Show smallpox oil indian reservation tio e smallpox has broken out on a num nuin ber of ind in reservations in the west and it is felted that wl en the cold vi weather eather sets in the epidemic will be coine come more widespread and assume a more malignant form every possible effort I 1 is being made to stay its progress and the ind an bureau is for forwarding arding vaccine virus to the var ous agencies lieutenant col nel net randlett lett in charge of it e oia a ind an agency lu in okeal oma telegraph s tl at it smallpox ii is epidemic on tl ti e N debita re on and that f fifty cases have occurred among the cl ildren at tl e rivers de ind an beai cling school on tl ti at reservation 1 ahe I be disease alo ano I 1 as appeared at tl ti e cache creek in s s on and at the bt st patrick mission on the apache kiowa and commanche reservation no deaths have been re ported thus far and no alai in is mani tested by the indians I 1 irom rom the colville agency at miles wash agent anderson reports that smallpox is prevalent among the in of d ans on the coeur d alene reserva tio tin i from the fort hall agency in idaho age ge it cald veil vell rt I 1 0 ts is tn to it tt the small pox is increasing in that vie anity and tl ti at many cases are pred acted when cold vv weather eather begins beins |