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Show "Q 'ey V n i I I I DAVIS NEYvS JOURNAL, FEBRUARY 16, 1978 VSEErvLY REFLEX k"- - if A Til W THE current level ol in each cigarette consumption section of the country is indicated in figures compiled The campaign against cigarette smoking, which has taken on a new intensity recently, brings up the question of cigarette consumption the American Cancer Tax society, the Tobacco oy in Davis County i g fe I ri A Ifcaend Fhi! b F iK J Market est 1L v rfh .n Spst-plans (o rrwne next dtwr W H; 13 tne,r new building is cun pitted as planned by late summer Phil Barber, who ) m? ' i f 1 I; r 11 has ujurated the market for 15 years at De present Lx a non sas the new store is 9 rg y, 1 3 a 9 I e K3 uW plarned nearly double the area of the present market GROUNDBREAKING is scheduled for near April 1 depending on the weather Mr Barber said, because of growth in the area, we want to grow too He said the additional room will allow the store to serve people better and provide a better selection of goods By G4R They said the priorities weie set according to a R, BLODGETT Three Davis County roads have been included in the mammoth highway improvement (omplex index outlined by the American Association of Utah H.ghway and Transportation officials projects by the Utah of 1 lansporta-tio- n approved retep Department Iv that the two cents per gallon increase on local gasoline will boost the state coffers by about $15 million per year-thu- s the overall two year program of $,t0 6 m.lhon for lughwav lepairs THE prujei ts described as rehabilitation projects, are part of a two year program estimated to cost $10 6 million, aecotdmg to the Utah Transportation Commission Day is County projects are stretch of U S from North Salt 89 Lake to North Bountiful, $7)0,000, Utah Highway 106 and Utah H.ghway 272 from (.lovers Lane (Centerville) to North T armmgton Junction, 5 8 miles and costing $600,000, and Utah Highway 97 from 5600 South in Roy to Utah Highway 108 and Hill Air Force Base, costing approximately $700,000 The program to repair worn-ou- t explained. people, but 30 will increase with ter rJ In Davis County, according a breakdown of these findof ings, an estimated total a, 610, 000 packs were smoked m the pat year residents smoking these days compared with people in oiher communities0 U io new The campaign, launched last month by said THE new grocery store is designed as a struct are Plans in the future vail for another row of shops after the construction of the g grocery store is completed, Mr. Barber said. He is hopeful that eventually the name will be changed from Scottsdale Shopping Center to "slow-motso- n IT WILL include a $23 million per year drive, under a new Office of Smoking and Health," to coordinate anti-smoki- Sunset Village the market has been at the present location for 15 years, Mr. Barber has operated a grocery store in the Sunset area for 25 years, rk launched Consideration will also be given to an increase in Federal taxes on cigarettes To a large degree, the campaign will be aimed at young people-teenag- ers encourage them to quit smoking Present parking will be sufficient to handle the increased traffic. Although THIS was equivalent to 116 every packs m the year for 16. local resident over age In some parts of the country me rate was much greater man this and, in other areas, much smaller NATIONALLY, the average i ate for the over 16 population was approximately 204 packs per capita In the Mountain states it was 191 most health Although authorities contend that the number of lung cancer deaths nas been on the increase Decause of cigarette smoking, ihe tobacco industry maintains that the evidence is merely statistical and that there has been no properly documented cause and effect secretary Joseph Califano of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, is to combat what he calls suicide efforts major public information and education crusade will be 6 CE&EAL .jWfHATflS SXS?fY ut trmmj ar . County BECAUSE according to Pat Lomarell, a keeper of records in the Davis County Planning Office, no one knows for sure It appears to be a tossup between West Point and South A ACCORDING to the unofficial 1975 census, West Point was leading the dubious dis- turns ftaif ! VMS Lnm Iln.lv cmACMcm KIT PC? MIU ledrasfc !. munity with a population of about 1,290 But then South Weber has only about 1,300 full time so its really a nip residents and tuck race districts-we- re A POLL of Davis County empha- least population Some said Fruit Heights, some voted for East Layton, West Point, South Weber but none of the