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Show WEEKLY isto JOURNAL, hH FEBRUARY 16 1978 m u He sings with the An outstanding Boy Scout Court of Honor was held Saturday, Feb 4 in the Lay ton Utah West Sake Center cul tural hall v- ' at, boys glee and is on the citizenship honor roll at Layton High $ j gT vY .4 AFTER the poking of the colors and the invocation, the audience listened to an A t is I f f presentation impressive 0 i I I 'i explaining the meaning of the A scout symbol 4f f'v 4 the first achievement MIKE Moss and Biett Skinner of Troop 154, Alan Thomson of Troop 313, Frankie Owens and Keith Udy of Troop 355 earned first class advancements Mark Wilson, John Barton, t f,H I 355 VK '4 iVrH VC4 , received the wood badge neckerchief and beads The wood badge program is a specialized training program for scoutleaders TENDERFOOT awards went to Raif Porter, Jeff Nath and Scott Young of Troop 355 Second class advancements were given to Todd Week, Brad Barton, Wayne Shipley and Paul Barney of Troop 154, Kevin Johnson of Troop 207 and Ronald Weaver of Troop J. ; award was given to Stake President Clive Barney He 4, 4,. CHARLES CRAWFORD Charles Crawford is the 16 year old son of David W and Floral Crawford of 1959 N C el la Circle He is a 10th grader at Layton H gh School where he is a seminary zone leader BRIAN MATTSON & CRAIG ANDERSON Greg Anderson belongs to Troop 313 He is the son of Mrs Margaret Anderson Greg participated in football and wrestling at North lav ton He is a member of the National Honor Souety and me concert choir AT NORTH Layton Junior High Charles was on the a tizenship honor roll His scouting activities have included being assistant pa trol leader and patrol leader He is currently the Teachers Quorum secretary Kris Simmons and Diven Roberts of Troop 154 Bill Nielson and Richard Forbes of Troop 355 achieved the Star rank SCOUTING positions he has held include patrol leader and den chief He was an officer in the Deacons quorum and is currently secretary to the 'i A 4 V i Teachers quorum I 1 if THE RANK of Lite Scout was presented to Andrew ri Wong of Troop 355 The climax of the court of honor came when seven boys received their Eagle advancement The boys earning s Brian Mattson excelled in tie Wcbtlo and Cub Scout programs He earned the Arrow of I ife award Brian has been a patrol leader At summer camp, he and another boy won the canoe racing contest HE WAS voted the Most Valuable Player in Little league Baseball Brian was the first counselor in the ROBERT Keller, represen tative of Roy Lodge 2138, BPOE, gave each boy a JS special certificate and an American flag DOUG CRAWFORD a if. a .. $ Jk V- Kevin Allen, son of Mr and Mrs Brent Allen, is also a member of Troop 313 Hi earned the highest ( ub Scout award the Arrow of Life IN si outing Kevin has been the senior patrol leader He ompleted troop leadership training Kevin is a member Adi ertisemt nt SPEAKING OF r.iQIlEY i ki By EZRA T. CLARK President Davis County Bank Why do there seem to he so main and mother managers their just to develop attempting youngsters as athletes' Because of the big money today at the top of the heap in sports And theres a heap of dilference between Jtodajr' jind yesteryear Flay ing for the father-coache- s New York Yankee-i- n and the Cleveland Indians in 1948 outfielder Aliie was ( laik with back to back 1947 i0 t f j World Series win But Clark nei never earned more than $8 (XX) a year EZRAT. CLARK m baseball Jot no he was Okay, DiMaggio But tiien neithei is Rem Blomberg i Y'ankee first ha email who plavtd ju-- t one game in hes last two years wub tbt team Yet once he liecame a iiu agent, Blomlxrg signed a four y tar tontract with the ( huagc) White Mix for $t (00,000' Naturally, there ait relativelv few people who make it to the top in am endeavor and aiming --olelv at a without alternate business ot professional preparation - nskv, in deed Still, the big salaries todav aren't going to the people who makt rules, but to those who piav the game Almost any game it seems 01 rnpu Dorothv figure skating sensation Hamill cut a nifty figure when she turned professional earning a cool $1 million Tennis dynamo Jimmy Con nors cashed paychecks amounting to more than $8tX),(XJ m 1977 earned something in the neighborhood of $XX ft (XX) -p- oit-career hri-Eve- rt ,11W -- 77 $ h li' ii mi If figure skating or tennis arent your youngsters games, there are opportunities elsewhere A gifted basketball player, for example, can earn a lot more than cheers So can foot ha 1, baseball and other players Kareem Abdul Jabbar pulls down $600,000 a year between rebounds Basketball is no doubt the highest paying sport of them all, with pro players averaging $100,000 a year Remember, however, that NBA teams cairv only eleven players about one quarter as many as a pro football club Football pavs its top stars from $200 (XX) to $450 (XX) annually, and 25 FGA golfers took home more than $100,000 in 1977 The leading money winner on the FGA tour was Fom Watson with $ 1)0, OCX) The Grand Old Game of baseball is to the big paving off plenty that stars including package's deliver $1 million to Lyman Bostock and $2 million to Mike Torrez Relief pitcher Rich Gossage went to the New Y ork Y ankees for $2 7 million The astronomical salaries aren t the onlv things that super athletes can poc ket Endorsements for products such as toothpaste and tires, as well as peaking engagements add another windfall of dollars The Wall Street Journal recently noted that some have made a business out of living up super stars for TV