Show rji'iVrlV ri53 ' OV IWU") SSgsssw ’ House Carter solarizes Whitemotive ‘ Air disaster investigated San Diego API Investigator want to know whv two plane a and a Boeing 727 passenger trijet tinv Cessna collided in clear skies over San Diego after both pilot had radioed they could see the other plane With the death toll at 147 and climbing it was the worst disaster m U S aviation history A Pacific Southwest Airlines jet with 135 persons aboard and a rented Cessna 172 ith a student pilot and instructor aboard collided killing at 9 03 am Mondav ev ery one on both planes At least 10 more persons died on the ground when bits of bodies and burning wreckage tore into homes m the North Park neghborhood about three miles northeast of Lindbergh Airport Both planes were given air traf that thev were in the same area and both aircraft the acknowledged that thev had other plane in sight said Federal fic advisories Aviation Administration Chambers in spokesman Bruce Angeles Officials had no immediate ex planation for the cause Visibility10 at the time of the crash was President t AP WASHINGTON 000 solar Carter is installing a $24 roof of the hot water system on the to the White House a an example nation even though the projext isnt expected to save enough itself money to pav for the In a related development House voted 312 4k Mondav to in the stall solar heating system on and Rav burn House Office building hv com an unnamed annex used mittee staff member The hill sent to the Senate authorizes $3 million for installing the equipment expelled to save and $4 5 million m hot water 2! vear heating power tol over If the fine Art C ommission ap t a proves the White House prolix of solar expvxted 6 tx square feel hot fa- supplying (ould collectors water to a W hue House kill hen bv earlv spring the presul nt s Hugh tarter administration handle who uiusm — ‘1 of the president al mansion Mondav the solar htal equipno nt ' '1H a in is expesled to save $ - c onr e as a sv mfsl'of Iwtking for solar popular stand iot to stas' utility a i ( n o a 7 he sav ipg w of mot tht a lonvrn eaih year tionai fuel gis-- s up s u t nt g a But even etin a n f i Hugh vear!v iniria tarter said tin avng won t Is1 ' ' -- oa r quite trough ti pav t " v ar p a nt d pro os t ov t r i"l t'i Ilf It t It In VyU&o a I r h VWwantesitov Hugh tarter solar heat i t h He said Using his knowledge of small claims court and a corporation s unwitting cooperation the at- torney was able to pav $449 31 at a countv marshal s auction and receive a ce'dicate of sale for the Laura Dawn Manor The former owners Sacland Investors are trying to settle with Sundkvist so they can sell the complex Sundkvist now an attorney mPortland Ore savs he has refused an offer of $10 000 The firm also is disputing Lis lairn in Sacramento Superior Court calling the acquisition an "extraordinary windfall It all began in 1973 when the then 23 year-olMcGeorge Law School student and his wife moved from their apartment Sundkvist savs that when the manager sa'd the cleaning deposit would not be returned although the apartment had been left clean he wrote to the firm s legal agent Patricia Lapan of San He savs he received no reply She claims she vaguely remembers instructing the manager he was not entitled to a refund On March 13 1975 Sundkvist ‘Umbrella man’ v ASHINGTON (API - By his own description Louie Steven Witt is an exceedingly privat person But once just once in his 53 years he slipped out of the mold to stage a modest political protest W hen he could not get Saclant to pav the judgment Sundkvist requested that the county marshal s office auction off the complex to meet the court s judgment The sale was scheduled for Sept 17 1976 at the county courthouse and notices were sent to the parties involved Only Sundkvist showed up and he was advised bv marshals to bid for the property at $449 31 the amount of his judgment plus marshal s office auction fees and interest He got a certificate of sale of real estate Sacland had a year to pay th judgment and redeem title to the property but the notice of the marshal s sale was returned unopened But Sacland took notice m August 1977 when it attempted to sell the property for $1 5 million and a title search turned up Sundkvist s claim Mrs Lapan and the firm s other lawyers first offered Sundkvist SI 000 to clear the title but Sundkvist Ignored the letters until time for redemption ran out a iimrneriial the wer p' t Would list ) mming tW Ur bu liling or s and Myf W hue th lai i mt rurtin prw noting that present sj lms that rase lost strut t ion must t abnet moetngs ln foils :V I- filed suit in small claim court seeking $50 plus costs and $200 in punitive damages Mrs Lapan was served with a summons May 4 1976 but she ignored it and on June 1 1976 a default judgment of $312 was awarded to Sundkvist v WHIM VS Apartment lost by deposit SACRAMENTO Calif (API All Terrv Sundkvist wanted was his $50 cleaning deposit refunded Now he “owns the $15 million apart ment complex w here he once liv ed he he tx onormc vi-- r milt4 Tape recordings from the airliner cockpit and the airport control tower were given to the National Transportation Safety Board for analv sis In W ashington meanwhile John 0 Donnell president of the Air Line Pilots Association criticized the Federal Aviation Admmistra tion for not pushing development uU X i 51 WEST 1ST NORTH IE? 1111-- 11 - PI EQSHE PR1D1T IM iSC S1TGRDAT SOIDAT CENTER confesses Loso man had to be either firing a poison o dart through his umbrealla or signaling someone else to fire a For that his name will be forever recorded in the annals of the investigation of President John F Kennedy s murder This ' fellow fellow has turned out to be the “sinister umbrella men but he seems not to have a sinister bone in his body The “umbrella man ' theory was the oddest of all Fool groat whilo on a d Diet rogistorod Dietitian OFFERS YOU THE LOWEST $2 INSTEAD OF S3 woli-balanco- Daily counseling offorod by a moneycard MOVIE PRICE AT MANN THEATRES pounds wook and loarn to koop it OFF! 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