Show resolution proposing nn an an en 1 nent to section sd article 13 f the C on tit ution do be it resolve I 1 and enacted by the legislature ot of the state rate ot of rutih t vo thirds ol 01 all member members thereof concur in therein section I 1 the fol olio loyine ting proposition ti tat an n end the con the utah hereby submitted to the qualified elector 0 the state lor for their ampro al ii or disapproval namely cihat 1 hat section 8 article II 11 of tte the of the state of utah shall lio be amenold to rea I 1 as fol 01 ol aws sec see 3 rhe legislature shall provide br I 1 w a uniform and equal rate of 0 a fa en n I 1 taxation on all property in the state ac ord nie ng to its value in noney and shall pre t c I 1 aue ue by beneral general law bue buci it regulations as bin sh 11 occure u a lust t v valuation a i u a n t f t r v neat on of all ull property e m u jur aha a e every v e r y tipe person r ac a and icat corporate corpo rati t a all pay a tax in proportion to the tte value of his hi I 1 er or its it property pro ilfe that i deduc ion of 01 debit debits from credits ingv be auth riar I 1 I 1 provided urther further that the property of the ul uj tied state states of 0 the stac cu fit nil 8 cilie towns school districts municipal corpora ions tong ind 0 libraries lots with the build g s s thereon used e exclusively lusi velv tor for either rel g ous norsal riall or c charitable heritable purposes and pla es cg of 0 b rial net no held or used lor for private or corporate t i atit shall be exen pt from tax tion alvs canals reservoirs pipe and flumes owned andi and u ed by indjid als or orations far arg lands owned by such 1 divi duals or corpora gions or ih ill individual members thereof shull shall not be separately t taxed ho be long as they shall bel b ened n e d and u ed ex lu tor for buch such pu r 0 duj e oro provided v eded further that the taxes of the in indigene d poor may be remitted or abated at such tim time and in such manner as may be provided ed by law sec see 2 ahe tary of state tate la is hereby ordered to cause u this apropo luon to be p ib fished n at le least astone one ne shaper in every county of the state where a newspaper Is published tor for two mo tt s immediately preceding bedinK the next genet al election sec 8 3 1 hie his proposition shall be submits d lo 10 the electors ot of bis his state at the next fene gene al at ele tion for or thir approval or disapprove I 1 alt all offitt 1 ballots used at su h e edtion shall h ve v printed or w itten thereon the words k I 1 or the amendment to cletion 3 article 13 of 0 the con coll and against tl ti e amendment te to section Arti article clel 1 0 the con tit lion tion together with such other title de igniting su ll 11 amendment as may be provided by law sa 1 I 1 ballots shall be received and s slid sad ad voles votes clail beta en counted canvassed and r returns e tu ans there ol 01 be made in the same and nd i in all ell re aspects js as Is provided by law in tao the caia caie ot of the election ol 01 mate state lee c 4 1 1 his re alu ion shall take effect ana and bo be in force orte from and after its ad eption |