Show evacuation OF CUBA uncle sam will control th the island for gams time the evacuation of cuba by the tho united state states is not likely to take place quite so soon its has been anticipated in some quarter quarters the withdrawal ot of the tile american troops will not take place in any event until some firm f rm of domestic doo estic govern nent I 1 a as been established and Is not likely to be ordered by the execl tite tive department 0 of the government without the tile authority ot of congress the cuban constitutional conven tan which meets in november ISo vember i is like ly to be in seas on for several everal a months probably much longer than after tl e adjournment of the coming sess seas on of I 1 congress on march 4 1401 1901 the new congress to be elected november ath next will not meet in any tiny regular ees sea si st m n until Dece december nober 1901 and will I 1 ardly do any important business until the spring of by that time rep of the new cuban republic may be ready to demonstrate to the ate of congress th that tt I 1 ave aye a gover government ament co aplet I 1 ly organized and capable of dainta n ing treaty obligations with other pow ers 1 |