Show r LOCAL I 1 IN NEWS aj a J wiell 1 shoemaker daib davis baa has returned to orangeville Orang eulle eville from the bouth south we do all manner in inner ot of job ork nork at rea son on il it ie prices patroni o I 1 ome industry hector enada succeeds mr jameson s the leader luader of tl e ind sun di daj bel ua ool chons win haird ile N ard the well NN ell knoon k no v n attorney it torne of huntington spent tuesday in to or profession il ind political icil b siness he said that hunt agton is more soli solidly cill I 1 Demo democrate crati thin eer ever mr randall of woodside passed through ton to n thursday iv with ith a I 1 of 25 held head of co cos A s and heifers which he hid had purchased ed at salmi ho he will win ter the stock it bis his home henic G T olsen of emery passed through the first of the week eek en ell routs route to price he had his sheep on the way ind intends to dispose of them there if possible if not he will w ill vinter them till spring john F ile hoelle A ells silt salt like county count luburn auburn haired sheriff spot t se leeral oral days da ya in castled lie th s iid aad last week john was eNi evidently dently on a still hurt but whether his miss on AN was as of an official or i t political character chir acter is not generally t kno N it cirtin jei jet sen sell cand dite date for county commiss ner on the demo ratio t cl et wis was over from huntington on Thurs thursday daN pattii g up a fe v if ailers lers on his poli political fence he ile his has just le ie covered from an I 1 jury j dry ivel e I 1 by boing belt g run ON er with vi ith a agon vi att J joe be lur d lei iel oits offs that a bear has been doing mischief at ib is place 0 i the cree list sunday I 1 1 e d de saoi cohered erd that bruin ha I 1 knocked from i I 1 platform a couple of hues hies ind filled his sk n with some cf the honey mr luni offers local gunnels come sport county cleri S th s ib is f su LI d marriage licenses to the follo following A ing I 1 parties arties chas E westover aged 37 ind miss Zepp erah B jones beed 22 bo be h of huntinton pr R 27 and miss aliss cat Ca camoline oline ioline jacobsen 17 both of em ery ary edwin andersen 33 of gunn son SOD ind miss ameln da dai 19 andrev petersen tack fc sidsey isey ind add pul paul hansen I 1 from the ira R Broni broming ig mining insert anthe on the san eafie where they hale have been for the past tw 0 n months comp complesi comple leti tug I 1 their con tract 1 1 I te fe v day dis s ago mr brov bro v ing ic to compin compan ed tl era em home they v rob ably return ind resume vork aftel elec tion M I 1 V clod ett of castle dile dale is here last thursday ind 11 day da look rf 0 er the indel enocent plat u t ind bust ess ith i bew to baing or orle leising al he isun asun able to mike make a leal ho ever mr hunes haines to whom tl e piper is reported tahae tr ha e been bold three weeks N igo ago ie I 1 e con in an I 1 N lent ell t to emery cot boint n t 3 instead springville springy Spring ille ville inder indel ei de it the secretary secre tiry of state has issued a certificate of incorporation to the hun hington mercantile coal any which his been organized by citizens of emery county the capital stock is aa saifoo in esaies chris johnson is president robt W hill president jonathan H killpack dieas ahe L he other di lectors ire peter johansen hinsen Jo ind leandel lemmon J W seeh cind cand dite date for re ro presenta tive tin e inide speeches at G een R ver N er it 11 d NN de do th s ind idd pleased the peo pie of that section in hb his iho I 1 IN 0 acy of a government to the water 01 the lind land about there heis he is arted that who i utah sent rel besenta besto t es to avash W ish ng oi in life nith ith the ma amity then the state would pirt part cipale in the ri er and harbor bill eions t 7 1 the telephone I 1 no is again in working or ler H S larsen has his ne v house near ing on the brogi progress Pro giess ess til tal es orders for all k ads ot of legal blanks and bill blai k books at provo ind silt lal lat e city prices mrs peirson pearson A is Al visiting v th ferron f anen rien Is 1 on thurstan Thurs div daN TUT U E curtis county vaa vas in to IN ednes lay on business dr pearson and frank carroll its ted emery thib this week on business M ss amelia D V of la arence is visit wj in avith her aunt mrs I 1 sm th li la hes ate invite I 1 to inspect mrs K Ander andersen sens s display of f ane no i e v milliner millinery orao i i robb ns a d J W lott ot of hi ht nt naton i aid ti U a e coil cou ty seit seat I 1 v s t this week S inches of sno fellin fell in ani iroini silt lake early th s A eek not oi e in C s tl tie valle evalle holever ho vever fied vied ler he viett bros genial commercial man was shak slink nhan ng is with ol 01 I 1 frien Is here this eek C P andersen An derben accompanied sheriff ho vella to price on monday where the latter boarded i I 1 trim train for silt salt lake city cit E enery nery count script bought by 1 L W crockett price utah firm loans and school chool district ind othel bonds bought and sold 11 II S atren his has again become mai ager of the bat bail I 1 er shop wiley call ill will fco to jo I 1 i I 1 s in silt salt like lake after the election county clerk S put in pirt part of the week preparing the allotment il of bal lots for ta tie e eleven precincts of the county a id mail ng the same S M williams the emery county mm nall camous cime up from emery wed ed nes ay ind proceeded to huntington the folio follo ving day on a bus ness henry thompson republican cindi candi date for sheriff was ng dg with Cast ledale friends on thursday he ex pressed the opinion that tho the republicans would poll a few votes notes kif bill ball nger the popular manager of the pi puce ice dad ng company of car bon