for very large sums of advertisers monev One of the signers for a spot was heavy weight boxing champ Muhammad All Hes alreadv punched up $49 million in his career Will the bonanza continue for top athletes in the future' Frobably The demand for pro sports and entertainment will no doubt contribute pots of gold to youngsters with the to talent, luck, and climb highest on the celebrity rainbow But for each one who succeeds, will fail to make the big ninety-nin- e money So its wise for any young athlete to get the credentials for an alternate career m addition to his pursuit of stardom in sports At that time the the board to charge the name of the school, reporltrg that patrons requested the the coni usson of i t ( Mrs oHct picgram, presented each nf the 1 students with a polished rue k At I THE students were frop the classes of Dorothy Marx, Renee I infold Jost, Kahy Richardson si rudy Nielsen Some of the students wicue thank you notes and sent it Mrs Collett for her preserda i 1 The collection consists of locks of all tyrpes and all ages lion np M 1 1 mmms fl oor - uAvrow tomvn &u where i Ceas-s- ti fcLMlTt same confusion could result in the similarity in the situation 1 -- fus.on with Woods Cross High School, but agreed that the present THE CLASSES are study trg all t'qes of rocks ish of rocks and rock formation- - at THE FIVE fourth grades met in the multi purpose room of the school for the rock presentation, as Mrs t ollett d. splayed talked and shared her extensive collet non with the youngsters board asked for a survey of the area According to a letter presented to the board last wetk the survey of 510 homes m the area had shown that 373 were in favor of the name charge, 88 were against end 46 had no opinion The administration had questioned whether the name change would not create con Bountiful High could be con ed Dave Sargent, the son of Mr and Mrs Jerry Sargem, is a member of Troop 154 con.rt - C0i CfuWrftNifWT TV with South Bountiful Hem ntary rk SEiFcno COQADINAI OM SOI AKiAK SHFCT V YI Uiytoo of mmsfuokc fixrs 2 0N INSUtUOft RttOFFSSIONAl fu-ie- HYMEMT icW) COAcfm WAX fUM FtOORS FXtfiOh FUMft Til achievements include receiving the Order of (he Arrow and his Duty to (eid award 1 s A DAVE received a mint badge for swimming a mile He has excelled in 1 L A competition winn ig awards in many categories including agricultural mechanics, soil conservation, soil lodging end horticultun He is the state H A tractoi driving conn st c hampion Dc ve is a member of 'tie avion High seminary owl team and ne has won m scripture chase competition lie is the Layton Wi st Stake youth conference thairman for the 1378 youth ronfen nee k 1 ar ! 1 I Dsih hange Ts ago PI A President Jan Gartf had i- KEVIN ALLEN oi thr National Honor Society ! li? SEVERAL moi DAVID SARGENT i CHARLES and I) members of 1 roop 70 i vs 9 Deacons quorum a South Bountiful J lenten tary School patrons havi ar gued for several months that the name of their school should be changed to Woe ds Cross Elementaiy because thats where the school is located Finally they g it their way when the Davis ( ounty Board of Education approved that change However, the name change will not occur until the beginning of the 1978-7school year and Kevin Day President Clive Barney gave the boys the Eagle oath and pledge lb nr Greg Anderson, Kevin Allen, Brian Mattson, Dave Sargent A... In t students at Burtoi the H t Burton Elementary School in Kaysville were enthused and fascinated as Mrs Carol Collett presented Fun With her program, Rocks ' on Tuesday morning "'N l k X 4W Doug Crawford is the 13 year old brother of Charles He is an eighth grade student at North Layton Junior High Doug sang in the junior cl oir He has bet n a cub den chief the assistant patrol leader, the patrol leadei and the troop scribe Currently , ht is the second counselor in t ht Fourth grade students Deacons quorum He is the son of Mr and Mrs Leslie V Mattson of 16S1 W 1375 N this highest scouting achievement were Charles Crawford, Doug Crawford, THE BOYS were treated to an outstanding program explaining the meaning and the responsibility of being an Eagle Scout Clarence Ward, the scout advancement chairman of the Gateway District, organized the program Carol Collett shows rock collection to Elementary School ROCK CQLLECTEQU 4. , sA rz tr Mh.Se3? , " ,hVi ,- -2J dtr: On Large Only KEVIN DAY A MEMBER of f- - Get -- good on regular menu prices only through February 28, 1978 at participating Pizza Hut restaurants listed below team ve t ir and the HA scouting s Ordt award K in forestrv mt atned 'hi Vrow u oiend i ( He hop college and , v i ry i i i dmg ii(ree At Hill Field Shirley H Q 0 Cited For Sugg Kalian Thompson of if $2 00 off Offer I a m LAYTON SO. OGDEN CLEARFIELD NO OGDEN BRIGHAM CITY ROY WOODS CROSS Not valid with any other promotion Q D E D D iilQQQOQOaOOnQQQOe! Lynch Smoraasbord Layton has been cited at Hill At B fora suggeJion that will improve operations work area SHE IS an in optical her strument repa.rer at the base Mrs Thompson and her husband, Arthur, have two children .'ei your next Pizza Hut pizza' Thick n Chewy pizza or Thin n Crispy pizza Any kind you like large S'ze pizza only Just cut out this coupon and take it to a participating Pizza Hut restaurant Phone we II have it hot n ready for you' ahead H4 Mr Kevin Day is the sor i and Mrs 1 hell Da v H asa member of the news; per staff at Central Dav i the 10th grade, Kev n v t d member of th a ml d bite He is cs U All You Can Eat Mon.-Fr- i. 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 P.M. |