Show SETTLING CHINESE difficulty kinister confer conger authorized to conduct negotiations minister conger hae has been authorized by his government to begin negolia eions at once with the chinese envoys on the bas a of po ants of tl tt e german and I 1 rench notes upon winch which all the powers are agreed upon tl it ose points where divergence of v ew ewt ex ats the tile governments of the powers themselves will negotiate with a view to reaching a further understanding it is under stood ti tie e ministerial representatives at pek ng of tl 11 e other powers have lallar unil cir instruct ons but whether they have or not mm min ster conger is not to be restrained the bulletin statement that ge nanny many has agreed to japan a proposals that peace negotiations with china shall for the be in trusted to the tile foreign representatives at pelting peking is regarded as an on that ger many has taken similar action in the cas of minister beli schwartz enstein borne some surprise la is expressed presed ex at the insistence by so ne of the powers upon a settlement of the question of the tile sufficiency of credentials of the chinese envoys at this point it Is in that it is the invariable practice in peace negotiations to allow the pleni poten tiar car es themselves to pass upon the credentials of the envoys which bably is deferred until the tile first meet ing of the |