Show NENI S germany w p g iron output for september was 00 tons to is thousands of miners resumed work in the anthi acate region monday morn ing in canton cantor it is reported that the consuls have received letters warning them of danger the battleship maine is to be re moved from havana harbor as it is considered an obstruction la in tion the international society for ugar sugar statistics eslin estin ates that the european Fur sugar output for the 1400 crop will b be a tons comte capen d alvers a well known egure in I 1 ar s an soc ety was killed in an autom ible accident near res trance kradle rumors are current in berlin of r eri ons between von buelo and the I 1 tuss an minister of finance dr von M quel according to the cologne gazette contracts for over freight cars and about 1000 P dissenger pis cars will be placed next month nearly nil all the coal companies in the wyom ng valley hive posted notices granting the r employees the 10 per cent advance asked for the complete suppression of the rev alution in san Is officially announced Get general leial garcia has sur bur rendered unconditionally mm min ng shares in london last week were quiet and weak sl s1 owing a do ward tendency although rands and a few others were fractionally higher the fourteenth united states in fantry has departed from peking for tien tsin it was escorted beyond the walls by the other american troops it is rumored at buenos ayres that the braz 1 an fleet profiting byares by pres dent ent campos salle a absence will be gin a revolution in order to re establish a monarchy the recent outbreaks of hooligan IIo ism in london has revived tl ti e aaita tion in favor of the restoration of the ng post as a remedy tor for ruffian i i 40 the russian minister of finance M dewitt authorizes a denial of 0 the story tl ti at russia began negotiations in new lork ork in the middle of october for a 50 loan columbia george an indian was convicted of murder la in the first degree at pendleton ore thursday for kill lot ing by means of po son anne edna an indian ne woman I 1 here are reports of many british cabinet A a ages iges impend ng lord cur zon is coming from india probably to take mr lir balfour Bal fours a place balfour be coming foreign secretary A filibustering tion headed beaded b by y a well known laiti haiti exile is being pre pared at kingston for the overthrow of the government overn ment of general simon barn sam the pres dent of halt hait tl TI e accession of marquis ito to pow er has been received by tl e japanese press generally in a of cong ratu lation especially in view of the ns ris ng feeling that japan needs her strongest man at the helm london stock exchange last week had a rather active and dec dee deadly cheerful experience the anglo ger man agreement regarding china was cordially received and had the effect of encouraging a fair amount of buying general G B williams the foreign representative of cramps of phila delph a has arrived in bt petersburg the officials of the russian admiralty have informed general Wil likins that tl ey are highly pleased with the ti thial ial performance of the russian cruiser varina Is in mansfield 0 sunday deacon 1 Iv essler and sider R N bouck bolick dowie dowle ites were forcibly deported by the police bouck I 1 ad been tl ere nearly a week and held services lie he objected to being put on the train and had to be dragged out of the station and put aboard when prince von 11 returns to berlin for the winter he intends to frequent the court and its festivities physicians having urged him to tb this a course as they consider the total absence of excitement would endanger his life the reported discourtesy of capt piley P iley commanding the brigith cruiser I 1 ayche in failing to salute the american flag and running pat past antine at new york ii in the subject of animated discussion in naval circlet circles at washington at the opening of the lo 10 sofia prince ferdinand predicted that the difficulty between bulgara and roumania growing out of the latter a e demands for the suppression of the macedonian revolutionary committee would soon bo b bottled settled |