Show doer vr var not E ded I 1 according to a d from cape 1 town a force of boers attacked and I 1 surrounded a party ot of cape pol pot ce cc with a convoy near Ho hoogstad Hoop slad orange river colony last saturday Satu iday day and a short billit ensued the ool ce cc were forced to abandon to maxims ultimately reinforced by the yeomanry tl ey succeeded in getting away with tl ti e convoy but they lost seven I 1 tiled eleven wounded and fifteen captured the colon ala als I 1 were outnumbered ten to one and the engagement laste I 1 for two hours the boers have 15 men in the field nearly halt half of whom are tire iu in orange river colony chese are di aided into commandoes comin andoe of som three bundred ti undred etch but arc arl capable of corn cum for large operations |