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Show MISSIONARY Eldar John A. CONFERENCE. Bourne Writes of KAYSVILLE HOTEL En'er-taining- scini-anuii- of al der was iudd at E an I 1 Wi- l.'ipi-g- , . I.'.! i -, pity's ; NtiW HOTEL Mi-- in Mur. :7 H ami was mm of the m,,. lli I I I' EZRA W. LAYTON. Proprietor, & MATERIAL, PORTLAND CEMENT. r.tUCE ' Field Office and j H-- o D. BANKS Mn A JlL V &Co. and Kctakl Whiilcsiile r I 1 1 eorn moms SALT LAKE CITY, St UTAH Vienna Bakery Keep CARE j ll j 'Jht nf ymtr the uervf toratrc hat (cry in jlte liritiu and spinal amf from this hattcry tfc-biriv is sent mil lliimigli 11 - j iciti ff nerves. Tt keep mt must tFe IiimIv Innlthy Hvc plenty of nerve fmeo: if ydti hive iii.it, the organs work intjicriletly. llie vircnlalion is j r ..its lio-h- . 19 K: ilige-lio- sluggi-tfi- i yWVAVAVVVAV.V.VAIkVihWftV!..V.,.V,.,.V. w-: lunl. n apiic-til- jMiutive anil permanent cure for Drunkenness and the Opium There is mi publicity, no sickness. Ladies treated as privately as at their uwn homes. All cor- e hi'Incys inactive, ami .aches, flaiins ami .misery arc :lhc pcnai'i. You cyii' Keep the system a? srTujvc j"wrv 45-4- 7 Main fl., Salt Lake I friiu amt X - uttT ulnns diseases ufihl found iiume-dial- e nil imtKlli-en- s II snoi!.- - rii.j cried tills tiipiiie,; the icro-s- . ubx.iny millSlin.-.gives t! n and bf.e. iind temWeil Stlelllftll a Mij-r- ti neixc ilim-glit- r j:: Jf:n the nwuy .I.M-XI I SKKXfAXX. Klisiui, Wisconsin. Cure If fold by Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, j PEOPLE on the ha)e placed the of PHEFETEfiCE eA A Jo A MUSIC CLAYTOh COMPANY SALT LAKE CITY 109 MAIN ST. Ind Roeky fDountain Bell Telephone $49.50 n Heart Dr. your druggiit. who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit, if It fails he will refund your money. Miles' The Verdict of the PEOPLE decides etfery issue. The stamp BRAND NEW - elias depi-cssin- 9 ' ORGANS suffi iiuK After . MitVi inniiMis I Ill i" ttiese '!- .inir'in;itiiiii. il' ' leu lc - dur-wan- wa-li-l- ag awi'-struc- I i At Women's Millinery Spring ALL THE NEW mid lute Designs. Order taken for at reasiiii.il do prices. WOMENS FIRST SOUTH STREET EAST nuking over From 5 SALT LAKE CITY. I! for P ! ,b i is. President; j. Williann, I'.ener.il .V.toi uev; D- N. P.irhn 11. lours. W iterui iu, Traveimg V. UtllON SAVINGS 201 t Will Keep you in Touch With THE WORLD Per Gent. Earnings on Deposits. we build homes for the people, to lie WITH! HE FLOI'I.HS MONEY, The plan i tin1 same as r.iiii in i"uv iisontF.lv in ii'ni-nt- s, jmtng rent.Write or call on .I'ld Iri'd'it'iblir for Investor, and Borrower. Safe so. do to will It ilion. you flit inlorin pay for tiler us p. One peck of mrlor tintehe A real burg tin. 1.- - 1L Ovi ilt- 12 ACCORDING TO THE TIME THE MONEY IS INVESTED. t For any disease ot tlie skin there is salve nothing lietter than Ch,tiiL.:rl:iin sen. mid burning It rcleivea the itching salion instantly and soon ell ids a cure. II. .1. Surf, Sold by Farmington Co-oCo-ovi'ic CeiUct field, Kaysvilie, to ::i CO-O- P omui-ei-en- db-ili- $1.50 a Month Co-o- p. A Jfetu and Complete Line of 20 Constitution IButlcling s 3CT V.V.'.V.VV.'.'.WAW.'