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Show 1254c CURTAIN Belt Novelties. SWISSES liandoinir alilireil fcllk brlt. and tallmed r aim atrrl "rna nirnia. regular Ttr value. apevlsl at 10c iut rlran thrill U. wk 25c DOTTED DRESS New SWISS Value. CQ. UUb Hi iK Rig variev of (ila:n black and liellk. ale-- j flgurol silks In a variety n In SH. Speclsl In of Mjlea that sold Big variety if t'urtaln Swim. In tints and tlgjnil pattern., irgJlsr Bp.clal thl grade. an above. lic Milk plain iiuvi-ltii-- Big Ribbon Special, 65c and 75c :49c White dotted Kwlmsa. lireaa quality, comic in ti variety of ales of duia. very dealrable anil one of . the .carer dimmer lub-ric- A SPRING SUITS. Arranged Especially for This Weak A moat elaborate display at special price. Collected, vriy will And styles and value you bv bundled at the following pilots. $1.35 $1.75 $2.25 $2.50 We only regret that we have not several hundred to offer at thle 1 Through an error on the part of one of our beat manufacturers they to ue 50 suits. The illustration shows one of the handsome styles, they are made from high grade Panama, in white, navy, black and the fashionable pastel shadings of Alice blue and reseda gTeen, together with the very latest gray mixture and invisible plaida. Como in the natty Eton or short Jaunty pony Jacket styles, they are every one choice $30.00 to $40.00 suits and are very desirable, in every way, but on account of this error the maker preferred to take a loss rather than have them returned. We give you the benefit of the loan, will sell them for $25.00. $2.75 ULCQANT $3.50 Easter Silks and Dress Goods. $4.50 NEW SILKS. NEW Another Great Suit Bargain N II -- I rich Hlark Guaranteed Silk, II CO grade, re- duced to per yard QQ 031 Taffeta $13.95 Sl'ITINBS. ard NEW U.OU GitAV RI'ITINGH. Ill variety of gray shading, clicks and plaid.; also light gray rile culura Mini fa iirlci Homespun, now rum ling llnixli Black Taffeta. full yard wide. reg. tl.li grade, reduced to, per go much In demand. Our till week per vnnl SIIAlinW Jl.AIUB. in 44 lurli Ylgol--:gra, IHII mill ill Suitings p.ri and tali mixand slrlpcd hair-hn- r tures; rpi rk.xl (ill Ih in I n.M. excellent for .alts ii sku'ie; .ilso Itatiatea. Wool Taffetas nii.l I'aiiamaa, In all I he lati-a- t coloring. ami novelty effect Any ol tl.e above abiuriiHi l at 91.25. this Week per yard .$1.00 Checked and Plaid Novelty ff 4 Afi Gray l.mlanie Silks, A I wU special per yard 91. SS 1 and 11.73 New Gray and Jasper Novelty Taffeta Silk, t hecks, plaida and slrlic: conic hIso In Alice blue (T 1 OR anil green, q I .fcvJ special per yanl I ape-rla- Speciil Offer in $1.75 and $2.01 Grades of Fin.at imirted dots ami rig lire.! Homeapun strictly lilgh-elaN- mixtures. The x dna SPECIAL, $2.75. me with pretty embroidered and lanc-- t Eight attractive styles al thl prlc. rim med yokes. In the fine lawn, while oilier are of pretty aofi mulls inlaid with numerous row. of liiaerlliin. embroidery and buby Irish laces, lung and short slitvee. splenuld special values SPECIAL, $3.50. Three especially effective designs shown at thla prlr. which are truly wonderful values: there are many other excellent Mylex, but these wa must mention briefly; they come In the fine sheer mull, eand fine lawns. Iieautlfully trimmed with Val haml i nihroldared down front, with tiny luce, embroidery, tin king and elbow aleeves All of them look turka mi aide, dainty tucked and like 93.00 walsta. one-styl- gntals nnvcltlm Walking Skirts, NewSpring Coats $8.95 and $11.95 $4.95 W. also place on su .tvli.li skirts. In elreiilm pliiiu. llare. and platted effect, fa.lilon.