Show ten carloads of melons green eer ri er in this count county in the near dear future ib 16 likely to beacone the mil rival of rocky bold h old riolo as i a melon sn p ping point J 11 biohn living on the river one in ie le lelo telov v thera mirdad sta t on haq practically demonstrated what can be done in the melon ra sing 9 bus ness and thit that the ao 0 o I 1 IB is bartic ilaray adal ted to the gro grom N I 1 g ot of th i sort of fruit abo i ater melons an I 1 an anta ta loupes loupos exo ro bj by h al aie ale kno knoon vu as au tha the vinter i laret ar et though tie tl e s in der melon alo does bell el rho winter melon I 1 abnot not nl ni 0 gether i a ne v t f i it in uti I 1 it in the east is an unknown nil I 1 buty it la is ery nery s beet in an I 1 duclous lua cious its n cat s mole solid in I 1 rine only abou hilt half is 13 thick is as th t ot of its summer compan on it can be I 1 icken I 1 11 i late october or e rh no ne e b r ind and kent gitil ui til or march in hi an ordinary cellar aitho it los ins ing its fine flavor I 1 or next season mi broin bro v n has in mide ado arrangements the R eo 0 geande western railroad Baili Raili oad company to introduce these melons into eastern mirl marl ets and has conr acted for tho the shipment of ten carloa Is of the melons next fill arom green river stat on other farmers in that ne tie hood ill ass bt in raising th a sh ament mr bro his sol soli I 1 over floo orth north of vinter see I 1 alone some of it go ng to I 1 ranee rance off of six acres of lan ian I 1 11 I 1 e ri ra sed crol s this j ear that guided 1 aided I 1 im in i a t i bile hile tl P N alloy alac t bout green riner estatio i will surp tise a areat reit many 1 I the so I 1 i is i onder fulIN prodoc tin ane e |