blanket wu AiitiillllNtr:i1l ! jwfrl. Of Dr ' rl a wrell I llll l..l4 auil lieauiiliil !! .he .n.iliii:',! The little .i in ioi girl! develojK NOTICE or ADMINISTRATOR j :eiv idiom a year old and ehi'.d 'v.i- SALE OF REAt ESTATE. waa miss little tinthe io'.iu ii ii.'.g erv hi m i;i . ol evidently t I'll l: olii.M' II Hi 111. Ml- l.ll'i '.i ; UK I'll! -- TAII ill I I Ml, H I; sen- d cic c:u''iiii.. fit'll hy a must loving i v 11 i'iviii I'lwurn !) H, E. lira, it. tsvis'"i'Kii I r MuMf'r nt ill If V"i An ahundanee h.iiid. J.immi,, and v'.i i'c.icid til The fl wl ifH'i .if ,i ( Idea Among These Women is ol oui. ctoMune mill children's lingc-i- e lr-- Ilf IPWtl'f(iff llMill. Mil .itsikl-lllill, lNfi. Ilf was In:. luckt'd .iit.iy ill the capacious b. mi ,ii ii.ti r,.iiulnn We are M l ll.n ill 'Mini It, Ilf IihsV : nl ly engraved locket it Them. 1 iri wli. h uilt'd ctiuin on Irmii was the :i This is where l"v,i been troliiiiir. Aon should -- ec th.ni "dig"" gold 14 7 km.- ..iii pi Idiiiit' ittk'.1 i lt.r .ttn Mir Ktnll Oral ft itf a ring was on the little mill 1 M l' chiliU iit'i-when H. J Nni Ii I. Grant, llie .Mormon"' come. They arc afruid I'll take Kkt.iii 1". .ai, hall which w.iS set with a rich IjiIi Mtofii-lit-- t it. .toil linger, girl's them to I tali, hut I try to console them hy telling tliem I hadn't Mfiiv 7.1 rnii 4 !i.nii: tiifnit di.'ininiid. encireli-- with Uautiful Jiearls. rliiilii; .if (i aNM Mu fiir 4 n il ?lia1nv ( iii Ijw i of auelt a ..V Dll! ; Volll. I h.Milli: IIkiiv thought tiling hut strange to ay they won't believe me. By this I'iuc intense excitement pre- ffUft: nililiiML (!!! HmImf. v IIm idiui til infiD.ini ; ! lnM- (iMak i raised I ! en ih Lancashire. England. Mareh 1st. lit ini hi 7. ii'M tnla iiiiuily as Mis. fierce NiiMPJTt ;. t.I.WN'j", v U i wliiili h,k!i of :tii il In tin otic article ilt.-- i umiher to lie eagerly (Ii iiiiil nilivkfl ,tt.trt'i i Bislmii : AUil'iifilm ir. cxaiiiiin-,i.i miv iii.uk or evidence Ji iJa tlii f. ai a iltil OJlh j. f : I'm that wa to ii, gleaned. livery indica mill I Wflu. nf iuurt4f mi hHiij.ifi U .tiiaiift 2 tiou poii. Id H. gii c. wealth and refine- - Dm Un- - Merili.iii , um) Nt'H4 Kiiiifif I I'!. iui. , 'th Oft iJio tif .i Vai1.iiii fm;p a.' ud! as a d. t'jj solicitude for the Illlitf INrnuer "I Mild NiiHIi Hill oiii ,w 1U.4I rod vdrMl V.V1 lie Iwlf-fthrown into llu'Hi'i tii.h": (hum? linn, Soiiti. la.'JS j , litt'.e stranger that was to t 'Ii "i PnI four .iimt'ior ).' another iluu-- , as it uert. Mmumc .mil 7 78 riiiii lM m m sr I l'-- ihe romiif t jo tout ot the Kisket. eucloaeil dtaiisit. mil CMiiialiiiiu 1,(.4'j i ro. tunm or (;ii- - is ImIiu. lUofi. ill all I'liveloj' "Mri IOfl IhNN.iiN fdiill Mil Hit I'lid of Albril 8lufipN Surrpf hand writing, waa a iiforvcilrf: I1:, li t hi ,i in- nf h.iIci iibilniliu TVeOmr tAiih 'J2. j Kt i.h irAPli lrrtkfutlOh Bonding.