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Show Hamiltons "THE CREENEWALD FURNITURE STORE." SMART SHOP: PERFECT SYSTEM THE KITCHEN IN MAUD BAMDB Heel We Give No Openings! MEANS LESS LABOR AND BETTER RESULTS. OUR GOODS ARE VERY EXCLUSIVE STYLES, and we cordnaiy of IMPORTED Invite tha Ladlca to coma and inspect our Una moat EXCLUB1VB Tha GOWNS, WAISTS, WRAPS, and HATS. MODISTES of Faria represented. b any wall organla.d Bu.lneas Filling Cabinet form the Tima part of tha system. A Kltehan Cabinet la to tha Kitchen what tha Filing Cablhat la to tha modern Office. It aavaa many a atop and further tha work by having a convenient place tor everything, both foodstuffs and utanalla required in preparing tha meals. To be aura there are many makee of Kltehan Cabinets of more or laaa merit and after a careful laveatlgation of comparative qtsalltlea wo have aaourad tha one that will render tha moat effiat a moderate price. cient and labor-savin- g net-vi- THE HOOSIER KITCHEN CABINET That la tha Cabinet that fllla tha place of Kitchen Table and Pantry combined. It hea a large Flour Bln with patent alftar attachment Sugar Bin Iploe Cabin ole Tea and Coffee Caatetera Bread Box Traya Hooka-Bhalv- aa. and Compartmenta for all purpoaao. Fllea It la tha embodiment of all the Kitchen Implamenta Into ana convenient and nightly place of Furniture that aavaa Ita price many tlmaa over. In time aad labor. Before you eommenea Hen a. cleaning, oome aad aaa what a little money will do In the buying of Boor ooverlnga, for you are aura to dlaoavar tha need of eomethtag in that line whan it comae to tearing up tha old carpet. We believe eur a to ok of Carpeta, Buga aad Linoleuma will prove equal to your daman da. Draperiaa aad Curtalna are alao In thla Department. 1C 1 91.1J In Book CtIM Custom Tailor-Mad- e ! Suits a Specialty smart a customers Stolons Each aaetlon a complete hookcaae in luelf to which unite In any number may be added at any time, to SUIT In We make great efforts to please our or govn, and they will eee only the latest production and smart etyle for Spring. Prices ult tha inureaee of layour The Hacoy by of all far tha moat perfect Comae peat tonal Bookcaaea. alaea and all In many faahlonable wooda and fin- Library. Model Hats the Feature iTgood Block of them on band. Special order! for anything not ya of Hamiltons Shop. rag-uiar- ly rtniid, car $100.00. TO $20.00 M THE DRESSY SUIT HATS and TOPPY UTILITY HATS are all exduatve style. WE DO NOT COPT OR MAKE HATS. New MODELS being received and are the late productions of the C1TIBM SHOWN. promptly filled. Heres an Opportunity for You ! WAISTS. Tha new MODELS In CHURCH LACES. NETS, Lingerie, Mulls and Washable Taffetas are largely In demand at lfany a Housewife will weloome auch r.awa aa thla for offera of thla aort are Beldam made. Silver Acorn Ranges SCREEN SPECIAL How many tlmea have you experienced tha nereealty of an article of thla nature In your Home? Perhapa you've Juat been waiting for a Bargain Day Bcreena Wall hara It la a I ft. three aaetlon round golden oak frame covered with fancy prlnta. Regular $1.80 value for $1.11. at Special Prices. 216 A range that la noted tor good reeulta In baking and cooking with the uoa of a small amount of fuel and we will make price Inducement a that will make It an object for you to buy one thie week. SOUTH flAIN ST There la eatlafartlon Furniture buying with the aaauranre of Money Back If anything In goea wrong. That'a toy tha way you It here. THE SCENIC LINE TO Now, Mr. Youn Man appear you'll want a smart, handsome Suit, that has that extra dash in cut and cloth the latest twig in shape and slant. Nowhere can the most particular man find a finer, fresher or more satisfying lot of suits to choose from than is here at this moment. We also have the neatest, nobbiest and latest line of spring and summer shirts, with or without collars, that money or good taste can purchase. We have underwear in endless variety, at When the