Show Utah State University LOGAN UTAH Wednesday Soptombor 27 1970 VOL 75 NO 93 After 76 years s name he Utah Slat University psper ha c handed its name to idh Statesman after 7b years f (ts si uiient Life the name change cam a change n staff advisers arui mi I hods of newspaper prodoc jong with lion triune Snow editor of the The I tah Statesman said the name was t handed fxxause Student Life it dn I sound like the name of a rw spajM r Snow said it was appropriate to change the name at the beginning of fall quarter to get the new image all at one e (Hen I Taggart UM1 president refused to comment on the name change He said he has never taken a stand for or against what the stu dent newspaper has done and doesn t want to start now said the student the lest vehicle to keep people cm the I Si campus in Taggart newspajer is formed He said the addition of a full time adviser and new equipment bel like Lhe Utah Statesman CM r presents a newspajier ht said adds a dimension to the newspaper expeneru e t hat was needed h n Smart ASUSU president said he is excited alxut the hanges If the name reflet ts the quality of the paper we re getting it will ! Hut I he said a good thing thought Student Life was fine Smart said he would like to have ssn more student irnput in the c selection of a name and said a bet chosen ter name might have Bruce Allred chairman puhlua twins Ixiard said he thinks the len changes tn the student newspwr are the liest thing that has ever hapfiened with the newspajier If the pier wants a new image it is a good time and a good way to get it he said he new Statesman will Is work worth of new mg wuh $2(MMH 1 equipment I he will enable equipment student s to pnduc e the new spaper on campus to the camera ready stage 1 he newspajaT will still fe printed m Hngham C ity The equipment purchase! in eludes a (ompuWriLer IV typeset ter light tables waxer three IliM tyfrewritera and PMT camera fainting Servu e also purr based a ( mnpugraphic Nr anner avslern lot the use of T he ( lull St alesman Pages of copy are tvfred on an IBM Stlertru trj writer and are run through the scanner They are then piayrd out through a I’m Setter to produce hard copy' ready for paste up Headlines ad and late breaking stories can te set try tbe (ompu Graphic I V typesetter Workstudv and fulltime people wilt paste up the pages whuh will tre proofread ty the various St alesman editor After the pages have ten proof ed they will tre photographed by the I'M T camera and taken to press Overseeing the newspajwr pr i- Maker who was is hired this summer to replace I hi k Harris Baker i the first full time adviser for the student newspwjn'f nduction Women’s volleyball number one Utah State tmversilvs womens volleyball team defeated the numlier one and number three ranked teams in the nation Friday and Saturday to earn the numtr one ranking ac c ording to V oil ball Magazine It is the fir'd team in I tah history to get to the top in the Nxrt usually dominated bv team frorn Hawaii and t ahforma 'Hie 1978 Women a ( ollegiate (Tassir whic h feat ured I he top four team in t he count ry ended Sal uf day with the Aggwa lira tug numlxT threw ranked I ( LA T he Students registering for rlanse Monday found the lines shorter than last year due tu a record Staff Hhoto hv Al Hartmann meet was Knofed by Volleyball Magazine and was held al fVpjier dine t ollege Malibu ( alif On tridav the number four ranked Aggiea upset numlef one ranked Hawaii tn five game INI4 8 15 15 10 20 22 and 15 4 t debated number two ranked p petdine setting up the chan pm ship male h for Sat urday Utah Slate won the first two games 15 9 15 12 but I ( LA am hat k t wo game and I he mate h wa even The Aggies went on to win the final game amt c ban pMOodup 1 ‘c ASUSU budget tight but flexible by Jim Oisea Although student fees were increased bv $2 50 this year the 1978 79 ASUSU budget of $327435 looks much like the budget for 1977 78 Of the 25 organizations thal received money 13 got more money than last year eight got the same and four got leas Vccording to ASUSU President hric Smart most of the increased fees went to the convocations senes and to the purchase of new equipment for the Utah Statesman 'formerly Student Life! “We wanted $o500) to support what we think is a superb convoca tions senes" Smart said But since we didn’t have all the money for the new printing equipment we used $46000 for the senes and $10000 for the pajwr When reviewing this years budget the Executive Council was concerned alxut spending the students money properly according to Smart It followed several guidelines —The activity must serve a large group of students If the activity is departmental or colb gc orientcn! it should be — funded by the college or depart menl involved — The activity should 1m open to all students Budgeting student fees tsn t the easiest job for the xeculiva ( oun il a cording to Smart I m not really pleased with this c ‘ year other funding should be considered first — All sources interest groups or clubs should !e funded -- No special “Croups that didn t receive money can still submit budget re' quests Smart said Money often coitus in that wasnt planned for or some shifting of the budget may 1m done Well always review re quests for money c a trudge! for a couple of reason " he said “The budget with There it no tiro tight to breathing spa elf one department oversjwnds it affects the other departments Also we have ' a hard lime funding new programs he 1978 79 trudge! has tbOOO left uiibudgeted Smart said The council hopes this fund will con tmue to grow a cumulate and Ire used in years to come It will also te a buffer for d fu it riding dur mg the ver 1 n 15 10 t'SU a Annette ( otlle atranbr from Hngham Voong University lha year was voted most valuable player in tha tournament Sandy I ynn junior from I arUbwd N M and t ottle wrrr name! to the Also team were Katrmka Luna (hudv and Crawford freshman Jo HU n rael re rolled all tournament outstanding from Mobile Ala wa brought m as a rrv raJcuhst and played a ki fol1 in !at hn torn s whuh a talent ed lm SU h tog I sjm-- v s fi allowed fits suhsl Hu! urn without n v I il m |