-- ?) I y rou)ny, ,if. tiiitc euiu mug ilie following message: lkThiiu! UifiHu; purftiiftiil will l.ikc )( on or aft nr BtUur 11m aIiI "Dear Mi. and Mrs. Picice: I consign l l4tll ll.l of Afar II A. I. llNkt, Bitrl HrlttMl .in you my darling little girl. Celeste, lA will rri4vd ly Uh nikilrln., .u iti In ca-- e theie may any citiai iis ol voir and settling tank-- , hih on tin-- She was liorn just a year ago Saturday !4N Imw olfii of Miu. IL MiHfN'r Jr., i tab: l:ar::iitiKiun who vote against Imuding bench most tenderly reare.1 up to iMlAi'iHinif. ! fully a block east of SatlMii Clarks of nltnl Ctli. Infill Topll of the lime of my leaving her in vour KtuM the city for pushing the wafer works home, iroui this . ittfi l Mr emit J mi of I rw I4l jar nli eh pipe will jl!tll,U- - Go1 knows the pangs I feel at t lh iliiw 4ioml via mid li, lulanr Lite Argus has unde be used down to cysteni to a finish, Mil strec.t. front which ' jiartiiig with her, for she is ol llie most I, o.ilil (VHin. ASN a:. close invest. gstioti of the plans designed Hliovs, latteral pipe liuii will liy un I lovable diaposition that can lie imagined. ' atm of pMuIi1 of AlHOiid Ailnii liruwii, for rl B!vin "M reMon hy the city ; and it would seem that no south along l ira ' P an.l Main 't'wf-- ! ' HTIil WM. dll. II. is her MfA, Itnslsind mv at lrause resonable perron can find an objection llmse will displeasial f ir (Mule, constitute lit.; main or t.itnk 1 a gift. We have already had three ImLMAUoriH A. H Ml April to any detail tliua far crystalized. By lines, from these line will be ilaughterii, and since darling Celestes ' birth, there lias been nothing hot dia--. reference to ilie notice from the City l"r ;cths eat. thus covering the OF SPECIAL ELECTtOM. council, he following report from the , until mv. c,r,. -At the center scl, block cool in Mir fantiiy, Tava ine unless I slumhl cotnmittee will be Ken: will 1 placed, andthus ilistofie of that kid', as he called my . Question of Incurring Upon tho It waa lotiM upon iiiveslivatioii thin , gtve the Uiv against fire as darling girl. better and more aatiafactory arrange- well aa I recall as mind aliout Indebtedness. Bonded gives way My supp.t j. ampe water for dotm-s- ments could lie made by the City, if the his crii'l threats made; anil I finally told hinilwonld give her away if it would WlllkiKA', Tin Mujmr ami ('liy Council of City could purchase outright its water ple.ise him. lie answered me that if I r.iritiliifffnu M). Huh. Ly (in nrlln;iiin duly supply and to this end investigation was lii)or mihI (wiin'il m iIm AIIi U.iy would, he would take me with him on a IkiiksI by Nit.l ol 3Hnrli, Id .ii, d apjirokE! hy i)m Muror m I tad : made, and it was found that liy obtaining we of that over tour plenty l.urope; HI ordr Mild on tlit jfifii il;!) of Aliirrli, . Argus is proud lu see the Cap lal the control ot kudd creek, anil springs v.H oi navis children anyhow, uitd that I could make a C.ly . io Ini mM in nhI City no Uw f comity Itadtng out in this