Show rio grande western ry great salt like route CUR brT TIME TIVE 1 FOR POR UTAH effective 1 sundi oct 1 IS 1900 no 6 1 or grin I 1 J action denier denver in 1 11 points east 1 22 p in no ino 2 1 or gian I 1 junction i denver and all I 1 oin ts east 7 37 p in no 4 for gland J net on de let ei in I 1 ill all joints east icon 1 m no I 1 salt like city ogden and 7 20 i 1 in no 4 3 1 or salt lake city cit oden ai at d pa afi C points 50 p in to ino 5 forwalt for silt Salt like take ita cit ogden in an I 1 pacific boast po ro ants does not top at pr ce leaves helper 4 1 I oam 0 i in f RANCH no colton tor for scofield td an I 1 do cle ir tr creek 12 15 i 1 in no 11 14 leaa es clear ci cicek eek f foi of see f fold old an ail I 1 colton 7 0 aa a in ll 11 BRANCH no 58 18 lor mounds ant sin de on 6 pm N no 0 39 fron in de to helper r 04 olp p in I 1 bor or con ern erd ng dg routes route roni sections aites etc ippi apply to oi 01 ad lieas ess B R MCDONALD ag nt price utah THE EMERY EMERL lr COUNTY 0 LU N T 17 NA N A ah A h gr t of Is lap p bli bit hed every iti i layat lay it castle D lo 10 utah it is th 1 ost advel adv eil s i g medium in this i art of tt ti e countr country oi 01 r bubser eption rite iro ire tho tha 40 baah sadi of if en cri I 1 oil Ruu filoi I 1 oi i see the 77 pe ne V millinery stock at mrs abaer on s new stock of Milli nry the lad jad ea es of benei count county ire in i eted to inspect my stock of do v mill a ei v goods including pattern and trim ned till fill and v anter hats bonnets aadne v an I 1 artistic irti artis tte ines 1 nes of turn dings I 1 cin can c in bult suit ill all tastes K k marse the valuation tion and taxes of sanpete county sho A a sg ng i ere cre se so over last sear near they are aa a folio follo vs s vil val t t on or 1899 sa 3 8 89 for 1900 4 u 8 6 iho for 1899 were this year air wr nar w 14 T C E larsen 1 dealer in all kinds of FARM implements gei gel t for the utah implement co FOR EMERI Y COUNTY extras for ill all kinds of fin part i mich nerl ner rushford and M 1 i I id farm wagons henneb perry aid ai d garlant I 1 buggies all cone con in cat loid load lots direct froni from the last cro a mo movers ers changeable si s1 eed 0 u borix boru mo lers and binders 11 rd oils t vines ind iron cill call C ill i d exin exan no ne aoda and get pi pieces ices castle dale utah gill call on or addres W P clackett Clock Cioc kett ett puce utah for fro ince ance atteo at 1 est i ates no sending to sat lake clu CAN all pol ces written at pr oe ce utah bates rates the lovest ionest aud companies comi com lanies anies the basi A map of the united states three feet four inches wide bv four feel fecu long printed in six colors mounted on rollers shows en aery ery state count county important to ton A n and railroad rail roid in the union A ne de v ed tion also she chos A s the country din divided aided according cording ic to territorial acquisitions sent on receipt of 15 cents in stamps less than cost R F P beneral agent burlington boute route 79 A second so ith st salt inke like utah the progress Pro giess has in stock the folio follo v ing legal blanks jurai s certificate witness cert cort ficare incorporation bond varr verrant antof of west arrest couill aint we sell them at ac 1 I dozen THE C IMP dign IS ON 0 the presidential campa agn ft wh h ch ell closes next non novembers embers elections is one of the most important in the history of the country the bocky rocky mounta n ne levs ls as in 1896 vill lea leal I 1 thi f foht ht for democh itic principles I 1 11 I 1 the tho west the news new s is 14 ti tie e best an ani I 1 cheapest kind of s iver literature to sell I 1 east daily ind sunday one month ap taree tl ree months one bear ear 11 ODB one ear che body reel Y mounta n ne vs denver colo do you want A calendar T ie le b agest and the best bestil caland end ir tr 0 ever ner lashed by any railroad rail roid is no being distributed by b burl agton boute route it I 1 is is t twelve elve sheets one fo for r eich each month of the year ear on each sheet is isa i g illustration of some feature of the burl agton u b service or of the tern terri tory tore rea bed hed by its ines 1 nes the gon govern ern ment f st mill runn ng 1 1 I full speed 1 birst ot r st cir car on its way w an to C li fornia en ell gi e 1591 the largest liss r enel engine in tho the v orld a a library car t con p rt r bent sleeper the burlington station at omaha i I 1 dining car a monster monster frei freight ht train estes park co loo the I 1 lunge I 1 iti it I 1 at hot spi q D i ello N stone rills falls etc tl TI e dra unga from front abich the alc plc fit res ere mide made are by lou s braunhold of chicago an ani cost seve 1 aundrel dollars the s zo of the ea calendar lendir is 2 A 28 I 1 the he dated dates p aia 0 in 1 I 9 type ilich all c cin in be leal teal at a distarce of poteet for business offles off the burlington calendar lendir ci is s eipl ply invaluable P real sed in large quil q u at titles the thecil cal andars cost tha the Bur burlington linton