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Show Chamberlain Music Co. JOHN M. CHAMBERLAIN. 'Successors to VanSant and CKamlcrlaiao Reliable Pianoeand Organs at low prices. Every customer is a Friend made by Square Dealing. Come and see us. PIANOS: ff Ilamlln. A. B. Chase. Conover. Stroll ber. Hobart M. Cable. Cable. Mason HOUSE y gARY DEVEREUX L ft ORGANS: iMaaon ROBINSON a JQOTOSIA1VA. 51 MAIN STREET. Prophtor. skilful sailors and brave fighters. If they raptured a ship flying the flag of a hostile country, the prize was, The only place in Farmington to circumstances, taken Into where the travelling man stops. isirt for eoiidi in union or destroyed at once Hut, whatever might be tbs FARMINGTON UTAX, naiioualiiy of a richly laden vessel encountered by the lllaek Petrel." the colors it flew had but little effect In BYRON L KESLER," BY deciding its fate, or that of its crew. In all these various schemes Ijifltte BY DON c. WILSON WITH illustrations PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, and was an inieresied purty; and, in earWi t 1903, & , OBSTETRICIAN : : t : t lier ycurs, he had been an actual parcm OAce over Telephone Exchange ticipant in prosecuting some of them. officer's scrvii-CHAPTER VIII. Ids ability and skill being such that, Telephone Number aa. cr importance while slill under twenty, he became BOUNTIFUL nan C'aptiiin Stanley, who had returned Zeney herself. Lam's misted lieutenant, upon whom to the ballroom, wemleit his way A rustling made Captain Simile) devolved all duties lo whb-l- i the forH-H H l M" amongst (he dancers, hi progress Im- turn quickly . and a new light came to mer was unable or Inadequate to give peded by some fair lady who greeted hfa face as his fell upon a shroud- bis personal alien! ion. him graciously often eagerly, and ed girlish figure standing in the doorThe tall, handsome lud of Langueforced him 10 pause for an luterchange way. witli a taller uo.nan'n form be- doc, Taris ami Toulon had develoiied Lathi, Shingles, Fence Posts, &e, of vapid nothings. He then vlaited hind her. into a man posscsing rare gifts of all the apartments open to gpests, Builderi Hardware, Patton's Paint, tin- river, hidden away Down and mind, together with a store until he waa convinced that the count under theupon Screen Doors, Screen Windows, oierhuuglrg hank, nmiil th' f energy and resource which would had kept his daughter at home, for otlu-of won a in was and have success water any Hotbed Sash, nil kinds of shop growth, hotter protection against further Inter- sedges i life. Himself a stranger to personal boat commodious been had course wlih tlie handsome suitor he work done on short notice. Prices with all tilings ueodtiil for the fear, lie was quick to recognize lirav-rs hail rejected sosorufully that same stored low as good work will allow. nain The his si chivalrous ami and ilieir servants another, flight. dnpeis aflerniMin. soon aboard. and onl Hie slurs ture was never unresponsive to were Hut English love, like other love, L S. HEYWOOD & SONS saw the craft pulled cautiously from his less fortunuie fellows. laughs at the harriers a stubborn parI afitte at of was the Such arms and Jean Tale, strong thirty, y UTAH LAYTON ent may seek to Interpose; and Count fi r.ful with tin- - maid, sueli. in brief, hud been his life during i!e Cazein-aii'decision was not calcu-late- i Harhe. on ihe slave, behind him, while Ibis period one so filled wilh events to discourage so strong-willea In its furl best sen were 1)0iwo who and adventures as in make his earlier end man as Captain Edward Stanley. lore's sake, had cast aside all for- years, ainl the in them, more