Show 1 Page 2 The Utah Statesman Wednesday September 27 1978 Cache hospital construction on schedule Construction of the 18 million Cache alley Hospital is on schedule and should be completed bv spring 1980 according to a hospital spokesman The new hospital will be built on at re site on 4th between 4th and 6th K a 11 1 newsletter published A by the Cache Valley Health Care Kounda tion said the site was chosen because is is a central location and there is room around the site for physicians to build offices The major reason for building the new fac ility is to expand health care serxices in the x alley the let ter said In January 1976 the (rovermng Itoard of Iogan Hospital hired Arthur Aoung and Co an ex tablished hospital consulting firm to find out what present and future health care needs are in Cache alley A The firm found that outpatient demands had grown 131 percent between 1980 and 1970 and are ex pcs ted to grow another 12S percent between 197b and 1990 USU not affected by Bakke sJpreTt? Court ruling in the Lniversitv of L ai foma states that a specifn of ru"Oer spates m an entering via" cannot he reserved for rrv’or ties However the vuurt said trat rate could bt usect as one or factors m admissions deci ci't of Bakke vs "va-v- 'ons ths h e decision has forced umv evsities to rev ise their ad mssjors procedures LSI was ura’ettoc! accord ng to Arche Ravage active director for Xf firrrative Ai tv tion I qual Opportuni Although L si has set up goals and t metames we have never used a quota ssem in hiring or admis sons Ravage said Therefore as other uoversities and affirmative ai non orices are making revisions in their policies this office is con tinumg work on alreadv establish ed programs Tie Affirmative Action Office is highiv inv olv ed m the emplov ment procedures at L SL Hiring of all e acultv and tor longer thar sixprofessional staff months must be 11 processed through the Affimative Action Office The affirmative action officer rev lews the position announcement recruitment plan screening com mittee and reasons for selection or non selection of applicants This sv stt m ensures that equal emplov ment opportumtv isopen to all employees and potential employees regardless of race sex color religion national origin age or handicap Fqual emplov ment op not only applies to portumtv recruitment and hiring hut also to training promotion benefits and salary the director said Throughout the 1478 1979 academic year the Affirmative Ac" tion Office will be paving special at tention to the recently adopted university policy concerning the handicapped This policy ensures that no handicapped person is discriminated against in recruit ment admissions and employ merit he said The addition of ramps elevators and reserved parking for the han dicapped on the campus will make rthen named psychology Dr Blaine R Worthen has been named professor ana head of the L bl Psychology Department Dr ort hen director of research and evaulation of the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory m Portland Ore for the past tv e years is a natrv’e of Midvaie L tah He received his B S M and S degrees from the Iniver sitv of I tah and his PhD from V Dr Worthen is author or coauthor of three books and numberous professional articles and papers has served as editor or editor advisory of three profes case " The major part of the hospital funding is through industrial revenue bonds However the com mumtv is making an effort to col ect 2 million in private contribu tions STEREOS Calculators cwurrT JTeacaaao WAS SITS n-s- a SZ7S 7 sional journals and has directed numerous federally and state fund ed research projects He has been recognized nationally and interna tionaUy as an expert in his field and has been frequently called on to ad- dress professional audiences throughout the U S Canada and Australia Dr YVorthen and his wife Barbara have three children Jeffrey 18 Lynett 17 and Bradly 10 s ao Siao TV 56 SITS sn-s-o I S Trig A Log Functions Algefcreil Operating System 5 Sots of poronthosls 1 48 functions Scientific notation GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH ts 2o TV1750 so S7SO ' 2- 1 Gaaa AM aOova cmJcutort Aava tut on ’' COd" PIONEER PTONEER PIONEER PIONEER SX onr LIST OURS 225 S166 2TS SI 96 3S0 $244 $450 S3 000 $418 $200 $156 $300 $232 $300 $270 400 $360 580 sx-aa- o pioneer o JVC JVC JVC JVC PHONE orders accepted ONLY WITH CREDIT 814-237-59- (Add 3 : ao ao oo TVSO40 TV 25 or ram CARDS 90 lor Cna Card Ordara) I I 4a a aa a ava asi ara taaa saaa i 2SS Speakers 1—38 (3 JBL JBL JBtL-10- f 0 JBL L 110 aovent ESS too $144 a bmMnc JBL Bl SAC $144 A 222 s 4 hlt Receivers ¥gxxc3 EnsCrc r— 53 Then the new completed hospital will have expanded out patient facilities and out patient surgical services improved diagnostic and treatment facilities and extended la (oratory facilities Unbelievable Savings CALCULATORS & J from U The most mexpensixe choice was to build a new building on a new site the spokesman said more classrooms housing and ad viding female and male students mimstrative offues autessible to with overall equal opportunity in mohihtv handicapped persons The I mversitv Advisory Council athletic and sports activities The on the Handicapped ll ACHl will legal deadline for implementation of Title IX was July 21 1978 but also work toward implementing the the work is not finished new policy I ACH has made moves Savage said toward establishing a centralized office to aid all handicapped students 0n campus It will also The Affirmative Action Offu e developa map once construe tion is Will t ontmue to see that there is no completed showing the barrier free discrimination on the basis of sex routes of the campus in any educational program or ac The Affirmative Action Office is tivitv at USU headded also responsible for seeing that there is no discrimination in employment because of age specifically abciv e the age of 40 Title IX of the fducation Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination under any educa tional program or activity receiving federal financial assistance on the basis of sex This is another of Instruments the Affirmative Action Program The Affirmative Action Office conducted an athletic preference TVSI survey to determine what students ant in physical education programs and whether USU is 1KAXCE pro department head Ohio State University where he remained to serve as an assistant professor He was also an and associate professor assistant at the University of Colorado from 1969 to 1973 A hospital spokesman said the present nuilding is not adequate to cope with these growing demands and so three considerations were made to rennoyate the old building to build a new building on the old cite or to build a new building on a new sue 100V LS-- 8 LARGE |