Show Page 1 4 utah Statesman Wednesday September 27 1978 Freshman remembered frustrations R62HY W Lm J H ?(( a SPOTS SHOES FOR ALL SPORTS ALL SEASONS °OM °Oj 0 °® Vbcden Basketball Shoes Strolling through the University Center basement during USU s Seen any wide eyed folks first week is bke fighting your way wandering in circles1 Do they look through a circus of barkers Masses like a resident of your old mirror1 of salespersons ask for your money They re freshmen Or for our more which is still sweaty from summer It is also the college equivalent sporting chau mists freshwomen I recall mv first day of college of high schoolers dragging Main had no concepclasses at CSU The same people cruise back and tion of how long it would take to forth waiting to see friends and "to walk from my Cast High Rise dorm lx wn half room to a class in Old Mam And when thev meet each other hour was ample the questions are predictable first common were Blunders that How are you1 How was your ’ Condi summer1 Did quarter One class Pre-sk-i you work1 Where at tioning met in the morning for a W hat classes are you taking1 single credit Reading "T— H in m tired of hearing those same the schedule bulletin I assumed repeated like the record questions like all education classes physical 40 AM radio staselection of a others earned one credit for one tion Thereforetop I propose a might I s Thus work hour interpreted new version of the sacred five inT— H to mean only Thursday All quarter went to class on quiries1 are "Did your dog catch They Thursday exercising with dreams How much did you of skiing through giant moguls As pneumonia? in Greek drachma1 How far the quarter progressed I wondered make was your job from the capitol of was why everyone healthy except Liechtenstein? Did you wash me On the last day of class W ho behind ears day? every your became enlightened was the most person ' insignificant T is for Tuesday Conrad H is you met at work1 for Thursday" said my dorm roomThe new year also brings on mate adventures in decorating My ideas said to the professor on decorating however vary from "Sir" am a those of most people For example that evening on our phone He was I put water in a vase of artificial first quarter freshman less humored by the incident than flowers to make them look more was my roommate realistic Also 1 change the water I ve come a long way since my level daily first quarter in 1976 Now when House cleaning unfortunately have a PE class I go both times a is included in the new year Ah but week Even missing that class the prizes await the hard worker In a year was a full one It marked the coal bin in our house I found a 1973 last year of the Young Socialist copy of the Logan Herald Journal Alliance on campus It was the year Henry Kissinger had just been of Students for a Free Press and it named Secretary of State was my first encounter with NaCause for celebration Three tional Tequila Day opening football wins in a row Some good times are over USU's first such achievement since Others inspired by knowledge that 1971 with much credit going to finals are 10 weeks away will begin record breaker Rick Parros 1 0 8 Jchn a new year By R Conrad Walters 1 fa 4 -- i 1 O 1 1 ''£ tr ‘ A i J s L 173 At 1 J also mooai at:d cnccns sncs AT THE CACHE VALLEY MALL ROCKY L!CJt1TAlN STOUTS 753-17E- 3 1 “Sperfej Md$ for special people!’ Meat Center Cut Rib Pork Chops 1 lb Loin End Pork Roast 1 lb Country Style Spare Ribs 1 lb $129 $119 $119 Produce Tomatoes 4 lbs Yellow Onions 1 lb 89 $ 10$ Bakery Hamburger A Hotdog Buns doz Western Family Chili No300 Golden Griddle Pancake Syrup 25-o- z Krusteaz Pancake Mix 7 lb Zest Saltlne Crackers 1 lb Soft A Pretty Bathroom Tissue 4 pack Hunts Catsup 32 oz Sweetie Pies We Welcome Food 59$ 2139$ $119 $219 59$ 78$ 69$ 63$ Stamps! r MMMg mauDumujj mtm |