Show Wednesday September 27 1978 The Utah Statesman Page 18 Showbiz Johnnv Carson will be the soR master ot ceremonies tor the 5Ni annual Academv wanls to le presented HC This will ht the tirst time that Carson host of the Tonight show has appeared on the Academv Award--i- t It c ast Theceremunv will be held at the Mumo ('enter for the lit h consecutive vear John Kilter of ABC s Threes makes his movie debut in Hil s contemporarv comedv Who Savs Nue Guvs Finish Companv last1 tseai and Natalie Wood star in I niversal s ‘The Last Married Couplt in America Nimon Oakland and Wendv to star with Oavid ( assidv m a series of one hour poln e dramas for N BC Cieorge will er 55 he Logan Javcees are bringing an outstanding ballet to this area when Western Ballet Productions performs the great romantic ballet One performance onlv Giselle will be given at the L SI F'tne Arts ('enter on Thursdav October S at ' h 00 p m F'irst performed in Pari in lMl "Giselle was an instant success In and is still popular todav the American Ballet Februarv Theatre brought this work to Nan Francisco where tickets were sold out six weeks m adv am e The storv of the tragic maiden Giselle and her love tor Albrecht is deeply moving After her death she becomes a W ih a rt M less sprit that haunts the forest at r ght seizing all males w ho have bet ra ed t he ir weet heart s Her lov e reac he bevond the grave m the beautiful white ballet of the second act to save her sweetheart Western Ballet Productions has recentlv completed a six state tour with the same production of lixehe which Will bt presented here The companv plaved to sold out houses and received "landing ovations on the well rrceved tour v -- Convocation quarter I 2 3 advocate c Venus by Anais Your Erroneous Zones $2 25 ) Self-hel- Nm pep talk p 9 The Book of Lists by David Wallechmsky Irving (Bantam $2 50 Entertaining facts Passages by Gail Sheehy (Bantam $2 50 ble crises of adult life Jaws 2 by shark sequel Hank Searls (Bantam $2 25 10 The Sword of Shannara $2 50 ) Fantasy novel while you were gone o Kary Jane Doe RESTAURANTS tJ AND A DISCOTHEQUE on its way! and now a SPECIAL AGGIE DAY m99 SATURDAY SEPT 30 10-- pm 6 AGGETTE Rummage Sale 1H-C- Z3 a special package of bank services designed to help students save money on their financial activities Imagine all this for S3 a month No service charge checking No cost personalized checks No cost money orders cashier’s and travelers checks Discounts on travel and lodging 10-4:3- 0 What’s new BJQ BLUE? OSCO FASHION SHOW for guys and gals 4:00 $10000 accidental death insurance entertainment And more! DtSCO and a°Itt USe DEMONSTRATIONS on the hour IN °Ur ‘'dctivity card" to makc Vour school money go filfi G3 SPECIALS EVERY Member FDIC Ccmmercia! SeeuHti Bank SHOP! to own to eat! How con we help? Tell us Logan Office 280 North Main 8WWMli mM HT HMWIWWH y ywjnmuji ) Predicta- ) Gripping by Terry Brooks (Ballantine what we’ve been up to 9906 and ) look 50 Elegant 1 by Robert Ringer (Fawcett Crest Getting your share ) N MAIN NEW SHOPS ) Wayne W Dyer (Avon by Amy Wallace 8 (Bantam $2 50 Saga Looking Out for $2 50 form r Nixon aide1 John tax reformer Howard Jarv is ami Geraldo Ktvera of (rood Mr are some of the ning Amerua speakers scheduled for the s ries this fail The series is open to the public and free of charge Students may register for one unit of n dit under H Ans 20 mdes number 2hh The series features one speaker everv hursdav at 12 10 p m Dean by John Jakes (Jove HBJ $2 25 of an American family vol VII fiction The Lawless erotica fiction 7 (Avon saga fiction ) 4 Delta of Ralph Nader Australian family ) The Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan (Ballantine The evolution of intelligence S2 25 6 students can The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough $2 50 5 get umversitv credit for listing to well known speakers m the new c onv ocat ions series Consumer bestsellers September 1 Western Ballet Productions - a br touring companv dedicated to mgmg the great c lassie al ballet s to smaller cities in the I mted States Giselle is and other countries fullv staged with lavish costumes marvelous sets and twentv prof s swmal dam ers Tu kets are on sale at the I )eeret Book Stoe and at the ('it !rug St ore set series This si Paperback Campus Ballet will dance ih- KnmUOOl) pnl9on Jaycees present ‘Giselle’ 'mrsm |