any scttleiuent that I chose; therefore I 8inh day of Ap" I'JfNMor UufHii inH ! and by making a , therenntu ailiaceut ciMcioro u hull municipal ini.m-cmcti- t. enclose hcitin hills 10 the amount of a 11 mirli I iy sIm tin in ir th.itof tlie conservation tny iriM(rty same, proper 11 Mt in ii ltcJicvcil that there finou, which are to remunerate you for ill1ion Of Mriri k. an , oinute waer supply coni, be had , will lje lhe geierally mu,. fMi iii for the first year; and miui of Ttn Tli .ini itlt.ir. trouble your of ,b IIm lht ,,,ic if of Kiil kiuci piirpXf siiii) are made to hand yon this which would become more valuable aa:llot lavori and l.illiliiitM uuier uinln w!hpm nnt now ,ans .J Uu. arrangements is lS years tli. until Celeste sum year every exit water a Such advance. the years system Now iiwraforv, l'liru.iiii t ilt tenu- - mhI t V!0puAim would give, approximately if mu d iirliiiame und unWp ,tn iSu,uoo puri'ituil to Section WH, :HW. and Sl(i of tin lii-e- o Huuiti gallons per day, with tlie saving ol id fiMlItv IMS. of Hj. of iieiehy kIuii thnl nil llie in f uriiilinnon (I1. Hah, Sothoayof several thousand dollars in the purchase In nf u OftrCial 'ivtliin Hill fur lla of other existing water rights, and iti-llalllMld IihIiiTw Alllaliil'IlIK 1M (ill illC nf Wlil llit t(?li you my uatlie, nur do 1 sIinII Imu a.l a III - till rlly In the til for reservoirs. It is estimated that tlie in mi: wautvouto e:irn it. 1 huve arrHiiged year with Mr. A. L. Clark at your bauk, to iivmi Ih llie etiin of I h 1 iuhisiimI lMlr-- , i system would coil approximately $10,000 t Jil.lCl1 tit Vfdtr Cull tilt? ftUIJ! OI l,faK) 1MT IK) I furth' and this will give water mains with purMfe Ilf llfl4hl$1 the ii1m,im'4ii von Mav over watch . herancarr- - imTeoRdwihc wmei ii.)nf .tniriiy hy );yiuf j laterals and will furnish water for the It is generally uudvrstou. that the J year. as I. and may you raise her 'to . fully uj. residents of Farmington at a nominal H nriht. dDCrs Will, 1IUrul, IUU OYUi)1e I'iinnltnlMiiCnv .ind irim1in teller uidI w pdv the IIIOIHT Kirk cost. It is proposed to have at least lonif lufore 1L l.uu..'..... ,n.l fit). HI -- r'l .In am. Your woman. i sorrowing lrielld, IKCOIIICH la1 imniHl UldL'v Mfld tlh'lt, ! finl VKlci' ly I urinlMI.Mi 111). CI"I fSTIS AtllTIIFIi ' ' two mains fur the City with sufficient even if 2iti Ulldilional H1I -I .III! rale IUA inftt IhIi (IiienOil lib livi iii lllax -r f-'la per umber of laterals to give the proper K&KUl lC 8, mm: il mav well Ih- Burniised It Will lie all that is I la riiahln oiiii!levied, mnnmi, mliirli linM IiaII Inmimiih 1i4nl and necessary um. 11,ilt I'un i .mnil ill), ami iilil Uthil necessary. The enterprise will l,e self-- 1 mt uf Utm I'JOj front tlio- RiyaMc nl III J. II. ROBINSON : children wm- inlrnsvlv interesled. In uf h1i 'ivriMMiln.itliiu or ol iw, (inl i1lr witiinut dotdd from the supporting i J. S. CLARK tld'tirHtista.E! leaiiIh ciMindl ii.ay lMrMfiT illr . j iirst . In tlie mc.iutliiie Mrs. I 'ten was iroui :iitl w:tlir Ny1itu BiliHv .amiI Un iiif yvar nf its futroiluction. 