Show S IU DEWEY’S CAFE s I t and American Food Mexican Try r U II U our new take-ou- t open Mon-S- 10 am78 at - pm West main Hyrum MILLER’S CAR WASH Featuring six Member of Pablo Cmlao L tor or Suva Prlro Dot Jonkino Cory Lorioo aad Dnaro Day Cork Volley HoapiUl la oing op right o rkoiaW pointing a Spring 1W0 opoalag CIm bays more pressure & hot wax Pablo Cruise to perform detergent convenient location 7 Pablo Cruise a band with one album under its belt and another high on the charts opens the 19779 pops concert season Octniwr 14 at H p m in the Spectrum The California based band consists of four members Cory lrioa Dave keyboards and vocals Jenkins lead vocals and lead gold - - 50 East 0th North 1 guitar Steve lrice drum and Hrura Day bass and vocal "A Place In The Hun" th group third album and first gold album wa enormously successful during the 1977 summer I’abUi Cruises latest album "World Away" is equally successful this year Pablo Cruise radiate a healthy wholesome image that i lha an- tithesi of punk according to Ntephama Fmbrey AIM Kerord publicist Tu ket will lie on sale Thursday office PHILLIPS HAS ARRIVED!! Special Introductory Offer: Model PHI 252 Turntable Model AH785 Receiver Model AH 4 75 Speakers Europeans have been enjoying the superb sound of Phllps for years 45 W 2nd North LOGAN Phono 7592 and M and go DC tu ket at lb |