boute route 27 cents apiece with postage aching etc aney ane represent an investment of about 40 acts our pr ce is aa cents 10 cents lesi au thin than cost write forone for one 11 do if it is not send it back a dour noney ill be pi refund el J bene jl at r gent on a it a S 1 castle W al brug store stationery Station erv Z 0 1 articles school supplies etc A rices ID i g h t artt T just arrived CA di Direct f from rom the east a f fine i ne I 1 line i ne of Cookin cooking gand and heating stoves we carry a also also the celebrated born anict range our line of house furnishings are complete call and examine goods and get prices his r watch this space which is reserved for the peoples mercantile company I 1 t frank C carrol carroll 1 manager VALLEY ea the best place to tri id ic and where i ou get most value k or Y ur money TUTTLE MOORE groceries dry goods boots shoes gents furnishing goods hardware crock ery and glassware at prices to suit everybody ORANG EVILE an UTAH 1 emery county mercantile co with large stores ind extensive blocks stocks at CastIo castle dile dale aeri ieri on and pi ce not only CAN CN but DO sell goods and wo ano mean by 1 this a tull full line of general merab merchandise incise 11 cheil qualities conci alred as its ain till other firm or house in rutih there is 13 no brag at 1 it or boast of these ho he aises the goods carried and the methods of doing business that is or 0 the squire square speak for themselves es emery county mercantile co u AT C 8 D DLE ILE FERRON PERRON ND MONTROSE E E on approval to yo radde rad drese WITHOUT A CERTIN SEND US YOUR ro U R a ORDER R D E R beato better you to i h deboor cl vi e eo an or c f ht u ut i a mo un and darto near ranted ard wt II 11 ill stilla wileby C 0 D 01 0 1 a prova prove a low ng n you to and in wc am ne it fu u y bafo e 0 you accart it if it it la is not a 1 a of d more t an w clam or it and a better wheel ban you i can fat pot for any v hero beart near t u pr ce from any one e e refu a e it a d se e 11 I 1 pay a harral harir harr ciL cL our burac es as the dicy dicicio C 10 fco 16 SO at our special agent a sample 1 I 1 rice of 50 is the greatest bargain las in a mayas ever of ordered ered e bunra tco too to 6 ual net to any 40 heelon heel on the me ket anayo and yo need nl at wo a e atuel t all I 1 and n take t is mot met od ad ot of quick quick Y I 1 trod cina our out 1900 th after of a samp 0 who he 1 at t la Is low price 1 made to secure RIDER A ad bentin in each to mart serouj uj and take u afrant make man Y fast abet fro frame m 2 baues h lest 1084 specifications she by no e tu tit ing to r d 0 rn n ce cot on flash boint ints ir e lander ander do i a e to tanton fasten a at r p tt bt a d h handlebar I 1 e bar koyal arch croan t tt I 1 oceo rated favl v hubs a d n alog rand the easiest ronn s J km n 0 I 1 V t re rot b he t a d 0 e f d I 1 a 0 moat most expensive ti begs 0 n t the han a acl the mold err car itye onto e 0 pedal too a and eccesso les 1 t a e best beat 0 tai tat ah ab a I 1 nan non cd ad I 1 11 I 1 b a k maroon or coach creen n h gh y i I 1 n ed ad and orna anted v did bed n eke ng on 0 b bt pa ts t we thorough thor ounh y tent testa e cry i coo at 0 material that goeb goes I 1 to t la Is 12 achile our binding icer car a goar I 1 ond and 1 I 1 h ca on h bicy bley e 0 to any one andin ti tie a 0 1 a cash in la fu Pot 1 1 horder h order oit ait 11 ll FREE falkl send annj tree ree a e 0 11 it to 10 ml a barrel pattern Y 0 dejen a I 1 back it f you are aroi i oft 04 meter or a h eh gh gr grade a coor hoor pump your money pe feet y eat set sned 0 ao 10 do not manura tu to e t 0 cheap d pert parts CHEAP WHEELS n dof dothee heo 4 haral has alfh ananew new a cerna earns and b v Y houses advert re and so c I 1 1 as 12 gade if ade we can urn it them am or f II 11 to S corns ce to e 1 not altoe nor 4 never plied nd them i a b cycle of anyone any one elbe au no guttor ho he or how i tx 11 AV he Ps no n a no d utha W ity cheap itsou a e write U N A B L and E 1 t ti 10 0 0 ai m BUT t U f you on tt trib ft how 1801 al much an anasal we east can t ava gave you oaf you af a L on taken A men in on trado trade ca do sh L hi by baydl h room dis we VI 11 in each town tor this pu purpose se A V a e have several hundred SECOM I 1 HAND I 1 cheap send end for ora or B arx 1 a I 1 99 9 mode I 1 v very cry u a a a 0 t at 3 to 10 each a aa w some shopworn hop wora samp es as and we ave refer to any bank or b tines aine asko ho se in 4 1 it iteli is unquestioned bank banks in cb ch cago if you fifth H 1 ra oad con any wow we w se ayou d you lette a ot of reference d from tho argest without depoalo lO today this low price and he especial SEND YOUR ordera with WW ryno n EW J L MEAD CYCLE COMPA COMPANY chicago ill FIRE IN U d don bubin esq in utah E ites it a 11 atten in tho the I 1 est COID campini PaDl s I f s keel mone money at home kal pol POI lie h blow low a bait salt like lake city ru written vr itter at ait price utah county tt boi hot si hool bonds an I 1 farm loins R W CROCKETT PRICE UTA i i J |