11. iscmt-- ! G. W.jALMlvR m 1nl.iiiu fund .uni "hnli fur li:ill Ni.irt h with rit UK h 1:,Ul' : vi,li"K thl 'u G. R. CHAFFIN estimated thal the water ran.svaLiciy . j fiir lit .irin'til l ".idI l.ittil" ,inl lnlrpl 1111,1 users llttle l5,c a,,: ort uwn-wicl1 iKranuer will i.. : turn into llie traiSMn uily This committee report is signed hy Ill CSr'T- rIII men who are recognized for their good t tat ts. "J1 th,,sil ill l,e seen j partook of w.th avidity, cooing and it 1" at bo,, bond all (lie TiiiiiKiMr ahtl irvii i, buga it as had ilnrli). laughing though and strict integrity, if honesty. City for the small sum asked. li J . judgment, 'DiHaPMiirf i f :i iipjNiinltJ li" I lit il j innii; ii MamliM- Ini' Having purchased the waters of Kudd f K.triu in. il in diii imaiMiii ipcrt.ilhii.v even tdGixi 5 It ' uri'l llr j.rMfsnaftt hintM-- 1 A ic'iiil mass liimiii-- r of lhc( The 'dull- girl is indeed creek and the springs belonging thereDm 1'ien-a,i Mr. has a nlr iiil3Mil Hhlvli already is now in large though a the to citly an unto, City position A. X. Ml to he hrlii at tlie unrting f .'(111 ill) IM1JT tNHIIll-i- l sis IImAiMl "1 The the lf thal iWR'i Al.iir !! Ii) family. gilt (r Him accompanied ;itni4t'l give every home within the city ample lioiiAR on W'ciliicstluy 1 tli. for tf Jxlirn.i! J. A I arts in il !l tf(ly 'JMIi i1! April welcome. is verv t rel foundling decidedly domestic liflMl-! both and i ilila iiMfJff'a IoIImw water for culinary this lil,tMMi .Di.irm iMn mrni.rii-iti- j purpose of explaining the proi,-e- , All da yisterday and today the home Prrn ( Inp iuiri UMS .iidI arita. v bond ii. i;ur.jNsu. and nlt tin uiiSir to of Mr. and Mrs. Pierre has been brsiegvd j ami -May It has been feared by some that famil.f 1' rlf j. r x KI i'glJwVrM."' . !r i ies living as high as the J. D. Wood and bn atloptcwl in I'oiistriictiiig the City with eager ctinoritv-se- i kers, and I.on is to with Wrow would swainprd j be Walker above fairly requests the places, John wider wwks. This me, .ting is railed some of the money that accompanied the water line and uot become beneiiciariea js... the with the earne-- t little fairy. Ol course Mr. Pierre will do pouiinl. (.ity of the new water system; but if they will desire tu k,ep their roiiiditiirnls in nothing of this kin,!. look into the situation some little, it w ill full The little girl is a luppy and cuiti-utknowledge ot everything that is be seen that they are in error. It is the a inemU-- r of the (alllilv. rd She is also to be Tonc in tlus imporlant nrntter. ' I..111. i.i Vmir plan of the City to construct the reset, ,.111111. M, lll--r ..r ..f said to have alrea,ly esla'dished lleisclf i,.,.,n..r ,,r o,.