-- if Cheviot. Panama. fancy mixture Hint new pin Id ef feels, come In black blue and light and medium gray. A rcii.iirkahle value at this In style with plaited ?iilee. uml f.ill folds about the bottom. It two i .'I la made of pood y Iuna ins cloth. In Then- are manv either Mark or blue other ainart style. In the lot; 73 DRESS GOODS. French flier's and plaid, wilh .ilk illuminated I'anaimia ami Kngo.li seanura beat iiniHirtiiiion. Slid ol effeciH. SPECIAL, $1.85. Sheer white Ijiwii Waists, doaena of attractive embroidery, tucked and lac trimmed styles, tuo numerous to describe; all rare bargains. .lira 92 to 44. 111-1- 11.30 NOVELTY odd suite, SPRIXK fr ClI 10 l $5.95 V P Taffeta Itluck (inarantced Silks, 91 3b grade, re- ductd to per ysnl ) $3.75 and up. E 1. T Y IUII1,I,MNTINE. WtiRHTKIi AM) Vtlll.K HIIKP-IIElililsck and while. t'llHi'KS, Mile and while, brown and while, gre-- u and white. tc.. atrlctly now spring ami aiiiumer wear, X to 46 Inches in width, special tlna week at per over-deliver- every one new and beautiful, we place on sale a wonderful collection, most of these formerly were $18.50 to $20.00. Every style idea, every shade, every naw material. For style showing andmoney saving opportunities surpasses any previous undertaking. Very r)f Llh BEQULAB PBJCX, 20c PEB YABD. A splendid white Iiraaa opportunity fur summer wear, graduation or onnflrmatlun gown. a regular feta grade offered aa a special leader thla week at above price. $25 In 40-In- ch Great Sale of Fine Waists. This Week price. White Lawn 40c, 50c and 65c per yard. 19c I Sheer pur-pnae- e. Fifty Remarkable Values in K Regular Selling of I excellent gradea of importad lrtah Linens, epeiialli made fur dn.i every thread pure linen and ruiuea In a light a iiied.uin and a heavy grade, prtrvd aa follows, VALUES UP TO 30c Hand mime nr Floral ite itfii all lk ribbon, and s Inrlic- - aide. printed uml north regularly dT.c atil Tic ier Dress Linens, ready-to-we- rlii-nhi- r - $1.25 .$4.95 SMART NEW MODELS Of faahWuird fancy Knglluli eherka and light columl mlxtiiriM. English rnverla ami black hinaili'lolh.. In (he long liaise Nluiiiilali style or the .hurl Jaunty hip length. In lose or titled atyle. Every new Hue and touch of tailoring la here. Every It la only I .cause of tha line correct. enniiiauia jacket hiiNlncaa done that wa can maintain such values, as we offor for thla week, you will surely find one to please you thla week In this Immense men! and lit the low QK 4 I I 9x9 price of 9 9f. n lid aa-sii- ii til special Ureat Lace Values Part lares, Matched acta of Point I three width, of lare Hntl non width of Insertion In each pattern. Just In time for ll.gular Spring and Summer .cuing. values IS to Sc. special ptr yard, according to width 7c, 10c and 15c ORHAT MILL'llND SAUli Of PINU SPECIAL VALUES IX Sheets and Pillow Casss. 41x96 and 45x36 eg c made of 10c good quality muallti. each i d and 4f.x3ti Iron clad inuslln Case a, T2xt0 Homemade Sheet, goud quality rau.lln, iqifciul, each ... 