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Show CATS PREFERRED TO HUSBANDS. EVERYDAY I Gome to the Big Chicago School Teacher Gives Reasons for Her Theories. We forget who it was that coined the phrase, all big things come from Chicago." but we would like to add that occasionally some big thoughts are also born la hat metropolis of 1 April 2nd to 12th, and let the West. A Chicago teacliei. who we may add us serve you with a cup of is at yet heart an.l bust and free, evolved the Interest. tbeu-'electrical made that as a life eoiupaiiion a c.tl is far mure THREE CROWN COFFEE preferable than a non After enumerating tk't faults of an and a dainty, delicious bis average husband, she uroeeeded to cuit leavened with tell of the high qualities if a cat, and she earn. to that part in her oraTHREE CROWN BAKING when tion when comparisons became necessary. poor husbands had not a leg to POWDER stand on. The three strangest points thnt she made were that eats trim their own whiskers, never complain and. if they happen to come home late in the wee small hours, they do not invent excuses, and though guilty of misbehavior, they never walk diagonally across the room, chewing a second-rat- e cigar and vainly endeavoring to make themselves understood. Tree Culture in Paria. Well, it seems as if the cats had Parle spends tluu.uun a year to kept her tree in order and to plant nee the better of it. and so far no defender of poor downtrodden man has once. Every street of a certain width appeared on the scene. Exchange. la entitled to a row of tree on either aide; while every street of a certain A Spring Suggestion! greater width baa a double row. Tea in the morning or bw Garfield Take fore retiring; its use insures pure blood and If you go to Conference be sure and a natural action of the liver, kidneys, nse the Salt take Route. stomach and bowels. It has a bcueficlai effect on the euliro system. It is made Get a Friend to Try Thin. of Herbs. U the individual attacked Water a Drug. has perfect nerve, and will stand Is distilled water a drug? Ur. still and hold his hand out,perfectly a dog Pluwdeu has decided that It Is withhowever savage, may take the hand in the meaning of the act which Into his mouth but will not makes it an offense to sell drugs in bite If It remains entirely immovable It, an impure condition to the prejudice of the purchaser. I.ondon Chronicle. Ehchange. Electrical Show v NEWS SUMMARY v CASTRO SOUGHT Plot Alleged Europe and y 1 Hewlett Bros. Go. her Ara Many Kinds of Hands and Many Ways of Shaking Hands. Did you ever notice the difference sli'juitl fireman was fnt.illy injured. Jean Baptiste M'lb-t- , the unis', brother of Je.in Frauds Mill t . tin Castro is to be Expelled cr Destroyed famous palmer, is dc.id iu ilirls. and a Native Venezuelan StatesTwo dynamite explosions in iliff. man Installed as His Successor, parts of New York killed one man the Work to be Accomplished and injured nine, three seriously. by Mercenariee Backed by The iteasaiits at Voronezh, Huxs::i. Powerful Syndicate. are rising as a protest against the m.iu ner In which the famine relief is beitu distrubted. Now York. The World gay: "One Liccnsiadn Cieto Gonzales Viiiiez. of the iaregsl merchants in New York formerly minisler of finnnee, has iieen declares that arrangements are being elected president of the republic of perfected here and In Paris and Lon- Costa Rica. don fur a division in Venezuela which The workmen in the lrrs--ncianil will annihilate Castro and open up of Lefort district have Russia prothat country to Amcricun capital and nounced against a general strike beenterprise. fore Easter. A number of rich New York merC. M. Hatchs store, Bridgeport, chants are said to be interested in the movement, which, the promoters Conn., in which Ih located the post Augers. And