for lie hail acceded to his sweetheart's mer life ami hrolo-- all lies. or less dim, according as they had wishes by going, in proper form, to For Itoselle, Hose were (lie ties of fixed themselves upon the recepllvo Wo Undaraell Thom AIL her father; unit the matter having those of honor: for lie had element of Ills nature. Stanley culminated as the lovers had feared, Rodger Bros. 1S47 Even ljru. the hlulf and picturesque filial love and duty, and for Paptatn nothing was lefi luit an elopement, for deserted his command Knives and Forks anil was Hying sailor who had exerted so strung an whleh, in view of the counts probable lo-lo-lad when they tnct influence the fail wilderness ihe to upon north, refusal, all the plans had been arfor the lime at least - hide, with his a' l.c f'hieu Heureux. was hardly ranged. in the erufly and unscrupudream, amongst the friendIt was 8lurily after midnight when lous adveiiiiiri-with whom later Indians, where he a tall man, enveloped in a long cloak, ly ('hociaw reasonable nimle him so familiar, and hud count irmu years upon security per set. Everything else and followed closely by a stalwart wilh whom he was now forced In tuequally as low. negro, who bore a sizable bundle upon pursuit. . rn such close eniilai-iAnd the woman, trusting him JOHN DAYNES A SONS, his shoulders, looked toward the bill--1 As for lloiisrarte. lie had world-fa- ced an unknown faced pllciily, JIWKLKRI AND OPTICIANS liantly lighted windows of Count de it fearlessly and iindouhiingly, Napoleon, the monarch lo whom Cazenean's house, whose inmates were a6 Main St., Salt Lake City. Ihroni-crowns were and huiihles, evidently celebrating, after the cus- seeing naught lint the dawn of a jut were play things: who had recast ihe tomary fashion, the New Year's ad- - feet niul fulfilled love, that yielded to continent of Europe, and opened vent. He paused a moment In front this man its uttermost depilis of pas new ehapler in Ihe history of France. ! sion. of the rambling, dwelling, no word from him Jean had As for him, the loved one, this was and then passed on, muttering words delivered by the which were scarcely a benediction by no means bis first experience or after the letter bands of Iere lliioi; and grievous! the sort; lull lie was holiest, at lea upon its owner. In thn nnut Knunbls Aw himself 10 be in earuesl. had been ll.e hoy's disaiqiidiilineiil as After a walk of some twenty min- in sail liTlng, let im inonihs wi'lioiit iIip bringing passeil lu-cinaulartlMDKin. Ts And so lie dose, as rliey utes, the mini anil his silent follower memhi-aiii-from !un n of Ijuttllng the climbed the low wall that bounded the sat side by side, his cloak about them any sign was llnllut li lunrasndur-In- g one grealest love limn who limn Buhmi, try tbs counts domain, and. with the night both, and her head pillowed over his of Ills life. wind rustling tlie denuded cotton heart. while the slave's ours pulled WHITE BRONZE his was a strong and healthful lint lioat tlie off across stalks about them, struck swiftly, their rhythmic dip II la fur non IrtlMr, - buoyant and vibrant; and. as naturelUHtiiVIftil mid ia the broad fields until they reached or the occasional cry of a loon, being tip' lime went by, the acute edge "f DMfmivG ihan t1 Rest Vermont Marble his grief had been worn away, to he III IMWlt of MtWUlllOtlU It -ueeei de, I by a leeit g akin lo apathy, liwulrtiibM, lUrh'r, OrNVn StnviM, ur HlAtn-rjllo hail been I'orsak'-- by him whom wrliv fur dreuliiM. he loved; ami. accepting ibis ns a or e ill mi fuel. In- - had rclinqiiuishfd every hope ALMA HARDY, of a future reunion. Bountiful, Utah. All this hail its