mayors cast a ballot in favor of his own community FRUIT Heights and Fast Layton would have been good bets a year or two ago, but both cities have had "boomin recent years ing growths and have leappd from about 800 to 1,600 and from 874 to 1,500 respectively since 1970 And with Centerville, Farmington, Clinton, West Bountiful, and nearly all other previously small towns running wild m population, that leaves West Point and South Weber nip and tuck for the dubious title DIXON P. REISBECK For All Your Insurance Needs AUTO LIFE TMtlUa JILL mu. F.D TCXIT TtSSCf uU A! ti Kaysville's fire chief and two assistants received small annual salary increases as approved by the city council THE FIRE chiefs part-tim- e salary was upped from $75 to $100 a year and the two assistants will now receive $75 per year. Previously, the first assistant had beat paid $55 and the second assistant, $35. grb ESEAXFAST uL niAwt czssebt Ml IHf KAIAKXCBl Klim tfr Mi M TWm 133 SWmk A Cwl - Vfartftr Tn( Lt4v 1 .. 'i a r--i AA M3rwk tfjs Lucama Smw Star Pile n Wvffbs u Vw'l IfCtM Q Sliced Breed Starwtwooc 3 Q Sen! Flush Bowl Q Preserves S Preserves Fuce Pn&fcd&I Q Kreft Cheez Q Kraft Colby fit TRUCKS POOR GUY is as 376-427- 9 Nothirg looking as a iiTS 7 a Q Crispers Q Pound Coke Ore-ld- Fjtttm Btmds-Sviiufm- A d Kraft Slices Kraft Velveeta juixv enm CAIMCZMIA US S C nm size ee?e CJAUTTI forlorn PRICES end ITIMS EFFECT! VI $elt Inks City, Granger, Beentifvl, Midvale, Tooele, Oram, tooeeh, tidrfwld, Price, Peyton, Vernal. Fork, $t. Goorgo, Coder Gty, Provo, IroeaMtoa, Leyton, Irigiveni City, Logan, Mrray, Keanii, HoW City. T1iot Storot Open Sunday AO 1 I OIL & FILTER CHANGE 0 TV Ta 1 titt BAYS BESM Hi X; m A MM MtAKfAST -- 4 ONLY X. 3 (MPl r) enctwrt Whiz c o Mexican Dinners man trailing $1.00 GrF With 1ms $1 00 OFF With THIa AO 771 4 S' 159 Ftl Q Frozen Dessert Sbdi Usi P&ilij! behind his shopping wife Beacon, Philadelphia 197 NORTH MAIN - LAYTON m 99 "89 LV communities, too, are rapidly growing and it might just be a matter of which city runs out of available land first grb OWNERS - Fct y Cnr Persons Ammonia 2 Crystal White Deter QAir Freshener T Fancy Donuts r HmAdi Ttejcf out, these BUT WATCH HOME t j M. ft 1 tiS IiA mayors showed a vast difference of opinion as to which community has the projects only and do not constitute all of the road projects that will be carried out in the next two years rw tww snrs a hfvin ArtMW tinction as the countys smallest incorporated com- sized, these are priority i ef-te- h Weber submitted as priorities for the resurfacing project they employes employees Take your choice, then flip a coin, if you are betting on the smallest town in Davis THE remaining one half cent per gallon tax increase will be distributed to cities and counties for local road projects, it was explained Utah DOT directors said the list of road projects-whi- ch include about a half dozen in HOULVER, k I aJJitiunal budding, Mr Davis Toon be will highways financed by a 1 5 cents per gallon increase in the price of gasoline purchased m Utah, which is the states share of a two cents per gallon total increase in the gasoline tax approved by the Utah Legislature and approved last week by Governor Scott M Matheson each of the six The plans for the store are being drawn by Associated Food Stores The drawings call for the 1800 square building to be con structed with a mansard roof At present the market , council and others sre local MUCH list Point A SEX MILE Highway officials estimated TAX However, the two year program will not begm until July 1 to enable the program to extend from the beginning of the fiscal year and ending with the fiscal year that ends June 30, 1980, it was e a 4 I? L HOW relationship to prove that. HOW MUCH does the average Davis County smoker spend per year for cigarettes? Approximately $57, it is estimated. The total bill, for the community as a whole, was close to $4,757,000 last year. ALTHOUGH the cost of smoking has been going up. It appears to have had little on consumption c INCLUDES hp-Arti- U0 5 QUARTS TWO c o 40 More HOW AND THAT At 4nC oa A m oa rrrs njm CAA xl participating dealers in Layton area. OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 31, 1977 a P j x ffSQ 481 North Main, Layton 376-448- at O') O WITH TH$ AO 4 $1 00 OFF WITH THIS AD 8 Tasty Beef Oxtails Meaty Beef Hearts Beef Tongues Danola Cooked Ham ZL Danola Pressed Hcm'' Safeway Sauerkraut Tonit riOiBEST Sliced Smoked Picnics Shan Shank IS Faithful Sausage tJ4, Pork Loin Chops 1 Fresh German Sausage Fresh Italian Sausage Oscar Mayer Smokfe Unk;rl Old - 39 liABE k TURKEY BOAST .39 |