Show Paper’s new name suits new image After 76 years as Student Life the name of the I'SU student newspaper has been changed to The Utah Statesman along with the name comes a new image and a new look The purpose of the name change is to improve the image of the paper by adding a new professional dimension The new name is a positive step toward improving what has been a responsible award-winninnewspaper A student newspaper's purposes include being a student activity as well as being a professional training ground for journalism students The name of Student Life implied only the student activity aspect: whereas The Utah Statesman can encompass both purposes The name of The Statesman will appeal to a wider range of people and will carry a potential to print news other than campus news The name places few restrictions concerning the variety of news to be printed making it appropriate to include more national news While the change of the name may be construed by some as an attack on the judgment of the founders of Student Life it must be noted that 76 years brings with it many changes It has been our desire to change as well while continuing to maintain the high moral trust that our predecessors have believed in It is our intention that The Utah Statesman will be to 1978 and the future what Student Life has been for students staff faculty and the community for the past 76 years g Team deserves support Thor have Iwwi’ tnmpbtmts m the pi-concerning £ rt inti enthusiasm at the footbsi lack of oh ml games was this mirv apparent than at last Saturday's foot ball game where turn undefeated ggies went against defending IV champs i nii state While more than halt of the stadium at iendnnce a sistedof t he slum n’ x x t t he ent husiasui was less than that or sky View high encountered at a hooi footbt game It also a shame the handful of st ud s heertng r also ridiculed h other students for showing such Irue some of their chi-rwere thought obvta hut this does not excuse the rest of the sutdentbodv fra: not participating m the cheers the cheerleaders and Aggg tes were leading The student UhIv is as imjxitant ot a foot hall team uttt coaches and players themselves With lack of school support a good football team which we have could lose soot close games No one can get arrestisi and there is no sin involved a cheering the Aggies to ictorv ith five more home gars it is hoped the next time the cheerleaders or anvor fist leads a cheer stand up and v ell it can lie contagious leiin s s By Michael ('onuUatio Learn about fraternities To the editor Whilr prrjanng f r head at I tah Vate - heard max statements r yarding what a fratermt y i and K it ran contribute to your umyersity ex fraternities base perience lauded and condemned I r nearly two centuries and yet there mil are no adequate terms to stffu Ur Laurie Snow Editor Roury Williams news editor Shee Jospehson columnists Cindy ford Conrad Water managing editor Bob Higgins senior editor writers Peggy Boss campus editor Doug Buckley wire editor Ceg Sandmo Clay Wilde Bob Irvin Lifestyle editor Jerry bratt Rwrcb Stutman sports editor Al Hartmann photo editor staff writers Jxr Suckling n Olsen State EBason Photographers Roy miller Stan Sisk Tom Adams Ron Hendncks Erich Grosse Advertising Peul Beecher menager Joanna Johnson Peter Kenney Tom Stenberg secretary Kathryn Sheryl Goldman LynnHanaen J°hn Simmon lent state exactly whal a fraternity can add to each man life The college fraternity has the potential of being one of the moat significant experiences m the life of ny umyersity student it offers KWa which can Me a man throughout his life u offer the valuable group experteme of work ng with men of diyergrnt backgrounds toward (mmn end it offers the opportunity for a young man to form friendships which will far ou(iat rmr four ly ears spent al t tah Stale lane the opportunity far t young man to make cootnbuL® to hi university througfeltol provement of hn fratanuty tA y hr irai t yersity there arr undoubtedly many tumx in vuur mind ax ! to receive the mint (run- you' uniu-- r xity experien e Vu have no doutl ar-- t it offer the fraternity fr benefit tamed by an in a fraternity fnmfrihip Note however that thf corf? fraternity merely off tkia to Nne of tHr O portumtie fratarwtf a realized h without ronv lenlioua hard work and devotiofl ti to fraternity The fraternity pnnto a of r ipanaocr al reourre utilized only can Uurougklto frt of each individual Now you have thehancto our houM and auggrrt lk 1 May make use of thia opportunity ff if you do not plan “ ty and nee Urt Uk-hind - Fn® fraternity is reallv evaivit-yoursel- la tha aweetet Sheryl Tumqutst Production managar Vca Vatertaua Faculty advisor Larry Bakar GS 7A 7OHT WA A I tfl hu h can only to idual po®! THOOQMT THA 7 COmruTtAOATWQ 9Y$TtH influence Micbdl 1 t |