Show iUl14ii 4 Tage Wednesday fhe Utah Statesman 6” beptember See raptor migration: Marketing communications competition announced Philip Moms Incorporated has announced its tenth annua! Com Marketing Communications students The for college petition is to purpose of the competition with a practical students provide business project and realistic direct contact bringing them into with the business community awarded A SI 000 grant will be $1 and undergraduate and -- -- graduate will receive special merit categories with any awards Entries may deal broad areas of the of aspect market mg communications related its to Philip Moms Incorporated 995 has 010-- 1 lahn- - are Al'hough familiar with the vearlv mgraUon-L- f waterfowl and songbird- - few are flight of aware of the long thou and- of eagle- - hawka and -- the coun-graduate level under faculty member ma mit propo-a- ls el of ub Light Emitting Docb Attractive b’ybng $395 HoursMinutesMonthsDatesSecondsStopwatch e after tenca At bird- - ran baiMa a- - far away A pear lo approach raptor- - nar of—rver it ban® g5 Ihev are trtvk-- g s high peed Bj draft- generated ky and the prevalent ae' -- Phil t cording W t wlih the Wildife fnolog-of VS ildlife He-- or - -- a gun hv I been -- wetern -- tame Hoftn 84 W Logon -- in the VS Male agner that information on limited For in ie hioiogi-t- - t The v Dtvtana Reourre k Horr ru mind the pulg dutdl are protect! by Falrsj irrtam are not ve fatigue Raptor migraueti from everal ktataei eluding Franca and VS illard Paak m niled I k t point ron-er- atnaif-endin- divt Tha tyL tnerp m -- k- tude-1 eatern move raptor onie raptor witih migTate through t tah follow h Range and thecret of the VS other north --outh cliff line other form largo- fli- - - and follow the plain- - and low land have VShiie raptor migration r- - ON SALE ItiaervatlOGofipjj lake "(her m grant - in thi- - part i nunt r v raptor dnrd- - of in the their umniernorthern I nite-- f Male- - am) their winter- - in the —11! hern part of the oountrv and Memo a-nd ka aftj mg their outb falcon- - of the prev raptor route- - vear -- TEXAS INSTRUMENTS never meant so much b' 1 operating companies or anv of it non tobacco product mnal Student chapter- - of prof— ad or cla- -eocietieregular of no le— than five at the undergraduate tudentlevel and no l- e- than two at the at both the to the winning entries level and graduate undergraduate S00 grant will receive runners up in the other finalists law 1 The Incredible Le Cel Stopwatch Man 752-643- 2 Cnntinunuc Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) digital watch and stop watch with backlight r A olt - k Ha ti mlr r u'tr '"rt r h ( Study shev more blacks remain poof tn ifr t firt jirfH-nl-- 4 t that iitnvfm4 a hit atft A hjtr s i nns3 ith an unt arvt lao hr a hit n thr r ht three fourth HSR BLOCK blast from hat a 4 tfautfr 1h A am tVH fount k Greg J t4 Mar highlv SAIOSb the beautiful °lV°Ur "eddnR ddY behave brdesmads dresses Th I'Korna -- Tj ifzrr" ““” d one Security enough to kn ionipiiiion rafluau tuiv at ttnvcrrmn-nt- s countrie- ( ndida’e- - rnu- -t fe P s the time of apphration extensive collections Trailed most ntswdlhelpyoorcSZ itien-l hold a tiarhrior degree or t I lieginmng date of the grant or m a few d( the time f ai pication (ave language alilitv tommenvurate with the demands of e e- t MV' proj-- -j m (ujv pronsts and heali h Application forms and further n rmation for student urrenllv enrolnd at I M mav (lt(an he "m ulhright I'rogram Ad Alder who Ihugia oaied n Lhrarv tM h Honor ( Ifis Ih‘ for flng apphetIwin m 'hi (anpus is (ht I 147a yes" come and see us g- -i ' zTcrCifi ""WWJlr - vV U from nonthW -e iiatr ' t aimed ai -- --- Puiv h b long term nua! (vovertv fgurr lU riwiHS to biaci Kinran h twrer-- t of tho unn rriit h nd private donor- - will -- hurt iv Onlv a ! w more week remain in ich (jualficd graduate tudent-mav f apply for tle the fnf awards w hr h are available to hi sW pr rpuH programs atml °rnn poor than a Krant! ftjf offered under the Pdu F x change Prram ullnght and hv and gowns for the mothers that will take your breath away AndBodaKon sultant Manan Anderson fi f ly cnncn!Tt40s' sKinaliv Grant program sot to closo 7rMICDlPiA f Doeo of Mjdf1 I niver-it- y fiesearch Center " Hia k tend W Joan Ih U onOfaau"' 5 r thr un cf result ilh b-- ZCMLYour Bridal Headquarters tUtg al Akhn talvrl 1 I kA-dela vk Lett rfMCCaf 1 rifted format Kn by lha man Rep 1‘arreo Vfv ruling trrrpir er ir p-- The thr t n him gre-ton- ifun i'oijra had Mutuiav smil h ranmJ ifr Barbara Zh r 'hr ith BoAtok k ai1 h poti) Aanl Thappa'rut!- WilH th tari-- t amt ha(f arurd th S rM rarUt-Shr t t shtton anti a i t fmm a 549 North Mam Logan rrm-i- eccordutg finneef Mudv (ua1 nnin iAT of th Sain1 VS rr ( rsi k'-it- stvia aAs hnt at Satur arv Imi aa riihr ic m a rar Mr iitrri of Sanda Hr SrarTr onr (vf f pa d ptarrs ahn a1 afrnt hr thr t aliforrua Uft Ann'r Hf i vis tifif' rriat r a m (arv flftrr thr hast the now1 Sh8 f k J das whiir hf 9172" V t vm from Gtt ' 't m Hj unlfcriv ir gv J ( i Sufanii vait coni1 u t? t JLa4 it a n‘untv icrd’1’ t uns r’ i Ijin Ut it 'ir r Tunis ft- Tiant t t I H & " B'°Ck 'nCOmeTa Course beginning soon n your area and learn income taxes for yourself your friends and as a source of income ava'lable 'or best studenis Cal now for FREE nfomatwn 752 1996 or beginning a ‘A smith vlv at Like to meet the pubiic? Want to earn extra money? Casses ’ V4 Accurate with figures? 752 'A K ( e mm vmm 11 star’s death with (UMOOOiiS) ton?!! charged Kr ‘'m’ py"f ff lift ini’ poverty level Itut of tho-- e fwlow the pnvertr l -- inr e methrni of reckL" tor "J'-- werehiatk hwd I irg only -- Funcan measure °L UP r m ly'5h-pc t hose who nine tears HU of ksnuae j up the! ' ITe tudx Ml hgan centerof depart mrntand Fdui at ion Human Huu8 (one of the -- - Another FmsK California hlark are 1 u " - C t |