then there are those who declare, will involve the employment office, was robbed of 55.0(io in money shake hands and gracefully. naturally of 15,000 soldiers and the expenditure and stamps. Abilene Chronicle. Dunicl F. Spiers, a of I5.000.0ii0 in the rampaign under Japans Monopoly. who purchased hi freedom in which President ('astro, if the plans Japan has the monopoly of camdo not go astray, Is to be either ex- 1851, for $i'i(in, died at East Liverpool, phor production, for it Is only in Hint j pelled or destroyed, and a native Ven- O., last week, aged 103 years. mid Formosa that the camcountry ezuelan statesman Is to be installed as The revolutionists at Warsaw have phor tree flourish" commercially. his successor. announced their intention lo declare Everybody gel ready for Spring In this connection it is said that a general strike in order to prevent Conference. Castro, anticipating a successful rev the government from contracting a olution against him sooner or later, new loan. Swiss Foreign Trade. With a population of only 3.315.343 has converted some of his alleged $4 The dispatch of Hussion troops to Switzerland has a foreign trude of 000.000 fortune into rash and has sent Finland is producing disquietude, it is more than 4t'O.OOn.non a year. it to America and France. feared that the authorities at St. Pc- The expedition is to set out shortly If you go to Ciuifcrcnre be sure and Intend to supercede Governor from Europe in three large steam, tersluirg use the Rail Lake Route. General Hurd. conships, which are already under Many threats have been made tract. They are to carry about 5,000 Thief Laughs at Bobbies. volunteers, with the following quan- against the life of Premier Witte. On Although more Ilian twenty policetities of arms and ammunition: Eight Tuesday he received warning that tin- - men tried to capture a thief lu the thousand Mauser rifles of the latest less he left the government In a week West End of Loudon, he did some darpattern, 24.000 rounds of e cartridges, he would he killed. ing climbing ovir roofs, and eventual guns, 500.000 shells, eight rapid-fir8.000 army belts, 1.000 officers' awordi, Charles Secrest. the policeman who ly escuped. 3.000 1.000 officers' revolvers, shot and killed Thomas Johnson in ihe Mrs. WlnnLiir'n Knottilng Syrnp. and swords, together with Cottage bar in Denver on February 9 yurrhtlrirra tretliliie, wifti-n- . Llir tun., rrduee la other supplies. Bas.iuuiuilBlin)'.HUulcuniawtBilcuUu. tKiesliutus, lust, was found guilty of murder In the second degree. IDE IS GOVERNOR GENERAL. Mighty Good North Ctrolinians. A negro known as Cot ton" wan M. C. Austin, who served on the Inaugural Ceremonies at Manila With lynched near Oak Grove station, Flor- -' grand jury last week, said after the Civil and Military Display, Ida, within an hour after lie Is alleged grand jury lmd finished its week's You ran say that not a memManila. The Inaugural ceremonies to have attempted criminally to assault work: of ber a woman. while that of young induction Jury drinks or smokes, the with in connection not a word of pnifunity or vulgarity 2- of office The for C. Snnke.v the into gnver a Ide bill, providing Henry was uttered during our play together nor general took place Monday with cent railroad fare in Iowa, was killed by any member, and nothing was said Three In the house. Statistles were presented rivlc and military display. or done that we wouldn't have been fare only paid willing for our families to hear or see thousand troops of all arms attended to' prove that the Bnd no man pit on the floor." Mon- and the Marble hall of the Ayuntaral-ento- , expenses on Iowa roads. St. Paul put on its holiday attire on roe Journal. the official home of the governor general, was thronged with thousands the 21st In honor of its fiftieth annl- - btats or Ohio. Citt nr Toliiw, i Liv oh-tv- . f of citizens of all classes, while army verxary as a municipality and rale- J. ('Nxwxr innkM onth tli.t bn in nnslnr Fsin and navy officials, consular officers, brat cd with parade of hands, milld ui; r.n.i.ruf tbn arm ui r. ,t. ciixanr a tu.ij.