first warm days Hosiery, casemere and cotton, in black, tans and fancy. Neckwear to suit the most fastidious in all the latest styles. all prices. Our Hat Department Is Full and Complete With the New Spring Shapes to Suit All, .... Poulton, Madsen, Owen & Co., 111-11- 3 Main Street, Where the Clothea Fit. Japanese Art Exhibit From Portland Fair. MJ)CTDM IKIOW Sales Daily 2 and 7 317 p- - m. SOUTH MAIN STREET, Almost Opposite PostofVlco. SALT LAKE CITY. CONFERENCE VISITORS WEL COME. SGffiSS n RiTifls;s oAiflmi.o rs GLENWOOD SPRINGS, ASPEN, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST Fashions Slow to Change. Four generations ago it was customary far professional men to wear muffs, so that it was almost a proverb that a muff is more than half 'In the making of a doctor. The 4ujbrella is an invention of a comparatively rerent date. A satirical writer In a woman's paper in 1756 remarked that Jonas Han way, who had been seen abroad under tha shade of a cotton umbrella, would be well advised. In order to keep himself dry from head to foot, to wear the maids pattens. Until the nineteenth century had almost dawned the umbrella was practieally unknown. In 1797 there was only one umbrella In all Cambridge, and that was kept at a shop and let out like a sedan chair by the hour. In London women carried uinb-elibefore men had taken to them; but the first umbrellas were heavy, awkward machines, made of ollakln or taffeta. . Cenneetleg at Ogdea Dalna Depot with SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON SHORT LINK TRAINS. The Only TraaMeallaealal Idas Ball Lake City. Paaslag Dlreatljr Threat DilLI SPLENDIDLY EQUIPPED FAST TRAINS " VIA TURKS BET (PIRN OGDEN AND DENVER SEPARATE AND DISTINCT BOOTES Through Pullmas sad Ordinary Sleeping Cars Is Denvar, Omaha, Kansas Cily, SL Louis and Chicago without change. Free Reclining Chair Cars. Excursions. Psrsonslly Conducted DINING CARS, SERVICE A LA CARTE ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS For rates, (olden, free Illustrated booklet, eta.. Inquire el your asareNt ticket agent, apeelfylas tha Klo Grande route, or address I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH as SALT LAKE THEATRE G0. Not So Simple. In a little village there once lived . a bdy who was supposed to be and the men of the village used to find great fun in offering him the choice between a threepcnnybl! and a penny, of which he invariably rhoae the latter. A stranger one day saw him choose the penny rather than "hie threepennyhit and asked mm for the reason, "is it because the penny Is the biggest? the Naw. not 'cause !; stranger asked. Is the biggest. If I took the three oer off'rln' It.1 pennyhlt tN-v- D. PYTER, Manager. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 5, 6 and 7 Direct from Succvscful Run o( I Waste Paper Profits. The Salvation Army Industry in asie paper provides some astonishIng figures. Every morning horse vans, men with hand truckB and men with bags go the round of the London business premises and collect the accumulation or paper and rubbish of all aorta. It is taken to the arniy'a settlement. where the unskilled workers are set to sorting It. The waste paper so collected la sorted Into no tower than fifty-twdifferent classes. last year the army collected tons of waste paper, obtaining for It a sum well over foO.dnn. NOTABLE CAST. Kathryn Onterman Fred V. Mace Rrgln MrAvoy H. E. Graham Eveleen Dunmore II. W. Chceaeinan I.- ulu McConnell Harry Htuart Dale Ulondgood B. C. Fred llornby Gertrude Wallare - ' Charles A. Miirgnn 75-ENTERTAI- 2S5 Time at the New Casino. Yc-r- Whitneys Muiical Cocktail PIFF' A FVN KKAST AND CARNIVAL OF HKAl'TY. PAFF'P POUF! Whistling Hits and Bona Hanee. By fltange, Jerome and Schwarts MERS-75 The Original Am?riccn Pony Ballet and Famous Handsomely Staged Chorcin 2cautiful Gorgeously Gowned Beate go on aale Monday. ITiee. Can-lay- e 2r.r to yi at ."A. o'elm-k- . ! Augmented Orchestra. Matinee, 23c to 11.00. |