nniuial effect; and. It a vague hut Mil was us it coupled unchanging dcicrminutinu 10 follow tin- - career of adveniure which had been liis boyish purpose In life, the personality of lloitaparie became less and le-- s real, until all that remainel was a love which was In Itself largePRESCRIPTION DKUGCI STS, ly an abstraction. IOI MAIN ST. Margot was still n reality to him bemuse of her representing so much of motherly care, ami by reason or her ever nianif'-stei- l love, of which lie had to remind him in ilie unfound SALE I obtrusive loyally ami devotion of Pierre. 1V nrry everything known that will stop s cough. Mndlrivted candy, Tlie latter was now the only tangitaliletx. Hynipy, etc. imr Hlue loxvngm, ble tie connecting .lean Lalltie with ftibli'in remedy tins nu equal. Ths old tmt milliard foot bath, with Ides, hruve Pierre, boyhixsl Keck Hye In llberal doaea, sounds sluggish in thought, hut sound of to giMid many. A rhi-s- t pmleetor will assist by keeping the kei-- winds off Jilftgiuv-n- t and clear of purKisc; strong the lungs, dur remedies curs both the of nrm and mighty in action, who now, old and young. foster-brotheCoins In and he pnnvtnced. as ever, stood st the sld" of his He held her eloee, ai they eat aide by .tide. noth 'Phnnea 457. He hail, some two years beRemember tha numbe- rthis edge of some woods that rose, a tlie only sounds besidr s the rippling fore, abandoned Ills life, break tlie silence. St. dark boundary line, at one side of the water to and. in partnership with Jean, estabANSTEE BRICE DRUG CO. lonely plantation. lished a large smithy at New Orleans, On New Year's day l.aru left New where lie firm of Inline Urol hers hail Here they paused, and looked to where, quite a distance away, the Orlenns for Frum-c- ; i.ml when, seven heroine well and favorably known flames of two liuge Inin fires showed months laii-r- , lie sailed away from through lln- - work turned out by their I ioasi of many fantastic figures those of the Toulon, hound for skilled slaves. with him were Jean and Pierre slaves, who were, like irresponsible (To he continued.) children, celebrating Bf.er the manner La title. The puriKises of ihi.-- ninry require race, the brief respite from FAULT OF THE DIALECT. rcfi-10 .11 labor accorded tncni by their exact- but a line's life uuring the fifici-)ears Colored Man Good Oarsman, Though ing master. After the Theater and after ih- country He Couldn't "RoV' - The haying of a hound from the which ensued after l.e Hli"iijng: was heard, faint, but of his birth, and linked his fori lines While on n trip ilirougli the spursr-lMailed I. uro. of those into Iliiu-hl'l.in-clear, and the suggestive notes appearii Norlh- ilis'iiels ef Hi- was Ik ii a lad of fifteen. And. ed to bring disquiet to the mans dusCrape I'uiii-henlni'i-hired In j iiii'ive guido until he arose above the cotisciucui".-liirf ky Tol lower, for lie began to move rest- Ills V Malted Milk, heedless Vim'll had imposed upon him iiernsa enunlry to VL manifest with nnd about glance lessly. Ihe hunks of swift a flowing, Egg his hetter self his life was passi-to lie closer while drew apprehension, rt Egg Mailed MiilC. Ibe Norlln rn man t as ins: and alloai. ashore Egg his master, vvlm row. wheeling about "dl-d iii I niniiri d lit III';i edge. ;ii medium Interests siake: Diiiiilli'iir, ( a! tin- negro it In- - could row. pushed. on Ini" ihe wood. :md I'erfei-il.iiiked I'nffee. in ken up by ilie cares and r" tiiip-He went forward with a confidence "llo'. mss? No, still. All k:iin'l ro Served at the new and handsome of Imiiimam business, ai ponsihilili'-unfamiliar tini'-Euuiitiiln. showing that'he was l of wildest