-- iu tbn city nt T'lina.i. uuuuiy mid H' and civic uraanizathins nl..nn-dnnd tbnt nnld Unu will pay the .urn Captain Shimamura and staff of the tary 11 luil.LAIM fur nnrh mid rtrry President noiitri nf Clilte hun Hlgned riwn'itHI'XOKhO Japanese navy, all in full uniform, i nrennH thm inuisii lm cured liy itw UMI added brillinney in an impressive a decree authorizing a loan of 8i2,5nu. scene. The oath of office was administered by Chief Justice Cayetano 000 from a German financial house for j (ho construction of a railroad from Arellano of the supreme court. Ariea, Chile, to Ijtpaz. Rolivla. SHOT AS A HOLDUP. Willis Moore, chief of the weather bureau at Washington, announced at Salt Lake Man Killed by Colored the dinner of the Maritime association Waiter Through an Error. thut the weather bureau might soon la- Not to Mention Fritters. Salt Lake City. A. L. Coleman, n sue forecasts of a whole month. The hana"a ,la ma,y sis. It can colored waiter at the Wilson cafe, Mrs. Mary C. Wallace of Denver , G34 shot and killed John F. r't(. !1,u flo,,r sausages. was fatally injured in the public ele- - . Ink Bn vinegar, and the akin South Fifth East street, manager ol valor in the senate wing of the cap- be ma(je lnto ,.an at cIolh.Troy Korth. Commission D. company, the C. O. itol at Washington by attempting to j ern Budget. 12:35 o'clock Sunday morning in the leave the car while it was in motion. grounds. itv and county building Prince Eugene Traubetakoy, leader Ever Hear of 3cotty" and His Coleman says that I.arson acted susRide? of the moderates, who refused to ac- piciously and a1 tempted to hold him is this: Wal- The entold, in editCHikm briefly of the story, the Coleman ixirtfolio fired ccpt by up. The bullet Valie 8,,d 'nlne' tered the dead man's right lung and, Witte cabinet, has been elected a del- - t('r ,Scu"- the trip from jo Angeles to passing through his heart, killed him egate to the provineiul eongres. lie made last summer on a siieclal Chicago owners. was tlie elected hind Instantly. by train over the Santa Fe in leas than It is positively known that 45 hours. That whirlwind train cost PUNISHMENT IS DEATH. Heck, Frederick Nlcloy and Wiirrad him more than Iti.OUO. It was thefastest king distance run over ntotinFather John of Cronetadt Attacked I uckhut, three yonng nteu who I ft taJnil gnj pjajna ever made on any Quincy, 111., for McCloud, Cal., were American railway. It demonstrated in the Cathedral. the Santa Fe Cronxtsdt. Father John Sargicff killed In the wreck nt Adobe. Colo, beyond dispute that track equipment and eittployeea are of r-were bodies The Inrin. Cron-.iilcompletely lietter known as Fetter John of the dependable kind. Probably you was aitaeketl In the cathedral r.tl. wouldn't care to ride so fast. You preThe Hottentots in German South- fer the luxury of our three trains from :,ere Sunday while descending from the altar to ariminiFter the sacrament. west Africa have surprised a German I'tab and Colorado to Everywhere and Southwest. It's assailant strurk at him with a detachment consisting of an office! East Ask me for ticket rates and literaloaded cane, but Father John dodged and sixteen men. The officer and ture. the blow, which smashed the cup. The C. F. WARREN. mnn was arrested. The penalty for three men wen: killed, four men were O. A- - A T. & S. F. y. violation of the sacrament In Russia wounded, one man is missing and one Luke City. Utah Dnnlv ninck. (11 1 man esrnpcd. is den'h. William Welch, who 1 said to be Cigars Few Can Afford. CHILD KILLED