72x90 tVlebrated Iron Clad Bhectx. each 11x90 Celebrated Iron Clad Sheets, each 43x36 QQ- - THE 59c 65c One of the greatest purchases in year mada from the beat mill of Its kind In the East. Thl .ale of mill ends conipnai-- all spreads thal fall alightlr below or run .lightlv shnvo the regulation I. natli Mai width. These are collected and called mill rrde. and whin we bought them we knew It was a great saving opportunity for all our iatrnna; sixes to til 11.00 for a to either single r double lads. Why pay :nl i.ult wlun you ran And Juxt what you nant white cpM-iIn this lot at s 89c GI.OVE IHRIf.AT BARTER Al.l. rOMIM.ETK EVERY DETAII.. The Corrective Remedy Absolutely Indispensa- WASH GOODS to choose from, all good, all 1 I fjp U 65c ! rRINTEl: I 'HESS 13c.Y011.K8. colors mid worth .pedal per yard 90 palfSrna FIGURED LAWN'S AND BATISTES. Immense range of figures 1 and 91 loring. an rxijulatte Bummer fabric, worth IKc, co- . Imported I dale thread GIovm. In Mark, white, slat and inode, with two large liearl claapa, per PAT.AI8 ROYAI. AND DERBY, fins Imported kid Glovra. In the very newest for all orciislnns. $1.50 special per vard aJ" shading, PRINTED GINGHAMS, beautiful colorings and handsome barred novelty patterns, special per yanl 1 Genuine Kayaer double Unger ff 1 OR tipped, all pure at Ik Gloves, In I fcu whit and black. ier iwlr me ' RLAGK AND WHITE SHEPHERD, CHECK, Imperial finish, 9) inches wide, regular I5o. .pedal per yard f'hamhray. C. IUU I.ln-e- n Of). fcUl SHIRTING MADRAS, newest unall printed mere Mixed effect., come In OCm IS new pattern, Including the vary newest Madras Ideas, fcwl. regular price 90c, .pedal per yard I will good dark dress and 71 JrjC ldr COTTON CHA1.I.IE8. excellent dark and medium Persian patterns for klmonaa and dressing sacquea. Q per yard 3C , DR EBB GINGIIAMB, Immense range of coloring, and pMltmia, aultnhle for a) l!V9e 10c I.EHRATK1 Tnll.E DP NORD Gingham. the genuine and hlgheat grade dress gingham made; big range of patterns 1 91 and cnlorlnga. a I per yard DEBT grAI.ITY Dll ESN PERt'Al.EB. black and whiten, lilues, reds, ele nrw-e1 91 nrlntlnga, regular 13c giana. special ( . I not Injure the most delicate have been SACK SUflTS $10.00 I Julies, do not be misled by kliony ailvertlM-nient- s and other remedies, which nre utterly worlhleKs and Imitation, mul frequently cause slekiuns anti pmatratlon without doing any good. ed NOTE. Tlila powerful reinctly la sent, aeeurely pneketl. under txiv-and free from olHtervalkin, to any at Id remi or Mitoflite, on receipt of er postal money order. Price, $2.50; Double Strength. $5.00. One packet la usiAilly guflleient for any case. NOTE THE ADDRESS Modela, th New long Coats in both single and donble-brasaU- d newest patterns, in cheviots and worsteds im- to $30.00 Uitefwsuir ami SMrfts A vast variety in styles, patterns and fabrio. to yon select It is easy for 50C and Up Hkirlby IHlute THE Natural Cure, 8$ Rouili Street, (Nxt to labor Hall) Salt wild all Mall Orders to I. O. Box HH6. Fart Fourth ph-aa- n lake City, 228-23- 0 MAIN ST. et IfcjC Ladies Home Journal Patterns. constitution. No lady need dceiuiir, aa the most hope la., case mediately relieved by my remedy. shirting patterns. per yard SOLU AO HINTS FOR THB POPULAR ytn an nnfalllng remedy anil all ltic PERPAI.KR. Now if you are ready for your New Clothed, we can fit you out in the Late$t Natty Style of experience, diarovrred the LADIES: I have, daring Some beat remedy ever produced for all obstructions and Irregularities, depressing headaches, flushing In the face, italna In tin- back and body, loss of appetite. mortices of MoinI. or Anemia, etc., etc. 1 IB THoRul'GH IN Keal Sprin At Last! liDJPOITIilllT TO LADIES! It AND Domestic Specials. Celebrated Triumph Kid Gloves in all the 1 Af dealrable street and evening A "UU .hades, per alr OIJI, White Bed Spreads ble To All Ladies New Easter Cloves. BEAUTIFUL SPRING NEW STORE |