s county seit seat wis was in to thursday repairing the local el ephone and attend ing to other business in mi some of our local loral capital ats can make good money by b arec ing a f few ew dw dwelling el it ng houses in ill Cast ledale ind and renting the s imo line there is bo no v a I 1 demand for 1 i I dozen or more of such houses 4 i an eff effort ort is being mide made to get some of our best mile male s agers together and 0 gan ze a C sti edale quartet quarte tand ind chorus f ahe he talent ib is here and by oi gan izing and pi act cing together a musical or braniza aniza t on to be aloud of could soon be hd D pearson his has telephone re civers ivers of 0 the puce tra draing ing coal company any ind will soon hive haie 1 i I hello line I 1 ua d bet veen his art ang g stol stole e ind the e station I 1 11 i the people peoples s mer cantile compan company s stole roid road supera abol I 1 a I 1 is fixing up the roads in the Orang orangeville eville d tr ct 1 11 1 nice shape our neighbors neigh bois issert assert that the ra boals Is in ta te e Cast ledale d strict between I 1 ere and their pi pf ce are eidl in need of repair and hope something vill be done on thern because i 1 tuttle cindi candi date late for sher ff if acted is as i a member of 0 the board of registration regist ratio i prior tp to last monlay mon liy contrary ar to lay la v a conil lets leto i ew reg vas reau led after mr tuttle re ened f the I 1 oard and h s if ife vis chosen to fill the vacancy impress ve e funeral ceremonies lere nero held at the res lence of mr and mrs kai on 0 den last S af afternoon hernoon over the 1 emi em i ns of their little son SOD pi aa er vas as offered by boy bod d P te to sen sell and bhoj jensen peter Irand I 1 sei nad Ol olaen senaid a id ilex jamsen made i ito ate remarks hy hm in s vere sing sang by b the choir and the leina lema ns ere laid to rest in the cemetery county chinman chaliman J C lemon ind J W seely e I 1 from green river 0 di evening eve nine to chih point they ic in ed receiver geo goo A sm sul th they report having a fe v con verts to the republican fold they cane bick back laden ith A boquete of 0 beau ticul flowers wh it ch ell they picked from the open garden cf tom TOLU I 1 arbur greet el ri er s genial posta ister no host flost his 1 ia I vet net visited that pait cular section the wedding reception s apper and dince dance glien by mr ind mrs in nd delsen eiben list night at 01 dangeville Olang ang eville in ce celebrator cele lebrat braton on of tl 0 marriage of then dau daughter gater vilate to george W inov sno v was s a aple dl did d iffa affa r 11 HP 0 fri fn rids of the ne do alj VI married cou courle T le cespon responded led I 1 11 I 1 large I 1 lumbers umbers to the neit neati i citations sentous sent out therance the dance cont nt niel e I 1 till in in early I 1 oui out this morn i 1 g 9 mr ind and mis sno N were married it M nt dt on 3 of last enpek eek mrs maria buchanan is now clerking in the orangeville Orang eville cp op store will peacock from oral beville ib is div ing the dr pearson I 1 loot i i coat of gil son SOD t te E W pox who expects to be the next anty clerk vaso effrom Chang geNille eulle yes george hales and peter johnson of hunt nato i were in the county seit seat es berday to settle ut taxes I 1 iv chard wilson ca line ne in from esca lante yesterday to place his son in the lea lema lem heie the fall er or ill also au ie to main in this neighborhood for the winter A ed I 1 ng I 1 i and ind dance will ill bo be div en by mr ar and ind mrs robt wood vird vard v ird in 0 ai it avillo next nex wednesday NN ednes day light I 1 11 ile e couple were marrits it manti I 1 st f ahe he opportune opp ty t to perform t 0 o patu pati I 1 otic acts nil ill 19 I 1 given to every c t zen next tuesday 4 i vote nn an I 1 tl en ell s il 1 e for your our county ne ini lim P 0 GRESS ed edin vin caldwell Cald pell who I 1 ins is just rne anel I 1 from I 1 miss on in the souti ern orn stites states pissed passed through to tow n foi hia his home in molen thi leek neek mr caldwell Cald vell vis one of the first students of the E aery dery stake st ike ic ac idoma idem win et eins is an 01 oil I 1 res dent cime came ON oer er fron fro a cid on Thurs thursday dayto to kiy his fix mo ea e he ile say sa s that there ire no v ON 0 er miners millers at vork in the coal camp an I 1 the tle demand for fi ft el is greater thin than the pro luct miners ii arage about 82 50 per dav monday night is the tho chosen on for i I 1 I 1 political loli political oli time in oral craige ge ville the democrats Demo crata hie haie engaged the church hall liall for i 1 I general rally ind the kepul I 1 cans will have i a dicce dince in co op hall the same night ever everything thing ib is free and the much desired voter present and prospective takes his or her choice rho he orangeville Orang eville co op st store re had a lucky escal e from f fre re on tuesday last in order to put in an iron to I 1 to aiace the bu id ng it vas as feces ary to bore a hole an overhead beam the hole thus made was too small f r the to I 1 and to enlarge it a I 1 red hot iron was as in this bet fare fire to the ceil ng and floor aboe el chich gained quite a I 1 head way before manager luke and assistants succeeded n do aning it at hunt agton is to be a I 1 gian I 1 political mix mi up monday n in the pe minar hall abe democrats first en ell the hall for a fi al rally but the I 1 cans have asked for a 1 I joint de do bate political is aes by b local spell b aders and ind it is said they tho vill be ac commo vt it cleveland the lica s A eie etc first to engage the it hablan an I 1 1 announce ti lk dance far tor monday night ni 0 and han hae e generously generou sl aske I 1 the democrats to join tl tr em |