.ViVl. itrakes the whole ;tml vigonms. svste'i1 Tlr. the strengtlicns I :.iii Trervcs s City. respoudeuce strictly condtiential. Address, Lock Box 4 So, or TIIK KEKLY INSTITUTE. J34 W. South Temple, Sail Lake Cily.U 1 energy: I Tl;c Grainiest Display of LAST THIRD SOUTH STREET A .M isirong niVn )r. iles .Vervinc. in generating nerve fi Relied on Superstition to Stir Conscience of Thief. In Calcutta recently a box contain ing money and valuable papers was stolen from a large business lishment. After the police had failed to trace the thief a native wi4- man, Tarlnt Prasad Jyotishi. wan railed lit. He ordered an assembly of the wlude establishment peons, 'bearers, table servants. Voacjimeii. syces and what not and lji'Kftn to harangue them concerning the unity and majesty of the Almighty. The lie entered upon the ritual of Ills craft, in which the registration of linAies. the litile on of hands, broa tiding square of paper. dlMtiibutJon of sacred rice, and muttering of pravcis ployed their part. A ndw earthenware vessel received llie names, with some red powder. amV'tlA' vessel was Anally covered ami denied, the t informeil with audience further retuiiuleis and oiiiiiIml'ici; that unless tlto box were discovered the itiinte of the thief, inscribed In riSl. would In1 found within the earthen vacsel when dm seal should Id- - broken days Inter. t'n Thin wh on Tuesday Wednesday mornina the box was found rifled of notes and gold, but with the valuable pairs lu'act. lint the thief Ik still at l.irue. I j Independent IS Bell 1981 DrunU&. po. WISE MAN KNEW HIS BUSINES8 lUtDti Packing Company Stock Yards! SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH -- f u j i crl, p, i i- cib Ojngtre of a Cold anJ Huh, 'a Avoid Thrm. More Idlalities have their .irfgin iu i result from a cold than from any nthej should cause. This fact alone people more careful as there is no ibis ger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the beginning. For Chamberlain's Cough many yean Remedy has been recogni.eil as the most prompt and effectual tnvrlicine in use for the disease. It acts ou natures plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions aiul aids nature iu restoring the system to a healthy Co-oFarmington 8 I PHONES: ,..ve energy that nuts t fw 1 m CHA HLES SCrBOLOT. Prep. Ycur Nerve . if BARTON CLOTHING CO. AND j j J AT i j . 116S0. Maiu, SaU Lah.'City 1 : Formerly the residents of this locality manifested a spirit of preiijinliee and bitterness, which now changed, the 13 eld jrs were assigned to their u'.v fields of llilior anil departed rilre-b- s by the spirit of the ciite.rlaiituii'ut-JOII- P 3Z23 - F-' Co. !1 Factory and Office ; County people are1 i our Special Patrons. a yvv'wV.V.V.V4,.'.V.V;AVVVAVVWAIWWVrfAVAVA8.V4VVi!WSAMM&!&?!af FANCY BRICKS ! ItN "Dyhje Drug 230 S. Main 8t. Salt Lake Clt e. KCtLtr, Her. 26 Richards i Davti and Imported I'ertumes, j m Van Dyke, who also X re a full line of Drugs, , etc. Vcr Keeley Ice j : v un-K- Pure Ice Cream, Sherbets, Water Ices. Frozen Puddings A Puuches - .MM (r e Cream Co. of .Mormon, ami the eridem-ellict'cetc. Att"r i,onfcrcm:e had ad- of, j jiirneil the Elders were rejiie.