Show Page 20 Wednesday September 2 7 1978 The Utah Statesman UC movie J night specials Sundav mov es were cancelled because of low atten dane at cording to Lrlacher will pet4a midnight movies slated for everv other Fndav at 11 30 pm The ticket pru e will be oiUents se eral changes have ven made hs vear in Ltah Mate L n:er l ore ol sit c movies Hut price £ ther ir price wd st il cost $1 at made stays changes be $’ for’ campus movies said Jerrv Lrla'-be- r coordinator of university programs A charge in coordinators ap parenf lv led to the changes I rlacher replaced J J Platt wno ou t the job to concentrate mainlv on his restaurant called the bellow House Probabiv the most apparent change is that LSL s movie theater will no longer be called the Campus Cmerra but will simplv be referred to as I C mov ies That s what everyone calls it anvwav L rlacner said Lrlacher said he thinks the umversitv should at least break even showing these late night movies because thev are usuallv older mov les Also bv ordering more films Lrlacher said he will have more with flexibility in negotiating mov le companies The more titles we order the cheaper the mov ies he said The first midnight special will be when Brians Sept 2 Song will be shown Other fall quarter midnight Soldier special movies include Lrlacher has cancelled Sundav movies and a added Fridav mid Blue supmt r and of Downhill Hater sad ht hopes to compel downtown movie theaters that show midnight movies f r He w SI th SO Another change is the tvpe of movies shown m the fine arts scries (admission 1) Line arts films will be old American classics instead of foreign films These movies will be shown everv two weeks on Monday and tuesdav at 7 30 p m The fine arts movies are selected bv the fine arts committee under the leadership of the cultural vice president RandvFife In the past these movies have leen poorlv attended I rlacher said Last vear the movies even lost monev L rlacher and F ife said thev think the American classics will might have to tw the fifth i hangeof the vear he said hut this doesn t h d Wider audience Litn said ht thinks ih films lost montv ttetaus t ht studtrts duin t navt enough input on tn kind of mov n s that wert purchased bv t ht rt at look hkelv I rlacher said he could purchase iheaper movies but less students would attend and that would be a losing battle The umversitv theater cant show anv movies until one vear after they have been released to in dt pendent theaters bevause of a state law Students will have to lie patient university coordinator Ihis vear thev wont lost ife said mom v L rlacher said if the movies los this quarter thev might monev S e an t run hav e to be t am t lied he said a losing program ( ne thing I r lac ht r said he is not antu lpating is changing the admis sion prut This is the third vear tu ket s hav e cost $1 As long as the students support the movies we tan keep the pru e at But even if we soil he said $1 it is hard out completely he sometimes to make a profit said If students don t attend these movies a higher admission price L c he said and wait for movies Thev are bound to come Urlacher is getting readv to pur thase movies for winter quarter He said he is hoping to s hedule Turning Point and Julia Students wishing to make sug gestions for winter quarter movies should use the ASliSU suggestion forms found in various locations around campus he said Kids social skills studied I i ( f i ’ v ' ffpji h nnnut jH l i Going to college means more than classroom learning It’s a total experience And Fraternity is a big part of that experience In Sigma Nu we stress people and responsibilities Being a member means always having someone to turn to It means making friends for life Being a Sigma Nu means that college might just be a little easier — and a lot more fun! t t i 1 1 Sept 28 Dutch Oven Bake 5:00 29 30 Sept Movie (Oh God) and alumni reception Annual Sigma Nu Road Ra2y 4:30 4:00 Oct 1 Formal Bid Brunch (Invitation only) Meet at Sigma Nu House 765 North 800 East 752-762- 2 empathv scale But as it turned out the higher a voungster ranked himself m social and or physical competence the lower thev put themselves on the en pathv scale Adams ex pdainod These children mav ! a little in developing certain snial skills such as empathv ht added n over mp asm on popularity and athUtu at hievements mav have an undesiral influent e on empiathic skills Ve don t know what the long rangi impact of this will be he said Mav Ik we need human r la tions courses for kids slow Movies Starts Wednesday “1 don’t do miracles They’re too flashy” UOkUbum lOHIDtNVfk Wednesday-Thursda- y 5:30 Bar-B-Q- Dr Adams has been heading the research covering the adoiev nt s expected females stored higher on everv empathy measure than the males Adams said Researchers had also assumed that the higher the adolescents rated themselves on social and physical competence the higher thev would put themselves on the UHC0U IHIWkk UOMUmiUMW Showtimes: RUSH ACTIVITIES Sept 27 It mav bt that thev have few social contacts bv t hou e or mavln thev don t have th social skill to get involved Perrv explained e rt not sure these kids are in trouble nd we don t he said want to try to intervent until wi know May In we should be paving more attention to the personality strengths t each t hild wht ther or not this equates with popularity Other data showed that the popular children tended to flit from ont activity to another while the less popular children would generally persist with ont activity for a longer period of time sug gesting a grtater ability to conten trate Heerv said That ahilitv is socially desirable he noted in some contexts sut h as fields sut h as music or research In anv event the rt searchers were somewhat surprised bv tht results Iwcause previous restart h has not showed several of tht aspects rhe discovered 11 am Friday Admission 7:30 Saturday 7:00 and 9:00 $100 —Friday— “Midnight Special” Brian’s Song |