Show Used book by Sheree Joaephaon L'tah State I bought eerv U) mversitv a Ixxikstore uted Ixxik available them and spent more money buying uaed Ixxiks thia year than ever before a txxiksmre apokeaman said Tueadav Ixxikslore Haalem Dean W manager said the bookatore purchased book mating 26103 from three book companies and another Utah university The fxxkst ore purchased bixiks 17 24 from students last costing spring Laslem said the number of used was probably books purchased about the same as last year but the because up prices went bookstore spent more money Last year about 20 percent of all tbe books sold bv the bookstore were used Haslem said purchases top record He aaid he expects the figure to fe about the name this year That means atxiut HO percent of the texts students new costs It lakes another have eat h hcxik stai ked and 1 to purchase are AH new texts in the USU Ixxikstore have lieen marked up 20 percent according to Haslem The publisher sets the price he said "VS e don t " "There is no profit in textlxxiks That's why no one downtown sells them he said He said the Ixxikstore is willing to supply a Ixxik list to downtown merchants wishing to sell texts hut no one has asked for one this year He said the longest any private business has lasted selling textbooks in lxigan is four quarters Haslem said four percent of the profit goes for freight and handling "That leaves only IV and most businesses run on a 23 per cent o(erating ost" he said He sard it is the fxxikstore s polic y to keep Ixxik prices ss low as possible and still make a profit He said the Ixxikstore makes ft percent profit on used Ixxiks The policy on used Ixxiks is the Ixxikstore will purchase all fxxiks that will lie used again at this university for 50 percent of their initial cost Then the books are marked up half of what the Ixxikslire paid for them For example a student will receive 5 for a 110 Ixxik and the Ixxjk will be resold by the bcxikstore for 7 50 ' ! can t see giving the students c in USU bookstore bai k inure money (or uwl Ixxiks when we re groping (or pennte" I laelein said When a at uienl aella hia Ixxk to the Ixxikstore and rereivea even leas than half of what he paid for It that meana a txx-- rnmpany la buy mg hia Ixxik not the liookatnre Itaalein aai1 thia la null an ad vantaK te the atudenta herauae they would not lie able to Bell their hooka anywhere elae on rampui the people buying books in the Ixxikstore at the end of each quarter exc ept one are employees of a Ixxik company looking for Ixxiks they might use If the hook companies didn t provide this service the bookstore would have to pay at least four to do this and employees somewhere prices would have to ha increased to pay for this Haslem AH of aaid The profit made by the hookelore from need and new bonk ealea ae well aa other suppliers Itoea to pay for buildings used for anlertamment and eporta pur-poae- If there tan I enough money In thia fund from profile made in eurh orgentxalxina aa the bookatore atudenl fee a would proliehly be raiaed Haalem aaid Hut where does this money goT Haslem aaid for 110 Ixxik H 60 pays for labor all tha way along tha hna Also if you buy an (11 book II of your money goes to pay fur complimentary Ixxiks given away by the publisher Diving class is offered lat You inhale and take a look around Then it s down down into the depths The stene grows dimmer until it s an even hut dull light Fmalh vour feet touch bottom The world is dustv brown The rocks have mi set form they dip and curv dt As vmj prHed Mulpins dash for cover I urn a Jut kv rm k and I he unprotw ted t rd Afiad stands guard This s the ( iv o and it a world of its (iKn an underwater world Bear Iake houes the (Tsro Ledge Its Wdrrs and protHt wonders seldom bv man Now tah State I niversitv of fers students a (lass where they can v ww nature in its place H PF R 168 is a SCI B A diving class and tt'sopen to all Neal Langerman and Tat Mcll-vain- e lfge sfn both of the chemistry are the chemistry department course instructors Scuba diving came naturally to Langerman who was born on the ast coast and has been diving for 15 years Mcllvaine has been div ingfor four years Certified in 1975 through the Na tional Association of Underwater Instructors the pair has taught professionally ever since In the pnng of 1977 they bet a me USU s cuha diving mntructors Since their certification they certified 176 sport divers oovof them from USU The course is taught at USU because students want it Langer-ma- UIJRfiLITE Top line of the Ultrohte f aolhar III lightweight chompion of the oil around recreational skier flow design quick V lateral lining hinge 3 pce shall das i go floating shall covar polyathylene success for 78 79 with new tongue new thermo! molded liner ond Lost year lowar ond nylon cuH Performonce suitad to new Internol OPHITE LRSERUTE new tow buckle design with a three piece shell to give o soft flexing boot with exceptional comfort for the progressive recreation sal skier A Du I r a I floating nylon shell cover polyurethane laterol nlnged Cuff with a nylon front sup port A comfortable leather lined boot for the imporving skier $13$ boot $100 tivities Activities planned for thia include the Fun Nights in jitter pool on Oct 17 and Nova 28 nd the USU and University of Utah Underwater Obstacle Course ?? ant a fun dive at Lake Mead scheduled for December k£' FIESTRLITE n said The course consists of nine lectures and pool sessions plus seven open water training classes Each person must furnish their own snorkle fins and mask A knowledge of basic swimming skills required The mental and safety attitude each person is also considered oefore certification is granted After becoming a certified sport v students are welcome to join '"SU Scuba Slub in their mon y pool night and diving ac- O' A three piece 3 buckle boot with free cuff sole for polyethylene a soft flexing A light boot built strictly for women with fhe onotomy of o women s foot in mind Something especially for the lody A three piece boot designed In with o womon m-fmind leather lined boot easy flexing action ond fits olmost any calf size $12$ Comfortable Child for Subjects Psychology Project Call 752-4- 1 Ext for 00 7254 information and forgiving for on easy ond fun doy of skiing Or Men t Mosterlite $40 TT flSTRflUTE ‘ss4ll Polyurethane boot for the nylon shell cover ond new shell cover closure An ideal confidence builder $1$ (S' jS' S' progressive C skier recreational Open foot design reor hinging floating Cuff WANTED: snow gotor balanced flex for the critical ‘skier $180 tha demanding skier oggrettlve $17 w ELGOAD GOG L1ACA w A (Us M t |