nohow." passed amid 'Well, how can I t ncniss. iln-nground; and a few steps brought the adventure nnd i llo. lly peril. small clearing, where the while two to-a- . isn't any bridge." growing to manhood, alternated There HALLIDAY DRUG CO., 7. sembdarkness. was made a little mori between the count ing room and "W'y, Irtiss, All'll tiike yo' iierost in cheerful by a flickering of red liRh', in no 'ere lime tha! answered Between Balt Lnke nnd Or- punt," assor-iaiiunow wiili pli'-uiTheaters. coming through the chinks of the j men of pnddt.v and isisiiion, and Ihe negro. I rlosed flofir, ns well hs from the tin-- j snfd ''liul couldn't you bought you cutwith I I I t FrV VT desperadoes and curtained window, of a small cabin. again row?" throats. A fire lit the interior, which wn All kiiint rn" answered No, snh. During this period. Lurn- - known in deserted, save; for a small, raggedly New Orleans as Don Morales de ludierous Samlsi. rolling liis eyes clad urchin of ten. whose black arms was in roiincrti'in with Count de isionishnii-n- t ; "lint All kin gil yo' and legs seemed to liave outgrown Cazereau and oilier more or les iierost i!e rildier nil right, sub." their scanty clothing. Tin Northerner with home trepidaprominent men. engaged in various considerable ami .Where is Zeney?' inquired the of- speculative Fchemes. some of them br- tion curiosity ficer, after glancing about the cabin. ing within the law. and others outsidi icppcd iutii the boat, and Ilie negro roweil him swiftly ami surely over tlie The boy stared with fright at his i ,,f n. The former included veniur'TO THE u t'Imi nt stream to the oilier side, questioner, looming so far above him In trading, mining and tiuilier-ciiitiiigIii In the firelight, which struck gloam- whilst among the latter wi-ian self oarsin moving experienced smug . ings from the breast of the uniform. gling and These npcri- - man. where a slight parting of the cloak Hon involved the ownership of ninnv "Why. Sanilm, what did you mean folds revealed scarlet and gold. lying to me?" asked tlie perplexed vessels, together with ll.e cmployiii'-ii- ' "Are you deaf, you black monkey? of many men, and. taken as a whoh iruvi-h-r"I thought yon said you Where Is Zeney, I say." Captain Stan- II ey w ere very successful. row h limit?" Sumlm opened his mouth In a grin ley repeated impatiently. Smuggling nnd slave trading ha' Iibtii bMii tput ljr iii I mo 0 wide that he appeared to wlilsicr Granny? She's done gone t' keep always been wiihin the line of Lam's ai trie in the iini'Hiv'tiii'tit of itFliiu! New Y'ar's." stammered the little occupations, and they were malter-- . :n his own ear ns he replied: "W'y, AiulHlllniroiiti iutf mi it hiiF Ihnii miopt-- I negro, rising cautiously to hfs naked to whirl1, lie gave bis personal alter to iiroiiMt ii lulron- - Htftt;iiit 'ns. All suuti thought von meant m' il for iti fitnl Tl' 11d j feet and backing away from the of- I 'on, making many voyages to mip1 ro liku a lion!" N. T. Tribune. tram nml tjfi:iir:il aiiiKTiority of Ilf ficer's stern eves. iHni ifi' iii. iuil from the French and African coasts. rvic Tame Hen Good Layer. The Jater now understood how ZeThen lntierly. In addition to lib THE nihor nefarious purcints. and tinder Onp of 'lie sights ai the Tnlversliy ney, having although reluctantlv ! PACIFIC UNION Is the.se if Prof. Cowell's llie issued Maine of late afternoon, such cover days le'lers of uumpic given, through aid rh was In her mwer to the carry- one or anothci- of ihe newly forme-- ' RUNS iet ben. The bird Is not admired of her looks, hut lieenuse of her China Thnnieli T'lt'im I'nll to the Kmi, if ing out of'hiT young