- ,u " as an autocrat; tho" her disposition is so ' "r, '"J 7m .XTiC H,!arii.T ,,1 z ."'ol.t .,rri,u-,i',:'1- ' sweet and gentle tluil nolle call oli;cct tn u,l ly OIII.I I'ln'lM-- e oil r fill 111 l"U If til" hr I'll,, even were they inclined to. a. W4i..r ,ii4) ..uu r uu- - si.u Ml fiMUI-- l ClH- TIIIMlt. rfltil II A SCENE in ENGLAND. u-s- Is-e- iJrCl'i1 . CONFERENCE TO 1'n-re- . i that doe not, in tlm PAt'-- r - Irat detiuct from lbs BAUtTAlN luovatioit that sm INAl IiI'KATI.I lirt of i .1 . ae-.-- for goods plan that I.OW iMlIOKSClU.brLK l. -I I - : mouth. is will prevail ; pcrmancut ; his his IIIU STOCK reptilalioti niaintaiued ami his GOriiThOlJS corps A Prevailing la- -t NO. II. .1. Sheflishl Ii." iittrodueeil a rsdi 1 r tks of clerks retained who will see that every one Is T!!F,ATld M - l Thai After !! llHillT. I UVY GUOUS AT UOMK ANOSAVK MONEY s.i-j- VOV KfOW WHAG GHAU I MEAfT. d u- - i H. U. ( i i T ITS CITY WATER WORS fl GO. After Buying Rudd Creek the for 'I 11 iiii-nl- Sheffield, KysVille. The Kayeville Merchant , i lil Yowl iv 1i 1 o,ooi) Asked. 1 1 jr ' N4itlnu-AllnfM- if Ar.-ii- n -- ., Salt Lake Knitting - httsbaud-tlireaCpnciTf- l.fiwls,,,, t,rol-ctio- n ti. Brl " - iiil Have on hand the finest line of HOSIERY From 10 HiilNutt-iln$- 90 Cents and ud i w ;ut lit-t- ' s I, M -- -- ils-- r Hir..i.-Ii..- -- ,n I I'- - lu-thi- s Ask your J aural Dealer fur our GOODS and if he hasn't them send to us SALT LAKE KNITTING WORKS. HAAAAaAAAAAAAAAtAAAAAaAAAMWVVWyv rii T . cents up'".. init Underuiaar Garments -- . Wctrks - ! I To Our Oui -- of-T obtm Visitors: : rnv:-ia- ordial iuvitation is extended you to make this store your head-- " quarters ir you contemplate a visitj to Salt Lake City during i ! t-i.il - weU-om- conferniice week. ) - 1 msaI 1 iiii. iu-- r The most beautiful store in all the west, it Is particularly aUnu--'- ' n of lhe year. An atmosphere of style perlive at this meates it. : sea-o- -- . Notwithstanding the rich simplicity which is apparent through-- l new out tho insUtuliou aud eumuerable exquisite disjdays of meriTiandise. prices are nut in keeping with appearances. - ItOji PIERCE iyi CLOVER. I for Seventeen Years. A A KA r r SV I I.I ,l! April A must tli I'll- - nro- - r ), 11 111,1 (,, iukD.j J,IH .UIIV, lhai on ni.,lni!i I frrertnl jfcsMirs of Du Agririiltornl Collrge' Ironi Logmi. who mnia down last Tin -- day to inaugurate h I'aniicr"-- , um iiaiiiat liislilutr would Whn li .1 itn.fciiy I MVi.r.tl DiMiMiiii'i lir (tNllnif at I .iii mih il .ll:r- - In ritfht IIm .f - ;tril f iurrlj.i ir miM ('uiiny fun rcfirrpii iu in iiip liM i MrniIiI'hi, ibid 'fc UI1T pros , hi.wI 1I10 :uu UH- - i.un-i,- .rlro a,f..,it. of fMin.im 4111I Mmt ineMnnM h liAtcii niacin tin id i rhrbl- - in Ian) nnl u1r 4 J MihiIjt 1 rl.iiiiiN tlinti. I(4wtilful)y iiYniiMtK J II liOlUNSON .ii.-in- fUv td ! n.