-le- d by the people to remain and contrive to hold meeting-- during tlm rc-- t of the week. This rcrpicst was c uuplint with aud cottage meeting arc being field ill the houses of the people, A 4. BIRO ? Everything that is raised iu the or on the farm, all the way front a ImtogliH saiiMtge to a line bed. veal, or hog. Itaru-yui- d n 1 L. STORE Buy and Sell at Warehouaea SO E. 3rd South Street. Sait Lake City. ltnth ili: ties 505 t X J each. And iu keeping with the time fthe year, you should pur-che your High Grade Auieri-- e DEPARTMENT SEED OP SECOND HAND 7 So. 3rd West St. I3 S..C f V lei-- t f SEE'DJ' Garden ind gycmi.l. . in w hairs, We Reef and Illuld in cold storage for your use. Stiick will lie weighed up in its dressed form aiul may tar lakrii out as required for fJ family use. j Whoieualo and Retail d. the subjects treated All by the different were speakers followed with great interest, a and of kiudiic spirit manifested towards the Eiders ami - Don't bother to kill aud dress your J. Hogs at lintne. You can drive or send them duwn tu lie dressed tor the . market. Highest 1rice Paid. V , J , To let them kill your Sam' I ICiigilmau, Mgr. Phone ,794 3X Jih S. Slate St.. Salt bake City Co. Porter-Walto- n tn-- s widi- CC Salt bake Route Saints by prominent people of the town. Elders Ellsworth and Edward II. Hale, aud others, spoke in a powerful aud mo.--t cunvinciug mun nor regarding the restoration gospel, the coming forth of The I'.ook y LAKE New K . - SOS. Your Hogs. ' M Sims j; Cook Stoves from $4.1x1 up. Heaters, from fi.tio up. Irrnn fS.on up. Folding llnls, Iroui .,.10 Up New I. I'.r.utc I.iliOleiiiu. it 4- 2 S.. SELT W. (HI 5 . BOTH TELEPHONES Ca lifotnia 11 a Ml I -t ; j BUILDING LUMBER. mnt-iugn- l. Jj Poultry than you van get by peddling I Nessed or Lire Poultry. j r Cmi-fereu- Will Kill Lumber Co. V. Merrill Iri-M-ti- f 7tah Tacking Co. Goods t Burton Goal ti -- and Dealing I ever in this state. ,.0n.,. ions disease thientened to rin-- m,. all purposes ill holding the l'niiik-gather; Inn. nlt. ing in this plan-inslrui-tiiin Music. Taitli of the Fillers, the dillinilii,., IMAXOAXDOKMIA.V w ere ivmoved ; amt three , public Ji Wk.- l'nisr Noktii Sr. hollies two priesthood meetSALT I.AKKCITV. I TAll. ing were hehl. Saturday inorn'mg Mur. 17th the Khler- - hud arrived from their respivlive lield-- i of lalmi-aiiin Lyles hull. nt liertiiaii E. E(lwirtli, juid 1resideut K. II. Male, gave timely iustruetluiis. The Elder- - re- And its liiusi eiiliauiang resorts and inported their fields of labor ti hidi j terestirg cities tiesi reached by the two showed tho whole conference to daily palatial trains ul the iu a healthy growing conditions. Saturday evening the rt public ' meeting held. Tltc large hall was comforlubjy tilled and the atidiciu c ! gave close attention to the words the speaker. 1,1 " Lake, I tali Ou Suuday inorniug the ainls aiul assembled iu sacramental Elders meeting and enjoyed themselves in bearing their testimony. The afternoon and evening were spent in holding public meetings at which the audience hail grown to an extent that extra choirs had to In- Fair l'.vcrj thing First Class. Sample ltoom fur Coninirrcial Men. Terms keasiiliahU- - sin Gathering. Chippewa Falla, U'i . Muni Editor liavi- - I'oimtv Argil,: ' ly Lat Wiscon- m V.V.V.V.VAViWWtf!WJi!WWW.VWViVAVV;ViV.? m 4- - Agi-ut- . Vice 1resideut and Mn-;igei- " lo,epli Nelson, Treasurer; &, INVESTMENT COMPANY. Salt Lake City, Utah. if you GET A 'BELL |