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Show l -- rFLtX hi ' DAVIS NEWS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 16, 1978 Portable Classrooms Purchased TALK ABOUJ. 4 5 at Portabie classrooms have been craved for four schools tn Davis District for next vear The Davis County school SHOfustiy a iard approved at B nine portable units and lia'-- t said tre two additional units mas be needed at the Davis County VixaCioal Centers f.'jTF TUIo-- Add Effective Feb. 16, 17,18, 20 n -- I rtSlVK- THE BOARD acted on a from rei onmendation Superintendent Bernell said that portable t'assrooms were needed a' th-c'rnientdry schools Syracuse Clnton and West Point and at South Davis J ui or H eh St bool Aitordng to Assistant Super ntt ndent John S. tue, the cassroon units, wf ich a st about 115,000 each, are 21 by 32 ftet The classrooms include heating and air conditioning units and meets a'l the specifications of the f.re marshal Earlier Dr White had explained that tne portable classrooms are partially constructed on the sde and the cost of relocating the unit is about SI S.0 a unit Constructed locally tn Sait Lake ( ity, the classrooms are planned to adopt to the terrain of the school grounds and placed on the side f. ev who w i OPEN MONDAY THRU SAT. 7 A.M.- - 9 P.M. - CLOSED SUNDAYS - PHONE I X j Open Rjsuisr Hrs. Monday Presidents Day 7 (I 13 L J KJ r'23 t 11 1 L H .v Cherry Pb Fining tCls U .rv r c ; r J v. n g y r lldZXX ..ll RV WW Court 0 'Mitt f N t i L h mt - C Tv 3 i V ei f I .f IP C.zi iLvy i IllUa U Trc:h FrtcJJcs rpi yu I E 1 5 ez. " o X I i , v rs c select new r the oming year f c he time will then he lamed over in the girls and oovs aske'bai! teams for itirit game T DR. JOHNS said the im- 2 Id. can " I t h Iti Sugar Grbp t munization initiative will create an additional work load for physicians and their office staff, but said the health department would be willing to help collect the health forms and bring them to the physicians offices to complete According to Dr Johns, the immunization forms, which were sent home in January, are achieving the percentage goal set in the elementary lPLX14XJCHPVJtCRjrlHJCHPUCHRXAJCCPUC-S- JE goal of achieving a t 90 peri ent protection from com rnur, i dA diseases through hoped fr nr STATISTICS show mat ire surveying 80 ta 8i percent of the children in elementary schools sums a reasonable goal based on thi forms that have been rt turned But only about 2s percent of the survey for rr s mailed to high school students have been compu tt i and returned Dr Johns said the for r , were mailed out to th parents of high sc hoi students by secretaries wi'hm the school, but the hangup is in getting the form back Dolieen Jewett, director of County Nurses, said thi public health nurses, PTA workers and volunteers an currently in the process of calling homes where the surveys were not return and requesting that this It submitted of mm umation for children a through 18, Mrs J i wett said She believes L, i is (nun'y will reach that g A I tab is ahf ad of most of t ie satts ,p the initiation of t! zction survey, she sa J O ip rt cords are re v stj'i b Homed to i r ion ltd w te els nentarv and srhix Is, they are itn ihe student s m h idual reiords Records of h th set ml students are f.led in 'he cc ntv heal'h depart nt ai L It ng to M rs AI" G u 1 I I 4 f Ft ! IfJr iy 1 he Air Eorce ! THE y ftt C COUNTY heal'h department had hoped the Q NOT But it hat a motor NOT A BICYCLE Bu! It t almost at light WHAT IS IT7 it t a gas taving alternative to a second car It s easy to ride easy to maintain A MOTORCYCLE . WHO NEEDS ONE7 Anyone who rrmes on a gallon of gas IT S FUN! Come on tn, , , Rid Wt ,1 ts - appreciates on mnd up to 150 . 