BY AUTO. the eldest surviving member of Ihe A long, low strip of land, a valley l'nion army In the Civil war, and the between high hills, lies five miles outLady Occupants Fainted and Chauf- - oldest member of th Masonic order side of Havana, and there, said a Ran feur Away. cigar salesman, the best tobacco !u in America, celebrated hi one hunNaples. An niitoir.oMle containing dred and sixth the world Is grown. The name of the at birthday Mrs. Jannotto Gilman, her daughter N. H., on the 29th. place Is A ha jo, and VticlU Aba jo ara always bought up two or nml a French chauffeur, ran over and crop Th" village of Miielhelm, near Cothree years In advance of their plantInstantly killed Giovanni Fara, 13 Is iheatened with deing. They yield only 35,000 cigars years old. The ladles fainted from blenz, Germany, These cigars sometime fright and the chauffeur ran away. He struction by a hill which ha been annually. was followed liy carbineers and ar- gradually slipping into the valley Tor sell as high a 5150 a hundred 51.50 rested. The police seized the auto- several days. I'p to this time 15) apiece. Vuelta A l.a Jo cigars are only mobile. A threatening crowd of peosmoked by kings and billionaires. been have heuxes damaged and ilufi laple surrounded the party, but the There are many fake Vuelta Abajn homeless. rendered persons dies were not molested. on the market. But the real thing, It is understood thnt as n result once smoked, can never be mistaken, Indiana Miners at Work. of conferences at Vienna between Emfur there Is no other tobacco In the world with an aroma at onre so powIndianapolis, Ind. According to ad- peror Francis Joseph and the Hungawas erful and so deUcide. vices received here there will be no rian ruhinet minister, it for decided a few elect ions the to postpone of the bituminous coal general tie-umonths, when the government hopes Salt Ijtke Route. Ixiw rates for Indiana. At Vincennes mines in the to be able to obtain an effective ma- Conference. Utah's must popular jority. road. Prospert Hill Coal company has that It will sign the 1803 A negro prisoner nt Corsicana, Tex-s- et Where People Look Blue. scale, and the operators at Blckneil. fire to his rell in an effort to esIt is reported, have signified their The island of Capri possesses a The flump got beyond control, cape. willingness to do the same. At Evans- and before the prisoners could be ra- - unlq te rave of the blurs, wherein the New-luirville the Diamond. Worsham, moved four were burned to death nnd :.lr is like a twilight of blue fire, and Evansville. Danner and Sunny-sid- e a fifth was vavrs. and grotto walls, and boats, injured. The negro Coal companies in this county who startedfatally ihe fire was among the id people everything and every will sign the 1903 scale and get to victims. "tie-lo-ok blue. work aa soon as possible. j ' Tha St. Jacobs Oil la ready alwaya lor all forms of muscular ache, or pains, tram LUMBAGO l t RHEUMATISM to SPRAIN STIFF0 NECK IT CUBES ALIKE THE W. L. Douglas 3&3SHOES8m Douglas $4.00 Clit Edge Line s WHOLE LOT. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT-- W. L. i i ' TOWERS OILED SUIT V0R SLICKER When you buy took for : the SION OF THE FISH i I CAMemiQOty TdOWDfcaw 1 established JULY e. 1ST Capital zsowot W.L. DOUGLAS STAKES 4 SELLS MORE MEKSOS.BO SHOES THASASY OTHER MAKUFAOTURER IS THE WORLD. n nnn 9 UUUU (toy mil mot woo r trfuy. Writs for Illustrated Catalog. IMH'GLAK, Brockton, Vaia W. Color tooloto used L PENSIONS tl I Writs Hatha Biskford, If afflicted with sore ayes use : diayrovs this a fait i reward I titan nt. M I could lake you Into my three lam factories t Brock ton, Mass., and show you the Inflaltc cere with which every pslrof shoes Is made, you Weald real lie why W. L. Douglas U.M shoe Boat mors to make, why they hold their shape. better, wear longer, and are of greater E:trinstc value than any ether H.H alms. ML L. (hoes fop Deegfas 92.00. (trees MmSm Boym SahoAl 9 12.10, DrmmmShmB, $2.90, 92, 01.7 B, $1 .90 Insist upon list inn W.L.Puug-kCAUTION. shiiea. Taka no aulmtUiite. None geraiue without his name and price stamiwd on bott-m- . 