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Show r;ywrr m I WEEKLY REFLEX DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY mnw ST S 'yV vyy V 'W V y 16, 1978 Kaysville By NORMA FREECE district course to be held in Ponland, Ore in July Training MARV has worked on various staffs for Pow Wow, SOAR projects, Scout Show and Do, and various others He has received the training award in Cub Scouting, Scouting and Exploring, his scouters key in cub scouting, scouting and exploring, as well as his commission key, commissioner arrow, District Award of Merit and Wood Badge beads and has been an active leader for over 21 years He attended Phil mont Training center in 198 and took the Commissioner MARV started in Cub Scouting when Robert (his oldest son) joined Cub Scout ing and served on the com mittee and later a Webelos leader when Robert became a Webelos Scout When he served as Cubmaster he had one of the outstanding packs m the District He was called to scout master and Deacon quotum advisor in 1973 In 1974 he at tended the Scout Wood Badge Course and received his wood badge beads in February 1975. MARV BENNETT Scout leaders of the Lake Bonneville Council of the Bov Scouts of America recently held their yearly honors banquet AT THIS banquet, 16 scout leaders were honored by the highest receiving leadership award in scouting many training sessions he has conducted he has been in strumental in instructing over 9O0 leader s MARV, like many other 12 vear olds joined Scout Troop 107, Bountiful, and advanced to Star Scout In 195b the IN 1174 he attended training in Cub Scou.ing at the Na bishopric asked him Mexico to Post 6, of 10th Ward, Salt Lake C ity The pest consisted of six beys, four of them with poiu e records, they earned knives and zip guns, it was a true challenge but he met it and his explorer post became one of the best in the Great Salt fakeCouncil They were fully uniformed and at each Dis tnct Court of Honor each Laurel Standard Night for the Kaysville East Stake, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints is planned Sunday, Feb 26, at 7 p m in the Kaysville Wards Chapel 875 E 200 North, Kaysville Guest sjh alter will be Elizabeth Fitzer Bates, Salt Lake City, noted music lan who composed music for the Book of Mormon Stones and Pioneer Children W ilkul Mlluc will be by a Kavsville 4th Ward t no comprised of tor Buvin Olsen, Gay Ie and Susan Lee Accompinist is Kaihv Brough All Laurels and the ir mot ht r art invited month they all reieived at least one merit badge or one rank advancement y 4th-12t- h LAURELS GATHER DURING the time as ad nor he also served as neigh buihood commissioner and assistant district commis and conducted sioner explorer training sessions 1 noceiuGO m "v ' ' uk i Lo Gy Theres In L!auy Navy Chief Data Proc essmg lechmcian John Van Orden 111, whose wife, Shirlene, is the daughter of Josie Barber of 444 E 700 S , Clearfield, has been promoted to his present rank while serving aboard the combat store ship USS San Diego, homeported in Norfolk, Va HE joined the Navy in July 1961 RELOs 1000 plus MEMBER BROKERS ARE AT YOUR been a lot of blood Dale MacKinnon, Red Cros of blood donors m Salt Lake City, said Hill AFB donated by Hill Air Force Base personnel since the Red Cross initiated the program at the northern Utah air base m director 1952. month IN FACT, the total reached 50,000 pints fast wee kend Ironically, tt was a veteran blood donor one who had that given his 22nd pint the reached historical - mark THE DONOR, Douglas T Weir, 59, of 905 Patterson Street, Ogden, said he wasn t aware of the significance of his donation at the time since he ha3 been giving blood periodically for the past 25 years personnel contribute more 'bun 2 K) units of blood each HE NOTED that the blood is stored at the Salt Lane Chapter of Red Cross blood bank and base personnel and like other iheir families groups hosting bloodmotile dtawtngs are eligible to use the blood for medical needs Mr MacKinnon added that the Red Croas expects to collect about 25,000 pints of blood this year in the four aiate area of Utah, Nevada, Wyomirg and Idaho grb SERVICE! Transferred? Call on RELO, world in leader the relocation, with 1 000 plus 9 500 members serving worldwide communities We re your local RELO real estate broker with help here and help