1377 NO. MAIN, LAYTON PUCH llr survey could lx? completed b, Feb 28, Dr Johns said Mis Jewett said a report muM hi submitted to the Utah State Board of Health by March !5 Additional follow up rt ports may be needed after that date, she said The purpose of the su'vev, according to Mrs Jewett is to call the attention of parens to the fact that their children are not immunized This has already been accomplished in some cases since where im munizations in the Clearfield clinic have tripled while those at the Farmington clinic have doubled Alders cK 0 825-945- 1 RJCHHUCHPUCWUCHnjDHo wifS In i the Comfort of Your Home 10 Yrs. i p m i ih 376-26-19 B 8 m m B Experience with same Company SPECIALIZING IN: HiMorv Banquet 7 eh 25 at the Hill AER orr missioned officers i t c BRIG. Gen William I will talk on Run's A hievements and ii i jet t ions w hit h is the the me of the national obser biown, Jr , t i Brown s ap nt r a! jk at ance at Hdl At B will cap a full month of BSaik History ( aetivit es at the base which mcludis dis"las st rv l( entertainment talks es and religious GFNFRAL Brt wn is onp of four Piai k gt nerals in the A.r orce N Y A rative of Bronx General Brown received B S , a dt gree from Penn State versitv in 1949 He also at'ended the University of I n Armed Forces Staff College and the Industrial College of the Armed Forces Ht Dec WAS 1951 commissioned in at Craig AFB Alabama after completing pilot training as a distin guished graduate General Brown served in Korea during the war and flew 125 combat missions as an F 86 d pilot He also has served in Spam. Germany, and Ihailand REPRESENTING g Tax Corporation of America g m&mamtimmnmmunmnamBnmtiFmBmaaamamtBmmmnzzd of 1 GENFRAL BARRY H. AVERY chief speak at a vard Business Schod the IKFQmTiSK KEPT C0IFIOEMTUL CALL s poli e will Southern California, the Har Personal Income Business Returns Partnership Returns I i', k a, si i ID I THE idea behind the im munization survey is tn make people aware that immun'za lions are needed," she said Federal health officials have aveaBRRieBarti! 5 1 . . w P.P0 -- tt students and their pari nts are not responding as well as thf county board of health had quota J ilzfjw.cys Inctcnt Cocoa . 18 02. DO IV wa.oj' s Vi I be chosen to 11 of schools, but high school ' f nomina'ing committee A U HJGHf o - M Pest completing an immunization survey of all school children in Davis County, according to Dr Richard Johns, administrator of the Davis County Board of Health V rt Armory V Davis ( ounty physicians i,i bic n ,iSKed to cooperate w h Dav is t ouniy Health Dicir'rreni officials in Cass i ry CDJiiS PTA Center. j 7M C1 w i nJ'g V ?FPFR IlflflP ilUilliw ra ' V, oi. v. ACCORDING TO Dr White, the units are bid out according to the specifications set up by the d, strict rk C entral Davis Juo'or Highs next PI 4 meeting will be In ,d That sc! iv, Es b 16 at 7 30 p in in the National Guard Cass S DJf'.jr.ta e, This beautiful German Shepherd show ri by Dennis Johnson of Ogden is one of several dogs at the Davis County Anirn 4l Control Center in Fruit Heights in ne d of home This canine, named Man 8 die is gentle with older folks, has la t n spayed and has her shots She is timid at first around new people but only nc eds to be loved, said Mr Johnson For furs hi r information, call the Animal Control uu i F i,S i SSM might be needed at Burton Elementary School in Kays-villbut Superintendent Wngley said a further evaluation has indicated a classroom would not be reeded at that s te eating Scheduled I A i portable classroom a 5 H f - ' VJdemsss Cc. without d ggmg Earlier the board had said that r- n ee 376-421- Brown is a command pilot with more than 4 890 flying hours He has commanded a number of flying activities and has held several posts at headquarters Air F orce Wi"'i.v k. |