-- i,id, , I Ail. ln XliiMr) .y r li).T A I fid! I. 11 fvmd hi'jh jifio j' For conference, week every department will olfur visitors able merchandise miu-- below usual selling prices. tie-sir- that if you will go tlirougli the differenl depart meiits, careful shopping will result in a considerable lessening of vour expenses to tlie eity. Yn believe 1 Hut even if you have no purchases to make, come in anyway inami look around, it will prove a pleasurable as well a an structive visit. 'UIHlIlllt. ('ll) rMM(11 till JGth MMIMI l;ilIINHI Wsy.r, : NFI'III I'.VI.UI.II V,"j",ViVii;wmi.-- n Miyr iii ,i,Miai. i 'Ik I ' llrim.' S. CI.AICK 11. w. l'.M.nri: ,.1.011,11. 11 ,'IIArMN , ' I' ia W : Thu phrase is full of thought. lhrIf piiir Miunii "Ki tth-- rilm ff frimnl . - ' aic .! ty . ,i :i. Siller niS'lJ nriM lie Ii.nl - III Jfr.ir- Iimrr .,hifi,,ir MIH1 fc'lYC upP"I- - lx- - jllllb.llH. Mlfh .i.'nrrnH-.-r.a!"- .1 -- I I MinittitM all,) m m iMtlniill fb.if. Him iiM ai jimil .tlrr luitlti iitalMy IW.iUXl.Ml .in I Mi! wli! with I tl(r hi.; tirn:ii a tUni-I .iPluifii:f'ii t( '(.,11 ii.i.v(ii. 1h it Il Ih iij.t'ti l Tlie RmIIiI 'Ity wltti -- uinti ul n;nn r Ml l4Hr.iis In i::vm lh . diul iiHaiswiry i wm iirimr riKiits frmu Mm with inim- - ' ri :ui.iVtiit m .i- Xnriii (HtouH.Hi imKiii" Ml ili the Mcr tlltr ichmIht ir.!.HitLi iiHis. KavsA'illi'. iiad lirrulilcii thrir coiniii Pinsillv Mrs- - Piercr . Last Sunday night was a memorable tion to the noisi K oil the street .ilKl at J slieritl remarked to IonM 'what is that ptculi-itime at the home of I Iiou-- c. lev. Davis -- ITVCi1. as chaplain in as distress?" wen child Lon Fierce. As it is well known, Lou noise, One of the clrfldrett answered saying, "'ilh li'i'tiiro given hy Profisxors is one of thuae good hearted fellows, 011 ill. it's nothin g hat' llie wind howling j llolte. poultry; Frederick, oil whom tu know is to love und respect anil g i among the trees stock ; and vocal j evidently, the parties who made this No lurther u'llentioii was i,l to the j mu-i- i; uimibeo were given hy II. U, a hislwicul rveut, were well nmil. in a lull of tlie ,lllx mysterious noi-a)Ir. pllirU)llt K,,bc-r- l M.farrl,. with Mr- Pierce. In any case. sloriii. a hn nun disluielly sinl llie local ward raging choir. about 11 oclock last Sunday evening, as j jlr4nl Tlir M)llll ,ailre ' the family were uboulto retire, a fiilnt wlwl slortl,. Vd ihev .i.ld scarcdv R SA1.K. At Syracuse wailing was heard, mingling with ers; how urnm Stick FtiioiKi mid either Imiltlinrs. in- 1 .ftrci I. mi IaiIm Mrs, i4wi,,l ah! , ticrcs three vj,oi blizzard that was then raging, lor souic j tu ,, a ... write W ,H. r,..llt ,Uww Unwing w. lla. mul little fcnoatten- basket waa time the family .ind ,t was Miller, Svi ii'iise. u lhe ; Tie deservedly said of this store l j Succossflll Institute Held. ; "" jmny. I -- t j- - f I v licith-O'Hrir- in'Mii-r.u't"r- i i A Babv Girl Left at His Boor Sunday t Pitiful Xoto Explains, $1000 a Year On the contrary no department house in the city sells goods ii Cum ipiite so unifonnally reasonable as does mn i .mi i1 nt-v.i- . euy iie-i-i- ,., . iiKlPtl 1i .t'Mi Keith-Of0Bri- en Co. |