mlslrcss' pinna South American republics, lie preye ' train, m ro imr ni iny. liours abend for an elopemert. had then betaken lawlessly upon whatever commerce 'ivfng proclivities, she being erediled uf nil lilh Ihe authorship of exartlv 2o 1 herself to the bonfires, where, appeal- came within liis reach. ing to join In the festivities of her His own brigantine, the "Itlacl gps during the past twelve months. rli crf'iilr futnUhsd M Poll infurmsti-ifellow slaves, she would be less likely Petrel." was of spec ' The bird is of the Plymouth ltock appliraiiuu u. to fall under her master's suspicion 1 heavily armed (ostensibly for its D. E. BURLEY 'nmliy, nnd Prof, tioweli Is now busy when his daughter's flight should he and earned a crew con G. P. A T. A., O. S. L. R. R. racing the Ins and outs of her blue-- ' dm sled ancestry. discovered, lhit her r- In waa at the (lining outcasts from nil rations, bn Salt Lake Olty. r if Hamlin. Chicago Cottage. l M LUMBER - r avi-nu- y s s d - 3.25 r I new-foun- d r I I 1 111 H r H h H 'l'"H l frHHb :-- 1 - - -- -- - I - -- WHY PAY MORE? & I Utah Dental Co., 234In Main the moat 11 The reliable dentists city. Tectli extracted without pain by our scientific melhodH. Free with work. low-bui- OUlt SPECIAL REDUCED PRI9ES. ' O.'3-- ki PROTECTIVE GUARANTEED. 10 to X Phone., Ind. SKN; Bell, ITtt-y- . 234 MAIN ST.. A. ZIMMERMAN, Open till S p. m.. Kuiulaya, Examination free. W. P. COOPER, R. L. POLK, Pa ksi dent. In-I- & Me a. ? H. Li. POLK & CO. DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS. 617-62- CITY DIRECTORIES, STATE GAZETTEERS, BLUE BOOKS, NATIONAL TRADE DIREC TORIES SALT LAKE 5STY DOOLY BUILDING Long Distance Bell Telephone 39 0 d BRANCHES AT AND COLORADO PUEBLO BOISE, OGDEN, r, STRINGS, STOP KOFF 111111-I- DR. W. II. GROVES UTTER PIT SAINTS HOSPITAL.: Wm. B. Miller, TRUSTEES: R. T. Burton, O. P. F. S. Richards, Josephs. :::::: Preston, Richards. ALL MODERN sea-farin- IMPROVEMENTS. FIRE PROOF BUILDING. S. Richards, Medical Director Joseph John Wells, Secretary and Treasurer. Eighth and C Streets Write for Terms. !,- Salt Lake City, Utah. i I 444t44444f4444444444444444444t44444t44444444444444444 4 .4 Do You 44 Intend to Build? STORE FRONT HOME BARN OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE BUILDINC LINE? 4- 4- .4- - 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Salt Lake Building & Manufactur" X ing Company. X Office and Yarde, 20 to 40 N. 2nd West 8t. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 X Dr. West WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON ALL CLASSES OF DENTAL WORK THIRTY FOR DAYS. CALL.CET PRICES AN3 SEE CAMPLES 44 Main --H-H- l-1 - liar-har.v- A Few Hot of-the- gii-i-ra- l Suggestions .b-a- iK-i- - t slave-quarter- 4 4 4 4 A X nl GODDE PITTS, Trade end Professional Lists Furnished, Circulars Addressed and Mailed. j r Mnau-mc- Manager. Secty Lest We Forget . Set of Teeth (Beat Bed Rubber) ....$S00 D M to 5.00 Uold t.'rowna. 13. W to SS.UO bridge Work (best) 1W and ui. (iohl Filling 800 to TSo. Other Filling 13 YEARS lt s fiii-nu- - , 1 , ! -- 'r'-ai- unlu-idi:''- ('h"--"lat'- 11 . - s s im-no- set-m-- s I 1 - 08-Ir- o r ii". Through Train Service . e slave-trading- . t. It Didn't Hurt e kaMMItaML THOMAS Philip AND Office 2A I Main st K. of P. Hall. . Hours U lo 5. Sundays 10 fo 12. Tel. I57tt-k- B. lfaymek HAYCOCK tsi-j- -j Dvseret Newt BnPdnj PTMtla. la all CM. Radar' 0wt I c taBWU Swam r Or. h.w tors. nml 4 ROBINSON. J. E. Attainder of Title and Conveyancer. Veenaed Abetractor of Davie Croat?, LAXTERS Suita -- Oflee NOTARY PUBLIC. ip it air. Farmington C. All BA FARMINGTON, UTAJ1 ruuipi-tiluri- - |