where you re going No extra cost absolutely no obligation For a friendly welcome call or visit today Saturday, Feb 18 is the newspaper drive conducted by the Kaysville American home-marketi- home-tindin- 000imslsm r"i r 1 Legion Post g THE Legionnaires will Can vass the community and pick your discarded newspapers and scrap aluminum The residents are urged to support the drive as the newspapers are needed for recycling and it is a fund raising project for the American Legion It provides means for them for the up keep and expenses of the American Legion Hall which can be used for any civic lunction or otherwise where a BILL BROWN REALTY North Main, Kaysvill Phone 376-120- 1 REELO; pn-,- rr .rrl rrtrrt 1 conven.ent hall is needed THEY ALSO used the proceeds for their various American Legion sponsored protects and activities The city is cooperating with them in this drive and en courages everyone to assist and support them rather than discard the papers IF TOUR home is missed, just call Bud Jeffery at 176 890 or Rodger Dennis ai You can assist them it you wish by dropping them off at Carl s Chevron Station at the corner of Main and 2nd North They ask you to put them in cardboard boxes, bundled or tied for easy pickup The drive is conducted the third Saturday of each month 376-553- op I l TAX CORPORATION OF AMERICA INCOME TAX PROFESSIONALS Income Tax Service In-Ho- NO RETURN TOO COMPLEX WE DO ANY STATE VERY CONVENIENT YOUR RETURN IS COMPUTER a & 'y f-XZ- .i. PRINTED FOR ACCURACY YOU SAVE TIME NO WAITING IN LINES OR OFFiCES WE RE AVAILABLE TO YOU OVER 3 DECADES OF SERVICE OVER 30 TAX COUNSELORS IN THIS AREA TO SERVE YOU YEAR-ROUN- f KEITH R. GOMM T.C A. Manager D FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL 825-- 1 510 or 376-855- 2 4 During this time the LDS Cl irch presented him with the Extra Mile Award at (jc rural Conference and his district recognized him as the top Explorer advisor in his t Given Ppomolion md roundtables in Atea f tnct and stake roundtable commissioner During the the Silver Beaver Marv Bennett of lb6 S An gel Street, Layton, was the recipient of this high honor become Explorer advisor The MARV was tapped out in the Order of the Arrow in 1973 and in 1976 received the O A Coup Shield Award which is a high honor During the time in Cub Scouting and scouting he also served on the training staff for d. strict and council He was Lav ton Stake Cubnidster for over two ytars, also dis tional Training Cen'er at Philmont, Cimarron for Frami-PeaDistrict He has been the Council Training Chair man for Cub Scouting for over the past two years, conduct ing many training sessions and seveial new tram the trainer courses Scout chairman IN 1175 he was selected t be on the National Jraino g Staff to teach Cub Scout Raders from all over the na tion at the Philmont Training Center In he was selected by the W'estern Region to be on the first Cub Scout wood badge course to be held in the Western region at Firestone Training Center in California This course was conducted in July August 1977 He received his third bead for wood badge staff at this time He has also been selected to be on the staff again this year for the Western Region W'ood Badge 7 conducting hunter safety courses He was a member of the Salt Luke County Sherift s serving as board member, It and captain, rodeo chairman and drill master Participated in posse, several emergency situations which included search and rescue operations in the hih Umtas as well as local At tended special training con ducted by the Salt Lake County Sheriff s office in riot control and investigation Marv is a director for the Intermountain Appaloosa Horse Club, member of the National Appaloosa Horse Club, and shows his Ap paioosa horses all over the western states New For over two years he served as the District Cub 19-- MARV has worked with the National Rifle Association HE IS active in the LD8 Church in the 2nd Ward and has ht Id various church posi Elders quorum president, Surday School ions as Uaiher, Deacons quorum ad visor, home leather Marv is married to Marilyn and they have two boys both are Eagle Scouts Robert has his Honor Vigil Order of the Arrow and has served as ( haptPr Chief and Sectional vite chief of the O A He also has his Du'y to God award received Award in the HAL J has his Brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow and has his Duty to God award also Both boys are active in putting on ceremonies for the Cub Scout program when called on by various Cub packs His wife, Marilyn has worked with him in the Cub Scout program for 10 years She is an active leader on the unit, stake, district and coun cil level Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Farrell Benson and family were his parents, Mr. and Mrs Max Benson of Rexburg, Ida Wllliam S Bennett of Iran has been home for a week on a government business trip While here he met with their son, Elder Blake Bennett before he left on his mission for Taiwan Mr Bennett left Saturday morning to return to his assignment in Iran Mrs Mr John and Arkoudas entertained at a family birthday party Friday evening for their son Wade who was five years old Guests attending were his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Rex Passey, Kaysville, his great grandmother, Mrs Irettia Passey of Clearfield, Mr and Mrs Wynn Passey of Salt Lake City and Miss Carol Jorgenson of Logan Dr and Mrs George Snell went to San Antonio, Tex where they spent two days last week at national medical meetings Miss Brenda McCurdy re turned Friday evening irom Hamburg, Germany where she served the past 18 months on an LDS mission She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Raymond McCurdy and a member of the Kaysville 15th r LDS Ward The McCurdys son, David, is at home convalescing from injuries suffered recently in an accident He has been confined to the hospital with a broken shoulder Mrs Ann Harris of Provo is a visitor this week at the 4. 5 t home of Mr and Mrs Reid Daniels and family Mr and Mrs Seth L Stewart entertained at dinner for a number of guests Friday evening m honor of Mr and Mrs Steven Rushforth who will be leaving to serve on an LDS mission to the Missourt-fndependenc- e Mission J Mrs Clinton D Zollinger met her daughter, Miss Karen Zollinger, in Provo to spend three days of BYU M xhers weekend with her It was held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Evan Ellison of Salt Lake City visited Wednesday in Kaysville with hts daughter and son m law, Bishop and c 3 2 Mrs Allen L Strong Mr and Mrs Otis Orton and son Burkley of Heyburn, Ida were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Carl Melners By DO NTT A M. GATHERUM 773-41- ? h The Layton Lane ells drill itarn returned home Sunday tventng after spending 51 a week in Los Angeles, Calif lhe girls competed with drill learns from throughout the U S The con'est was held in the Lis Angt les Coliseum t ach Thursday evening, the Pioneer Museum Board holds a light supper for invited descendants of Layton pioneers The purpose of the meetings is to invite descendants of pioneer families to contribute money and family A., Jis. heirlooms to the Layton Heri luge Museum Christopher Morgan the voung son of Mr and Mrs Malcolm Morgan, is in the Davis North Medical Center from the tecovering complications of an appendicitis operation Mrs W Paul Roberts is tecovering at home after she lecently underwent surgery at the Davis North Medical tenter Several Layton students V have received nominations to the armed services academies Brad J Overtime has been nominated to the U S Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colo lawrence R Stevens and Richard C Evans were f e I nominated to the U S Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md Mrs Noel Flint, Mrs Waynard Bennett and Mrs Delila Flint were all able to attend a temple session at the Salt Lake IDS Temple with Mrs Delila Flints grandson, John Flint John is now at the B YU Language Training Mis sion learning the larguage so he can serve a LDS mission to Korea John is the son c f Venn and Jeannie Bennett Flint of Renton, Wash EACH Uct 38.80 HOSE KIT EXTRA Mr and Mrs La-i- n Nalder have returned home from a 1900 mile, combine AIR SHOCKS Installation Available two-wee- k non business and vacation (rip The couple traveled throughout the western states Receives IJT37I4-- O-- 10 Year ,11 M Tunbridge of Layton has received a service pin at Hill 'Ail .a v t 4 t MF BUYING MAKESTHEIDlFFERENCE Pin At Hill Laura ' AFB ceremonies SHE IS a supply clerk at the Utah air base Mrs Tunbridge is tve mother of five chodrer, 235 HO. MAIN LAYTOIJ, UTAH PH 3 70-44-70 378-344- 2 3 i |