1 i Record-Breakin- When You Plant Vogelers Seeds ' You plant the betl that money can buy. Send (or our big calaiogue; II is free. VII6ELER SEED Water Eye j . When Answering Advertisement! Kindly Mention This Paper. PATENTS for PROFIT sun four nrotu-- t i Invention. Booklet aaA Hlfheat rafrranrea. be k Calendar KRKK. CnZimaalratloai eonSilenttnl. Katnhll.had UHL lesvnek 4 Uvrua, Waahinftaa, S. 01 a t, (in ...WE... TREAT anil CURE CATARRH ad all fwabla sf the ays. anr. aoee. IhrAat. S-.- dlaeaaxa ((.due.and alem-ac- h. liver, bewele. kidsaya. bladrfar narvstu and anv.le He si hoik ee.ee. find diseneea sf children. flame Treatment Care. Write for free aytr ptom list If yon an-.o- t rail. tlimaallai:oa free. all chrenic. bb. a. . aeon ! I I Special Offer in Pri?a1a Diseases oa. s. . stioaas. who etw .nffertn from Private IH warn. Winter caused by Isnor-ane- e Unfortunate, of both eexee. luiked pon ae leeluai.t. ,rer hr the Sharks and e.ame or cwatasloa -- bava always been for wnr.h eve treatment. I'KS H "Speetaii.io ' and mb tha euterer Char's, an. who USB XJULI.AH L'.NTII. I L'HkU L'NLBeS TIIBM VOL TO PAT ASX IP'BKS DO XJr TUP WISH TO YuKIWBLF. IIBB SHORES' KNOW THBT CAN CUBE ANP HO CURS FKITITX IMSKAKKS IN BOTH BINS PBKMAKKSTLT. and to PIIOVR their .kill. Is tbit oiew sf aliatenie they treat and am nneh earn before tha bell eat la required to pay Or- - Shorre" on dollar Or thoa who prefer. ihafoolastaall weekly or monthly ln:aliaieaie aUp earn pr frrr.w.. THIS HONEST PLAN OF HEALING WITH THE AFFLICTED. deal! ndrau blow to tbs quartan Fakir who - oiker Uaetora how aiaay ease, they earn andar tha old and aaaiaaa plan of ASLT Cl'KU-t- o ears LOST MASHooO. Seminal WnalnnM. Sparmatnrrhoaa. imataieal for toll tniublo. WoVARUTX.'KLR and kindred tioaklaa. la leas Haw and for laaa SYPHILIS. aarar a M a mama or betray In the wait, prary eaae la maSdeatlal-- wa Baser, than any laaUlatloa and Adrian FKKK by mall or at the olSe aaaarat tWawlwtlon, Examination IS a m to II a: t aa f to m aaadara to E.anlaf a I HOliHS: holiday! mi p OFFICE t UONOKKHOEA. DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Expert Specialists, WALLS CANKER PON THN MOUTH. THROAT. TOMACH AND BOWIL..i. Niiden-Judso- n Drug Co., HD SIFVFR 249 LTuTi'fiMl DIPHTHERIA REMEDY FAILS 6sniral Agents. Sait Laka City, Utah. iiss Irene Crosby , Thousands of American women, how ever, have found relief from all monthly suffering by taking Lydia II 1inkhiun'a Vegetable (knnixiuud, as it is the roost thorough female regulator knownto medical science. It cures the condition which cauhcs so much discomfort ami rob these criods of their terrors. Miss Irene Crosby, of 313 Charlton Street, Kat Savannah, Ga., writes: Compound Lydia E. rhildiamWi-getidilfriend to wihiiuil It linn been of of me benefit to mo, curing irregular great and painful period when everything else had failed, and I gladly rucouuueud it to other MlTcring women." Women who arc troubled with paine is a true ful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement :f organs, influinmulinn or ulceration. Ix-n Unit feeling, dizziness, fui illness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, slionld take im media to action to ward off the aeri jus consequences, und lie restored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia li l'inkhum's Vegetable Compound, and then write to Mrs. Pink. Iiiiui, Lynn, Muss., fur further free adof Lydia vice. She is duugliler-in-lae years li llnkhum and for twenty-fivlias been advising women