Show resolution amen im fm nto nt to section sections 1 and adl aa of artic to 0 6 oft of tl e c 11 the alato of hal i 1 c t direct I 1 lele leis at pit oily 0 i I 1 y tie if e I 1 0 ale 1 legislature laturi j be it resolved end and enacted bv by the Legis legislature of the state 0 of butth two thirds third of aill the mem bers elected to each house thereof therein section I 1 that section I 1 of article 6 of thir constitution of the state ol 01 utah be amandea amen deil to read as us follows bee see 1 11 he legislative power of ottber the 5 ata ate shall be vested I 1 ina in a senate and house of depre representatives which shall be detonated the legiel ture ot of th tha 3 state of utah 2 in the people ot of the state ot of utah as a hereinafter s abed rahe legal vo ers erg or such fractional virta thereof of 0 the state ol 01 of r utah as may be pro v ded by law under such conditions condition and in buch manner a d w A such t me as mav may be provided bv by law may initiate any desi dest ed legis a tion and cause 0 e same to be submitted to a vote of the people for a api pl roval or rejection or m may y require any law p assed sa ed by the legislature except except those law passed by a two thirds vote voto efthem of them elected to each hou e of the legislature to be submitted to the voters ol 01 the state before such law shall take effe t the legal voters or such t f pirt there of as may be provided by la a v of any legal sub divi ion ot of the state under such cc d eions and in such manner and within such time as a may be aided by law ma may v initiate any der red r e d legislation a d cause the same to be bub sub rul bitted tied to a vote of the people of said legal subdivision u for approval or rejection or may re require quire any law or ordinance passed by the law making body 0 bald legal subdivision to be submitted to the tile voters voter 8 thereof balfore bt tore such law or ordinance shall take effect sec see 9 also that section ot of article tt 6 of the constitution of the state ot of utah bo be amended to read as follows sec 0 i 2 the enacting clause of 0 eve every ry liw shall be be it enacted by the legis of the state of utah except such laws as may be passed paged ed by the vote of the ele tors us provided in subdivisions section I 1 0 th ill a article and such laws shall begin as follows bo be it 11 enacted by the people of the state of utah no bill or joint on bh ill be p ased ex capt with the abent of the majority of all the th members elected to each bouse of the legle t ture and after it has been lead three times ahe vote upun the final passage of all bill bills shall be by yeas ninaus and no law shall bo revised re isedor or amended by reference to its title on only iv but the act a as Ls revl el at or section at amended shall be re e enacted and published al a length sec see I 1 the secretary of state Is hereby ordered to cause this proposition to be pub o ithel in at least one newspaper in every county of the state where a anew newspaper spa per Is pub dished tor two months immediately preceding the next general election sec 1 4 thu this proposition shall be submitted to the electors of this state at the next general re election for their approval or rejection the official ballots used at sa d election sha I 1 have printed thereon for the amendment ta to sections I 1 and i 2 article 6 of the etc and agai agal st the amendment to S 5 e blons I 1 and 22 article a of the constitution etc and such designation of title sa may be provided bylaw by law bald bal shall be received and said votes shall be taken counted ca cassed and returns thereof be made in the same manner and in all respects 1114 is provided by law in case of the election of state officers STATIE STATE or UTAH ass I 1 e ot of secretary of state I 1 I 1 dameg T hammond secretary ot of state ot the state ot utah do hereby berti y that the th foregoing are true and correct copies ot of the proposing amendments amena ments to tha the constitution ot of th a state passed at the third regular session ot of the ilia legislature Legis latue of thi thin state in testimony whereof I 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed tho tb great seal ot of the state of utah so salt lake city this day of august list A U D it 19 0 J T HAMMOND secretary of state star i |