free of charge Thousands have been cored by so doing. ring-dow- w want to buy a Good Watch If you Bend to Cst&blishedi g MAW SI Tima laHpactor far all railroads catering ' Halt Lab City. Watch ascctattats- - JUDGEG KEEN SENSE OF SMELL Had Suspicion Ha Could Locate the Missing Pig. In a rcrent case before Judge Fee-lof tlie twelfth Judicial court of Rhode Island, at Woonsocket, a great dea! of fun was created by the different descriptions of a pig that the defendant was rharged with stealing, hut which he claimed to have bought and placed in a pen with other plga There were such varied descriptions of the pig that finally the counsel for the defendant announced that the pig in question was within reach and could readily be produced In court. The air in the court room, which was pretty well rrowded, had become rather foul by this time. As the lawyer made this announcement. Judge Ftely leaned forward and whispered to the clerk: Say, Charlie, I tiilnk I smell that pig. y I SL, W aaklagtsa, D. CL (Thompsons 'mhm:' ' WATERPROOF I? go severely. jr j no matter how bad the weather You cannot , afford to be without & cannot be equalled at any price, RELIEF IIow many women realise that Itis not the plan of nature that women au-- well-know- n THE WHOLE LOT FIND Tha Com of Ulaa Irena Crosby Is One of Thousands of Cures made by Lydia K. Flnkhaxn'a Vegetable Compound. j If wa dost head praventlea.ws will scad a cam WOKEN AMERICAN bands and handshakes? Well, there U a difference, and It's mighty interesting, too. One person will offer you a big, brawny hand tliut givts a good, hearty shake, while another hand that Is just a big and Irawny will feel like a log. Some one else will offer yon a hand that you mold reach around with your little Huger, and yet the grasp Is warm and sympathetic, while the fame hand worn by another will l like a slender icicle, und the quicker you let go the better. Tilt'll, there are the fat hands, the lung hands, the short hands (not stenographic-allspeaking) and many other kinds of hand, but it all depends on how the wearer uses them hs to whether or not you care to shake again. The manner of shaking Is worth noticing also. Rome folks come to you with a straight arm jab, other us, a cherry pic king movement and make you ranch up to a level with your forehead, ot tiers grab your hand as low down as possible, while there are others who bend their arms so that you not only shake again, but you rub arms from the elbow to the J to Start Rebellion. Everything Free PAINS OF GREETING. In The Ohio legislature has the inheritance tax law. Fire consumed eleven Mure in ihu heart of Tiiylorvlllr, I mi., uul cauxc.1 a loss of about 5:t5o.oiio. Being Laid In Fire at Johnstown, lx, iWtroyoil United States half a dozen business hnu.e nml one repi-alc- FORM p Queen Beet Protected. Modern beekeepei a Jo not leave the rearing of queens to their bee colonies. Left to themselves bees rear queens only when they want to warm, when their queen is accidentally killed or when, on account of her age or from some other reason, sbs does uot lay enough eggs. In nature, when the young queens come out of their cells there is a battle royal among them, the final survivor being accepted as queen of the colony. But this is a waste of good material which the modern lieckecper can not So his artificially-rearepermit. queens emerge into little wire rages, or nurseries, where they can neither kill their neighbors nor he themselves killed. d POULTRY PAYS fiat a salting ol our prizs winners and imprevt your stock. Block Bonareos. White Leghorn, Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandottes, Rhode Mr selling. Island Reds $1,50 VQ6ELER SEED C0 Salt Lake City When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention Thie Paper. W. N. U.. Salt Lake -- No. 14, 1808, |